My Salvation: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance

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My Salvation: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance Page 25

by Stella Brie

  He dips his chin and gives me a faint smile. Turning back to his fans, he addresses the crowd. “Hello! I can’t tell you all how happy I am to see you. It was very nice of you to send me all the great cards and plants. I appreciate all the get well wishes. You might have noticed my sleek piece of metal here.” He taps the wheelchair. “The wheelchair is going to be a part of my future until I regain my strength and heal completely. Please forgive me if I bump into you or get in your way. I apologize in advance for my poor driving skills.” The crowd laughs. “I’m sure Dr. Kate has been taking very good care of you, and she will continue to do so. I’ll slowly slide back into the practice, but you can expect both of us to be here for a long time. Now, let’s get today’s show on the road.” Rubbing his hands, he backs out of the crowd and maneuvers over to me. “Hello, Kate.” He watches my reaction to the wheelchair for a second. “We need to talk, but I want to be sure we have time to do so. Why don’t we see a few patients this morning, and then we can chat at lunch?” His eyes plead with me to agree.

  “OK. I appreciate the effort with the contacts. It helps,” I admit. “Why don’t you take Sarah with you today? I’ve already discussed my prep with her.” Motioning to Sarah, I give him a steady look, then call my first patient.

  The morning flies by, and I finish my patients a bit early. Pulling up a medical journal on my phone, I start reading the article as I walk back to the office. Rounding the desk, I drop into my chair.


  Scrambling up, I look down and note Thayer’s red face.

  OMG! I just sat in his lap.

  “So...sorry,” I stutter as I walk backwards. “I forgot you were here. I’ve been using the desk while you were out, and I was engrossed in this article, and I just didn’t think. Did I hurt you? Do I need to call your rehab center?” Looking around for the phone, I realize I have one in my hand. Bring it up, I start searching for the rehab center’s number.

  “Kate. Stop. Take a deep breath.”

  Looking back at Thayer, I notice his eyes are filled with laughter. “You’re laughing at me?”

  “Laughing with you, I hope. It’s fine. It didn’t hurt. In fact, it felt damn good to have a woman in my lap again.” His eyes trace over my curves, as if he’s just now noticing them. Holding up his hands, he solemnly says, “I promise. It’s all good.”

  My hand reaches out to grab the arm of the chair, and I sink down into it. Looking across the desk, I realize it feels weird to be on this side. I’d gotten so used to this as my office, it feels as if an intruder has taken over.

  “OK. Let’s talk.” Waving my hand at him, I indicate he should begin.

  Smirking, he tilts back his head and says, “Right. I wanted to apologize to you for my behavior towards you. Not only should I have trusted my brother’s judgment, I didn’t know you, and I never should have taken my anger out on you. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  I stare him down, trying to understand if he is sincere or not. Shaw said he felt remorseful, but the apology was clipped, as if the words were forced out of him.

  “Are you sorry?”

  “I just said I was, didn’t I?” Anger tightens his eyes as he glares at me.

  “What you did was cruel. What if I’d had a PTSD episode? You accused me of having a lack of compassion, then cornered me into giving you a piece of my past. I don’t feel you are really ready to apologize. I think you’re only doing this because of my relationship with Lev, Lowell, and Shaw. If that’s the case, you can keep your apology. I don’t need it. I can treat you with professionalism, and we can stay out of each other’s way.”

  “You’re impossible.” His voice raises as he runs his hand through his hair. “I am incredibly sorry. You don’t even know the depths. My mother was abused, and the thought of someone making her relive one moment of her torture fills me with murderous thoughts. And the fact that I did that to you...I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. And I hurt my relationship with my brothers, too.” He shakes his head from side to side, as if astounded by his own behavior. “Give me time. Please. To make it up to you. I promise I’m not a bad guy. Just an ass. Sometimes. And stupid.”

