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The Alphas of the Seven Galaxies

Page 49

by Sloane Meyers

  Whatever the consequences of what they were about to do, she would deal with them. As she looked at Toryx’s perfect, naked body, and as he ran his hands hungrily over her naked curves, all she could think about was that she deserved this. She needed this. She had risked everything to save Zocrone, and the battle wasn’t over yet. She desperately needed a break. She needed to feel alive in someone else’s arms.

  She needed Toryx.

  Toryx, with his unbelievable perfection. For a few moments, he stepped back to look at her, and she looked at him. Every muscle in his body was perfection. Every part of him was strong. But the strongest, most perfect part was located between his legs.

  Evie didn’t even try to hide her awe when she looked down at Toryx’s huge erection. His dick was huge, with a thick shaft and unbelievable length. Not only that, but it was ridged. As it stood at attention, rock hard and ready to slam into Evie, she was surprised to see the thick row of ridges. For a moment, she was overcome by the realization that she had definitely never experienced anything even close to this before.

  She was, quite literally, about to take the ride of her life.

  And why shouldn’t she? Up in the storm in Zocrone’s atmosphere, she’d thought she was dead. Now that she had a second chance at life, why shouldn’t she live? Yes, she and Toryx needed to work hard on how to get the money they needed for a ship and water. But perhaps making love furiously would be just the distraction they needed to clear their heads enough to figure this puzzle out.

  And if not, at least they were about to have a hell of a good time. They deserved that much.

  As Toryx stepped forward and began kissing her again, Evie forgot to think about anything but him. His hands on her bare skin felt so warm and strong, and she closed her eyes to relish the fiery effect he had on her. He pulled her up from the patio chair so that she was standing in front of him, then kissed her lips deeply. He let his hands run from her shoulders down to her upper arms, and then down to her breasts, where he stopped to run her hard nipples between his fingers. She moaned as the motion instantly sent shockwaves of electricity through her.

  It had been so long since a man had touched her, and she had never been touched by a man like Toryx. A man who towered above her but never made her feel like she wasn’t on his level. A man who was tilting his head to look into her eyes with such hunger that just the sight of his expression sent a thrill through her.

  She was trembling like crazy, but she was too turned on to worry about being embarrassed right now. Between her legs, she could feel herself growing wet with desire. Her skin felt alive with heat, and every time Toryx’s skin brushed against any of her skin, she felt the fire burn even hotter.

  “Evie,” Toryx said, his voice husky and filled with wonder. “You’re beautiful. More beautiful than anything or anyone I’ve ever seen.”

  His words filled her with happiness. She felt herself blushing and smiling under his gaze like a giddy schoolgirl, but she didn’t care how ridiculous she was acting.

  She only cared that he saw her, all of her, and still wanted her. Craved her, even.

  In the next instant, he stepped forward and pushed her back against the side wall of the patio. Evie found that the smooth coolness of the stone felt strange against her skin that was burning with desire, but she hardly had a moment to register the sensation before she was focusing completely on another sensation: Toryx’s mouth on her breasts.

  He’d dipped his head so that his mouth was even with her nipples, and he used his hands to push her breasts together so that he could easily move his mouth back and forth from one nipple to the other. The sensation of his strong, ridged tongue pleasuring both of her nipples almost simultaneously was nearly too much to bear. Evie felt electric tingling in her body, and a deep, growing pressure in her core.

  The juices of her desire were dripping down her legs now, and she knew Toryx must feel them. His huge erection was between her thighs, where it was right in the path of her growing wetness—just inches from her slick entrance, which was now trembling with need.

  She needed Toryx inside of her. Her body didn’t just want him, it needed him. She couldn’t have explained exactly why she felt the way she did. All she knew was that she had never felt as hungry as she did in that moment. As desperate.

  As wanted.

  Toryx wanted her. Every movement of his lips, his hands, and his giant dick told her that. When he let out a long, low growl—a deep, primal sound of desire, it was nearly more than she could take. She pressed her hips up toward his, an open invitation.

  Take me. Make love to me without mercy.

  He wasn’t going to rush this though, and apparently he wanted to continue teasing her in other ways before putting that giant ridged dick inside of her and showing her what it felt like when a Zocronian man took you.

  Now, he was moving his mouth away from her breasts, dropping to his knees so that he could position his mouth right by her dripping wet folds. She knew what was coming next, but it still sent a shock of unexpected electricity through her when he slipped his tongue hungrily inside of her.

  That long, ridged tongue lapped hungrily at her juices, rubbing against her most sensitive skin as he drank her in. His hands were on her ass now, using it as leverage to pull her closer to him so that his tongue could go deeper. He was as far into her as he could possibly get, and every pass of his tongue across her inner walls made the electric pressure in her core increase.

  He pulled back slightly and sucked at her clit, then passed that strong tongue back and forth over it until Evie was panting with uncontrollable need.

  “Toryx!” she yelled, forgetting that neighboring patios could certainly still hear her, even if they couldn’t see her.

