penile prosthesis, 104
Penis pump, 104–5, 148, 165, 190
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
author’s surgery at, 2, 80–82
robotic prostatectomy robots at, 7–8, 132
Peritoneal carcinoma, 138
Personal stories
Fink, Bob, 169–72
Grammes, Richard, 167–69
Jarvis, Jeff, 147–50
Keiber, Robert, 160–62
Littley, Jack, 164–67
Mikitka, Jim, 152–54
Moss, Bill, 156–59
Ordille, Mike, 175–77
Rosen, Paul, 173–74
Snyder, Bob, 150–51
Snyder, Kevin, 154–55
Wieder, Gene, 162–63
Yasso, George, 177–80
PHI, 48
Politics, PSA test and, 40–41
Prediction tables, 188
Procure, 186
Promoting Wellness for Prostate Cancer Patients (Moyad), 183
Proscar (finasteride), 47
function of, 15, 16
location of, 14–15, 16
size of, 13–14, 16
Prostate cancer
author’s diagnosis of, 27–29
awareness, xv–xvi
biopsy diagnosis of, 27
celebrities with, 135–45
in Egyptian mummy M1, 64–65
15-year survival rate, 4
prediction tables, 188
public profile of, 5
slow growth of, 4, 63–64
statistics, 3–5, 38
terminal, 177–80
treatment options (see also Prostatectomy)
alternative, 125
author’s experience with, 53–61
biased opinions on, 167
differing opinions on, 155, 185
drugs for, 41, 143–44
medical castration, 16
trials on, 118
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, xv
Prostate Cancer Foundation, xv
author’s surgery, 80–84
nerve-sparing, 109
open procedure
Keith Van Arsdalen and, 53
Patrick Walsh and, 67, 76–77, 109
Richard Grammes and, 167–69
Robert Keiber and, 160–62
robotic procedure compared, 75–78
William Catalona and, 75–76, 131
penis length after, 86–87
advantages of, 76–77
author’s experience with, 6
Bill Moss and, 156–59
David Lee and, 2–3, 6–11, 53, 131–32, 134
equipment problems during, 158–59
instrumentation for, 7–8
Jeff Jarvis and, 147–50
Jim Mikitka and, 152–54
Kevin Snyder and, 154–55
nerve sparing with, 132
open procedure compared, 75–78
William Catalona on, 130, 131
Prostate Health Index (PHI), 48
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
discovery of, 43–44
James Manley and, 111–13
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
author’s experience with, 20–23
cost of, 112
development of, 45–48
ejaculation effect on, 25–26
fluctuating readings, 173–74
free PSA, 47, 48
future tests, 186
opinions on
Bach, Peter, 119
Blaivas, Jerry, 115
Catalona, William, 128–31
Christodouleas, John, 123–24
Dole, Robert, 141
Jarvis, Jeff, 149
Katz, Aaron, 124, 127
Lee, David, 132–33
Palmer, Arnold, 126
Van Arsdalen, Keith, 46, 120
politics of, 40–41
pro-PSA, 47
PSA density, 130
PSA velocity, 22
trials on, 38, 48
warnings/recommendations against, 31–42, 110
The Prostate (Rodale), 14
Proton beam radiation, 170, 171–72, 186
Provenge (sipuleucel-T), 41
PSA density, 130
PSA test. See Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
PSA velocity, 22
Public Parts (Jarvis), 22, 147
author’s consultation concerning, 54–58
intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), 102, 171–72
patient age and, 55
personal stories concerning choice of
Fink Bob, 169–72
Grammes, Richard, 167–69
Rosen, Paul, 173–74
Wieder, Gene, 162–63
proton beam, 170, 171–72, 186
side effects, 55–57, 170–72
surgery after, 55–57, 148
Urorad facilities, 101–3
Ramone, Johnny (guitarist), xvi, 141–42
Recovery, speed of, 183
Robert Benjamin Albin Foundation for Cancer Research, 44
Robotic prostatectomy
advantages of, 76–77
author’s experience with, 6, 80–84
David Lee and, 2–3, 6–11, 53, 131–32, 134
equipment problems during, 158–59
instrumentation for, 7–8
nerve sparing with, 132
open procedure compared, 75–78
personal stories concerning choice of
Jarvis, Jeff, 147–50
Mikitka, Jim, 152–54
Moss, Bill, 156–59
Snyder, Kevin, 154–55
William Catalona on, 130, 131
Rodale, J. I. (publisher), 14
Rosen, Paul (prostate cancer patient), 173–74
Rosenthal, Elisabeth (reporter/doctor), 32
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, 45
Roth, Philip (author), xiii
Scott, Chip (prostate cancer patient), 65–66
Scott, Pam (sister of author), 65–66
Sehgal, Shailen (doctor), 7–8, 11
Semen, prostate contribution to, 15
Seminal vesicles
cancer invasion of, 88
removal of, 9, 10, 88
Sexual function. See also Erectile dysfunction; Impotence
author’s experience with, 189–91
personal stories concerning post-treatment, 148, 153–54, 161, 165, 168
return of post-surgery, 1–2, 93–98, 195–96
testosterone blocking medication and, 163, 174
Side effects
biopsy, 99–101, 175–76
cryotherapy, 103–4, 166
erectile dysfunction medications, 95
of Lupron, 174
radiation, 55–57, 170–72
Sildenafil (Viagra), 94, 140, 148
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge), 41
SIU, 125
Size of prostate, 13–14, 16
Skin cancer, 124
Sloan-Kettering. See Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Snyder, Kevin (prostate cancer patient), 154–55
Society of Integrative Urology (SIU), 125
Sources and resources, 199–203
Sperm bank, deposition in, 143
Sphincter, artificial, 157–58
Steinhilber, Mike (friend of author), 22
Stone, Chris (editor), 114
