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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

Page 7

by Debbie Champion

  "Ok now we know each other, you can kiss me," he grinned puckering up his lips and leaning towards her.

  "Oh ignore Sven, he's a pest," echoed a gruff voice from behind them. Alex spun around and saw another dwarf emerge from the rock.

  "Cassie just texted me to say you would be here, I'm Half, pronounced ha-lf, not harf, yes I know it would be funny if my name was Harf, but it's not," he glared at them expecting them to snigger.

  He was slightly taller than Sven, had long blonde hair and a short neat beard. He was dripping with jewels as well. They were on his hands and in his hair and he even had gems embedded in his blue dungarees.

  "Right well, I'm pleased to meet you all, now would you please follow me. Don't touch anything and do not wander off. If you do then I will not accept any liability for anything which may happen to you." He spun around on his heel and disappeared into the rock.

  They all stood there looking dumbly at the solid stonewall and then they looked at each other. Half’s face poked back through the rock.

  "Come on we don't have all day," he said impatiently and then he disappeared again into the rock.

  Matt pushed Alex forward. "After you..."

  "Why me? You go," said Alex shoving Matt towards the wall.

  "You are the god around here, this is all your show buddy," said Matt moving backwards and bumping into Sven.

  Sven growled and glared at him. Alex shrugged, he put his hand out in front of him and poked a finger into the rock face where Half had disappeared. The surface shimmered and rippled under his finger, it looked like liquid silver. He pushed his hand fully into the rock and pulled it out slowly. It came back and didn't look any different so he decided to go for it and he stepped through the wall slowly. His skin tingled and his hair stood on end for a moment and then he was through the wall. He opened his eyes cautiously and looked behind him. Becca came next and bumped into him so he moved quickly to one side. Then Sasha and Pete came through together.

  They waited for Matt but he didn't emerge.

  "Where's Matt?" asked Alex. The wall rippled and then Matt came stumbling through the wall rubbing his forehead.

  "You ok?" asked Becca.

  "That little devil did something to the wall. I went to follow Sasha and Pete but I hit solid rock. Have I cut my forehead?" he asked touching his forehead and looking at his hand.

  Alex sniggered. "No it just looks a bit red."

  Sven stepped through the wall whistling and looking a picture of innocence.

  "Have you got a problem with me Dopey?" asked Matt standing in front of Sven threateningly.

  "Get moving punk or I'll bite your ankles," Sven snarled.

  "Oh no, now you’ve started something," said Half sighing. "Top tip of the day my good people, do not insult a dwarf by calling him by one of the seven dwarves names."

  Matt growled at Sven and brushed him out of his way.

  "Come on guys calm down." Alex stepped between the two of them. "Let's get going, we’re wasting time. Where are we?" he asked Half looking around.

  They were standing in a long, dark stone tunnel with perfectly smooth walls. Electric light bulbs lit the tunnel and Alex could hear the sound of tapping reverberating off the walls.

  "We will be passing through the worker’s caverns. It's the quickest way to the Grandmaster’s office," said Half walking off down the gloomy tunnel.

  They all followed him peering through open doors as they passed. Dwarves were in each room and were bent over large tables piled high with gold and silver cups and plates.

  "These fellows are working on a new dinner set for Freyer, Odin's missus," said Half over his shoulder. "Don't disturb them and keep up, the Grandmaster is waiting," he said impatiently.

  They turned a corner and came to a dead end.

  "Stand back please," said Half shooing them backwards with his hands.

  He drew a doorway with his index finger, muttered under his breath and a wooden door suddenly appeared. He reached out turned the doorknob and opened the door. He stepped to one side and gestured that they should enter the room.

  "Cool," said Matt stepping through the door.

  They entered a large circular room filled with odd pieces of furniture. Bookshelves lined the entire room and were packed with dusty books and scrolls. Thick multi coloured rugs were strewn across the floor haphazardly and a large leather chair with soft comfy looking cushions was nestled to one side. An ancient looking dwarf, with a white beard reaching down to the ground, appeared from behind a large wooden desk, which was piled high with books.

