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Page 32

by Never , M.

  Just their simple touch has me reeling.

  “What did you want to talk about?” I ask, trying to get a grip. I don’t want to come off as some needy woman who’s already hooked on them.

  Which, obviously, I am.

  Dev skims his thumbs across my burning skin, making it difficult to concentrate. “You want to tell me what that Kawasaki is doing parked in your garage?”

  “Huh?” Not the question I was expecting, at all. Like never even entered my mind.

  I peer at Reese. “Has someone been sharing secrets that aren’t his to tell?”

  Reese just shrugs. “He was going to find out eventually.”

  I’m uprooted with a potent shot of suppressed emotion. My past is my cross to bear, and I choose when, and whom, to share it with.

  “Kayla, you have to let us in. This will never work if you keep us in the dark.”


  “Yes, this.” Dev motions to the three of us. “You didn’t think last night was a one-time deal, did you?”

  I hoped it wasn’t.

  “You belong to us now,” Reese confirms. “Every last inch of you.” He fucks me with his eyes, and I have a flashback of last night. My cheeks instantly heat. I’ve belonged to them longer than they know.

  “Tell us so we know. So we can understand,” Dev implores, gripping my thigh tightly. I know it’s eating him alive. From the moment we met, I’ve been prejudiced against him because he rides a motorcycle, and here he is now peeling away the layers of all my dirty secrets. Of my hypocrisy.

  I breathe shallowly as I look between them, the guilt rising like the ghoul it is.

  I haven’t talked about that night in nearly ten years. I don’t even know where to begin.

  “Kayla, you can tell us. You can trust us,” Dev consoles me.

  I want to trust them. Even more than that, I want to fall apart in their arms and have them tell me everything is okay. That it wasn’t my fault, even though it was.

  The tears well before I can stop them, my vision blurring. Dev and Reese immediately move closer as I find the strength to let them in.

  “I was sort of wild when I was younger.” I laugh through my tears. “In high school, I got wrapped up with a bad crowd. My aunt could barely control me. I was a teenager rebelling. Drinking, drugs, sex, boys, and bikes. That was my life for a while.” I turn red. I’m not proud, but it’s a fact. I wipe my wet cheeks and continue talking. If I stop, I’ll never find the courage to finish. “She was my best friend. My sister,” I add obscurely.

  “Who was?” Reese asks.

  “Becca.” I sniff. “I’d known her my whole life. We were inseparable since kindergarten. We did everything together. Caused so much trouble.” I smile at the memories.

  “And what happened?” Dev hangs on my every word.

  “She died.” I can’t hold back the sob. “And it was my fault.”

  “Kayla.” I’m not sure which of them utters my name, but they both try to calm me. “Take a deep breath and just go slowly,” Dev advises. I try to do as he says, but the self-blame is rampant. It takes a few minutes for the angst to subside and, once it does, I nod when I’m ready to continue.

  “We were out one night. Same as always, a bunch of us just hanging around. Becca had been pestering me all night to leave. She wanted to go home. She wasn’t feeling good or something, but I wanted to stay out. So I kept brushing her off, until she got fed up and found another ride home.” I can still see her climbing onto the back of the dark blue Honda as if she were standing right in front of me. She had just cut off all her long, blonde hair, so it fell just above her shoulders. The haircut made her look older. Less innocent. But she was innocent. She never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, and never went past second base. She was confident in who she was while I was still finding myself. And maybe I resented her a little for it, but not enough to wish her harm. Bottom line, she was my best friend and I loved her.

  “I knew the guy was fucked up. High on God knows what. But I let her get on the bike anyway, knowing full well I shouldn’t. Knowing I should’ve been the one driving her home. He didn’t even give her his helmet. He just took off, teetering down the dirt road.” I fiddle with my hands manically. “I didn’t see the crash, but I heard it.” My voice shrinks. “Heard the tires screech and the metal crunch.”

  “Damn,” Reese blurts, gut wrenched.