Support group, 191
Suramin, 143–44
Surgeon, experience/training of, 159, 189
Surgery. See also Prostatectomy
after radiation therapy, 55–57, 148
author’s decision on, 72–78
author’s procedure, 80–84
consequences of, 51–52
death from, 132–33
patient health and outcome of, 71, 75
Survival rate for prostate ca
ncer, 4
Surviving Prostate Cancer (Walsh), 65
author’s lack of, 65, 79, 182
in metastatic prostate cancer, 120–21
before PSA screening, 132
Snyder, Bob (prostate cancer patient), 150–51
Tadalafil Cialis), 94–95, 165, 196
Tamsulosin (Flomax), 170
Testicular cancer, 183
Testosterone, 16, 162–63, 174
Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, 176
Torre, Joe (baseball manager), 128
Torre, Pablo (urologist), 58, 100, 189
Triptorelan (Trelstar), 162
UCLA Medical Center, 143
University of Arizona, 45
University of California at San Francisco, 101
University of Miami, 86
University of Missouri, 36
University of Pennsylvania, 22, 40, 53
Urethra, 16
Urinary control after surgery. See also Incontinence
artificial sphincter, 157–58
author’s experience with, 90–92, 182
Kevin Snyder and, 155
Urinary retention, 89
after catheter removal, 89
nocturia, 17
prostate and, 16–17
Urologists, 132. See also specific doctors
Urology Specialists of Lehigh Valley, xv, 155
Urorad facilities, 101–3
Urosepsis, 99–100
US Census Bureau, 5
US Preventive Services task Force (USPSTF), 51, 130
opinions on, 47–48
Bach, Peter, 41–42
Blaivas, Jerry, 42, 115
Catalona, William, 37
Christodouleas, John, 123
Jarvis, Jeff, 149
Katz, Aaron, 34, 125
Keiber, Sandy, 161
Lee, David, 37, 132–34
Manley, James, 111–13
Van Arsdalen, Keith, 34
Walsh, Patrick, 109–10
warnings/recommendations against PSA testing, 32–42, 193
Van Arsdalen, Keith (urologist)
on active surveillance, 52–54, 121–22
author’s biopsy, 22–23, 26–29, 49
on biopsy dangers, 100
on cryotherapy, 104
interview with, 120–22
on post-op bleeding, 86
on PSA test, 46, 120
referral from, 66
on USPSTF, 34
Vardenafil (Levitra), 94–95
Venous leak, 190
Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis, 50
Veterans Affairs Medical Center in New York City, 58
Viagra (sildenafil), 94, 140, 148
The Virgin Suicides (Eugenides), 81
Walsh, Margaret (interior designer), 67
Walsh, Patrick (urologist)
on antibiotic resistance, 176
on biopsy fears, 101
on biopsy information, 187
Walsh, Patrick (urologist) (cont.)
on cancer rates, 65
Dr. Patrick Walsh’s Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer, 14, 109, 153, 183
on “gray area” of treatment, 163
on imaging, 188
interview with, 108–10
open radical prostatectomy, 67, 76–77, 109
on prostate gland, 193
on prostate size and location, 14–15
on PSA build-up, 44
on PSA velocity, 22
on stand-up sex, 190
on USPSTF, 37, 109–10
Walter Reed Medical Center, 139
Watchful waiting. See also Active surveillance
Arnold Palmer and, 138
Bob Dole and, 139
origin of strategy, 63
Waxman, Samuel (oncologist), 70–71
Waxman, Scott (literary agent), 70
Weill Cornell Medical College, 17, 47, 114
Wieder, Gene (prostate cancer patient), 162–63
Wrice, Felicia (nurse), 7
Yale-Griffen Prevention Research Center, 34
Yasso, Bart (running ambassador/brother of George), 177
Yasso, George (friend of author), 20, 51, 177–80
Yasso, Gerry (brother of George Yasso), 178–80
Yasso, Hank (son of George Yasso), 177, 179
Yasso, James (brother of George Yasso), 178
Yasso, Jean (wife of George Yasso), 178–80
Yohimbe, 105
You Are Not Alone Now (organization), 29
Young, Hugh Hampton (surgeon), 66
Zappa, Frank (musician), xvi, 141
Zytiga (abiraterone acetate), 41
About the Author
Jack McCallum is a veteran sportswriter and the author or coauthor of nine books, including the bestselling Dream Team (2012), the critically acclaimed Seven Seconds or Less, and collaborations with Shaquille O’Neal and Olympic gold medalist speed skater Dan Jansen. As a writer with Sports Illustrated for nearly 30 years, he is best known for his pro basketball coverage, and he also edited the weekly Scorecard section. He is currently a special contributor to the magazine. McCallum won the Curt Gowdy Award from the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2005 and before that was awarded the national Women’s Sports Foundation Media Award. Today, McCallum teaches journalism at Muhlenberg College, his alma mater, and lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Donna.
This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.
Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book, its author, or the publisher. Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.
© 2013 by Jack McCallum
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.
Book design by George Karabotsos
Excerpt from AMERICAN PASTORAL by Philip Roth.
Copyright © 1997 by Philip Roth. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the publisher.
ISBN-13: 978–1–60961–055–5 hardcover
eISBN-13: 978–1–60961–558–1
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