  She was too far gone in her bliss to care what anyone else might hear or think. As Toryx squeezed her ass harder and moved his tongue faster, she gave in completely to her release.

  The hot electric pulses came in glorious, unforgiving waves. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as the most glorious sensation she’d ever felt came rushing over her. She clung to Toryx as he continued to lap up her juices, her inner muscles clenching around his tongue.

  It took a long time for the tremors within her to subside. When they did, Toryx pulled back and stood up, then drew her into his arms. She could still feel his stiff erection pressing against her, and she knew he had desires of his own he still wanted to fulfill. But he didn’t rush things.

  He held her close and nuzzled his nose against her hair, as though he was enjoying merely the feel of her in his arms and the smell of her hair. She sighed happily, feeling as though she’d never been so content in her life. Even though things back in Zocrone were shittier than they’d ever been, and even though there were seemingly insurmountable problems to saving Zocrone, Evie felt at peace in Toryx’s arms. It had been too long since she’d felt that way, and she allowed herself to enjoy the moment, even though she knew it couldn’t last.

  Toryx seemed to be enjoying the moment just as much as her, but Evie knew they weren’t done yet. Not only was she sure that Toryx wanted to slide his enormous dick into her, she was sure now that she wanted that, too. His tongue had been incredible, but she had a feeling it had only been a tease. When she looked down and saw Toryx’s blue, ridged manhood so close to her most sensitive parts, she moaned again before she could stop herself.

  Toryx squeezed her tighter when she moaned, and then pulled back slightly so that he could reposition himself right between where her legs met her body—right where she was still dripping wet, still yearning for him.

  And then, with another low growl, he slammed into her. Evie gasped as he filled her suddenly, his hunger for her clearly evident as he went deeper and deeper. He was huge. She had known this of course, since she’d been gawking at his erection ever since their clothes came off. But seeing it and feeling it were two completely different things.

  He stretched out her inner walls, making room for himself and setting fire to ev
ery sensitive cell within her as he began to slide back and forth. The ridges on his dick felt like heaven, intensifying the sensation as he thrust his hips forward and backward, forward and backward.

  Evie had always had trouble reaching her climax. She tended to get in her head too much and worry too much about what her partner was thinking of her to be able to truly relax and enjoy the moment. She certainly had never been able to come more than once in a row. But Toryx had brought her to her release so quickly using just his tongue, and she could feel herself getting close to the edge once more now that his giant shaft was inside of her. Was it truly possible that she was going to experience back-to-back orgasms for the first time in her life? Just the thought made her giddy.

  She didn’t have much time to contemplate the situation. The hot pressure was building in her core once again, and she could feel herself losing her ability to concentrate on anything except how amazing Toryx felt. Her breathing turned rapid, and she clung to Toryx arms as he thrust harder and deeper into her with each passing second.

  He must have been able to tell that she was close to the edge again, because he let out a satisfied grunt as he moved within her.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said in that sexy, husky voice he’d been using since she came out onto the patio. “That’s it. Just relax and let me show you what it feels like to have a real man inside of you.”

  A real man. He was right. Evie hadn’t realized it, but she’d never truly felt a real man until now. He was everything she could have hoped for: sexy, strong, and brave. And somehow, he had seen something in her that made him want her.

  Evie felt like the luckiest girl alive. She closed her eyes tightly and let the tingling pressure continue to build as Toryx slid in and out, in and out. It only took a few more moments for her to once again lose herself completely.

  She threw back her head and screamed out his name, once again not thinking or caring about who might be listening. The earthquake of bliss had overtaken her, and all she could think about was how incredible each new tremor felt. A rush of hot, tingling ecstasy accompanied each pulse of her body.

  And this time, Toryx was joining her. As soon as he saw that Evie had found her pleasure once more, he let his own release overtake him as well. He threw back his head and roared, his voice drowning out even Evie’s loud moans. If anyone else was out on any of the hotel’s neighboring patios right now, they knew exactly what was happening. But neither Evie nor Toryx cared. All either of them could concentrate on in that moment was how wonderful it felt to be so wrapped up in each other.

  Evie felt Toryx pulsing into her, spilling his hot seed deep inside of her. She clung to him and tried to memorize how it felt to have her big blue Zocronian taking her completely. She felt as though she’d never known true passion until that moment, and oh, how wonderful that passion felt. She felt herself drowning in the sensation, and she’d never been so happy to drown. As long as it was Toryx pulling her under, she would happily lose herself to the waves again and again.

  When finally their hearts stopped pounding and their breathing returned to a normal pace. Toryx slid out of her gently, then looked down at her with such tenderness that Evie felt her heart melting all over again. When Toryx reached up and brushed a loose strand of her hair back from her face, she could feel the delicious trail of heat his finger left across her cheek, and she smiled up at him.

  “This wasn’t exactly how I thought things were going to go when I left Zocrone with you,” she said with a shrug.

  Toryx smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t think this would happen either. Although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for it after that first kiss back on the Starburst. You’re the most intoxicating woman I’ve ever met.”

