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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

Page 20

by Debbie Champion

  Alex climbed a little higher to get a better grip on the sword and grabbed the hilt firmly. He felt a strange buzzing sensation in his arm. It felt as though the sword was connecting with him and becoming an extension of his arm. Alex tensed and pulled hard but the sword remained lodged in the wood. He tried again but it didn't budge at all. Looking over at the others he gestured at the sword and motioned that it was stuck. He saw them put their heads together and they looked as though they were discussing ideas. Alex continued to pull on the sword and tried wiggling it and hanging off it with his whole weight but it still wouldn't move. He looked over and Matt was waving at him. Matt was holding out his hands and looked as though he was trying to throw something invisible. Alex soon realised what he was trying to say, they thought he should use his electric energy to free the sword. He looked at them skeptically and shook his head. If he blasted the tree, not only would he damage it which would be bad news, it would likely wake the dragon and that would be even worse.

  Alex saw them talking again and they looked like they were arguing. It was obvious to Alex that no one had any other ideas. He looked at his hand and then the sword. If he tried to limit the amount of energy it might work he thought to himself. Alex adjusted himself so that one hand gripped the sword. His other hand was firmly wedged into a crack in the wood and his feet were on either side. Looking over at his friends he grinned. This was an all or nothing move. Focusing all of his energy on his hand he tried to release a small amount of power. A surge of energy raced up his arm from his chest and suddenly there was a bright flash, a loud crack and Alex was thrown backwards through the air.

  Landing heavily on his back and hitting his head hard on the stone floor, Alex felt all of the breath knocked out of him. He lay still in agony, it felt like he had broken several bones. He tried to lift his head but it felt heavy and fuzzy and everything looked blurred. There was a loud buzzing noise in his ears and he turned his head carefully to the side and blinked a few times. He started to get his focus back and could see his friends in the distance. They looked horrified. Matt was holding tightly onto Becca who was struggling to get to him. She looked like she was shouting but Alex couldn't make out what she was saying, the buzzing in his head was too loud. She really needs to keep quiet; Alex thought to himself fuzzily, she is going to wake the dragon. He felt completely out of it and desperately wanted to close his eyes and sleep. Rolling back his head back and looking up at the ceiling he could see two gleaming ruby red eyes staring back down on him, Niddhogg.

  Alex's senses quickly returned but he couldn't move. Looking down at his body he saw a huge talon digging into his stomach, pinning him to the floor. The slightest bit of pressure and it would pierce him straight through. Alex could hear the others screaming now and looked over at them, fear etched all over his face.

  Dvalin and Sven were jumping up and down and waving trying to get Niddhogg's attention. The dragon's eyes were fixated on Alex though. It cocked its head to one side and hissed loudly. A long thin tongue lashed out and struck Alex on the side of his face. He screamed as a searing pain shot through him. It felt as though his face were melting. Niddhogg moved back a step releasing Alex from his talon.

  "Alex run," screamed Becca.

  Alex could start to feel his legs again. He was healing quickly. Scrambling back on his elbows and legs he winced as an elbow brushed through a pool of venom. He kept his eyes fixed on Niddhogg who seemed to be looking at him puzzled.

  "Alex the sword, the sword," shouted Pete frantically. Alex looked around on the floor and could see the sword lying at the feet of Niddhogg. He groaned and lifted himself into a crouching position.

  Crawling forward slowly and not breaking eye contact he reached for the sword. Suddenly a large talon crashed down over the sword and Niddhogg shook his head slowly.

  "Niddhogg, it's me Dvalin," called Dvalin from the entrance to the tunnel. Niddhogg looked over.

  "I gave you the sword, but I need it back please."

  Niddhogg shook his head and hissed. Alex could just see the hilt of the sword under his talon and he shifted closer whilst Niddhogg was distracted with Dvalin.

  "Please Niddhogg, the sword is mine I need it back. I know I told you to never let anyone have it but this is Thor's son. He is the owner of the sword; I want to give it to him. I demand you give it back," Dvalin shouted bravely.

  He was shaking from head to foot and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. Niddhogg shook his head again and whipped his tail in front on Dvalin. He shrieked and went further back into the tunnel out of reach. The tail crashed into a tall stalagmite and pieces of rock flew across the cavern.