  “By the time an ambulance got there, it was too late. I just held her while she died in my arms.” I break down, the tears pouring out of my eyes and falling into my lap. “Everything changed that night. I changed.” I retreat into myself, wanting to disappear. “I distanced myself from everyone and everything. Swore off the entire scene. It hurt too much to even look at a motorcycle, let alone ride one. So after a lot of counseling to help cope, I threw myself into school. I decided to become a nurse, so I would never feel that helpless again.” I stare off into space desolately.

  “Hey.” Dev pulls me out of my own head, cupping my face with both hands. “Is that who the tattoo is for?”

  “Yes. B, Becca, butterfly.”

  Dev looks me over compassionately. “I’m sorry, Kayla.”

  “Me too.” I gaze at him vacantly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry I was scared to give you a chance.”

  Dev smiles, making me realize my words carry more meaning than I’m even aware of.

  “You’re forgiven.” He presses his lips to mine. “And that story explains a hell of a lot.”

  “My complete hypocrisy?”

  “No, your reluctance.” Dev chuckles. “You had me worried for a while. You’re the first woman who made me question my game.”

  “Not mine.” Reese smiles cheekily. “I knew I’d bone you eventually.” A celebrity ego is a dangerous thing. “You know what else I think?” Reese cozies up to me.

  I shake my head.

  “That everything happens for a reason. It’s tragic that your friend died. I’ve walked a mile in your shoes. Trust me. Several times. I know what it feels like. But if it never happened, I may not be standing here right now. And I’m sure there are a lot of other people who can say the same.”

  “You turned a tragedy into something positive. And you know what your reward is?”

  “I can’t begin to imagine.”

  “Us.” Reese pops his eyebrows. He’s such a goof.

  “I’ll never feel rewarded, but I’ll gladly take both of you.” A small bud of happiness blooms in the darkness of my soul. I marvel at how it only took one night for these two men to become my entire world.

  “Well, you definitely have us. The question is, what are you going to do with us now?” Reese’s eyes flicker with sinful intent.

  I hand myself over willingly. “Whatever you want me to do.”



  For the first time in what feels like forever, I don’t know what to do with myself. I have no schedule, no engagements, and no obligations. My lifestyle has gone from Superman to Clark Kent. Unless I’m in bed with Kayla. Then I’m definitely Superman. It’s been two weeks since Kayla, Dev, and I consummated our relationship. It’s not exactly traditional, but it’s working for us. There are some obstacles, I’ll admit. Like keeping what happens between us behind closed doors. The media would have a field day if they found out a pro-racer was involved in a polyamorous, triad, open—whatever the fuck it is we have going on—relationship. With my twin brother, no less. I’m not sure how my sponsors would feel about it, either. There’s a public persona clause in my contract stating I will uphold the brand with maturity, dignity, and respect. Even though I’m -open-minded about my situation, I’m unsure what their views are, and the rest of the world’s for that matter. Luckily, Kayla and Dev understand and have agreed to keep our relationship under wraps.

  So, now that I’m on hiatus, I need to find something to do. Dev and Kayla have their lives here and their jobs. All I have is loads of time. Which is wh
y I’m signing on the dotted line. I already did some damage at the Ford dealership, picking up a brand new F150. I drove it right off the lot. Now, I’m procuring two brand spankin’ new dirt bikes. They’re being loaded onto the bed as we speak. I need to stay on top of my game during the winter, and the best way to do that, believe it or not, is to tear up some trails. And there are sick ones all over this area. Why buy two, though? I need someone to spank while I ride. Dev is the perfect person. He’s an expert on cement, but get him on some earth, and he’s reduced to a novice. It’s going to be fun. I contemplated buying a four-wheeler for Kayla, but I’m not sure how she’d react. She’s testy about the whole riding thing, but I’m hoping she’ll come around.

  Damn, what I wouldn’t give to see that woman ride a bike.



  I listen to Kayla babble on about dinner. She’s making something called smothered chicken. I never expected her to be so domestic. It’s been two weeks since the start of our unconventional relationship and she’s cooked for Reese and me almost every night.

