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A Real Man Special Edition 2

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  This heat filled me, and I pushed myself up, speared my hands in his hair, and claimed his mouth this time. I tasted myself on his tongue and lips, this sweet but musky flavor that had me turned on all over again.

  He thrust his tongue between my lips. I couldn’t help but make this small noise in the back of my throat. He groaned, speared his hand in my hair, and pulled on the strands forcefully. I felt the hot, hard length of him between my thighs as he continued to kiss me.

  His flavor was masculine, potent. He swirled his tongue around the inside of my mouth. Without breaking the kiss, he reached between us and placed the tip of his erection at the entrance of my body. Everything inside of me stilled, tensed.

  “Are you ready?”

  I nodded.

  “Good, because once I’m in you, claiming you, there’s no’ going back.” He stared into my eyes and then, in one swift thrust, was buried inside of me. He tunneled through my hymen, making it his.

  He groaned, closed his eyes, and I saw how taut his body became. I gasped at the pain, at the sensitivity. He was huge, his balls pressing against my ass, his warm breath skating along my lips.

  I felt full, so stretched it stole everything from me in the best of ways.

  “Are you okay?” He smoothed his thumb along my cheek.

  I nodded.

  After a few moments he started moving.

  Alastair thrust in and out slowly at first, letting me get accustomed to his size, his girth. He breathed hard, heavily, his strength and self-control clearly on display. Perspiration covered his face, and I watched as little droplets started making their way down his chest as well.

  He leaned back slightly and looked down at where our bodies met.

  “You’re stretched so far around my dick, just taking me all, and loving every fooking minute of it, aren’t you?”

  I could only nod.

  His massive chest rose and fell as he breathed, beads dotting his skin.

  “You’re so damn pink, so wet for me.” He groaned out the last word and buried himself to the hilt in me. For a moment he did nothing but stay still, breathing heavily.

  My inner muscles were clenching rhythmically around his girth, the sensation pleasurable but also uncomfortable.

  He looked at me and then started pulling out slowly, almost painfully. When the tip was lodged in the opening of my body, I rose up slightly and looked down. Watching him fuck me seemed almost obscene, but I didn’t want to stop.

  He was so huge inside of me, my skin stretched wide around his girth. But I was wet, so damn wet my inner thighs were sticky from my arousal. Alastair started moving in and out of me harder, faster. I heard him breathing heavily, his hands on my waist, his fingers digging into my flesh.

  I couldn’t brace my weight up anymore. I rested back on the desk, felt the wood heat from my body, and moaned. The sound of our wet skin slapping together was so filthily good. I was going to come; I could feel it claiming me.

  But before I could let go, Alastair was pulling out of me.

  “What—” The words stalled in my throat as he lifted me easily, set me on the ground, and turned me around.

  He palmed my ass, gripped the mounds and squeezed them in his big hands until the pain mixed with pleasure. This man would be the death of me. I looked over my shoulder at the same time he smacked my ass, the flesh jiggling, the sound of skin on skin loud. I looked at his dick, all long and hard, covered in not only my glistening arousal but also a few streaks of my virgin blood.

  And then he was sliding back into me, not making me wait to feel that stretch. He stilled once inside, my breath gone, my pulse racing.

  “You deserve slow, so fooking slow, lass,” Alastair gritted out, still not moving.

  I couldn’t even speak.

  And then he was pulling out and pushing back in, gentle and easy.

  “More,” I begged. And as if he couldn’t deny me, he started picking up speed until the sound of our skin slapping together filled my ears.

  “So. Damn. Good.” He growled the words out. He had such a tight, painful hold on me. I loved it. “You feel how hard I am for you?”

  God, yes I could.

  “Watch as I fook you, as I make you mine.”

  I looked down the length of my body and could see his balls swinging as he fucked me. That alone had me going over the edge with pleasure.

  “Give it tae me. I need it all, Molly.” It was like he was speaking to himself, groaning and grunting the words in that Scottish brogue of his.

  And then he was holding my hips so tightly the pain and pleasure had me gasping. Over and over he thrust in and out of me, burying himself deep inside of my body, claiming me, owning me.

  He murmured harsh and guttural words, ones that had these tingles racing up my body. The discomfort of giving my virginity to him, of feeling him stretch me, shove all those thick, hard inches into me, had me crying out.

  And then he grunted, shoved into me once more, and said, “You’re mine.”

  I didn’t care that he was my professor, didn’t care if we weren’t supposed to be doing these dirty, taboo things. I wanted his cock deep in me, wanted him wanting me, filling me up, and making me scream out for more.

