Finally, Donna Lee Kisselbach McCallum nursed me back to health, did much of the research and some of the editing for this book, and endured public conversation of our private life, all with grace and good humor. But after 40 years together, that’s hardly a surprise.
—Stone Harbor, New Jersey, January 2013
AAFP, 41
Abiraterone acetate (Zytiga), 41
Active surveillance
author’s choice of, 61, 65–66
author’s consideration of, 51, 52–54
author’s decision against, 70–75
Bob Snyder and, 150–51
Johns Hopkins program, 67–70, 73–74
opinions on
Aaron Katz, 126
John Christodouleas, 123, 184
Keith Van Arsdalen, 52–54, 121–22
William Catalona, 128, 130
origin of strategy, 63
patient age and, 68–70, 121–22, 154
statistics on, 3, 6
Affordable Care Act, 33, 35, 40
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 33
Agus, David (doctor), 148
AHRQ, 33
Albin, Richard (researcher), 43–46, 48
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), 41
American Cancer Society, 4, 39, 169
American Pastoral (Roth), xiii
American Urological Association (AUA), 37, 50, 125, 127, 186
Anal probe, 28, 30
Anderson, Ian (flautist), xvi
Antibiotic-resistant organisms, 100, 176
Antigen, 44
Armstrong, Lance (cyclist), 183
Arnold Palmer Prostate Center, 137
Artificial sphincter, 157–58
Atkins, Robert (doctor), 125
AUA, 37, 50, 125, 127, 186
Avodart (dutasteride), 47, 71
Awareness, prostate cancer, xv–xvi
Bach, Fritz (physician), 119
Bach, Peter (researcher)
interview with, 117–19
on lung cancer, 5
on overtesting in medicine, 117–19
on PSA testing, 119
on USPSTF, 41–42
Barrow, John (representative), 40
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
described, 17–18
drugs for, 47
PSA testing and, 130
Biopsy, prostate
Aaron Katz on, 127
antibiotics prior to, 176
Arnold Palmer on, 136
author’s experience with, 22–23, 26–28, 50
complications from, 99–101, 175–76
described, 22
imprecision of, 187–88
percent cancerous, 27
saturation, 101
William Catalona on, 129, 131
Bird, Larry (basketball legend), 79–80
Bixby, Bill (actor), 143–44
Blaivas, Jerry (urologist)
on cryotherapy, 103
interview with, 113–16
on prostate cancer, 113–16
on PSA test, 115
on USPSTF, 42, 115
Boeheim, Jim (basketball coach),
75, 128
Bowel movement, post-op, 85–86
BPH. See Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Brachytherapy, 165. See also Radiation
Brawley, Otis (doctor), 39–40
Breast cancer, 34–35, 65, 118, 139, 149
Briggs, Dale (friend of author), 79
Buffett, Warren (businessman and investor), 145
Cabazitaxel (Jevtanal), 41
Cancer. See also Prostate cancer
beating, 183
breast, 34–35, 65, 118, 139, 149
cervical, 119
family history of, 19
history of term, 64
lung, 4, 139
pancreatic, 4, 79
skin, 124
testicular, 183
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (online publication), 183
Carter, Ballentine (urologist)
Aaron Katz on, 126
author’s consultation with, 66–68
on biopsies, 101
on prostate location, 14
Caruso, Mike (wrestling champion), 84, 89
Castration, 16
Catalona, William (urologist)
Aaron Katz on, 127
on biopsies, 129, 131
interview with, 128–31
open prostatectomy and, 75–76, 131
PSA testing and, 128–31, 193
on robotic surgery, 130, 131
on USPSTF, 37
author’s experience with, 81–84, 86–87
Foley, 82, 156
recatheterization, 89
removal of, 87
Celebrities with prostate cancer, 135–45
Arnold Palmer, 135–39
Bill Bixby, 143–44
Dan Fogelberg, 142
dying from disease, 141–44
Frank Zappa, xvi, 141
Johnny Ramone, xvi, 141–42
Nobel Prize winners, 142
Robert DeNiro, 145
Robert Dole, 128, 139–41
survivors, 135–41, 144–45
Timothy Leary, 142
Warren Buffett, 145
Cervical cancer, 119
Christodouleas, John (radiation oncologist)
on active surveillance, 123, 184
author’s consultation with, 54–57
on biopsies, 174
on incentives in healthcare system, 184–85
interview with, 122–24
on PSA screening, 123–24
on radiologic modalities, 172
on USPSTF, 123
Christoff, Larry (teacher/prostate cancer patient), 172
Chu, T. Ming (researcher)
on history of word “cancer,” 64
on pancreatic cancer, 79
PSA test development, 45–48
Cialis (tadalafil), 94–95, 165, 196
Coffee, 186
Collier, Leonard (educator/prostatectomy patient), 1–3, 6–11, 195–98
Colonoscopy, 19, 170–71