  "Ah you made it, wonderful, wonderful," he said stepping forward and holding out his hands in welcome. Tripping over his beard, he fell flat on his face. They all went to move to help him up but he waved them away.

  "It's ok, I'm fine. Blast this beard," he said getting up quickly and tucking his beard into the already bulging waistband of his green trousers.

  "Welcome, it's an honour to meet you. I'm Lit," he said pumping Alex's hand vigorously.

  "My my, what a fine young man you have become, your father will be most proud, yes most proud," he said, his eyes brimming with tears.

  "Lit? Ben told us about you. You're immortal right?" asked Becca.

  "Yes, yes, that's me. How is dear Ben I haven't seen him for a while?" asked Lit happily.

  "Hang on, you know my father?" asked Alex.

  "Of course, of course. He comes every Saturday night for a game of Tafl and a few pints of mead. I'm the only one he can't beat you see and he does love a challenge. Well that's what he says, personally I think he just likes to get away from his wife for a few hours," he said winking.

  "Does he know about me, that I am alive?" asked Alex.

  "Yes, yes of course. Cassie managed to get hold of him this morning. He's sorting out a bit of a problem in Asgard at the moment, otherwise he would have come to Midgard to see you," said Lit.

  "Problem? What problem?” asked Alex.

  "Finding the one who stole you," said Lit, looking at Alex over the top of his half moon glasses, which were perched on the tip of his bulbous red nose.

  "Cassie said that when she told him that you were alive she could hear the thunder he created in Asgard all the way in Manhattan. That's a long way away; our worlds are not close at all. He was furious no one had told him sooner. He told Cassie he has his suspicions about who hid you so he's following up on them. There is also the small matter of his wife. I expect she is a little bit upset. She didn't know about you, you see, so it must have come as a bit of a shock."

  "His wife?" asked Alex shocked.

  "Yes, yes, lovely lady though a bit of a nag that's probably why...."

  "So who does he think did it?" interrupted Becca moving to Alex's side and taking hold of his hand. He looked down at her and squeezed her hand tightly.

  "Cassie said he wouldn't say but we discussed it and we are pretty sure it was Loki. It's the sort of 'joke' he would play," said Lit making speech mark gestures with his fingers. "I'm sure we will find out soon. Thor isn't one to forgive lightly."

  A young looking dwarf who was clean-shaven and wearing a smart black suit poked his head into the room.

  "Excuse me sir,” he said.

  “Yes Mosto?” asked Lit.

  “I was just wondering if the Midgardians would like some refreshment?" he asked politely.

  "Midgardians?" asked Becca.

  "Midgardians.....people from Midgard. You know as in Asgardians are from Asgard," Lit explained patiently.

  "Oh right so you guys are like Svartalfheimians?" asked Matt.

  "Er no, we're dwarves," said Lit looking confused.

  "Idiot," muttered Sven under his breath. He had followed them into the room and was sitting on a comfy looking sofa near the desk.

  "What are these Muppets doing here anyway?" Sven asked glaring in Matt's direction.

  "Sven," said Lit warningly. "These are our guests behave yourself."

  "Whatever," said Sven under his breath. Lit
glared at him and turned back to Alex.

  "I'm sure you would all like some refreshments, Mosto please bring cups for all. We need to toast the return of Thor's son," Lit said happily. Mosto reached into a cupboard near the door and withdrew six silver tankards.

  "Please sit everyone we need to discuss your mission," said Lit.

  "Should you wish to accept it..." giggled Mosto handing out the cups.

  "Don't mind him, he's a bit of a Tom Cruise fan," sighed Lit gesturing to them to take a seat on the flowery sofas, which were pushed up against the walls. They all took a seat and looked into the empty cups that Mosto had given to them. They looked at each other confused. Lit was slurping noisily from his. He burped and wiped some froth off his white beard.

  "Ah that's better," he said settling back into the leather armchair he had sat in. He looked around at the others puzzled. "Drink up, drink up," he said waving his hand in encouragement.

  "Er my cups empty," said Pete looking into his cup and back at Lit.

  "Well just tell it what you want," said Lit. "Look," he held out his cup so they could all see and said, "Beer please." The cup filled to the brim with frothy beer.

