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Page 11

by Paris Hansen

  Groaning, he shook his head, his pants growing tighter as he watched her dance seductively. Her eyes kept meeting his, making it apparent that the show was for him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, his hands fisted on his thighs. What would it hurt if he just went down there and gave in? A dance or two and he could sit back down to nurse his headache.

  “Suit yourself Gabe. I can’t stay up here while she looks like that,” Declan said while setting his beer down on the table and getting up off of the couch. Gabriel had barely registered his friends retreat by the time Declan made it down to the dance floor. He had to have broken some kind of record getting down there so he could dance with Brooklyn. No matter how many times Declan told him he wasn’t attracted to his girlfriend’s sister, Gabriel knew the truth and he was honestly glad to see Declan showing interest in someone after all the years of self-imposed dating exile.

  Leaning forward Gabriel watched the writhing bodies on the dance floor, his eyes barely ever leaving his girlfriend. She seemed surprised to see Declan joining her sister, which then turned to something that he could only guess was disappointment that he hadn’t joined her. The look passed quickly as she started to enjoy the music again. He really needed to get over his crap and join her. His bad mood was nothing compared to how hot she looked dancing with their friends and Gabriel knew the view would be even better pressed against her.

  Taking another sip of water, he thought about going down to dance with his girlfriend and their friends. Dancing really wasn’t his favorite past time on a good day, but with Savannah he was willing to do anything she wanted. He was so fully wrapped around her finger that he was surprised he hadn’t jumped up the first time she crooked her finger at him. With one last sip of water and a sigh, Gabriel stood so he could lean against the railing. Savannah smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling in the overhead lights. He held up his finger for her and mouthed one minute before breaking eye contact with her.

  After making a pit stop in the VIP bathroom, he headed down the back stairway so he could make his way to the dance floor. He was eager to get his hands on her, to press himself against her. His cock stirred at the thought of her soft body against his and he noticed that his head wasn’t pounding any more. Apparently, all he needed to heal what ailed him was thoughts of Savannah.

  Pushing his way through the crowd he groaned each time an elbow came in contact with his ribs or someone stepped on his foot. He needed to see Savannah, get close to her. She was the only thing that would make venturing into the sea of people worthwhile. Girls that barely looked old enough to have graduated high school, let alone be out after midnight in a club, tried to grind against him as he passed, which only irritated him more. The distance from the edge of the dance floor to where Savannah danced hadn’t seemed as far when he was upstairs, but now he felt like he was in a never ending throng of people. Finally, he spotted Brooklyn and Declan who were next to Finley and Kerrigan and he knew he was almost home.

  Pushing past his friends, he stopped short, the sight in front of him made his skin crawl, his fists clenched at his sides. Savannah was dancing as seductively as she had before, but her eyes were closed as she ground back against some guy. His hands were on her hips, his lips near her ear. Anger burned inside Gabriel as he watched the scene in front of him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. In the short period of time he had taken his eyes off of her, some douche had moved in and she had let him. And worse than that, she looked like she was enjoying it.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he yelled over the music. Those around him stopped dancing, including his friends. Savannah’s eyes opened, shock registered on her face. She turned quickly, looking at the guy behind her and then back to Gabriel.

  “You couldn’t wait until I got down here?”


  “Hey man, get your own chick. I’m dancing with this one,” the meathead behind Savannah said, obviously unaware of the situation that was unfolding.

  “Hey man,” Gabriel mocked. “You better get your hands off of my girlfriend before I break one of them.”

  “She didn’t seem to mind where my hands were a minute ago.”

  “I didn’t know…I thought it was you, Gabriel,” Savannah protested, her hand pushing against Gabriel’s chest.

  Gabriel seethed, his hands clenched and unclenched at his side as he fought the urge to punch the asshole that had touched her. How could she possibly think that the man behind her had been him? Didn’t she know what he felt like by now? He would never mistake another woman for Savannah. No one smelled the same, felt the same. No one could ever match up to her.

  “Gabriel, don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to have to kick you out.” Finley’s warning broke through the anger enough that Gabriel became more aware of his surroundings. It wasn’t just his friends that had stopped dancing, but now half of the floor was staring at them, probably all hoping to see a fight. The guy that had been dancing with Savannah wasn’t backing down and Gabriel didn’t want to either. Savannah stood between them, her hands still on his chest, her eyes pleading with him to let it go. He knew he should, he knew that leaving it alone was the best bet, but then the guy put his hand back on Savannah and smirked at Gabriel, taunting him.

  “You son of a bitch,” Gabriel growled as he stepped forward ignoring the cries of Savannah and his friends. Someone grabbed his arm from behind, stopping his forward progress. Anger coursed through him like fire and every moment that the guy was in his line of site, the flames stoked higher. It didn’t matter that Savannah moved away from his touch or smacked the guy herself. He was still standing there trying to get Gabriel to make a move.

  “You, get the hell out of my club,” Finley yelled. “Savannah, get Gabriel off this floor. I don’t need this shit out here, so either take him back to my office or take him home.”

