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We Belong Together: A BBW Second Chance Romance

Page 15

by Weston Parker

  "No. I need to talk with Joe about a few things." She ran her hand down my chest and cupped my dick, hiding her tight grip on me with her body. "But this is mine tonight."

  "Baby. That's yours every night." I leaned in to taste her one more time before turning and walking to the players’ plane. Fucking her in the middle of the air would have been a serious treat, but it simply wasn't meant to be. I needed her as much as she needed me for sure. After the last two days of moving around like a zombie, the intensity of a long fuck with my girl was in order.

  "Hey man. You dating the boss lady now?" Rodriguez motioned for me to come sit by him.

  "She's always been mine, man. You didn't know?" I sat down and buckled up. Jeremy walked onto the plane next, surprising me a little. "Hey, man. They let riff-raff like you in here?"

  "Fuck yeah. About damn time too." He sat down across the aisle from me. "I was starting to lose my celebrity status and shit. I was actually having to try with women. I didn't spend all those years playing ball and busting my ass to have to come up with a pickup line." He sat down and smiled over at us. "Hey. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, Danny."

  "Thanks, man." I glanced around as the guys took turns giving their condolences to me over my dad's death. It was still painful as fuck, and I probably shouldn't have been leaving town, but the family gathering was over, and my mom was visiting her sister in Oregon with Lyndsay. It was a good time to get back with the team and try and pull my life back together.

  "So, you and Terra have been a thing since back in the day?" Rodriguez asked.

  "Oh yeah. She was my first girlfriend."

  "And your first lover?" Jeremy wagged his eyebrows and let out a cat-call.

  Everyone laughed and joined in the fun. I nodded, letting them think what they wanted to. In my mind, the memory had been re-grafted to include her. She was everything to me and should have been my first. That was good enough.

  "Take a picture of the man on the mound tonight, folks. It's hot and heavy and he's not even breaking a sweat." The announcer's voice was loud over the speakers in Oakland, but I loved it.

  The pitcher’s mound was where I'd lived most of my life. It's where I sorted out my mistakes and found the best parts of myself. Not smiling in front of a camera or pretending to be the cocky asshole I'd become over the years thanks to the life I'd lived. It was just me and the ball. The way life was meant to be for a simple guy like me.

  I reared back and put the ball into Gary's glove, putting the third batter in the bottom of the eighth down. We were going to win the game if I had anything to do about it.

  The crowd in the stands grew silent as I walked back to the dugout.

  "Great job, McAdams. You in for one more tonight, or are you ready for us to bring in the relief pitcher?" Joe patted my back and reached over like he was going to call down to the bullpen to get Jeremy up and ready.

  "Give me a second to think about it." I moved down into the dugout and put my glove up before standing near the opening on the far left. I'd put a lot of batters down and been given more accolades than I could remember. A smile touched my lips as my mind went back to the first night Terra and I found the courage to sneak into the baseball field after it closed.

  "Your dad is going to fucking kill us, you wild thing." I reached for her hand as she took off toward the crimson dirt.

  "No. He'll understand." She spun around and jerked my hand, pulling me close to her. "Kiss me."

  "Yes, ma'am." I leaned down and closed my eyes as she stepped up and kissed me instead. The girl was so fucking forward, and yet I loved it. It made me feel alive like I was the only guy in the world she saw.

  "You know one day you're going to play in a place like this." She leaned back a little as her long red hair billowed in the wind around us.

  I clasped my hands together as I held her, my arm wrapped tightly around her waist. "And where will you be, baby?"

  "Up there." She pointed to the owners’ box and laughed. "Serving drinks and flirting with the rich guys."

  "The old rich guys." I pulled her back up and kissed her again. We couldn't have been more then fifteen. "You like old guy balls? Pretty nasty, Ter. Even for you."

  "Maybe?" She smiled and the world seemed brighter.

  I released her and pretended to gag as she jogged toward the pitcher’s mound and got into position. "Do you think you'll ever grow tired of me? Like, find someone with bigger boobs or maybe a prettier smile?"

