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Stone Cold Sparks

Page 7

by Cami Checketts

  His eyes widened. “Do you like breathing?”

  She giggled, thinking she’d never heard a better response. “Yes, yes, I do.”

  He studied her as he took one glove off and traced his warm fingers along her cheek until he was cupping her chin. Abi held her breath, terrified he was going to pull away again but loving the way he was looking at her. “I love kissing you,” he whispered. Then he lowered his head and was kissing her again, and she was completely lost in the passion and joy of it all.

  “Whoa!” The voice came from above them before zooming by. “Make-out session.”

  They broke apart. Abi laughed, but Stone’s eyes went serious again.

  “Stone,” she said warningly.

  “Abi,” he replied. At least, he smiled.

  “Don’t overthink everything. You say I talk too much, but you think too much.”

  Stone just stared at her, big surprise. He pushed off of her and stood, offering her a hand up. Abi stood on her skis and held onto his hand. Even though she still had her glove on, she liked the connection.

  “You’re so worried about boundaries,” she said quickly before she wussed out or he said something to ruin the fire they’d just reignited. “Can we just be us, with some kissing thrown in for a little while, then talk about it again when you’re more comfortable?”

  “Did a woman seriously just ask a man to be friends with benefits?” Stone smirked at her, his eyes a lighter blue and teasing.

  “No!” She slugged his shoulder with her free hand, not doing any damage with her glove on and his coat padding his shoulder. “Can I say something serious, and can you not run away or clam up?”

  He looked at her for half a beat before nodding.

  Abi screwed up all her courage. She shouldn’t be so nervous saying this to her best friend, but they were finally crossing boundaries, and oh, how she wanted to keep crossing them. “I want to be with you, like be a couple. Why don’t we slow it down and look at it this way—If you and I didn’t know each other and were just starting dating, we wouldn’t have a DTR because we kissed.”

  “DTR?” His brow wrinkled. It was adorable.

  “Define the relationship talk.”

  “Oh.” He paused. “So you do want to date me?”

  “Yes, you thick-skulled man.” She’d wanted to date him since puberty.

  He bent down and picked up his glove, tugging it back on. Abi waited, dying in the suspense. Stone swallowed and looked at a nearby copse of pine trees. “What if I can’t guarantee that I’ll ever be ready for a relationship?”

  Her heart seemed to sink at the realization that there was a high probability he never would be ready, but at least, he was talking. Not just shutting her down and giving her no hope at all.

  “I think you’ve underestimated how persuasive I can be.” She tilted her head and winked.

  Stone laughed, focusing in on her again, his eyes more blue than gray right now. “No, I don’t think I would ever underestimate you.”

  “So we’re agreed?” Abi pushed her advantage.

  “On what?”

  She blew out an exasperated breath, fear of losing him making it hard to pull in another one. “Seriously? How thick are you?”

  He wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “Pretty thick.”

  Abi’s breath shortened, and she wondered if every one of her dreams had just come true. “I’m not talking about the size of your biceps.”

  He chuckled again. “Let me get this all straight in my head because I’m … thick.” He leaned closer. She was tempted to knock him over into the snow and take advantage of those beautiful lips. “You want to date me, and you won’t pin me down to talking until I’m ready.”

  “I’ll pin you down when I’m good and ready.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I like the sound of that.” He pulled her in and kissed her.

  Abi was shocked at Stone’s flirtatiousness and initiation of kissing, but she didn’t waste time thinking about it. Flinging her arms around his neck, she returned the kiss and then some.

  When Abi was lightheaded from lack of oxygen and overuse of her lips’ pleasure receptors, he pulled away. “We really need to stop kissing in full snow regalia,” she murmured, sneaking one more taste of his lips.

  Stone’s cheek crinkled. With the way his blue eyes were warming her up from the inside, she wanted to kiss him again, snow clothes or not. “For our first date tonight, you want to sneak into the Grand Summit Hotel swimming pool?”

