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D'zia's Dilemma

Page 28

by Keri Kruspe

  Eyes closed, she moaned when he bypassed her straining sex to massage her ass instead. His mouth moved in to cover hers in a claiming kiss. His dominant lips slid as his ribbed tongue invaded, causing her to squirm in wanton need under his massive weight.

  Startled when he broke off their kiss, she took in the tight skin across his cheeks that matched the masculine frown.

  His full lips were wet from their kiss as the skin at his neck deepened in color. His eyes narrowed as if he contemplated doing something naughty.

  She held her breath because she couldn’t wait to see what that was.

  “You’re going to beg for my dick to be so deep inside you before this night is over,” he promised in a low, silky tone. “Starting now.” True to his word, he slithered his well-oiled body down hers, making her stretched nerves ignite wherever he touched.

  The oils acted as an extra stimulus and escalated a normal action into something extraordinary. The friction caused her clit to balloon even more as honey oozed between her folds. At first, she closed her eyes to savor the sensation. They popped open when he stopped. Her eyes widened as he put his nose at the top of her sex.

  His tongue flexed over the protruding bud as it begged for his touch. “Stay still, gariad, as I lap your soft little cunt.” His attention focused on her sex as he spoke.


  D’zia lapped with rapid, strong flicks before he sucked it into the volcanic cavern of his mouth.

  She responded by sputtering in an incoherent mess. Her womb squeezed convulsively. Eyes closed, Lora moaned as blood rushed to her sex lips. They plumped under his fingers as he circled around the nub before he penetrated her entrance with slow intent. Her loud groans of pleasure echoed around them.

  “Does that feel good?”

  What. Kind. Of. Asinine. Question…was that?

  “Does your soft little pussy love it when I pet you like this?”

  Her pussy responded by clenching around his fingers in agreement.

  He gave a wicked, low laugh. “Yeah, I thought you’d like that,” he crooned. He increased his rhythm by going in and out of her channel in strong, rapid motions.

  She forced her eyes to open so she could watch his intense manipulation between her legs.

  “I crave the taste of your sweet, honeyed folds.”

  Annnnd…the torture began.

  He lapped…he licked…his devastating mouth sucked while his tongue, lips, and fingers played her body like a master. He brought her to the peak, only to withdraw. He concentrated on the nest of nerves in her inner channel, only to leave there to play havoc with her clit.

  On and on…with relentless strokes, he petted her lower body until she was coiled so tight she was afraid to let go. If she did, she might never recover. The tension escalated. Her pulse raced as her stomach quivered and begged for release. She grabbed the top of his head for an anchor to ground her from the raging storm inside. His hair entwined between her fingers to prevent her from pushing his head away. She wound her legs over his back to push him ever closer with her heels.

  She keened in part agony and part joy.

  His flattened tongue scooped her clit in a hard pass as two of his fingers pumped inside and stroked the sensitive nest of nerves.

  Between one shallow breath and the next, a heavy orgasm blasted from her womb and caused her to bow in reaction. She threw her head back and gave a loud scream of decadent pleasure.

  “Ready for my cock to fill your wet pussy?”

  Whhhaat? Was he talking? Why was he talking? Words might be coming out of his mouth but she had no brain cells left to translate.

  Of course, the rough growl under the words was easy enough to understand. “I’m going to pump so hard into you before I fill your beautiful cunt with cum.”

  He climbed up her torso, a sensuous beast ready to claim his mate.

  With one fell swoop, he thrust his steel cock into her quivering body without a word. Her breath caught at the tight expression in her lover’s heavy-lidded eyes before he took her mouth with his.

  His tongue mimicked the friction of his body pounding into hers. Deep, sure strokes ignited the responsive lining of her slick heat as each pass of his hard dick rubbed against hypersensitive nerves.

  He broke off the kiss and murmured into her ear, “You like this? My cock buried deep inside, taking you, filling you, and fucking your sweet little pussy?” He reached down to grab her thigh to bring it up. His other hand grabbed her ass in his large palm. He held her in place as each plunge of his cock rubbed against the tip of her womb.

  His dirty talk caused her toes to clench before they spread as a swift promise of completion rolled through.

  His mouth settled on the tender skin between her shoulder and neck, devastating her with one, then two licks of his ribbed tongue before he bit down.


  Hard enough to break the skin where his long incisors punctured the flesh.

  The unexpected burst of pain unlocked something inside. A sleeping animal was unleashed as she bit him in return…just as hard.