  She was so unsure of herself, but I made it my job to remind her of what I saw in her, not the fucked up lies she told herself. "No, baby. There's no one for me but you."

  She yelped as I pulled her back into my arms and we stumbled, rolling onto the soft green grass. I positioned myself between her legs and leaned down to kiss her again.

  "Are you sure about that?" She pushed at my chest, denying me the warmth of her lips.

  "I'm an ass-man." I wagged my eyebrows. "Keep that ass and we'll always be in business."

  "Daniel?" Joe moved up behind me. "We've got one more batter and we're at the top of the ninth."

  "Send in Jeremy. He needs a redeeming moment." I glanced over at our head coach and smiled. "I've already got mine."

  "I would agree with that." He patted me on the back and picked up the phone, calling down to the bullpen and telling Rick to send in a relief pitcher. I dropped down on the bench and leaned back, taking in the moment.

  Terra and I were going to be fine, and before I knew it, we'd be married. I'd make sure to take things as slow as she wanted me to up to an extent. Lyndsay needed a brother or a sister, and I was ready for another baby in my life.

  I stood back up as Jeremy jogged out to the mound. He put the first two batters down, no problem. Paul Thompson was up last. He glanced over at me in the dugout and gave me a look.

  I just smiled. I had nothing left to do or say where the bastard was concerned. He didn't end up with my girl, and he was shit out of chances. I wasn't letting her go again. Not ever.

  It felt good knowing that I didn't have a damn thing left to prove to him or anyone else.

  I could simply be me. For the first time in a long time.

  Chapter 30


  "Dude. Danny. Thank you so much for letting me take that last round." Jeremy bobbed around on his feet as Danny and I sat with Joe in the hotel restaurant later that night. It was late, and I was beat beyond belief, but I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to have dinner with Joe.

  "Anytime, man." Danny reached out and popped the guy in the stomach. "Now, take your wild ass on and let us old people eat dinner with Terra."

  "Good save," I mumbled and gave Joe a grin. "He wanted to call me old too."

  "I think you're right." Joe winked.

  "Hey. I'm right fucking here. Jeez." Danny turned and smiled at me. "What did you and Joe catch up on during the flight over here?"

  I glanced over at my father's oldest friend. "I think you can tell Danny about it."

  "It's highly confidential." Joe leaned back in his chair and picked up his glass of wine. "But I seriously think the HGH is being administered by Alan."

  "Danes?" Danny's voice rose. "No way. He's been with us as long as you have, Joe."

  Joe motioned for him to pipe down a little. I reached over and slid my hand along Danny's thigh, squeezing softly. "There's a lot of evidence pointing to him, baby."

  "Wow." Danny reached up and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "That's a shocker for sure."

  "Well, keep it to yourself. We're not done with the investigation, but another guy was popped for HGH last week while you were going through your family's loss. We traced it back and realized that Alan was helping the guys with various supplements.

  "Fuck that." Danny shook his head.

  "We'll figure it out and take care of it." I stood and stretched. "I'm headed to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open."

  "Let me walk you to your room." Danny stood up and extended his hand to Joe. "Thanks for givi
ng me another chance, Coach."

  "Thanks for apologizing and being the kind of man your father would be proud of. I know Martin thought you hung the moon and stars at night too." He stood and smiled at me. "You two take care of each other. Life's too hard to have strife."

  I nodded. "And the night ends when the wise man speaks." I waved and walked toward the elevator with Danny beside me.

  "I thought it was when the fat lady sings."

  "I like to be original." I got into the elevator and reached for him. "Are you just walking me to my room?"

  "That's the start of the plan." He leaned against me and licked my lips. "I'm thinking we have some ground to make up. I haven't heard you moan since the night you gave yourself over to me."

  "I know. It's a shame. I don't have my virginity to entice you anymore." I ran my hands down his sides and stifled the need to grind against him. He was everything I wanted in my life and my bed.

