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The Alphas of the Seven Galaxies

Page 22

by Sloane Meyers

  Chapter Five

  She’s human. She’s fragile, and different from you. Jarmuk’s mind continued to argue with him as he lowered himself onto the rug. For a moment, the thought of Maisie being human gave him pause. Was it true that she was much weaker than him? He wasn’t so sure. Physically, of course, he was the stronger one. Much stronger. But in everything else, her strength impressed him. Her intelligence and her mental fortitude put him to shame. At least, today it had. He realized he didn’t know her all that well. Sure, he’d spent some time around her when she’d first arrived in Zocrone, because her crew had been trying to help Zocrone avoid an attack by deadly, explosive basestos powder. But after that threat had passed, he hadn’t seen her much.

  Suddenly, he found himself wanting to get to know her much better. He wanted to know everything about her, and to see her every day. He couldn’t quite explain it, but she was intoxicating. Jarmuk didn’t dare make eye contact with her as he settled onto the rug. His heart felt like it was going to pound right out of his chest, and the stiffness between his legs was hardening into a full blown erection. She was going to notice. There was no way she could miss it, when he was wearing a survival suit that showed off every inch of his body so well.

  Oh, sludge it. Jarmuk looked over at her. She was watching his face carefully, her green eyes staring unrelentingly into his gray ones. She said nothing, and yet said so much. The supply room was completely quiet except for the sound of their breathing, and the silence felt odd to Jarmuk. Every time he was in this room, he was surrounded by at least a dozen loud Zocronian men, their voices echoing off the walls as they laughed and talked. But now, only Maisie was in here with him, and she wasn’t laughing. Her eyes looked quite serious, in fact.

  Just go for it. Jarmuk slowly raised a hand and reached over to brush a stray lock of hair back from Maisie’s face. She never broke eye contact with him, and the heat in her eyes only increased. Jarmuk felt his member between his legs, hard as Zekkardite at this point. He thought of Maisie’s teasing words back at the bottom of the mine. She’d repeated everything he said about using the right amount of force and the right angle. And she’d been talking about his dick, he knew it.

  She wanted him. She’d made it clear, and he’d be an idiot not to take advantage of this opportunity. He had no idea what sort of future was in store for them, or whether their lives as a human and a Zocronian would be compatible. But for once he was going to live in the moment, because this moment was damn amazing.

  He moved his face closer to hers, slowly so that she had time to pull away if he’d misread all her signals and she really wasn’t that into this. But she didn’t pull away. In fact, she leaned in toward him as well. She closed her eyes a split second before their lips met, and then, Jarmuk was enjoying the most amazing kiss he’d ever had in his life.

  He’d never known lips this soft. The heat from them filled him, just as the heat from her eyes had. The room around him seemed to disappear, and all he could see was her. Perfect, petite her. He closed his own eyes and slipped his tongue past her lips, drinking in the sensation of her. She had pulled him under in a matter of seconds. He wanted her desperately, and he was going to have her. Every fiber of his being felt like it was on fire, and the only way to deal with the burning was to have her.

  She was his. Only his.

  He let out a low growling sound. The noise came from deep within his chest, and it seemed to affect Maisie in a very positive way. She moaned, and pressed her entire body against his. He felt his erection pushing against her, and the pressure of it hurt in the best way possible.

  “You’re huge,” she murmured.

  Jarmuk felt pride in his chest as she spoke the words. She liked what she felt. Well, it liked her. And wanted more of her. The hunger burning in him grew more with each passing second, and he could no longer bear to have the fabric of their survival suits between them. He reached to rip off his suit, and then to tear away the dirty fabric of his mining suit. He knew his face and body were covered in black smudges from the time he’d spent working in the mines earlier that day, but he didn’t care. It was evidence of a hard day’s work, and he doubted Maisie would judge him for that. She herself had a face and hands streaked with grease from working on engines.