  Abi’s head was swimming from being in his arms and the joy of possibility they’d initiated today, but she still had enough presence of mind to tease him. “That’s a teenage date.”

  “I feel like a teenager around you, not using my brain and much too smitten by a certain dark-haired beauty.”

  “Ah, you big old sweetie. I didn’t know you had it in you.” She winked and blew him a kiss. “I’m in.”

  He laughed and released her. “Don’t tell Jeremy about me being sweet.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” She skied off down the hill. He was at her side quickly, and they cut back and forth down the mountain and through the trees. She loved the sun glistening off the groomed snow and the whoosh of wind against her cheeks, but most of all, she loved the man by her side.

  Chapter Twelve

  After a great day skiing in the sun and snow, Stone and Abi had eaten a light meal at Costa Vida then gone to grab their swimsuits. Abi looked forward to swimming in the warm water and kissing Stone while wearing something besides snow clothes, but she thought it was a good thing they’d be in a public place. As much as she loved kissing him, she might blow all of his boundaries out of the water.

  She and Stone always claimed they were “sneaking” into the fancy hotel, but they both knew the night manager from high school. Tracy was great about letting them come swim anytime.

  They said hello to Tracy, and she walked with them to the bathrooms near the pool, handing them hotel pool towels so they’d fit in. “Just change in here. You know the way.”

  “Thanks,” Stone said.

  She winked. “For sure. Always fun to see those muscles on the cameras.”

  Stone turned a deep red.

  Abi laughed. “Thanks, Tracy. I love that someone besides me can tease him.”

  Stone arched an eyebrow at her, his blue eyes so warm Abi trembled with happiness, and a rush of excitement darted through her.

  Tracy grinned. “It’s good to see you both.”

  They said their goodbyes, going into separate bathrooms and getting changed, stowing their clothes in the lockers Tracy had given them keys to.

  When Abi walked out of the bathroom, Stone was reclining against the wall in only his plaid swim trunks with the towel wrapped around his neck. Her mouth watered at the sight of his muscular arms, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Stone’s physique was amazing, but she would’ve loved him if he had love handles and a blanket of hair on his back. He was her best friend, and finally, there was hope they could be so much more. Happy bubbles filled her stomach as the realization of what was happening sank in. Today had changed their relationship, and she couldn’t be more ecstatic. She didn’t have to pretend she only thought of him as a friend. Things could only improve in their relationship from here on out.

  “You ready?” He grinned at her.

  Abi sauntered closer. “For what?”

  “Swimming.” He arched his eyebrows. “What were you thinking?”

  Abi looped her arm through his and tugged him toward the pool area. “I’m ready to try kissing you in a location that doesn’t include snow.”

  Stone slid their hands together and opened the door with his other hand. The cold air smacked into them. Abi pulled him forward, carefully running across the stone patio and to the pool’s edge. They both dropped their towels and flip flops on a chair and slid into the warm water. Luckily, it was pretty quiet and nearly deserted. There were just a few teenagers at the other end of the pool. It was late enough
the families had probably gone back to their rooms for the night.

  “Ah.” Abi closed her eyes and enjoyed the luxurious warmth surrounding her.

  Stone’s arms came around her waist, and her eyes flew open as a completely different warmth filled her. But his eyes were too serious for her.

  “I told you how much I like kissing you, but I want to be careful about getting too physical.”

  You weren’t careful with Virginia. She wanted to fling the words at him, but that would be wrong. Abi felt instant remorse about where her thoughts had gone. She was glad he was intent on being moral with her. She’d made mistakes in her life too, and she understood why Stone was clarifying. She knew he’d loved Virginia and their baby, but it had been tough that they’d eloped so quickly after she got pregnant. Virginia’s family still treated Stone like he’d taken advantage of their daughter and pulled her away from them the last few months of her life.

