Book Read Free

Lovely Dreams

Page 9

by Danielle Stewart

  Was it her?

  “Mom?” he said, reading the caller ID and trying not to sound disappointed when he answered.

  “You’ll be at the airport tomorrow for us, right?” Her voice was shaking with anxiety. A child lost in the supermarket, looking for comfort.

  “Yes. I’ll be there. I’m glad you’re coming.”

  “Well I haven’t been to Boston in many years. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but I am glad you’ll be there. Talia is as well. We have some things to do and won’t be staying in town long, but any free minute we have we’d like to spend with you.”

  It was a sweet sentiment if Tray would let it be. But he knew better. It was their crippling anxiety that made them want to be with him, not affection. Or maybe a mix of both if he were being generous.

  “I’ll take care of everything when you aren’t busy. Is there much left to do for the gallery opening?”

  “Odds and ends.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “No,” she cut back quickly. “I mean we have it under control. Thank you so much for what you’re doing.”

  “Mom, why is it such a big deal for you to come here? Or anywhere for that matter? We traveled everywhere with Dad. Until I was ten, we never stayed in one spot. Then he died and we just stopped.”

  “That’s not true. You and I went to California for your twelfth birthday. And we took that trip to Hawaii when you were thirteen.”

  The memories flooded back. It had been just the two of them. He’d remembered going, but the timeline in his mind had been different. “So it isn’t just because you don’t have Dad anymore? That’s not why you don’t go anywhere?”

  “Why are you so inquisitive lately? Of course I go places. You know I go to Italy.”

  “But why don’t you go anywhere else? What are you afraid of?”

  “I don’t want to discuss this.”


  “What has gotten into you?”

  “Mom, I just want to know why you want to stay in a five-mile radius of your home in Paris or occasionally go to the same place in Italy. You used to love to travel. And now it’s some big deal for you to come to Boston where I have to escort you around and make sure you and Talia don’t freak out?”

  “If you don’t want to help out, then don’t.” His mother’s voice was sharp.

  “I am tired of the secrets.”

  “What secrets?”

  “Maybe you don’t know Talia as well as you think. Maybe Gloria had more of an agenda sending me here than just wanting me to take a job. And you. A person doesn’t just stop doing something they love for no reason. There has to be more to the story than you don’t want to go anywhere anymore.”

  “What are you saying about Talia? You’re talking like a mad man. I know you may look at us like we’re just a couple of crazy old ladies who don’t know how to live an exciting life like you. But what you forget is that we had an entire life before you ever started yours.”

  “Clearly. And maybe it’s time to fill me in on the details.”

  “Suddenly you’re so interested? Have all the beaches been closed? The ski resorts shut down?” She very rarely took a swing like that at his lifestyle. He was a runner, a good one too, but she hardly every called him out on it. If leaving was a sport, he could take the championship medal.

  He set his jaw, trapping in the angry words he wanted to shout but knew she didn’t deserve.

  “I love you, Tray. But please don’t meddle in what you couldn’t possibly understand. You have a wonderful life. A thriving business. The world at your fingertips. Enjoy that. I don’t want to come to Boston. I don’t know what I was thinking. The arrangements hardly even work for me.”

  “I want you to enjoy it, too. I just don’t understand. I never have. If it wasn’t Dad dying, then what was it?” He choked out the words. “Did I do something? I know I was a handful. I didn’t want to be around much after he died. I caused some trouble.”

  “No,” she whimpered and then composed herself quickly. “Tray, it wasn’t you. You did nothing wrong.”

  “I want you to come to Boston tomorrow. I’ll be at the airport. Please come. It’ll be all right.”

  He disconnected the line before she could answer. He didn’t think he could stand to hear her say no.

  He ran his hands through his hair and tried to sort it out.

  Simple. That had been his philosophy for years. People always found ways to overcomplicate things. They took things personally. Overreacted. Became too inflexible. He had sworn many years ago that where the tide took him, he’d go. If a whim struck him to ski, that’s what he would do. If he wanted to party, he found one. His feelings weren’t hurt if plans fell through. His ego wasn’t damaged if something didn’t happen the way he thought it should. Life was not meant to be lived on pins and needles. With fear and prickly feelings taking over every decision. It was supposed to be fun. An adventure.

  How could years of that be blown away like a tumbleweed? All of a sudden he cared deeply if Lauren was feeling hurt. He worried why his mother was scared. How Talia could leave and never look back. Years of practice had failed him. A swimmer drowning in the shallow end.

  There was more to the story. A thread that tied his mother, Gloria, Talia, and Lauren together. But he couldn’t make it all work in his head. More worrisome was the fact he was sticking around to try.

  Chapter 13


  * * *

  Layla and Kenan barely masked their disappointment at seeing Lauren in the office. She’d pretended to consider their offer for time off. Wasn’t that enough?

  “Horace is in the lobby,” Kenan said, like he was breaking some bad news. “He said he’s given up trying to call you and figured he better just pop in.”