  “We make quite a pair,” he observed in a husky voice as he pushed off the last of his clothes. “A dirty pair.”

  She grinned mischievously. “Who’s dirtier?”

  He only growled again in response, then reached to pull off her survival suit. To his shock, she had nothing at all on underneath. That shock must have been obvious, because she laughed.

  “What’s the matter? Don’t like what you see?”

  “I like it very much,” Jarmuk choked out. “Only I wasn’t expecting you to be naked under your suit.”

  Maisie shrugged, giving him a coy look as she kicked off the rest of the suit. “I was wearing my mechanic’s coveralls before Daxar and the military showed up and asked me to come fix the rover. The survival suit didn’t fit well over my mechanic’s clothing, and I didn’t exactly have time to go home and get a different change of clothes. So I just stripped down naked and wore the survival suit over nothing but skin.”

  Jarmuk choked again. “You stripped naked? In front of Daxar and all of the military guys?”

  “Well, in front of the military guys. Daxar wasn’t there anymore at that point. Why? Are you jealous?”

  She batted her eyelashes at him, and a surge of both jealousy and desire went through him.

  “Only I should see you naked,” he growled out. It was a ridiculous thing to say. He had no claim to her, and until about ten minutes ago, there had never been anything more than friendship between them. Yet somehow the idea of other men seeing her naked made him furious.

  She’s mine! He let his eyes rove over her body, taking in every perfect curve. She was similar to a Zocronian female, and yet different. Those differences turned him on like nothing ever had. Her breasts were so large and full. They were two round, perfect globes, accentuated by her very erect, very pink nipples. He couldn’t resist reaching a hand over to brush against those nipples, and she shuddered when he did.

  But it wasn’t just her nipples he was interested in. It was all of her. While most Zocronian women were made of harsh, bony angles, Maisie was all soft curves. Her smooth, porcelain skin beckoned to him from the full curve of her hips, to the perfect roundness of her stomach, and the supple strength of her legs. Between her legs, her sex was protected by a mound of dark hair, and he slid his hands down to feel that hair. She trembled under his touch, and for a moment he drew back, worried that he’d hurt her. But when she moaned slightly, he knew her trembling was a good thing.

  She reached over to run her hands down his chest, all the way to his ab muscles.

  “You have an eight pack!” she said, her voice sounding surprised as she traced the outline of those muscles.

  “An eight pack? What’s that?” He’d never heard of this before, and thought perhaps she’d mistranslated something into Universal. But she only shook her head and laughed.

  “I guess it’s just something we say on Earth? It means you have really, really amazing ab muscles.”

  Jarmuk felt a thrill of pleasure go through him when she described him as really, really great. She liked him.

  And he liked her. Oh, did he ever like her. The further they went into this little exploration of each other’s bodies, the more he knew there was no turning back. He wasn’t the type to randomly sleep with any woman who came along, especially when he’d never even been on a date with that woman. But Maisie wasn’t just any woman. She was different.

  She was human. Exotic and enticing. Her body was so much smaller than his, which gave off the impression that she needed protection. Jarmuk wasn’t sure that this spunky female did actually need protection, but he wanted to protect her nonetheless.

  He needed to protect her. He needed her to know that she was his.

  He needed t
o claim her.

  “Maisie,” he said, pushing her onto her back and sliding up so that his naked body was halfway over hers. His eyes were even with her eyes. “I want you.”

  It was a simple statement. Three little words that on the surface didn’t tell her anything she didn’t already know. After all, his erection had grown huge and hard. Anyone with two brain cells could have seen that he wanted her. But there was more to his words than just a simple statement. He was telling her not only that he wanted her physical body, but that he wanted her to be his. He wasn’t sure if she fully understood, but the passion in her eyes when she looked back at him told him that whatever she was feeling was also deeper than surface level. There was something between them right now. Something almost magical.