  I’ll admit, I was skeptical of the whole idea at first, but being with Kayla every single day—and night—has made me happier than I’ve ever been.

  That’s not to say there aren’t obstacles. The rumor mill has already started. People see us show up and leave work together. They also see our incessant flirting. We haven’t copped to anything yet, but sooner or later our secret is going to come out, and I don’t know where that will leave Reese when it does. He needs protection in more ways than one. Needs the heat to stay off his personal life. He has too much at stake. His livelihood is literally on the line. I know his feelings for Kayla are as genuine as mine. The only difference with him, he has another love he’s been committed to his whole life. I wonder how long Kayla is going to measure up. I also wonder how long the novelty of a forbidden romance is going to keep his attention before the lure of the track, the spotlight, and the need for speed draws him away from us. The fact he took a break from racing at all speaks volumes, but Reese isn’t as impulsive as he may seem. He thinks out every detail without you even realizing it. Whatever his endgame, I know one thing for sure. I’ll be the one holding Kayla when the ground bottoms out. I’ll be the one to comfort her. I’ll be the one she chooses.

  “What is that?” Kayla and I stare at the intimidating black pickup parked in my driveway.

  I tilt my head. “Looks like someone had a busy day.”

  “You think?” Her eyebrows are a mile high. “That’s one of the meanest trucks I’ve ever seen.”

  “Well, when Reese does something, he always makes a statement.” I turn off my car.

  “Hmmm.” She muses as she stares at the F150. I’ll give it to my brother, it is fucking badass.


  “It’s just funny. You’d think Reese would drive the sports car, and you the pickup.”

  “Don’t be fooled. I’ll bet money that truck has a Hemi.”

  “I wouldn’t take that bet.” She knows I’m right. Big, bad, and fast describes Reese’s style. Kayla grabs the grocery bags off the floor of my Mustang before she climbs out. I take the opportunity to ogle her ass as the hem of her shirt rides up. She has the perfect bottom. Round, bubbly, and firm. I want to take a bite every time I look at it.

  “You coming?” She pops her head into the open passenger side.

  “I can guarantee several times tonight.” I smile.

  Kayla flutters her eyelashes coquettishly and then slams the door.

  Have I mentioned how much I’m loving life?

  “It’s about fucking time,” Reese’s voice booms through the house once we enter. “I was about to go stir crazy. Nine to five’s suck.” He leans against the counter in the kitchen.

  “Sorry. We can’t all be world famous blowholes. I don’t know what you’re complaining about. It looks like you kept yourself plenty busy.”

  “I did, for a little while.” He shrugs, passively.

  “Well, if you’re so bored, go make some friends.”

  “I have friends,” he opposes childishly. “Knight stopped by to check out my new whip. He was with Tammy.” Reese wiggles his eyebrows at Kayla. “He’s in love.” He covers his heart and makes a kissy face.

  “Don’t make fun,” Kayla scolds, hitting his arm with a bag of spinach.

  “I’m not. I’m happy for him. Cupid seems to be making his rounds.” Reese leans down and kisses her amorously.

  He sure is.

  “Do you think you have any more friends for Riley?” he asks.

  “Don’t push your luck. I’m not Cupid.” She pulls mushrooms out from one of the bags.

  I stand behind Kayla as she continues to unload the groceries. I place my hands on her hips and watch as she separates the chicken from the vegetables and cheese.

  “What’s on the menu?” Reese asks intrigued.

  “Smothered chicken and Caesar salad,” she says sweetly. She’s being coy. Reese and I both know Kayla is anything but sweet.

  “No dessert?” I hear the lust thicken his voice.

  “Only if you’re good,” she flirts.

  “I’m in trouble then.”

  “And why is that?” She plays right into his hands.

  “Because I’m never good,” Reese rasps in her ear, and I feel Kayla respond. Her body stiffens, and her breathing accelerates.

  I take full advantage of the opening and pull her against me, kissing my way down her neck. “I say we skip the chicken and just have you for dinner.” I suck on her skin and grope her breasts, causing her to whimper.