  His whole body was tight, tense. He filled me with his cum, bathing me in it until all I could feel was Alastair.

  And that’s all I wanted to feel.



  One week later

  Pretending that things between Alastair and me were nothing more than a student/teacher relationship at the university was my idea. No one needed to get in trouble because we had feelings for each other, because we couldn’t even wait to get to a bedroom to have sex.

  My face heated at that thought, thinking about how Alastair had pushed me back on the desk and taken my virginity.

  That had only been a week ago, and I wanted more, so much more. We’d seen each other every day, gotten to know each other, and although I wanted to tell him as much, I was nervous.

  The door opened, and he entered the class, his aura powerful, strong, commanding. He was a dominant man in general, and everyone knew it. I could see the guys shifting on their seats, heard them clear their throats. I saw the girls exhaling roughly, their focus trained right on Alastair.

  I wanted to tell them he was mine.

  For the next hour I couldn’t concentrate, but Alastair seemed the total opposite. He was professional, thorough, and even though I saw him looking at me, this heat behind his eyes, he never faltered. He stayed the professor, teaching, being clinical.

  After class I was slow in gathering my things. I was the last to start to leave.

  “Miss Crane, can you stay after for a moment?” Alastair’s voice was deep and heavy, making me tingle all over. Although this was him trying to keep things professional, I knew the heat that lay beneath. Hell, even looking at his desk made me wet and needy.

  I started making my way toward him.

  “Close the door, please.”

  An even harder shiver worked its way up my spine. Just hearing him tell me what to do, his voice erotic, his brogue thick, had me soaked instantly. Then I was right in front of him, my arousal like a living entity for me.

  He rose, walked around the desk, and before I knew what was happening, he had me in an embrace. I melted into him, parting my lips and letting him plunge his tongue into my mouth.

  When he moved back, I took a deep breath, not wanting this moment to end.

  “Let me take you out, lass. Let me show you off and let everyone kno’ you’re mine.”

  I felt my heart beating, hard, frantic, wild. I wanted him to do more than that, but showing me off, others knowing I was his, even if this relationship was “taboo,” made tingles race through me.

  “I’d like that.”

  I felt the air leave my lungs and knew that, no matter what, this man was making me fall harder than I ever thought possible.

  And I’m looking forward to having Alastair catch me
before I hit the ground.


  Later that night

  Alastair pulled the car to a stop in front of my driveway. The inside of the car was hot, the scent of him filling my head, making me feel drunk. Dinner had been intimate, sweet even. We hadn’t seen anyone we knew from school, but strangely we hadn’t cared about that anyway.

  “I had a great time.” I didn’t really want the night to end, but also didn’t want this relationship to be about sex. Although the sex was amazing, getting to know Alastair was just as important.

  “Good, because I want tae make you happy.” He leaned in a little closer, and I smelled the masculine scent of his cologne. It consumed me, made me even more intoxicated.

  He looked at me like he was … hungry for me, starved for everything that made me up. Suddenly I felt light-headed and out of breath.

  As the seconds moved by and we held each other’s gazes, I felt the air shift around us. It got hotter, thicker.

  “I should probably get inside.” God, my voice was so tight, my arousal coursing inside of me.

  He shifted on his seat, and I wanted to look down and see if he was aroused. Hell, I knew he was, but I wanted to see for myself.

  “Fook, you’re so damn pretty, lass.”

  I looked into his eyes. He made my skin tighten and my inner muscles clench in need. I was so wet for him.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He moved a little closer to me.

  “Getting you inside is more important than doing what I really want.” His voice was thick. “But it’s really fooking hard tae stop myself.”

  He leaned in another inch, and I found myself doing the same. For a second we breathed the same air. His body was so big, so muscular, that he seemed to block out everything behind him. And his kilt, God, his kilt turned me on.

  And then I heard a dog barking in the distance and that seemed to have reality slamming into me.


  Fook, I wanted her, wanted tae take her right now. But as much as I needed tae make the night last, I kne’ being overbearing wouldn’t bode well for anyone.

  This part of me—this strong, powerful side—wanted tae turn the car back on, pull out of the driveway, and take her back tae my place. She needed tae be there, needed tae be in my bed, under me, knowing she was mine.

  I dinna want tae let her leave, dinna want tae let her walk away even if I kne’ I’d see her again. Truth be told I wanted tae put her over my shoulder, carry her tae my place, and make her mine all night long.