  Niddhogg had shifted his body and Alex could see more of the sword. He stood up slowly and focused on tapping into his energy source. He could feel it building in his chest, coursing through his blood and felt dizzy with the power. Niddhogg turned his head towards him and Alex released the power from his chest. Electricity burst from him striking Niddhogg's talon. The dragon reared back on his hind legs, releasing his grip on the sword. Alex darted forward, grabbed the sword and ran straight towards the tunnel. He splashed through pools of venom but the healing power of the apple was coursing through his blood and the wounds healed immediately.

  Alex felt invincible and laughed out loud hysterically. Just as he was about to dart into the tunnel Niddhogg's tail whipped in front of him. It caught Alex in the chest and flung him back onto the hard rock floor. The dragon roared spitting venom all over the cavern and crashed back down on his feet again making the walls tremble. Several stalactites fell from the ceiling and crashed down near Alex.

  "Alex," screamed Becca.

  Niddhogg's head darted towards Alex and he held the sword up to his face. The dragon reared back and stepped away from the sword hissing loudly.

  "Alex, quick run over here, he won't touch you whilst you have the sword,' Dvalin shouted.

  Alex kept the sword held high pointing it in Niddhogg's direction and ran over to the others in the tunnel. They ran down it until they reached a dead end. Becca grasped Alex's hand.

  "The crystal quick," she said.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the crystal. His hands were shaking so badly he nearly dropped it. Alex hastily drew a door in the tunnel wall and scratched in a doorknob. The doorway started to glow yellow and Alex shouted "Lokson's henge." He tore open the door and bright sunlight shone through.

  "Quick," said Alex pushing his friends forward towards the light. Sven jumped back in horror.

  "No," he cried. "I can't go into the sun."

  Alex cursed his stupidity. He hadn't thought this through; he had just been intent on getting out of there and finally ending this. He looked over at Dvalin who was holding his hand up to the light shining through the door.

  "Look," Dvalin said amazed. "It must be the apple, I haven't turned to stone. I can go in the sun." He grinned and jumped through the doorway.

  "Wait," cried Sven but it was too late he had already gone.

  "Sven," said Alex helplessly.

  "It's ok, you go. Give me the crystal and I'll draw another door to my home," said Sven, holding out his hand for the crystal.

  Alex hesitated for a moment. He had thought to use the crystal to get back to Asgard and Lexi but he couldn't leave Sven in this hellhole. He nodded and gave Sven the crystal. The light from the door was starting to dim and Sven pushed Alex towards it.

  "Quickly it's closing," he shouted.

  Alex squeezed Sven’s shoulder. "Make it home safe, we'll see you soon when this is all over," he said stepping through the door into the light.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The sun blinded Alex after spending so long in the darkness. He shielded his eyes and saw Dvalin skipping around on the grass like a child.

  "The sun, the sun," shouted Dvalin in excitement. "This is amazing, it's so warm, so beautiful. I have waited so long for this."

  He fell onto his back and held his arms out to his sides soaking up the warm

  "Dvalin be careful, the sun can burn your skin, you'll need some sun cream to protect you, if you lie in it like that," said Sasha.

  Dvalin jumped up and skipped around again, he was already starting to look a bit red.

  "Alex," shouted a voice.

  It was Alan. He came running over and grabbed Alex by the shoulders.

  "You have it, my dear boy I knew you could do it. Quickly there is no time to waste it has started to happen, the breach is getting bigger, we can't contain it anymore," he said pointing to the henge.

  Alex looked towards the henge and could see smoke pouring from the central stone. The smell of sulphur and death filled the air and he gagged.

  "Quickly, show me the sword," said Alan holding his hand out for the sword.

  "No don't touch it," Dvalin cried thrusting himself between Alan and Alex. "It's cursed, you can't touch it," he said.

  "Sorry who are you?" asked Alan looking confused.

  "I'm Dvalin. I created and cursed the sword with my brother. Odin help me I had no idea at the time what would happen. We were just trying to get revenge," he said miserably.

  "But you are a dwarf, how can you be out in the sun?" asked Alan amazed. "I have only ever met Lit. I didn't know there were others," he said.