  “Great,” Lauren sighed, straightening her back as though she was walking toward the firing squad. “What could he want now?”

  “I’ll send him to your office,” Kenan offered apologetically. “I know this will business is emotional. Just hang in there.”

  “Can’t you and your brothers beat up Horace for me?”

  “We try to keep clear of knocking around lawyers. They tend to hold a grudge.”

  A few minutes later Horace took a seat across from Lauren and handed her a slip of paper. “Great news. Not only are the other owners willing to meet you, they are in town as of this morning. I’ve arranged for you to have lunch with them both today. How lucky are we?”

  “Great.” Lauren sighed. At least it wouldn’t drag out any longer. She could start putting this all behind her soon. “Who are they?”

  “I don’t know actually. I only have a phone number for one of them. Their names are redacted on the paperwork. I’ve dealt mostly with their lawyers.”

  “How will I know it’s them when I get to lunch?”

  “They’ll know it’s you.”

  “Is this some kind of cult? I’m really not much of a joiner. I’d look terrible with my head shaved, and I’m far too skeptical to go along with some death pact.”

  “It’s nothing like that. Meet them for lunch. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “And I take some kind of test? They size me up and decide if I’m worthy? I’m no Gloria if they’re expecting that.”

  “I’m sure they aren’t.” Horace stood and looked down at her empathetically. “You’re not wearing the ring?”

  “No. It’s put away for safe keeping.”

  “Wear it to lunch.”


  “I don’t know much about much, but I think you should wear the ring to lunch.”

  “And the mystery deepens. Is it a decoder ring? All this time I thought it was a real ruby when she actually just got it out of a cereal box.”

  “It’s a real ruby,” Horace said flatly. “Be at lunch. Noon. Don’t miss it.”

  “Thanks Horace,” she hummed out, sounding much more like thanks for nothing Horace.

  She’d never been one to in
cessantly check her phone, but the moment she was alone again she was looking to see if Tray had called. Texted. Whether he’d liked an old photo on her profile from five years ago by accident while stalking her page.

  Nothing. She could call. Check in to apologize again. But he’d be busy with the gallery opening and his mother coming to town. Her mother coming. Talia in Boston. Tray would be dressed up, sipping expensive champagne, and chatting about a sculpture with her mother.

  What had Gloria hoped would happen? That somehow Tray would bring the two of them together? It was a long shot. And one that had clearly failed.

  The minutes eroded away much quicker than a normal morning in the office. Before she had time to think up a reason not to go, it was lunch, and Layla was walking her down to the lobby.

  “You think I’m going to bolt?”

  “Of course not,” Layla said seriously. “Not while I’m walking you right to your cab.” She nudged her playfully. “It’ll be fine. Take as much time as you need today.”

  “I’ll be back in an hour,” Lauren promised. “We’re supposed to be going over the quarterly earnings so you’re ready to present to the shareholders.”

  “We will.”

  The café was only a few minutes cab ride. Not long enough to sit and stew about what Tray might be up to. How odd that he could be sitting by her mother right now. Was he going to say anything? Spill Talia’s secret to all of her friends on what should be a happy event?

  Stepping out of the cab, she scolded herself for being foolish. She was starting to see Tray everywhere. The man stepping out of the café could be his twin.

  Moving her sunglasses to the top of her head, she narrowed her eyes and looked closer.

  It was him.

  “Are you following me?” she asked, tugging his sleeve as he stepped off the curb.

  “Lauren?” His face read shock, but she couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not. “What are you doing here?”

  “Like you don’t know? Did you call Layla? Have someone tail me or something?”

  “I just got my mother and Talia from the airport. They’re meeting someone for lunch to finalize some details about the gallery opening. I’m not following you.”

  “My mother is in there?” She stepped back and clutched her chest. “Right now?”

  He made a move for her. A steadying hand on her shoulder. “You should go talk to her.”

  “I’m supposed to be meeting the other two owners. Horace gave me this information.”

  “Shit.” Tray’s face looked pained as he closed his eyes.


  “Don’t you see what’s going on? They must be the other owners of the property. They are who you are here to meet. Why didn’t I put this together?”

  “No. That can’t be. Gloria would have told me if she knew my mother that well. I would have known.” Her hand flew to her head and her legs wobbled.

  “It’s all right, Lauren,” Tray promised. “It’ll be okay. I’ll go in there with you if you want.”

  “I am not going in there. Gloria set some trap for me. Some way to force me to see my mother again. If she wasn’t dead I’d be ready to kill her.” Lauren moved even farther back from the café and darted suddenly across the street.

  “Wait,” Tray called. “Where are you going?”

  “Away from here.”

  “What about the place in Italy? You heard what Horace said. It was very important to Gloria, and having you be a part of that was what she wanted.”

  “It’s a ploy,” Lauren shouted through angry tears. “Don’t you see that? All of this was just a way to lead me to this moment. What the hell did Gloria think would happen? I’d run into my mother’s arms and everything would be forgiven? We’d move to Italy together and live our lives happily ever after?”