  “I second that.” Reese joins in on the action, shifting us to the side so he can capture Kayla’s face and swallow her needy sounds. “I’ve been waiting to bury myself inside you all day,” he huffs between kisses, the temperature in the room rising rapidly. “I’ve been fantasizing about watching you suck Dev’s dick while I fuck you.” Reese takes the reins, which is perfectly fine with me, especially since I like the way he thinks. Kayla doesn’t have time to verbally respond as Reese shoves his tongue back into her mouth, but her receptive moans and body language tells us everything we need to know. She’d do anything to satisfy us. And trust me, we’d do anything to satisfy her. We may treat her like a little sex toy in bed, but we see her as way more than just some piece of ass. She’s our center. We may not have proclaimed it to the world, but Reese and I both know it’s true. This woman links us in a multitude of ways.

  “Turn,” he orders, breathless and wanton. On the cusp of losing it. That’s the difference between him and me; he’s fast and furious, where I’m controlled and slow. I like to build up to the excitement until Kayla can’t contain herself. Until she’s begging and crying and aching to come. I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I want to do to her. The heights I want to take her to. She still has no idea who I really am or what I’m really capable of. But soon she’ll know.

  Reese bends Kayla over right in the middle of the kitchen. He peels her yoga pants down to her thighs as she fumbles with my zipper. I’m already raring to go. Just the thought of her mouth wrapped around my cock makes pre-cum leak from the head.

  “Do it.” I poke her lips as she glances up at me. She slowly takes me all in, the pleasure instant as inch by thickening inch my straining length disappears into the recesses of her mouth. I drop my head and tangle my fingers in her long dark hair, holding on tight as she sucks gently.

  “So wet already.” Reese massages Kayla’s clit while he strokes himself. “You like Dev’s cock in your mouth?” I drop my head forward and watch as he lines up behind her and then plunges into her pussy. The force of his hips pushes her forward, eliciting a moan and driving my cock deeper. She gags slightly as the head brushes against the back of her throat, but I hold her steady. The depths of her warm, wet passage unparalleled. I keep my cock right there, grazing her tonsils as Reese fucks her.

  “You like me inside your pussy, too?” Reese latches onto her hips. I can see her aro
usal glisten on his erection as he eagerly slides in and out of her. The only response she’s capable of is a stifled moan. She looks so helpless sandwiched between us. Trapped on both ends, as the two of us use her body in unison, reaping it for all the pleasure it’s worth.

  Reese starts to pump faster, already losing himself in the feel of Kayla’s honeyed arousal. I don’t hold it against him; it’s easy to do.

  “Fuck, baby, it’s too good.” His firm thrusts cause her to climb a peak. “Give me what I fucking want.” His hips slap against her ass. Her mouth working overtime on my cock. Kayla squirms and moans, the vibrations of her mouth bringing me dangerously close. “Kayla, I need to feel you come. I need to feel that sweet juice pour all over my cock.” Reese is close to erratic as he forces demands on her body. Kayla sucks in air through her nose desperately as she swallows my cock and endures Reese’s beating on her body. She sinks her nails into my ass when she finally comes, muffled sounds of ecstasy trapped in her throat. Her mouth is so hot and tight, it feels like a wet clamp locked around my cock. Reese and I both groan animalistically as we exploit Kayla’s body, manipulating it the way we want for our own personal pursuit of pleasure.

  My limbs tingle with pins and needles as Kayla swallows every last drop of my cum. I uncoil from the convulsing sensations as a tiny string of spit follows Kayla’s lips as she detaches from me. Goddamn, this woman.

  She can barely stand by the time we’re done with her.

  Reese holds her up as she gazes at me with a glassy look in her eyes.

  “Are you alive?” I ask, supremely satisfied by the euphoric expression on her face.

  She smirks drowsily, snuggling up in Reese’s arms. “Barely.”

  I revel in her contentment, pulling her disheveled clothes from her body.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Undressing you. I prefer you naked. That might become a new house rule. You, always naked.”


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