  Releasing my anger, my voice softens as I reply, “I accept your apology. Hell, my therapist thinks it could be good for me. I hadn’t spoken about the abuse to anyone but her. Now I’ve told you, your brothers, and even Sarah this morning. It’s like I’m an open book now.”

  “Thank you.” Pulling his chair forward, he pulls up the files from this morning. “Let’s talk about the patients.”



  I get a text from Lev, stating dinner’s ready. As it’s a nice night, we’re eating outside.

  Rolling on the back patio, I pull up to the table. Lev sets down the platters of food and motions for us to dig in. Mm, it looks like pork chops tonight, with some type of gravy and a salad.

  Shaw hands me the platter as he kicks off the conversation. “Thayer, how are things going in the office?” His simple question is a smoke screen for what he really wants to know.

  “It’s good to be back in the office. Patients are happy, and there are no complaints about Kate. She’s a really great doctor. Smart, compassionate but professional. We’ve collaborated on several patients and cases, and we’re doing well. She and Sarah are thick as thieves.”

  He narrows his eyes to let me know he wants the personal information, not the glossy version I just gave him. Lowell and Lev have also paused their eating while they wait for me to continue.

  “She only converses with me as a doctor. We haven’t had one personal conversation. Questions about my weekend or even basic questions about my recovery are avoided. I don’t know how to break the ice yet, but I’ll keep trying.” Stirring the food on my plate, I stare down at it, not wanting to look at them.

  Lev snorts. “You were an ass to her. It’s going to take more than a month of working together to get her to open up.” He scratches his chin for a second. “Should we invite her back out here? I want to see her in our house, not just at her apartment. And we never get to see her when we are all together.”

  Lowell and Shaw nod in agreement with Lev’s statement.

  “I can help with getting her back here,” I murmur as I quietly think about what to say to get her to change her mind.

  “If you can get her to come back out here to visit, that will go a long way to getting off my shit list,” Lowell states in a matter of fact tone before taking a bite.

  I hate that I disappointed my brothers by being such an ass. While they speak to me, we haven’t really hung out together since that day I forced Kate to tell us what she was hiding. I don’t blame them. If I had a wonderful woman like Kate and my brothers hurt her, the silent treatment would be the least of their concerns.

  We all finish dinner in silence. As they leave, I stay out on the patio, looking at the stars and thinking about Kate.

  THE NEXT AFTERNOON, Kate and I are in my office, finishing our daily recap with each other. Each day, we meet and share updates on patients’ health and confer with each other on any potential treatments. Sarah often joins us, but she left early today to be with some new guy she is dating.

  Rolling over to the bar cart, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. “Want one?”

  Kate hesitates before agreeing. “That sounds really good. Today was a beast.”

  I pour a second glass for her and hand it to her. Taking mine, I roll over to my desk. Having the desk between us, hiding the chair, seems to help Kate with her wheelchair fears. Looking down into the whiskey glass, I contemplate how to broach the subject with her.

  “Just spit it out.”

  I look up to see her fixed stare. “It’s nothing, really. I noticed you haven’t been out to the house lately. I know they miss you and want you with them. And I know you stopped visiting because of me, but I don’t know how to fix it?” My eyes plead with her to help me.

  Rolling her shoulders, she leans her head back on the chair a
nd takes a sip of the whiskey. “I loved coming out to the house, but I’m not sure now. At first I was avoiding it because I didn’t want to see you any more than necessary.” I flinch at her candidness. She contemplates her glass for a second before looking at me. “Spending the last month in the office with you has helped me see you in a different light. My vision skews towards Dr. Bradford now instead of Collin. I guess I’m afraid seeing you in a personal setting again will remind me of him.”

  “I understand.” My mind scrambles as I try to think of a solution to resolve her fears. “What if we start with something small? You’re going out on a date with Lev tonight, right?”

  “Yes, he’s picking me up in...oh shit, any minute now.” She tosses back her drink and stands to go.

  “Wait. What if I went to dinner with you two? It could help you to see me in a personal setting without the feeling of being trapped at the house. What do you think?”