  Perhaps that magical feeling came from the two of them being fated for each other. Or perhaps it was merely the exhilaration of having cheated death together. Who could say? All Jarmuk knew was that the hunger within him needed to be satisfied. He needed to make love to Maisie, right here, right now.

  In the dim light of the supply room, he ran his hands over the smooth edges of her perfect body. He felt the softness of the skin on her arms, countered by the firmness of the muscles underneath. For a human, her arms were quite strong. Fixing spaceships all day had given her a bit of definition to her biceps. A hint of strength.

  He let his hands travel from her arms to the softness of her stomach. Here, her skin was smooth and impossibly soft. She was all woman, all curves. For a moment, he let himself imagine her stomach growing and swelling with his unborn child, but he quickly pushed the thought away as crazy. Maisie might be attracted to him, but that didn’t mean she wanted to have his child. Besides, no one even knew if it was possible for Zocronians and Humans to have children together. He might be fantasizing about something that could never be.

  Still, that soft stomach of hers, with its womanly shape and smooth skin, made him yearn to have her as his mate, and as the mother of his children.

  You are getting way ahead of yourself here.

  He wondered what she was thinking. Right now, her eyes were closed and her face serene as he ran his hands over her. She looked like she was drinking in every moment of this, which made Jarmuk happy. He would show her what it felt like to be loved by a real man. There was no stronger race in the Seven Galaxies than the Zocronians, and no Zocronian was stronger than a man in his prime. A man like Jarmuk.

  Maisie’s eyes flew open then, as if she’d been able to sense that he was staring at her face. She smiled, lowering her eyelids in that sexy way she did. “Like what you feel?” she asked.

  “Do I ever.” He slid his hand so that his fingers once again cupped the thick hair of her sex. Then he let just one of his fingers slide gently into her. She gasped, and arched her back slightly.

  “My god. Even your fingers are huge.”

  Jarmuk felt a puff of pride in his chest. He loved knowing that he was making her happy. “You’re so wet inside.” She was dripping with the juices of desire, and the wet heat of it felt so good against his finger.

  “I can’t help it. You’re so…so much of a man.”

  His chest puffed up even more, and he started stroking his finger back and forth inside of her. She gasped again, then let out a little moan. “Oh, Jupiter. That feels so good. How did you do that?”

  “Do what?” he wasn’t sure what exactly he’d done, but judging by the reaction he’d gotten, he wanted to do it again and again.

  “You hit my g-spot. Oh! Jarmuk! Wow.”

  “I have no idea what a g-spot is, but if you like it that much I’ll hit it as much as you’d like.”

  She made no response, other than to moan again. She was writhing beneath the motion of his single finger, and Jarmuk found it incredibly sexy. Whenever she arched her back, her breasts rose higher into the air and jiggled slightly, which made him feel like the blood between his legs was running hotter than ever. He’d never seen breasts like those. He’d never seen a woman moving like this, so free and uninhibited in her pleasure.

  He could totally get addicted to this.

  Maisie’s breath came in faster and faster gasps as Jarmuk continued to stroke that special spot within her that drove her wild. She had her eyes squeezed shut now, and her hands had balled into tight fists as though she could somehow use them to keep the ecstasy that was filling her contained. He watched her with fascination. A thin sheen of sweat had formed on her grease-streaked forehead, which somehow didn’t surprise him. If the heat on his finger was any indication, she was burning up inside, and all that heat had to go somewhere.

  She’s burning up for me. Jarmuk had never felt so satisfied, and all he’d done was put one finger inside Maisie. If this felt so good, for him and for her, then he could hardly imagine what it would feel like to have his dick inside of her.

  A shudder of delight went through him at the thought.

  Then, he felt a sudden tightening around his finger. A split-second later, Maisie was screaming out with pleasure. The tightening came again and again as the spasms of her release caused her inner muscles to clench around his finger. He watched her in wonder, amazed at how free she was, and how much she seemed to enjoy him. She wanted him in a way that no one had ever wanted him before, and that felt so damn good.