  Savannah grabbed his hand, trying to pull him away from the scene. The grip on his arm tightened as he tried to break away to go after the guy. Behind him, he heard a familiar voice, but didn’t really register what they were saying. He was still pissed, his blood boiled. He couldn’t seem to shake the anger that was coursing through him. Gabriel wasn’t just mad at the guy, he was mad at Savannah and ultimately he was mad at himself. If he had just gone down to the dance floor when Declan or the guys went, he would have saved them all from the drama, but he was too caught up in his bad mood to make the move.

  “Dude, don’t do it. Just go with Savannah.”

  The voice finally broke through the anger, reminding Gabriel where he was and what he was doing. Declan stood next to him, his hand still tightly wrapped around his bicep. Oliver and Braeden stood around them looking ready to do whatever they needed to get Gabriel under control. It was then that he realized just where he had been letting his anger take him. He hadn’t been down that deep, dark hole in years, but it was something that he was intimately familiar with thanks to Jonathan’s death and his ex-fiancée’s deception.

  Looking over at Savannah, he stilled. The look on her face was no longer pleading, no longer worried. Instead she looked angry; angrier than he ever thought she could get and he felt horrible about it. This was supposed to be a night of fun. This was supposed to be a time for their friends to bond, for everyone to get to know each other. This wasn’t supposed to end in an angry display of possession and jealousy. He hated that he had let it all get so out of control.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t…not here. I can’t listen to this crap right now Gabriel. That caveman behavior doesn’t work with me. Come on.”

  Gabriel followed behind Savannah as she weaved her way through the few dancers that were oblivious to the drama unfolding near them. The evening was a mess and there was no one but him to blame. He was going to have to do some serious groveling when they reached their destination. There was no doubt that Savannah was beyond pissed at him, he just hoped they weren’t past the point of no return. He had to make sure she was able to forgive him for being such a jacka

  She led him past the bathrooms, down a dark, narrow hallway. For a moment, he thought she had decided to send him home rather than take him to Finley’s office, but instead of taking him through the large double doors beneath the glowing green exit sign, she turned down another hallway. The music was barely noticeable, which gave Gabriel some peace. He could finally hear himself think and it was there in the quiet that he realized his headache was back in full force, if it had ever truly gone away. Now that the adrenaline and the hard-on had faded, he was back to feeling as miserable and irritated as he had when he first arrived at Heat.

  “I can’t believe you did that out there,” Savannah screamed at him as she turned, her index finger jabbing into his chest as she spoke. “I’m so embarrassed. That was completely humiliating, Gabriel.”

  “You let some guy touch you and you looked to be enjoying it. How do you think that makes me feel?”

  “I thought it was you, asshole. Do you honestly think I’d let someone else touch me on purpose?”

  Gabriel sighed, “I’d know it wasn’t you, Sav. I’d know because no one else smells or feels like you. I’d know if some random chick was touching me instead of you because it wouldn’t feel like home.”

  Savannah’s mouth opened and then shut again. Her eyes met his and he felt something in his chest tighten. The anger was still very much evident on her face, but her eyes were much softer than they had been before. Her sigh filled the silent hallway, heavy with everything she wanted to say, but wasn’t.


  “I’m so mad at you for how you overreacted out there, but damn it. I can’t stay mad at you after what you just said. Sometimes though, I hate the way you make me feel. I’m so freaking confused and scared and ridiculously happy. I wanted tonight to be perfect. I want our friends to get along, but maybe coming here was a bad idea. Maybe you were right.”

  She ran a hand through her damp hair and sighed again. “Damn it. We should have just had a barbeque or a game night or something. You never would have acted like a Neanderthal if we would have just stayed home.”

  “I don’t know babe; I can get pretty competitive when it comes to board games. I might have had a caveman moment…especially if my guys were involved in the game.”

  Savannah laughed, although Gabriel could tell she didn’t really want to.

  “I’m sorry that I was such an ass out there. I saw red the minute I saw his hands on your hips. That dress you’re wearing had already killed my resolve and then to see someone else touching you, while your eyes were closed and you seemed so into it. I just…I lost it. I’m sorry.”

  “I know.”

  “I haven’t been that angry since Jonathan died, Savannah, and this time it seemed so much worse. I haven’t cared about anything or anyone as much as I care about you. Never think that you’re the only one afraid or confused or ridiculously happy in this relationship because I’m right there with you. Just know that no matter what happens, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “Neither would I,” Savannah said, her voice barely a whisper. She took a step forward, closing the distance between them.

  The anger they’d been feeling had subsided, replaced instead by sexual heat. He was still turned on from watching her dance and he could tell she was turned on as well. This was their first fight. It would be wrong to not take advantage of the make-up sex opportunity. It didn’t matter to him that they were in Finley’s club or that they were in the middle of some back hallway that led to who knows where. It didn’t even matter to him that anyone could come by at any minute. He just knew that he needed to be buried deep inside of his girlfriend and soon.