  Enough to draw blood, though that wasn’t the goal. His masculine flavor filled her mouth as her fangs breached his skin. Once his blood pooled in her mouth, her body exploded in a blinding reaction. She yanked away and let go a wail of satisfaction from deep within.

  D’zia’s completion joined hers, his body jolting as his heated seed spurted and filled her with hot shots of liquid.

  His groan of “Ahhh…fruk yeah” was music to her ears. She wrapped her arms around his neck to reach up and plunge her fingers into the silky, soft strands of his luxurious hair.

  After a few moments of heavy breathing, he moved up on his elbows. Now his drooping eyes sparkled with satisfaction as his dimples peeked with the lopsided grin he gave her. “Damn, female!” He reached over to wipe a stray strand of her hair from her eyes. The air around them was heavy with the mixed musk of their sexual satisfaction.

  She smiled in return as she rubbed a foot along his calf. “Yeah, I agree.”

  He scanned her face with his turquoise gaze before he frowned. “It’ll take us a while to reach Zerin, but we have a lot to do before we get there.” His almond-shaped iridescent pupils widened. “Are you ready for what’s ahead? If we don’t stop the Chancellor in time, life could become uncertain for us.” He swallowed as he glanced away, unfocused. “Especially if he’s determined to eliminate everyone in the E’etu family.”

  Warm heat infused her chest as she smiled with a wave of love. Holding his face between her hands, she brought his attention back to her. “We’ll deal with everything as it comes at us, my love.” She caressed his scruffy cheek. “Together.”

  He gave her an adoring gaze before he nodded. “I agree, my love.” Leaning down, he pressed his full lips against hers. Soft and slow, his mouth made love to hers, while he cradled her face in his large palms. His gentle actions spoke volumes, speaking to her heart of his love and reverence.

  With their bodies still connected, Lora entwined her legs over his and wiggled.

  He eased the kiss back and gave her a wicked ogle before his pelvis pushed into hers.

  Pleasure zinged through sensitive nerves as she tightened her inner muscles. She never wanted to let him go.

  He palmed one of her ass cheeks as he pumped with deliberate slowness and rounded back movements between straight, hard plunges. “I’m going to make love to you for hours.” He made the promise as he nuzzled her neck and licked the bite he’d given her. He thrust his pelvis against her, then used a circular motion against her clit. Then he’d switch to another powerful thrust.

  “D’zia…” Lora couldn’t catch her breath. She raised her hands to stroke the tips of his ears.

  “Yes…” He pumped harder in reaction.

  Together, they gave in to the sensual dance each craved.

  The future might be uncertain and dangerous, but Lora had no doubt everything would work out. They had nasty Dr. Crumb Butts to take ba
ck to Zerin. There they’d get the necessary proof out of his vulgar little head. They had the benefit of surprise on their side to stop the scary Chancellor from taking over and enslaving Earth.

  Best of all, with D’zia at her side, there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do together. No matter how clichéd that sounded.

  * * *


  U’unk was frustrated at the unsatisfactory visit with his brother. He choked on the unfamiliar emotion. The only way to combat his wayward reaction was to take his aggravations out on his female Runihura captive. After a grueling session, he walked out of her chamber with an unsatisfied frown. He wiped his bloody hands on a cleansing cloth before he headed to his personal quarters.

  Usually, he wasn’t one to second-guess himself, but he had to consider he’d been using his prisoner a bit too harsh. The Runihura female’s response time was nonexistent and her blank stare only infuriated him. He had to either replace her or leave her alone long enough to heal. It was a decision he would have to contemplate soon.

  Entering his personal suite, he tossed the blood-soaked towel onto a nearby table and headed for the shower. Once under the multi-layered fountainheads, he let the hot water rinse the blood and grime from his body and swirl down the drain. He tilted his bald head back and allowed the soothing spray to trickle over his face, then took in two gulps of the refreshing liquid before he straightened. He blanked his mind before he waved the cleansing water off and stepped out.

  He went into his sleeping chamber and allowed his body to dry without using a cloth or the full-body dryer. Putting a palm on the indentation to open his closet, he pulled out a long belted burgundy robe that he donned.

  Just as he was about to call for food, a message alert came in. U’unk frowned. Only a handful of allies had been given access to this private channel.

  “Go.” He blinked the request in his personal ODVU.