  Evie grinned. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called intoxicating before, but I’ll take it.”

  Toryx raised an eyebrow at her, accenting the scars across his face in a sexy way that made Evie’s heart start pounding again. “Really?” he asked, his voice full of surprise. “No one’s ever called you intoxicating? Because I completely lost my mind when I was inside of you.”

  Evie felt herself blushing. “Uh-oh. I wasn’t trying to make you lose your mind. Did you find it again? We’re going to need it if we’re going to figure out this money mess we’re in.”

  Evie kept her tone light and joking. She wasn’t ready for a serious conversation about what they’d just done together. And really, was any conversation necessary? They both obviously felt a strong attraction to each other. Maybe the best thing to do was to let that attraction play out however it would. There were enough serious things going on in their lives right now. Did they really have to have a serious conversation right this moment about where things were going between them?

  Evie decided she didn’t need some long, official conversation to know how she felt about Toryx, and how he felt about her. Somehow, she just knew in her heart that this thing they had was the real deal. Right now might not be the easiest time to start a relationship, but deep down she believed that if they could just save Zocrone, they would have all the freedom their hearts needed to build a life together.

  That was the key. Saving Zocrone. If they couldn’t do that, then she wasn’t sure either one of them would ever be truly happy or at peace again. Zocrone was too important to both of them.

  But Evie knew one thing for sure: if anything good had come out of this crisis in Zocrone, it was that she and Toryx had been brought together to fight for a common cause. There was nothing like a life-or-death battle to bring two people together. Perhaps if the crazy storms on Zocrone had never come, Evie and Toryx would never have realized how much they wanted each other.

  Now that they had realized it, though, the storms could go the hell away. And they would, eventually. At least, Evie had to believe that. And she and Toryx had to find a way to make Xeywyn believe it so they could get the credit they needed. She sighed and looked up at Toryx, wishing she had even the slightest clue on how to fix their problems. But she had no ideas, and from what he’d told her before their little lovemaking session started, he didn’t have much in the way of ideas either.

  But as she met Toryx’s soulful gray eyes, she saw them suddenly lighting up.

  “That’s it!” he said, rushing to grab his clothes from where they were strewn about. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before!”

  Evie looked at him in confusion as he started hopping on one foot, struggling to get his underwear back on in his excitement. “What is it? What did you think of?”

  Toryx grinned at her, the worried lines disappearing from his face for the first time since they’d arrived in Mognerth. “Get dressed. I know how to save Zocrone.”

  Chapter Eight

  Toryx knocked nervously on the giant wooden door in front of him, shifting from one foot to another and back again so quickly that Evie poked him and told him to stop hopping around.

  He nodded at her and stopped moving his feet, but he started chewing his lower lip so hard that he soon tasted blood. He forced himself to stop that, too, and to take a deep, calming breath.

  Get it together, man. If you act like a nervous fool, Skoria is gonna treat you like one.

  The Mognerthian Intergalactic Center for Knowledge, the main building of which Toryx and Evie were currently visiting, was one of the premier universities in the Seven Galaxies. And Skoria Eohane was one of the most famous Mognerthian professors at the university. She had risen to stardom from her lowly beginnings as a part-time professor after she’d discovered a huge asteroid heading for Mognerth in time for the Mognerthians to send plasma bombs to decimate the asteroid when it was still far, far away from the planet. No one else had noticed the asteroid, which had been quite far away from Mognerth when Skoria discovered it. But if Skoria hadn’t discovered it when she did, there might not have been adequate time to safely destroy it before it destroyed Mognerth.

  These days, Skoria had a posh position as the head cosmic meteorology professor at the univers
ity. She had celebrity-like status throughout the Seven Galaxies, and it was nearly impossible to get an audience with her.

  But when Toryx called up Skoria’s secretary, it had only taken a few minutes for him to get on Skoria’s calendar that afternoon. Long before Skoria had been famous, Toryx and she had had a little fling during one of his trading trips to Mognerth. Their romance hadn’t lasted, but they had agreed to remain friends, and often had dinner together when Toryx was on the planet. During one of those dinners, the restaurant they were in had been raided by a group of intergalactic terrorists. The terrorists had tried to capture Skoria during their raid, probably with intentions to rape and then kill her. Toryx was having none of that: he had risked his own life in a daring rescue of his friend.

  Well over a decade had passed since that fateful night, and as Skoria’s fame rose, she and Toryx saw each other less and less, especially since he hardly ever came to Mognerth anymore. They had drifted apart, as long-distance friends often do, and Toryx hadn’t thought much about her for several years. He’d nearly forgotten about her, especially since he’d been in dozens of life-or-death type situations since the night he saved Skoria. His rescue of her no longer stuck out in his mind as out of the ordinary.

  But he was sure it stuck out in Skoria’s mind. She owed him a favor, and he needed a damn favor right now. If he could convince her to tell Xeywyn that the storms in Zocrone would end, Xeywyn would listen. Xeywyn wouldn’t question the premier cosmic meteorologist in the Seven Galaxies.


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