  Her forehead wrinkles as she thinks about it. “I...”

  Lev strides in and sweeps her in his arms. “Hello, sweetheart.”

  He leans down and gives her a deep kiss. I watch the two of them. Fuck. I subtly reach down and adjust myself as I react to their kiss.

  “Ahem.” I cough lightly.

  “Fuck off,” Lev growls quietly, still nibbling on her lips.

  Laughing, she arches away from Lev’s kiss and looks at me. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Lev’s gaze slides between the two of us. “Do what?”

  Kate jumps in before I can answer. “Thayer’s going to dinner with us this evening.”

  “What?” Lev growls before glaring at me. “Why?”

  Kate smacks him on the arm. “Stop. It’s a good thing. If I’m going to start coming out to the house again, I need to get used to him. Outside of the office and his doctor role.”

  “It’s not a role. I am a certified doctor,” I inform her.

  “Yes, I know. Top of your class, war hero, aristocrat, rich background, blah, blah, blah. But that’s not what counts.”

  “Hey, that’s important stuff. It matters.” Grimacing, I expound. “Maybe not the aristocrat, rich stuff, but the other stuff matters.”

  Her hand twirls in the air. “What matters is if you can be a good friend. Can you be on your best behavior over dinner?”

  I give her my haughtiest stare. “I am excellent company.” Laughing, I show her I’m kidding. “It’s all good, I promise.” Clapping my hands together, I ask Lev, “So, where are you taking us?”

  He rolls his eyes at me before sliding over to give Kate a searching look. He must find what he’s looking for, as he turns and tells me, “We’re going to the Thai place up the road. Nothing fancy. I’ll drive you there, but you’re buying your own.”

  “What kind of date is that?”

  “Kate’s my date. You’re just crashing.”

  “That’s no way to treat a man in a wheelchair.”

  “It is when the man is as rich as you. And when you are trying to make up for being an ass.” He winks at Kate. “In fact, you should buy us dinner.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  As we get to his SUV, Lev picks me up and helps me into the back seat before storing the wheelchair. My face burns. I would give anything to be able to walk over and just get in the vehicle by myself.

  “Have you eaten here?” Kate asks me as Lev starts the vehicle.

  “Ever since they opened. My favorite is their Pad Kee Mao.”

  “Mine, too! I eat here way too much, but I can’t resist.”

  Kate smiles at me, and my breath catches. I think that’s the first real smile she’s given me. One without reservation. She’s breathtaking. She catches me staring at her and raises her eyebrow. Shaking my head, I give her one of my most smoldering looks. She laughs. Seriously. Laughs. I guess she doesn’t see me in that light. Gritting my teeth, I tear my gaze away from hers and look out the window.

  At the restaurant, her good mood continues. Lev and I both laugh at her stories. Many of them are about her solo travels and the comical situations she runs into. Frowning, I look at Lev. I don’t like the idea that she travels to all these foreign countries by herself. He silently agrees and tells me he’s working on it. I sigh with relief.

  “So, Thayer, where’s your favorite place?”

  “It would have to be France. From Paris to St. Tropez, I love it all. The history is amazing.”

  “I’ve never been to Paris.” Kate’s voice is wistful as she replies, “It sounds incredible. I should put that on my list, but it always feels like it was meant for lovers, not a single traveler.”

  “Get one of my brothers to take you. I’m sure they would love to go. Lev loves visiting because of the food and wine.” Her smile returns as she looks softly at Lev. Or I could take you, I think to myself. Looking down at the wheelchair, my lips twist. Maybe another day. I change the subject by asking about her favorite place.

  Later, as they drop me off at my accessible van, I pick up Kate’s hand and give it a squeeze. “Thank you for letting me crash your date. I hope to see you at the house soon.”

  My hand tingles as I let go of hers. I watch as she lightly shakes her own.

  Hmm, I wonder if I affect her more than I thought?