  “It’s not a terrible thing to hope for.”

  “It’s delusional. She must have come up with this once she was losing cognitive function because of the tumor.”

  “Or maybe there is more to the story and you just haven’t heard it yet. We can go sit down, have a cup of coffee, and try to figure this out. Don’t you want to talk to her? Don’t you want to know what is so important in Italy?”

  “Why do you? Is this some fun storybook mystery that intrigues you? Just an episode of television you can’t turn off?” She turned to storm away but he caught her elbow and turned her back to him.

  “My mother is involved in this too. You don’t understand how different she is. When I was a child, she was the way you describe Gloria. Then one day, like a light switch, it all turned off. I have watched her retreat further into her own little world every year. The only place she will travel is Italy, and now I have to assume that it’s to the property they all own together. I’m not voyeuristically fascinated by this Lauren. I’m worried. I’m involved.”

  She paused and read the lines of concern on his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that. You should talk to your mother about this if you’re worried. It doesn’t need to involve me.”

  “It doesn’t need to,” he agreed reluctantly. “But I want it to.” He leaned in and kissed her lips gently.

  “Do you not see the kind of havoc I am causing to anyone around me right now?”

  “It would be completely irrational to say that from the second I met you I knew you were worth it. Completely crazy to admit that the time I spent with you was the best I can remember in a long time. So I won’t say those things. Because I’m a sane and rational man.” He took her hands in his. “But please don’t walk away from me right now.”

  “I need to. I’m about to say something very petty.”

  “You’ve earned it. Go ahead.”

  “They know more than me right now. My mother and your mother have an angle on this that I don’t. It’s not fair.”

  “And you want to get ahead of that?”

  “Yes. I’m angry with Gloria. I told her multiple times if I was ever going to have a relationship with my mother it would be because she sought me out. She’d realize how much she was missing out on and try to make things right. And I’d reluctantly consider it. Then I’d let her back in, little by little. She’d earn a spot back in my life if and when she was a big enough person to come ask.”

  “And instead Gloria arranged this.”

  “It’s cheating. A business arrangement is going to be the reason I see my mother. It figures there would be some kind of loophole she could walk right through,” Lauren said, growing more petulant by the minute.

  “So you need to know more.”

  “My mother has all the power right now. I’m not going in blind.”

  “That’s fair.”

  “It’s not. It’s childish, and I’m romanticizing how I thought all this would go one day. I’m self-aware enough to see that I’m being unreasonable. I should take the meeting, hear them out, and respond like an adult.”

  “But instead?”

  “Instead I’m going to go dig around and try to unravel this for myself. She shouldn’t get to hold all the cards.” She dropped her head apologetically. “But you could come with me and help me try to figure this all out.”

  His grip loosened on her hands. “My mother needs me today. I’ve spent plenty of time letting her down, but today she needs me, and I want to be there for her. If I’ve learned anything during my time here it’s that something is not right with her. And I need to see this through too.”

  Lauren gulped. It was an admirable sentiment. She’d be more disappointed if he was willing to run off with her right now. “Just do me a favor, don’t talk to my mother about me. I hope you work things out with your mom and she can find some peace. But don’t try to do the same thing on my behalf. I may need the element of surprise at some point, so just leave me out of any conversations. It shouldn’t be hard, her favorite hobby is pretending I don’t exist.”

  “I won’t mention anything you don’t want me to.” He ran his thumb across her cheek and wiped away the tears before
they hit her chin. “Where are you going to go now?”

  “I need to know what Gloria was thinking. If she did know my mother well, she would’ve had plenty of opportunities before this to try to get us talking again. She never had any trouble meddling when she was alive. But she never pushed it. I need to know why now is suddenly different.”

  “How do you plan to do that?”

  “Horace said she left me a box of documents. Maybe I’ll find something in there. If not, I’ll try to find out what’s so special about this property in Italy. I don’t know really. I don’t have a plan worked out.”

  “Without involving you I could try to get some information out of them.”

  She stepped back, instantly missing his touch. “I’m not ready for that. Not under these circumstances. I need more time.”

  “I’m not going to say anything to either of them yet,” Tray promised. “But if you find something or things go sideways on you, I’ll be there. Just let me know.”

  “When do they leave?” She spun the bracelet on her wrist and tried not to look desperately sad.

  “In two days.”

  “And you too?”

  “I don’t make plans like that. I buy one-way tickets. You never know when you’ll want to stick around somewhere longer.”

  “If you do get any time between now and then—” Lauren waved her hands as though she was being foolish. “Never mind. You have your hands full.”

  “Any time I get is all yours.”

  Chapter 14


  * * *

  It would be hard to mask his anger. Tray’s instinct was to rush into the restaurant and accuse them both of being liars. Was there even going to be a gallery opening or was that just some thinly veiled lie? How much of this had been orchestrated? How many people knew? And why was Lauren made to suffer because of this sneaky plan?

  “You’re back early,” his mother said, her eyes darting over his shoulder. She was watching to see if anyone else was coming.


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