  When the intensity of the moment finally died down and her body settled, he pulled his finger out. All he could do was stare at her in wonder. She was so beautiful. So perfect. His heart swelled within him at just the sight of her, and he wondered what the point of his life had even been before her. She was that intoxicating. That consuming.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him with a small smile. “Hey,” she said softly.

  “Hey, yourself. You’re incredible.”

  She laughed. “I’m incredible? You’re the one who just gave me the best freaking orgasm of my life.”

  The pride swelled in Jarmuk’s chest again. “That was nothing. Only my finger. I can do better than that.”

  Another of her devious smiles. “Show me.”

  He shuddered with delight once more. “Right now? But you’ve barely just recovered from the first round.”

  “Right now,” she insisted.

  He did not need another invitation. He pushed her down onto her back again, his hands strong and authoritative. He was going to take her. He was going to show her what it felt like when a real man entered her. He slid up so that his body hovered over hers, his erection positioned right above her dripping wet entrance, which had only moments ago stopped throbbing from its encounter with his finger. But she was about to encounter so much more than just his finger.

  His hard dick strained, as though the skin of his shaft could hardly contain it. He looked down at his human, taking in all of her beauty. He did not even allow his mind to argue that she wasn’t his. Whatever the future might hold between them, one thing he knew for certain. For this moment, at least, she was his.

  And he was going to take what was his.

  With a deep growl, and no warning, he slammed into her. He knew she was ready for him. She’d been dripping wet and ready for quite some time now, and he was going to give her what her body had been craving.

  “Jarmuk!” she screamed, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut. She was arching her back once again, as though doing so would somehow help her contain all of the pleasure that was filling her.

  Jarmuk kept his own eyes open, watching her. He could not get enough of her. Her gorgeous face, her long, graceful neck, and those perfect, full breasts. Those breasts were bouncing underneath him now, and he’d never seen any part of a woman look quite so sexy.

  He moved in her deeply, thrusting back and forth, back and forth. He felt himself going a tiny bit deeper with each thrust, as though her body was slowly making way for him. Her white hot heat enveloped him, and the sensation made him feel like his dick was literally on fire—but in a good way.

  The pressure built within his erection, and he felt that he
at and pressure beginning to slowly spread across his body. His mind became laser-focused, consumed with making each thrust deeper and better than the one before. All he wanted was to feel the very deepest parts of Maisie.

  “Your dick…it’s ridged,” she panted out. Her eyes were still closed as she spoke, but her face was scrunched up with concentration.

  He frowned slightly. Of course his dick was ridged? Wasn’t every man’s? Or were humans different?

  He couldn’t think too much about it right now. That ridged dick of his was growing hotter and hotter by the moment, and he could feel himself hovering close to an explosive release. He steadied himself, taking a few deep breaths but never slowing down his movement inside of Maisie. He would hold back until she found her release. He wanted to see her come first, and he could tell she was close. She was thrusting her hips up against his, letting him in deeper and deeper. Her forehead practically glowed with sweat, and her hair was spread out behind her wildly in all directions.

  “Jarmuk…” she panted. She seemed to want to say something else, but words were escaping her right now. He smiled. He was doing this to her. He was making her lose her mind, and she was loving it.

  A split-second later, she found her release again. She cried out at the top of her lungs, arching her back even further as her inner muscles began to clamp around his dick. The spasms were powerful, and it only took a few moments for the clenching of her orgasm to push him over the edge as well.

  The fire that had been gathering in his body seemed to suddenly all rush directly to his core, then center itself between his legs. He felt like fire had suddenly filled his dick, and then, it was shooting out into Maisie. He pulsed into her over and over, his body stiffening as all his energy concentrated on giving himself to her. An electric tingling filled him, and he had to throw back his head and roar. The cocktail of sensations he was feeling was too much to hold in, too much to bear. He had roared again as the deepest pleasure he’d ever known consumed him.


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