  "Oh my god that is awesome," said Pete. "Beer," he said into his cup. Nothing happened.

  "Hey mine's broken," said Pete shaking it vigorously.

  "No you are underage...and you didn't say please. Manners maketh man so they say," said Lit tutting.

  "It knows my age? Well that sucks," Pete looked morosely into his cup.

  "Beer please," said Alex smugly. Nothing happened though.

  "Hey I'm of age I turned eighteen last week," he said looking at Lit.

  "The legal age here is twenty one," said Lit grinning and draining his second cup.

  "Tea please," said Becca politely into her cup. It filled to the brim with hot steaming tea.

  "Banana smoothie please as I can't have beer," Pete asked his cup. When it filled to the top he sniffed it cautiously then took a sip. "Mm that's pretty good," he said sitting back in his seat and relaxing.

  “Gross,” said Matt, “I hate bananas that smell makes me want to puke.”

  Suddenly his cup filled to the brim with a yellow, foul smelling liquid with carrots floating on the top.

  “Ew, what’s that?” he asked, holding the cup away from him.

  “Oh dear,” said Lit. “The cups recognise any liquid. I believe you just asked for banana puke. Mosto another cup for our guest please.”

  Mosto ran to the cupboard and retrieved a fresh cup for Matt, whilst Sven sniggered in his chair. Matt took his cup and quickly asked for lemonade before he made any more mistakes.

  The others all settled into their seats with their drinks, hot chocolate for Sasha with extra cream and marshmallows and coffee for Alex, he figured he needed the caffeine.

  "Right then, down to business," said Lit slurring slightly. Great, thought Alex, a drunk dwarf that's all we need.

  "Cassie just said you were looking for Dvalin, might I enquire why?" he asked looking at them with bleary blue eyes.

  "We are looking for a sword and Cassie said he might know where it is," said Alex sipping his coffee and sighing. He really needed that.

  "Ah a sword is it? Well I am sure Dvalin is your man, he specialises in sword making. He's made some splendid pieces over the years," said Lit.

  "It's the sword of Tyrfing, have you heard of it?" asked Alex.

  "Ah the sword of Tyrfing, then yes he most certainly does know where it is," said Lit.

  "Brilliant can we ask him then? Is he here?" asked Becca excitedly.

  "You can ask him but he won't tell you," said Lit finishing his third beer and burping.

  "What? Why?" asked Alex sitting forward.

  "Well it's cursed you see and he feels a bit bad about what happened to the others who used it. He made a vow that no one else would ever touch it so he hid it where no one could find it," said Lit.

  "We have to get the sword, if we don't then Hel will escape and will destroy Earth. We need it to close the portal," said Alex in despair.

  "Alex, er didn't you hear the bit about it being cursed?" asked Matt.

  "What type of curse?" asked Becca worried.

  "Well I know it always kills someone whenever it is drawn. I have seen it happen many a time," said Lit shaking his head sadly.

  "Great so I'm going to turn into a sword killing maniac," said Alex jumping to his feet.

  "Ok, so this is impossible, let's just go back home and see what happens," said Pete.

  "Let's not panic, the Norns weave the web as they see fit. What will be will be. The best you can do is find Dvalin and ask him. If you explained your quest and how serious the situation is he might help," said Lit.

  "Where can we find him then? Is he here?" asked Becca.

  "No he lives in Ostleheim," said Lit.

  "Ostleheim, where's that?" asked Sasha.

  "It's where the master craft dwarves live. They like to keep themselves to themselves. They get a bit touchy about dwarves copying their ideas, so they don't have a lot of contact with anyone else," said Lit.

  "So can we walk there? Is it far?" asked Alex.

  "Yes you could walk there, our tunnels will take you anywhere you need to go in Svartalfheim. You might want to take the Express rather than walking though, it will be much quicker,” said Lit cheerily.

  "The Express?" asked Alex warily. If it were anything like the hole in the ground method of travelling that Cassie shared with them, he would prefer to walk.

  "The train of course. Sven can take you. He won't mind," said Lit smiling.

  Sven glared at Lit. “Why can’t Half go?” he asked moodily.