  Stone was a very good man, one of the best, and Abi didn’t like things being so serious. She decided to tease him, just a little, to get the mood back to happy. She moved closer and couldn’t resist placing her hands on the bulging muscles of his chest. He inhaled quickly. “Is this too physical?”

  “I don’t have Superman-style self-control.”

  “You sure?”

  He laughed but pulled back and took her hand, leading her over to a bench in the pool where they could sit side by side.

  Abi leaned back and enjoyed soaking in the warm water after skiing all day. She mostly enjoyed having Stone’s shoulder pressed against hers and his hand surrounding hers. She agreed that she wanted to be careful physically, but fear that Stone would freak out about them getting too close and clam up again was stuck right in her throat, making it difficult to even speak.

  Finally, she was able to swallow and say flippantly, “So no PDAs for Tracy to watch on her cameras tonight?”


  “Public displays of affection. You really have a lot to learn about relationship lingo.”

  Stone rolled his eyes then grew serious and glanced over at her. His eyes were deep blue and full of suspicion. “Have you been involved in something Tracy would want to watch?”

  “You mean besides your beautiful chest?”

  He arched his eyebrows. “You know what I’m asking. Don’t try to compliment your way out of it.”

  She smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Abi.” He growled.

  Abi laughed, pulled her hand free and swam away from him. She’d never imagined Stone could be jealous, but seeing him and his firefighter buddies last night at the restaurant and the way he’d just growled her name, she had to admit she liked it.

  Stone grabbed her before she’d gone two strokes. He picked her up in his arms and cradled her against his chest. The water made the movement effortless, but still, his chest muscles bulged. She loved wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on tight.

  “You tell me who you’ve kissed in a swimming pool.” He demanded.

  Abi laid back her head and laughed. “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll dunk you.”

  Abi stuck out her tongue at him. “Like I care about a little water.”

  Stone arched an eyebrow and pulled her down underneath the surface. Abi held her breath and clung to him until he lifted her back up. His eyes were a sparkling blue. “Tell me.”


  Down she went again. She made the mistake of laughing as she plunged down and caught a mouthful of water. She coughed, and Stone immediately yanked her head back out of the water. “Are you okay?”

  She continued coughing, unable to catch her breath. Stone released her feet and pulled one of her arms up so she could get a full breath. Her coughing calmed, and he led her back to the bench. He sat and tugged her onto his lap. Abi was surprised since he’d said he didn’t want to get too physical, but she wasn’t about to complain.

  He studied her. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes. My dang boyfriend was trying to drown me, but as you can see”—she spread her arms wide—“I survived.”

  He smiled, but for some reason, she sensed the boyfriend comment bothered him.

  “Stone? Can I call you my boyfriend?” It was the most insecure she’d ever felt in her life.

  “If you want to.”

  Sheesh, that was reassurance.

  He released her from his arms, and she slid onto the bench next to him, feeling a distance between them and not liking it at all. Stone splashed some water on his face and finally said, “This is all a huge mind shift for me. Are you sure you’re okay taking it slowly?”

  At least, he was trying and wasn’t backing away. They knew each other so well. She did push too hard at times, so she didn’t blame him for being worried that she couldn’t take things slowly. She didn’t want to, but she would for him. “I’ve been waiting for you my whole life, Stone. I’m okay as long as you don’t back away or shut me out again.”

  “Thanks.” He nodded, but didn’t give her any reassurance he wouldn’t do either. “Now, you have to tell me who you’ve kissed in a swimming pool.”

  She laughed. It was cute he was so intent on knowing, but she wished they could talk more about their relationship. Give him time, Ab. “No, I don’t.”

  “Yes, you do. Actually, amend that, you have to tell me how many men you’ve kissed.”

  “Why would you torture yourself like that?” She batted her eyelashes.

  He nodded. “It is torture, but I need to know. You’ve dated nonstop since high school.”

  “I did pretty well in high school too.” It was too fun to tease him and know that he actually did care.

  Stone groaned. “Don’t remind me. Do you know how hard that was for me?”