  "Baby, you don't need anything to entice me with but your sexy body and that seductive voice." He leaned in and rolled his hips as he kissed me, running his thick erection down my center.

  "God, that feels good," I mumbled against his lips.

  "That's nothing. Wait until I get you naked, Ter." He moved back as the door opened and reached for my hand, pulling me out with him. "And to think I almost fucked things up with you."

  "I don't know if that's entirely right." I tucked myself against his side as he wrapped an arm around me. We walked to my hotel room door and I moved in front of him.

  "Then tell me what's wrong with it." He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed my breasts softly as he nipped at the side of my neck. Chill bumps covered my skin as my nipples budded tightly.

  "You'd have to do a lot more than beat up an asshole I used to date and scream in my face to get rid of me. I've known that you were supposed to be mine all my life. A few seconds of you being a dick isn't going to change that." I got the door opened and walked in.

  "Noted." He pulled his shirt over his head and walked toward me aggressively as I turned and reached for him again.

  "Be easy with me. I've only been with one man, and only one time." I helped him get my shirt off and worked on my bra as he worked on his jeans and then mine.

  "We should remedy that. A body like this should be fucked daily." He tugged my jeans down and leaned in, flicking his tongue over the wet spot at the front of my panties. "Hell, yeah. I want you in my mouth."

  "I know the feeling." I slid my hand into his hair and draped a leg over his shoulder. "Let's sixty-nine like we used to."

  He glanced up as a smile covered his handsome face. "There's my dirty girl."

  "Who said she went anywhere?" I moved my panties to the side and used my grip on his hair to pull him closer to my pussy.

  "Not me," he whispered roughly and leaned in to roll his tongue through my folds. He pulled back. "On the bed on your back. I wanna fuck your mouth for a little while."

  "Yes." I pulled my leg down and got up on the bed, laying on my back before pulling my panties down my legs. "Let's not fight anymore, okay? I don't want to live a life that you're not in."

  "Agreed, angel." He got up on the bed and stretching out on top of me, making love to my mouth for a few seconds before turning and repositioning. He pulled his boxers off with ease, freeing his thick, swollen cock from its hold.

  I reached up and stroked him before guiding him down toward my mouth. The delicious flavor on him on my tongue combined with his long, deep thrusts was enough to leave me aching for penetration, but the minute he spread his mouth over my pussy, all bets were off.

  A moan left me but got trapped behind his thick shaft as he pressed it deep into my throat. I reached around him and gripped his ass as my eyes fluttered closed. Heaven couldn't be far away. Pleasure danced along my nerve endings and heat built up in my lower back and stomach.

  He lifted up on his arms and moaned. "I'm going to come, Ter. Suck hard like you know how to baby. Take that dick and abuse it."

  I did just as he asked and tightened my lips around his huge shaft, sucking him off like my life depended on it.

  "That's it. Drink it, baby. All of it." He cried out as he rocked against my mouth, fucking me like he owned me.

  I drank him down and dug my nails into his perfect ass until he turned over and dropped on his back. "Come here and I'll finish you off too, baby."

  "No. I want your dick." I got up and moved to sit on top of him, reverse cowgirl. I wasn't sure what the fuck I was doing, but I knew he loved my ass, and I wanted to feel him moving inside of me.

  "Do whatever you want with him." He gripped my ass with both hands and pulled me down as I leaned forward and positioned myself to take him. "Fuck."

  I gripped his thighs and bounced carefully backward, trying not to take too much at a time. I was still learning my body and my limits. He was a big guy, but he was the only guy I'd ever make love to as far as I was concerned. All I needed was to make him fit a few more times and my body would grow accustomed to him.

  "You should see how goddamn good this looks, Ter." He pulled my ass apart and groaned as he thrust upward, putting a few more inches in me.

  "You feel so good." I reached behind me and pressed my hands into his chest as I rolled my hips and watched his body drive into mine with a strong intensity. My breasts bounced with each thrust, and as he always did, he made me feel beautiful.