  “I need Half here to supervise Freyer’s dinner set. You know how particular she can be. Come on Sven, it will be an adventure,” said Lit patting him on the shoulder.

  Sven wasn’t at all excited at the prospect of an adventure but the Grandmaster had spoken and he would have to obey.

  "Come on then," sighed Sven resigned. He would have to text Lia to cancel their date that night. She was going to be really mad at him.

  Sven grinned at Matt. If he had to go he was going to enjoy himself with this Midgardian though. Suddenly a loud ringing tone pierced the air.

  "Oh that's me, please excuse me," said Lit reaching into his pocket and drawing out a mobile phone.

  "Phones work down here?" asked Matt surprised. "We must be a hundred feet underground."

  "Three miles to be exact sir," said Mosto gathering their empty cups. "Coverage is very good though the Wi-Fi can be a hit and miss."

  "You have Wi-Fi?" Matt stood up and walked to Lit's table. Sure enough there was a computer on his desk.

  "Why don't we just email this Dvalin guy? That would be quicker?" he asked.

  Sven sniggered. "Dvalin still lives in the dark ages, you'll see what I mean when you meet him," he said.

  Lit hung up the phone and turned to face them, he looked very concerned.

  "Right best you get moving quickly, that was Cassie. It's getting a bit hairy at the henge and the containment unit is having trouble. They just had a serious breach and some beserker spirits have got through the barrier. Dangerous creatures, they will cause all sorts of havoc," said Lit.

  "Who ya gonna call?" Matt laughed.

  "Matt this is serious, our families could be in trouble. Come on guys let’s go, the sooner we get the sword the sooner Alex can seal the breach," said Becca hurrying towards the door.

  "She's right come on let's get going," said Alex. "Lit thank you for your help."

  "No problem dear boy, come and visit me when this is all over. We can have a nice game of Tafl," he said smiling at Alex and shaking his hand.

  "Sven, please escort our guests to Ostleheim and help them any way you can," said Lit.

  Sven nodded miserably and led the way out of the room. The others shook Lit's hand and followed Sven through the door. Just as Pete was about to leave the room, Lit reached up and put his hand on Pete
's arm.

  "Peter.....the cup please?" asked Lit holding out his hand.

  "Oh can't I keep it as a souvenir?" asked Pete hopefully.

  "No," said Lit gesturing for Pete to hand over the cup. Pete handed it over begrudgingly.

  "Nice try," sniggered Matt.

  "I could have made a fortune on EBay," said Pete shrugging.

  "So how are we getting there?" asked Alex as he caught up with Sven.

  "We need to catch the Express train, there should be one along soon, they are quite regular," said Sven as he led them down a dimly lit tunnel. They followed Sven for about thirty minutes as he led them down one tunnel and then another. Soon Alex was completely lost. Matt tapped Sven on the shoulder.

  "Are we nearly there yet?" he asked. He didn't want to admit it in front of the girls but his legs were starting to ache. Sven laughed and led them around another bend. Matt sighed, resigned, but then grinned with relief as he saw a train platform.

  "Here we are, is everyone here?" asked Sven counting them. "Oh you managed to keep up then?” he asked Matt sarcastically. “Now when it arrives the train will slow down, the doors will open and you will need to step on quickly. Mind the gap, I don’t want to lose anyone. Well except him," said Sven, nodding in Matt’s direction and grinning wickedly. They waited for a few minutes and then Alex could make out a rumbling in the distance.

  "Here we go, are you all ready?" asked Sven. He moved to the edge of the platform as a silver sleek modern looking train arrived.

  "Oh it's a proper train," said Sasha as it slowed down.

  "Of course it's a proper train, what were you expecting?" asked Sven confused.

  "Er I just wasn't expecting something quite so modern," she replied.

  "Don't tell me, you thought it would be a quaint little steam train....or perhaps rickety old mine cars?" asked Sven. Sasha shrugged. "This isn't Harry Potter land," he said in a huff.

  The doors to the train hissed open smoothly and they all bundled on quickly, not wanting to be left behind.

  "Right take a seat, it's going to be a long ride," said Sven. "There are refreshments in the fridge over there if you are hungry or thirsty," he said gesturing to the back of the carriage.


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