  "Iduna gave me a golden apple to save his life," said Alex. "It took years off him, you should’ve seen him before, he looked practically dead on his feet, old and wrinkly and..."

  "Alex do you mind?" said Dvalin sternly. "I didn't look that bad did I?"

  "No, no of course not," backtracked Alex embarrassed. "It's just that you have changed so much," he said.

  "He can be in the sun without turning to stone, that is amazing," said Alan. "The dwarves will all be queuing up at Iduna's orchard now," he said laughing.

  "No we need to keep this quiet. She shouldn't really have given me one for him, but I helped save her daughter and she was very grateful," said Alex.

  "Her daughter?" asked Becca suspiciously. Was that her perfume I could smell on you?"

  "Er, it was actually. I saved her from a Light Elf called Hadron. He kidnapped her and Ellewen and I rescued her."

  "Ellewen? Another girl? Seriously Alex, what have you been up to?" asked Becca. Her arms were folded and she glared at Alex.

  "Ellewen's a Volva, look it's a long story I promise I'll tell you later. Let's just finish this then we can talk," said Alex reaching out and brushing Becca's cheek with his hand.

  Alan and Dvalin had their heads bent together deep in conversation. "This is so amazing," said Alan excitedly. "You say you created this sword and you cursed it?" he asked Dvalin.

  "Yes whoever touches the sword will die and whatever the sword strikes will die. It will cut through anything, wood, rock, even diamonds," said Dvalin.

  "But Alex, you are holding it?" said Alan looking at Alex in shock.

  "I should be ok, I ate a golden apple, I think it will protect me," he said more confidently than he felt.

  "For now," whispered Dvalin under his breath sadly.

  Alex didn't hear him and he held out the sword for Alan to see. The pattern of a snake's body was engraved deeply in the silver blade. It wrapped itself around the sword with the tail of the snake as the tip and the head as the pommel. There were two rubies for the snake's eyes, which reminded Alex of Niddhogg. He shivered and held the sword up to the sun. It looked as though the snake's body was moving as the metal caught the sun.

  "It's beautiful," whispered Alan in awe.

  "It's death," said Dvalin sternly. "As soon as Alex has used it to seal the portal he must destroy it. I should have done it before but I was so proud of my workmanship I couldn't bear to destroy it," he said.

  "Alan, quick something's happening," cried Nancy running over to them.

  She looked in a complete state, dark smudges were under her eyes and her hair was all over the place. It was obvious that she hadn't slept for days.

  "What do I do?" asked Alex looking around at the others.

  "We are not sure but try plunging the sword into the central stone and see what happens," said Nancy.

  "But the prophecy," said Sasha, taking a crumpled piece of paper from her bag.

  “It says when day becomes night and the sword of Tyrfing is wielded by the last born son of Porr, Hel shall be cast down and will no longer be able to wreak havoc ever again," she said. "This isn't going to work, it's daytime. What does it mean, when day becomes night?" she asked looking at Alan and Nancy.

  They both looked at each other and shrugged. They had no idea.

  Suddenly there was a huge cracking noise and the earth rippled and heaved upwards as though it were waves in the sea. They all staggered from side to side under the undulating ground before they were thrown to their knees. Acrid yellow smoke poured through cracks in the ground and Alex could hear the sound of beating wings, followed by a terrifying howl.

  "What's that?" asked Becca frightened.

  She crawled over to Alex on her hands and knees and held onto his arm tightly.

  "I don't know, but I have a horrible feeling we’re about to find out," he said gripping hold of the sword tightly.

  "It must be Hraesvelg, the corpse eater," said Dvalin. "He's an eagle who is trapped down there, he eats the dead that can't enter Helheim but who aren't bad enough for Niddhogg to eat," he said.

  "Like politicians," Alan said wryly. "I think he’s trying to find a way out. Quick Alex use the sword and seal the portal.”

  Alex got to his feet and ran over to the edge of the henge. He had to jump over large crevices, which had appeared in the ground. They were belching out yellow smoke, which stank of sulphur and blood. Alex's eyes were stinging and watering and he wiped them with his sleeve. He was finding it hard to see. Looking up at the sky, he saw thick dark clouds had gathered above him. They completely blocked out the sun making it dark.