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, xvi
Columbia University Medical Center, 124–25
Aaron Katz and, 103–4, 124
Jack Littley and, 164–67
side effects, 103–4, 166
Cymbalta (duloxetine), 158
Dattoli, Michael J. (radiation oncologist), 102
The Decision (McHugh), 53
The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer (Katz), 16, 183
DeNiro, Robert (actor), 145
Depression, 191
Diet, 183
Digital rectal examination (DRE)
Arnold Palmer and, 137
author’s experience with, 20–21, 55, 68, 71
versus PSA testing, 129
Doctor interviews
Bach, Peter, 117–19
Blaivas, Jerry, 113–16
Catalona, William, 128–31
Christodouleas, John, 122–24
Katz, Aaron, 124–27
Lee, David, 131–34
Manley, James, 111–13
Van Arsdalen, Keith, 120–22
Walsh, Patrick, 108–10
Doctors. See also specific individuals
agendas of, 184–85
experience/training of, 159, 189
getting multiple opinions, 185
urologists, 132
Dole, Elizabeth (secretary of transportation/labor), 139
Dole, Robert (senator), 128, 139–41
Dr. Patrick Walsh’s Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer (Walsh), 14, 109, 153, 183
DRE. See Digital rectal examination
Duloxetine (Cymbalta), 158
Dutasteride (Avodart), 47, 71
hower Medical Center, 137
dry, 97
effect on PSA test, 25–26
inevitable, 96
post-prostatectomy, 97
from prostate stimulation, 15
Emanuel, Ezekiel (doctor), 40
The End of Illness (Agus), 148
Epstein, Jonathan (urologist), 67
Erectile dysfunction
adapting to, 194
percentage of function return, 189
postsurgical, 51–52, 61, 161
psychogenic, 190
Robert Dole on, 140–41
talking about, 189
treatment options, 104–5
medications, 94–95, 104, 140, 182
MUSE, 105–6
natural remedies, 105
penile injections, 165
penile prosthesis, 104
penis pump, 104–5, 148, 165, 190
venous leak, 190
nerves responsible for, 93–94, 153
orgasm without, 186
post-surgical, 96
Eugenides, Jeffrey (author), 81
Family history of prostate cancer, 119, 152–53, 154, 160–61, 166, 167–68, 196
Finasteride (Proscar), 47
Fink, Bob (friend of author), 30, 169–72
Fischer, Susy (assistant to Larry Bird), 80
Flocks, Rubin (urologist), 44
Flomax (tamsulosin), 170
Focal ablation, 103
Fogelberg, Dan (musician), 142
Foley, Frederic (inventor), 82
Freedman, Samuel G. (journalism professor), 183
Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine, 40
Frost, Robert (poet), 142
Gilbert, Ronald (urologist), 17
Giuliani, Rudy (politician), 148
Gleason, Donald (pathologist), 50
Gleason score, 49–50, 127, 133, 187–88
Goldberg, Paul (writer), 39
Grammes, Richard (prostate cancer patient), 167–69
Gray, Henry (author), 18
Gray’s Anatomy (Gray), 18
Groopman, Jerome (doctor), 194
Hara, Mitsuwo (forensic scientist), 44
Hartzband, Pamela (doctor), 194
Healthcare Blue Book, 112
Hellman, Marc (friend of author), 25
Holistic treatment, 124–25
Hopper, Dennis (actor), 138
Horny goat weed, 105
How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America (Brawley and Goldberg), 39
Hsieh, Paul (doctor), 40–41
Huggins, Charles B. (doctor), 16
Hughes, Langston (poet), 142
Impotence. See also Erectile dysfunction; Sexual function
after radiation therapy, 55
patient age and, 153–54
personal stories concerning post-treatment, 148
IMRT, 102, 171–72
Imus, Don (media personality), 125
Incentives in healthcare system, 184–85
adapting to, 194
after radiation therapy, 55
pads for, 90–91, 155, 161, 168
percentage of occurrence, 189
personal stories concerning post-treatment, 148, 155, 161, 168
postsurgical, 17, 51–52, 60, 71
Robert Dole on, 140
Incontinence briefs, 91
Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), 33
Infection, from prostate biopsy, 99–101, 175–76
Information gathering, 186–87
Insurance, 170–72
Integrative medicine, 125
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), 102, 171–72
Bach, Peter, 117–19
Blaivas, Jerry, 113–16
Catalona, William, 128–31
Christodouleas, John, 122–24
Dole, Robert, 139–41
Katz, Aaron, 124–27
Lee, David, 131–34
Manley, James, 111–13
Palmer, Arnold, 135–39
Van Arsdalen, Keith, 120–22
Walsh, Patrick, 108–10
IPAB, 33
Jackson Pratt drain, 156–57
James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, 66
Jarvis, Jeff (writer), 22, 83, 147–50
Jevtanal (cabazitaxel), 41
Johns Hopkins