  Quickly, he pushed her back against the wall and captured her mouth with his. The kiss was rough, filled with everything he had felt since he saw her dancing with her friends. Moaning into his mouth, she ran her hands up his chest before tangling them in his hair. With one hand wrapped in her sweat dampened hair, he nudged her legs apart with one of his, the motion pushing her dress up her shapely thighs. His cock throbbed as he pressed it against her thigh, his other hand snaking over her other thigh and under the lace of her dress. When his hand came in contact with her bare center he let out a low moan.

  “I knew you weren’t wearing anything underneath this dress,” he muttered against her lips.

  “Panty lines,” was all she was able to say before he ravished her mouth again.

  He buried two fingers into her slick channel, scissoring them a little to open her up. His thumb pressed against her clit as he worked her with his fingers. With his other hand, he grabbed her wrists, pinning them against the wall above her head. With her trapped against the wall, he worked his fingers faster, loving the way she started to squirm as she got closer and closer to the edge. Within minutes she shattered around his fingers, his mouth catching her screams of pleasure.

  With a smile, he removed his fingers and brought them to his lips. He sucked her juices from his fingers while she watched and then leaned in, kissing her long and hard, making sure she could taste herself on his tongue. Still keeping her hands pinned against the wall, he pushed her legs father apart so he could fit himself between her thighs after pushing his jeans and boxer briefs off of his hips.

  “Please…” she begged as he brought her right leg up to wrap around his waist. Placing his free arm around her back for stability, he slipped inside of her, burying himself as deep as he could with the first thrust. He stilled, reveling in how she felt around him. He still hadn’t gotten used to not having a latex barrier between them. It felt incredible, better than anything he’d ever experienced before. He had never been intimate with someone without a condom before, not even his ex-fiancée. He loved that this was another first he got to experience with Savannah.

  “Oh god,” he moaned as he started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, knowing that it was only a matter of time before someone came down the hall.

  Savannah met his thrusts as best she could in her position. With her hips bucking against his, he pounded into her harder, felling his release nearing as her walls started to contract around him. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, so he let go of her wrists and moved his hand between them to rub against her clit. Moaning loudly, she wrapped her other leg around his waist allowing him to thrust deeper and harder a few more times before they both came apart.

  “Holy crap,” she murmured a few minutes later. He still held her against the wall, but his legs were threatening to give out. He could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest and she was still breathing heavily, he wasn’t sure how she could even speak as his brain was only slowly forming coherent thoughts.

  Sex with Savannah was always amazing, but there was something to be said about post fight sex. Not to mention sex in a near public place. His dick twitched just thinking about it. If they didn’t leave soon, he wouldn’t hesitate to take her again in Finley’s club. He was definitely ready for round two.

  “Yeah…although I hate fighting with you, I think I’ve become a fan of make-up sex. It is as great as everyone says it is.”

  “And up against the wall sex…definitely a new favorite for me.”

  Surprisingly, the position and the make-up sex were both firsts for Gabriel. Even given the volatile nature of their relationship, he never had either with Valerie. He was thankful now that there seemed to be a lot of things they never did during their time together.

  “We should probably get back,” Savannah said, breaking him from thoughts about his ex. “They’re all probably wondering where we are, although probably not wondering what we’ve been doing.”

  “Which is probably a good thing since it’s gonna be pretty obvious you’ve just been fucked. You’ve got that glow and your hair is a bit messed up, but I love it,” Gabriel told her before he helped her lower her legs to the ground.

  “And there’s my caveman,” Savannah said, straightening out her dress so it covered her assets once again. “Did you want to pull me back into the cl
ub by my hair?”

  Gabriel laughed. “No, but I might want to tug on it a little bit when we go for round two later. Would that be okay?”

  Instead of answering, Savannah just shook her head and laughed. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him back down the hallway toward the pounding music and their friends. Surprisingly, he no longer had a headache and this time he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to have any problems joining his girlfriend on the dance floor.


  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Savannah asked the uneasiness evident in her voice.

  Gabriel smiled as he squeezed her hand trying to reassure her that he wasn’t planning on backing out. They had been sitting in his truck in front of her parent’s house for nearly ten minutes. Her family knew they were there, but Savannah was reluctant to get out of the car. From the minute he had picked her up, she tried to give him an out, telling him that she understood if he thought it was too soon to meet her parents. They had gone over everything that morning in bed, but she still wasn’t convinced that this was the best idea. As he had driven to her parent’s house, he could feel her tension grow the closer they got to their destination. The fact that she was so nervous about him meeting her parents surprised him. Especially after everything he told her earlier that day and every day since she’d invited him to the family barbeque. Her family sounded like everything he always wished his family had been.

  “You have to stop worrying that meeting your parents is going to send me running, Sav. I’m not going anywhere,” he told her again.

  This was a step that Gabriel had wanted to take because he knew how important her family was to her. He met her sister and her best friend and they seemed to like him, but he knew that parents were usually harder to convince. He was worried that they would have the same preconceived notions about him that Savannah had regarding his tattoos and his job. Savannah told them a little about his history, but knowing and seeing were too different things.


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