  “No, I don’t. You’ve always been so strong and silent.” She tried to flex and pulled a mockingly stern face. “I don’t think anybody has a clue what’s going on behind that pretty boy face.”

  Stone smirked at her. “You do. You’re my best friend, Abi.”

  “Even me, Stone. I still don’t know how you tick.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in tight to his side. “I’ll try to share more. It’s just hard for me.”

  “How so?” Abi truly loved this man, but she couldn’t really understand how talking and sharing feelings could be this excruciating for him. She would give him oodles of credit, and maybe some more kisses, for trying though.

  “No, nuh-uh, you’re evading my earlier question with all this touchy-feely stuff.”

  “What question?” He was impossible.

  “How many men have you kissed?” His brow furrowed as he stared down at her.

  “Oh, my crimony. We’re finally talking about deep, important material and you want to worry about who I’ve kissed?”

  “That is important stuff. I’ve only kissed you, and it’s been unreal.” His grip on her shoulder tightened possessively. “Has it been like that with other men?”

  Abi blinked to clear her vision. She was impressed her stoic friend could reveal his insecurities, opening up to her like this. She was thrilled that he thought kissing her was unreal, but most of all, she was confused that he seemed to have forgotten his deceased wife. “You’ve only kissed me and Virginia?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He looked away. “Plus, I kind of got roped into kissing Gabby Carter in that pep assembly, but I’m not sure if that counts as it was pretty lame.”

  Gabby Carter. She pulled a face but wasn’t going to let him evade her questions that easily. “Stone, what aren’t you telling me?”

  He focused back on her again, and there was a world of hurt and torture that lived behind those blue eyes. She needed him to finally let her in. To share about losing Virginia. She couldn’t imagine how much of a toll losing his wife and baby had taken on him. Was it asking too much to want to help him heal and love again? Love her?

  Stone rubbed his palm along her bare shoulder, his touch causing tingles al
ong her skin. He took a breath then rushed to say, “It wasn’t like this for me and Virginia.”

  Abi turned into him so she could see his eyes clearly. “What does that mean?”

  “When we kissed.”

  She waited, forcing him to spell it out.

  “I don’t remember ever feeling like this. These strong desires, wanting to kiss you and hold you all the time.” He made a fist with his free hand and shot water out of it a few times. “Sheesh, this is awkward.”

  Abi’s stomach was tying up in knots. Stone didn’t lie. She knew that about him, but there was something so wrong about what he was saying. If he never had these strong desires with Virginia, why had he gotten her pregnant right after they graduated? Abi had always thought Virginia and Jace would someday end up together and her and Stone.

  Virginia, and of course Stone, had been closed mouthed about how they’d gotten together. Abi assumed Stone must have been trying to comfort Virginia after Jace left and they’d let things get out of hand. She actually remembered the night. Two weeks after high school graduation, Jace had flown to Lake Michigan for basic training. Virginia had been distraught. Neither Stone nor Abi could comfort her, and Virginia kept saying they didn’t understand. Then Stone had taken Abi home first. After that night, things changed drastically with their friendship. It was less than two weeks after that Stone and Virginia had ditched her and gone to Vegas to get married. They hadn’t invited anyone, even their supposed best friend. Virginia had started showing before they admitted to Abi and the world that she was expecting Stone’s baby. Abi had felt so shut out of her best friends’ lives and so jealous that Virginia had Stone. Within five months, Virginia had been killed, and all those feelings had turned to sorrow, regret, and guilt.

  All of these thoughts were racing through her head as Stone studied her.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked. “I shouldn’t have told you that about me and Virginia.”

  “I’m just having a hard time believing it,” she said. “If you didn’t have these intense feelings with Virginia, why did you …” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Stone’s eyes shuttered. They went back to the grayish-blue color she loved and hated. Loved because they were Stone’s eyes, hated because it meant he was shutting the entire world out, shutting her out.


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