active surveillance program, 67–70, 73–74
Ballantine Carter and, 67–68, 101
Patrick Walsh and, 14, 22, 67, 108–9
Web site, 67, 69, 144, 188
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 3
Journal of Urology, 153
Kaplan, Steven (urologist), 17, 47
Katz, Aaron (urologist)
on active surveillance, 126
on Ballantine Carter, 126
on biopsies, 127
cryotherapy and, 103, 104
The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer, 16, 183
on diet, 183
interview with, 124–27
on Jerry Blaivas, 114
on prostate size, 16
on PSAs, 124, 127, 193
on radiation centers, 102–3
on USPSTF, 34, 125
on USPSTF recommendations, 125
on William Catalona, 127
Kegel exercises, 89, 92, 155, 157
Keiber, Robert (teacher/prostate cancer patient), 160–62
Keiber, Sandy (nurse), 160–62
Ketoconazole, 174
The Lancet Oncology, 5
Langstaff, George (physician), 64
Lasalandra, Michael (journalist), 71
Leary, Timothy (Harvard professor), 142
Lee, David (surgeon)
on antibiotic-coated needles, 176
author’s surgery, 79, 80–82
on biopsy dangers, 100
on choice of robotic surgery, 76–77
on cryotherapy, 104
interview with, 131–34
Leonard Collier and, 2–3, 6–11, 196
on nerve sparing, 94
on operating after radiation therapy, 56
on penis length after surgery, 86–87
on PSA testing, 132–33
robotic prostatectomy surgery and, 2–3, 6–11, 53, 131–32, 134
on USPSTF recommendations, 37, 132–34
LeFevre, Michael (doctor), 36, 37, 193
Lehigh Valley Health Network, xv
Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs (baseball team), xv
Leuprorelin (Lupron), 174
Levitra (vardenafil), 94–95
Littley, Jack (CPO/prostate cancer patient), 164–67
Lung cancer, 4, 139
Lupron (leuprorelin), 174
Mammograms, 34–35, 36, 117–18, 192
Manley, James (primary care physician)
author’s physical exam and PSA test, 19–23
interview with, 111–13
referral from, 66
on USPSTF, 42, 111–13
Mayo Clinic, 137
McCallum, Jack, Sr. (father of author), 136
McHugh, John (urologist), 53–54
MD Anderson Cancer Center, 45
Medicare, 41, 102
Medicated urethral system for erection (MUSE), 105–6
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 45
Jeff Jarvis and, 148
Peter Bach and, 5, 41
Web site, 150, 188
Messing, Edward (urologist), 16, 46
in Egyptian mummy M1, 65
symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer, 120–21
Mikitka, Jim (prostate cancer patient), 152–54
Milken, Michael (junk bond villain/philanthropist), xv
Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 50
Misinformation, 185
Mohler, Jeff (friend of author), 105
Monahan, Kelly (physician assistant), 6–9, 87–89, 93, 95
Morning Call column
of February 11, 2012, 72–75
of October 17, 2011, 58–61
Moss, Anne (technician/wife of surgery patient), 156–59
Moss, Bill (engineer/prostate cancer patient), 156–59
Mount Sinai Hospital, 70, 74
Movember, xv
Moyad, Mark (doctor), 183
author’s experience with, 29–30
reasons for, 28
Muhlenberg College, 120
Murphy, Gerald (urologist), 45
MUSE, 105–6
Musial, Stan (baseball immortal), 128
National Cancer Institute (NCI), 3–4
Neruda, Pablo (poet), 142
erections and, 93–94, 153
loss with age, 153
New England Journal of Medicine, 192, 194
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, 17, 47
Nobel Prize winners with prostate cancer, 142
Nocturia, 17
Northwestern University, 37, 128
Obturator nerve, 9
Open prostatectomy
Keith Van Arsdalen and, 53
Patrick Walsh and, 67, 76–77, 109
personal stories concerning choice of
Richard Grammes, 167–69
Robert Keiber, 160–62
robotic procedure compared, 75–78
William Catalona and, 75–76, 131
Opinions, getting multiple, 185
Ordille, Mike (biopsy patient), 175–77
dry, 88, 97, 148
ejaculatory inevitability, 96
post-cryotherapy, 165
post-prostatectomy, 1–2, 96–98
process of, 96–97
from prostate stimulation, 15
without erection, 186
Overtesting in medicine, 117–19
Overtreatment, 192
John Christodouleas on, 123
Peter Bach on, 118
William Catalona on, 130
Pads, 89–92, 155, 161, 168
Palmer, Arnold (golfing immortal), 135–39
Pancreatic cancer, 4, 79
Parker, Chris (doctor), 5–6
Pathology report, post-op, 88
Patient Advocates for Advanced Cancer Treatments, 102
Pauling, Linus (Nobel Prize winner), 142
PCA3 test, 48
injections into, 165
length of, 86–87
The Prostate Monologues Page 20