  "When day becomes night," he shouted to the others pointing to the sky. "This is it!"

  His words were whipped away by a wind, which blasted in his face. The sound of beating wings was louder and the wind was so strong he could barely stand. Tucking his head down he forced his feet forwards towards the central monolith. Suddenly a loud howl split the air and Alex looked around in panic.

  "It's Garm," shouted Alan pointing towards the centre of the henge.

  Alex looked to where Alan was pointing and stepped back in horror. An enormous dog's head had burst through the ground. Two giant paws with sharp jagged claws scrambled at the earth tearing it to pieces as it tried to pull its way free of the ground.

  "Nice doggy," called Alex waving the sword in front of him and stepping back a few paces.

  Garm barked and the ground shook. Alex stumbled backwards and planted his feet firmly into the ground. He stared at the giant dog in horror. The beast was massive, as big as an elephant at least. Blood was dripping from its muzzle and it stared back at Alex with five piercing golden yellow eyes. It's dark fur was matted and soaked in what looked like blood. Alex stood still, terrified. He had no idea what to do with the beast. He waved the sword in front of him, thinking back to Niddhogg, it seemed to keep that beast at bay but he didn't really know what he was doing. All he knew was that he had to get the sword into the central stone and this huge beast was standing in his way and looked ready to eat him.

  Garm lifted his giant head and howled again. It was a terrifying sound, a sound that would wake the dead thought Alex. He started to focus on building up the energy in his chest however Garm bunched his legs back and leapt into the air straight at Alex's head. His jaws were open ready to rip into Alex and he could see body parts wedged between his teeth from his previous victims. Just as Garm's teeth were about to sink into Alex's head the beast jerked back and fell to the side. Blood and drool sprayed over Alex's face and the stench of death filled his nose. Garm jumped to his feet again but stumbled. Alex looked up confused. He could see Dvalin running around Garm, darting between his giant paws and wrapping what looked like
a thin silk ribbon around his legs. Soon the beast was completely entangled and he fell to the floor with a mighty thud shaking the ground and bringing everyone to their knees again.

  "Alex, quick, the sword," shouted Dvalin.

  Alex strode forward towards the central monolith careful to give Garm a wide berth. He was thrashing around on the floor entangling himself further. His giant jaws snapped open and shut trying to tear into Alex.

  As Alex reached the central stone of the henge, there was a large cracking noise and the ground opened up in front of him. He lost his balance and started to slip into the crevice. He scrambled at the earth with his hands and tried to find purchase to stop himself falling any further. He still held the sword tightly in his hand. He felt as though it were an extension of his arm and bound to him. Before he could slide any further down the hole he thrust the sword into the hard earth and hung onto the golden pommel. He just about managed to get a foothold in the earth and just as he pushed himself up over the edge of the hole something brushed past him. The air around him split with a huge shriek. Alex looked behind his shoulder and saw a large bird like creature burst from the crevice. It had the head and wings of an eagle but it's body was black and scaly and it had a tail like a snake. It reared up into the sky, beating its wings fiercely. When it was airborne it circled around the henge screeching defiantly.

  "What's that?" asked Alex shouting.

  "Hraesvelg is free, Hel is about to break lose," cried Alan.

  The wind was whipping about him making his sparse grey hair fly around. "Alex, use the sword, hurry before it's too late," he shouted.

  Alex stood up shakily and gripped the sword tightly in his hand. He leapt over the crevice and landed with bent knees. A shrill cry filled his ears as Hraesvelg swooped down, his talons were outstretched ready to rip his head from his body. Alex ducked down at the last moment and rolled forwards. A sharp talon scraped a long line down his back shredding his shirt but the bird couldn't get a grip on Alex. Hraesvelg beat his wings and flew up into the air again to prepare for the next strike. Alex rose to his feet cautiously. Blood was pouring down his back and soaked into his trousers. He staggered forward still gripping the sword and looked up into the sky. Hraesvelg had completed a full circle and was heading straight back down towards him again. His sharp beak opened and he let out a cry, which shook the earth.


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