  Blowing out a breath, I leave them at her apartment and head home. My mind is cluttered with a million different thoughts from the evening. And her. Smiling, laughing, animated as she tells a good story, her hand in mine at the end. I realize I’ve been a fool. A fool with a long road ahead of him.



  After seeing Thayer off, we head up to the apartment.

  Lev squeezes me. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Seemingly relaxed, worry fills his voice.

  “He was charming. It was a good night. Spending the last few weeks at the office with him, I’d almost forgotten he was your brother, and not just another colleague. I tricked myself into ignoring the other part of him.” Looking up at him, I use my fingers to smooth out the frown lines on his face. “I’ve been hiding. And avoiding. Hiding behind my professional mask. Avoiding Thayer personally. Avoiding the ranch. I needed tonight. Knowing him professionally these last few weeks has given me a glimpse of his true personality. The staff respects him. Patients love him. He is a smart and dedicated doctor. Even with his injuries, it doesn’t slow him down at all.”

  “He’s always been super-focused. It’s probably why he and Shaw get along so well. Sometimes to his detriment, as you know.”

  Lev’s attention starts to wander. Pushing me up against the door, he places little kisses down my throat to my shoulder. Easing my neck to the side, I encourage him to explore further.

  “Hmm...well, he did have a good point. I shouldn’t be afraid to come out to the ranch. How about I come out there Sunday? Are you fixing linner?”

  “Linner?” His head pops up, confusion in his eyes.

  “You know. It’s usually at three in the afternoon, so it’s kind of like lunch and dinner. Linner.”

  “It’s supper. But I don’t care as long as you are coming over.” His grin tells me how happy he is that I’m going back to the ranch. “Now, where was I? Oh, right, that spot on your neck.”

  Reaching out with his tongue, he swipes that hot spot on my neck before sucking on it. Moaning, I angle my head for more. It’s as if he lights a fire with a single match. Desire races through me, incinerating any desire to go slow.

  My need to touch and be touched is overwhelming. Tapping him on the shoulder, I demand, “Raise up.”

  As soon as he raises his head, I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it up. He helps me get it off.

  Yes. This is what I needed, my hands on his warm brown skin.

  Playing lightly with his nipples until he shudders, I score my nails lightly across his back, to the front, and down his abs. All mine, I think. My hands are frantic as they coast over his body, mapping every area, as if I’m looking for something new. He groans and grabs my head in his hand
s, pulling back my hair so he can see my face.

  Falling to his knees before me, his hands pull off my blouse and bra and throw them to the side. Hands grab my breasts, holding them for the tongue that follows. Sucking hard, licking, kissing. His mouth is everywhere, reciprocating my touch.

  Fingers jerk at the buttons on my pants. Yanking them off, along with my thong, I hear him groan. Without missing a beat, his mouth skims down to my clit, capturing it in his mouth before he gives me a long lick. I whimper with need. Not tonight. My hands grab on to his head and shoulders to stop him.

  “Lev, not now, I need you.”

  “I know, sweetheart. Me, too.”

  He backs me up against the door. Pulling his jeans down halfway, he thrusts into me. Dark green eyes close on entry, as if to savor the feeling before he thrusts deep and hard again.

  “It’s not deep enough. Please, Lev.” I need to feel him as deep as he can go.

  Pulling my legs up around his waist, he deepens our position. Now it feels as if he is entering straight into me.

  “Is that better? Deeper?” Moaning, he thrusts again, without waiting for my answer.

  “Mm, yes, deeper.” I can feel every inch of him, all the way. “That’s it. Faster. Harder.” My body is completely open to every thrust. Squeezing him tight, I match his thrusts.

  “Fuck, yes. Sweetheart. Do that again.”

  I squeeze him tight as he pulls out. He’s thrusting fast now. That’s it. I just want to feel his hard cock pounding into me. With a scream, I come hard. My body ripples against his as it spreads out. Giving a long moan and a couple strokes, he comes, too.


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