  "A couple more inches, baby and you're home." He slid his hand into my hair and gripped it hard, pulling a little. His other hand clamped onto my hip. "I'm going to find your spot. Just let me know if I hurt you."

  "I will." I whimpered at the submissive position he had me in. I was completely bent to his will as he lifted his hips and rolled them, massaging my pussy as if there were anywhere left for him to go.

  We groaned in tandem as another inch disappeared inside of me. "So tight, Ter. Breath and free up a hand to rub on your clit for me. Pinch the sweet little bundle of nerves for me, Terra and come on my dick. It'll feel so good, baby, and loosen you up to fully take me in."

  I reached forward and pulled on my clit as he pulled out and slammed back inside of me. Heat burned the center of my stomach, and something deep inside of me almost purred with delight. He'd found whatever spot he was after.

  "That's it." I moved forward, pulling against the hold he hand on my hair and lifting up to massage the full length of his cock. "We need a condom."

  "It's me, baby. Not some guy you don't know. I want my body inside of yours. Period." He released my hair and sat up, flipping us over and putting me on my hands and knees. He pressed himself back inside of me and reached around to work my pussy how he wanted it worked.

  I buckled under the explosion of pleasure and wet his hand and the bed as I released in deliciously long waves. My cries were only outdone by his deep voice and naughty words, urging me on into a beautiful depravity that I didn't know existed.

  "I'll pull out, but I've gotta come, Ter." He slid his hand up my back and worked my pussy hard and fast, my ass bouncing against his lower stomach as he grunted and cursed.

  I didn't want him to release anywhere but inside of me. If I ended up pregnant, we would deal with it together. I loved him and he loved me. We would find a life together no doubt. It was just a matter of time.

  "That's it. Lift up and milk my dick, baby. I'll pull out."

  "No, don't." I lifted up and pumped my hips, forcing his huge dick in and out of my sloppy wet slit. It felt so wrong and yet so right at the same time.

  "Okay, angel. Move." He gripped my ass and locked up.

  I glanced back at him, falling in love all over again as he watched me with pure bliss. "No," I whispered and slid back down his shaft, taking him over the edge and enjoying every fucking minute of it.

  He might have stolen my first, but I was going to hit a grand slam every night with him for the rest of our lives.



  "It's opening day, man. I'm beyond exci
ted. You?" Jeremy popped my butt and walked onto the field. We had a quick warm up before moving down to the bullpen. I would be opening the game that day, and excited wasn't really the word I was looking for.

  "I'm just hoping like hell that everything goes okay. You know?" I rolled my shoulders and turned my attention up to the owner's box. My girl was already up there, the smile on her face enough to have every cell in my body teaming with desire. We'd been together for nine months, and every day had been better than the last.

  Our GM, Alan was the one behind the HGH bullshit. Once Joe found out, he and Terra got him out of the club so fast it had everyone's head spinning. Jeremy and all the other players who got wrapped up in the shit were back on the team and their names cleared. My mother and Lyndsay were up in the stands, both of them healing from the loss of my dad just like I was. It would take a lot longer than nine months, but we'd get through it like we always did. Together. Terra had played a huge role in helping us move forward, both my mother and Lyndsay falling in love with my beautiful redhead vixen.

  "You playing this one for your dad?" Jeremy glanced over his shoulder as he stopped by the first base.

  "No. I played my guts out for him last season." I blew a kiss up toward Terra. "I'm playing for the woman that's going to be wearing my ring soon."

  "Oh shit." He put his hands on my chest, stopping me. "You're going to do it here? On opening day?"

  "Yeah. Why not?" I smiled and moved past him. After giving Gary a quick nod as he knelt behind home plate, I got on the pitcher's mound. The old guy was going to retire the year before, but like most of us, he just couldn't give it up yet. For the love of the game, we'd all grow old on the crimson dirt and deep green grass.

  "In front of fucking everyone?" Jeremy yelled from the sideline.


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