  A 3-D image of an unknown human woman appeared. She glared at him. She was attractive enough for a human, with short reddish-brown hair and a lush bustline on a compact body. Her eyes were unusual, however. Instead of the normal single-colored eyes of a human, hers were white except for the vertical, red slit in the middle. Ah, maybe this was a unique candidate to replace the broken Runihura female.

  U’unk crossed his massive arms over his broad chest. “Who the fruk do you think you are, calling me on this channel?”

  “Now, Shon,” admonished the female. Her deep tone sounded peculiar coming from a female. “Is that any way to greet a longtime friend and ally?” Her hands grabbed her full breasts and mashed them together before she stopped and gave him a lascivious grin. “Even if my outer body is a bit, ah, different than when we first did business together.”

  “You have five nanoseconds to get to the point before I terminate not only this communication, but you for using it in the first place.”

  “Oh, I do love it when you threaten me,” the female purred back.

  What kind of game was she playing? U’unk’s mind clicked with several possibilities until she spoke the next question.

  “So tell me, how’s Lok doing?”

  It had been a long time since U’unk was speechless. His twin was a closely held secret …except to the only being in the galaxy who’d helped him incarcerate Lok and still lived.

  “Who are you?” A new suspicion formed.

  The female snorted in a contemptuous tone no one used at him and lived. “You know exactly who I am.” The red slit in her eyes widened as a sneer crossed her full lips. It made her attractive features twist into something ugly.

  “Maynwaring?” But, how could this be? The Dread Pirate was a prisoner in his globe, tucked away in his fortress on FiPan. U’unk ought to know how safe the pirate was, he’d tried to have him eliminated enough times.

  “Yay, give baldy credit where credit is due.” Maynwaring clapped her palms together.

  “How did you end up in a human woman’s body?” When confronted by the impossible, it was always best to gather the information before proceeding. Maynwaring loose in an organic body was not good. Especially not for U’unk.

  “That’s not important,” she retorted. She put her hands on her hips and widened her stance like a male. “I have some information you need to know about your coup of the Federation Consortium.” She leaned toward him. “And if you don’t do exactly as I say, you are going to lose everything.”

  * * *

  Read the exciting conclusion in “Ki’s Redemption”


  No writer has a better group of folks that helped to make a dream come true than I have:

  * * *

  To Sidekick Jenn… I’d be lost without you. You’ve made my website as well as my manuscripts beautiful works of art. Thank you.

  To a magical editor who goes by the name of ELF… your patience and insights are second to none.

  To Jacqueline Sweet… who didn’t blink an eye when I said I wanted a mechanical “spider” put on the hero’s shoulder. This cover is unique and gorgeous.

  To my family at Group Coaching for Genre Novelists and Fellowship of the Pen… I never would have made it this far without your guidance, advice and the occasional kick in the you-know-what when I needed it.

  To some of the best buds in the world… Mary, Carol, and Marie. To the gang at WSB who never tires of me bragging and wholeheartedly encourage my craziness.

  To my organic family…thank you for putting up with my absentminded obsession with my fantasy world. The support and love you’ve given me makes me who I am today (yeah…it’s all your fault).

  Last…but never least…I have to give kudos to the best friend anyone could ever have, Barb. Being apart over two thousand miles hasn’t dimmed our thirty year friendship. You are the type of friend people dream about…not the one bailing you out of trouble…but the one right next to you saying, “Damn…that was fun!”

  About Keri

  “Author of otherworldly romantic adventures”

  Keri Kruspe has been an author since the age of twelve and has always been fascinated with otherworldly stories that end in Happily Ever After. Her current works, An Alien Exchange trilogy had its first release Winter 2018. The trilogy continues with D’zia’s Dilemma and concludes with Ki’s Redemption — to be released by the first quarter of 2019.

  A native Nevadan, Keri resides with her family in the wilds of Northwest Michigan where she enjoys the stark change in seasons and the pleasures each one brings. An avid reader, Keri loves an enjoyable bottle of red wine, a variety of delicious foods and watching action/adventure movies…usually at the same time. You can find her most days immersed in her fantasy world on her latest novel while foot tappin’ to classic rock. When not absorbed in her writing, Keri works alongside her husband in building their dream home or discovering intelligent life in America in their RV.

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  Also by Keri Kruspe

  An Alien Exchange Trilogy

  An Alien Exchange, Book 1

  D’Zia’s Dilemma, Book 2

  ~ Coming soon ~

  Ki’s Redemption, Book 3




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