  And then a dog barked and broke up the moment we had. I smiled, chuckling to myself at the timing.

  I got out of the car, and before I could make my way tae her side and open the door, she was out already. I smirked. My woman was definitely independent, and as much as I loved that, I wanted tae take care of her in all ways.

  I walked her tae the front entrance, the light outside flickering, the life almost out of it. No, I dinna like her being here.

  “Thank you for tonight. It was really great—”

  I had her in my arms before she finished her sentence. I pressed her up against the side of the apartment building, no’ caring if anyone saw. The sound she made was sweet, a gasp of pleasure and surprise.

  “I should get inside,” she said softly, no heat in her words. “Because anyone could see us.” She sounded more pleasure-filled now.

  I pressed my lower half tae hers, letting her feel how much I wanted her. “Do you care if anyone sees?” I cupped her cheek, then slid my hand down tae her throat. I had a loose hold on her. “You feel how much I want you, lass?” I could see her pulse beating rapidly.

  She made a soft sound, and I growled low. “I want you really fucking badly, Molly.”

  She moaned the word “yes,” then smoothed her hands over my shoulders. I heard the sound of someone gasping behind me, and looked over my shoulder tae see an older couple walking up.

  The older woman scoffed, and they walked intae the building.

  “You’re so bad,” she said on a light laugh.

  I stepped back. “Yeah, but I still want you.” I grinned. “I guess we’ve had enough excitement for one night.” I pulled her in for a kiss, no’ pulling away until she was breathless and clutching tae me.

  “God, Alastair.”

  I smoothed my finger over her bottom lip, wanting her right then and there, but knowing pushing her and acting like a fooking caveman wouldn’t have her seeing that I was the man she was meant tae be with.

  I’d show her for the rest of my life that this right here, her and me, was meant tae be.

  And she was meant tae be with me. Only me.

  Epilogue One


  One year later

  I’d never seen anything more beautiful than the Scottish countryside in front of me. Green, rolling hills, an overcast sky that had me wanting to grab a warm blanket and book, but most of all I had the man I loved beside me.

  I looked over at Alastair, and although he just stood there, staring off into the distance, he seemed like he was in his element.

  It was hard to believe I’d only met him a year ago. I had known what I wanted, even back then, and he was mine.

  He turned and looked at me, his strawberry-blond hair cut short to his head, his face set in hard angular lines, and his cheeks and chin covered in a light scruff. I lowered my gaze down his hard, broad shoulders, along his narrow hips, and stared at his kilt. God, this man in a kilt did things to me … hot, erotic things.

  This was my Scottish man. All mine.

  He pulled me in, just held me, the wind whipping around us but his body heat keeping me warm.

  He’d surprised me with a trip to Scotland, to visit where he was from, his family, friends, and show me where he grew up. I felt good here, like I wasn’t some stranger looking around blindly, but then again, being with Alastair made everything seem right.

  He pulled me back, cupped my chin, and for long seconds just stared at me. I felt the air around us change, not because it was warming up but because something was going to happen. I could feel it wrapping around me.

  “Marry me, lass.”

  My breath stalled.

  “You already make me the happiest man in the world, but having you by my side, as mine forever, would be perfection.” He smoothed a finger along the side of my face. “I donna want tae be without you.”

  He got down on one knee, producing the most gorgeous ring I’d ever seen, and that’s when I broke down and started crying. I wasn’t a child, had already graduated college and had a job in the field I’d studied.

  I also had Alastair and was deliriously happy.

  But this … this went far beyond anything else. This went into the realm of having everything come full circle.

  “So, Molly my lass, what do you say? Marry me?”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes and nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  He picked me up and crushed me to his big body.

  “Ah, lass, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

  He squeezed me tighter, the air leaving me. I loved it though.

  “I dinna kno’ what living was until you came intae my life, lass.”

  Me either.

  Epilogue Two


  Six months after the wedding

  I was scared shitless, not sure if this would be something Alastair was ready for … if I was ready for this, to be a mother. I stared at the test stick, the pink lines staring back at me like this warning—or maybe this promise of the future.

  I didn’t want to think negatively about this, and although I was scared, I also knew I wanted this baby.

  I looked down at my wedding ring. We’d only been married six months. Would this be too much for Alastair, too soon? Just then I heard the front door open.

  I stepped out of the bathroom, the stick in my hand, my mind in a daze. I saw Alastair, and he looked right at me.


  I cou
ld hear in his voice that he knew something was up, that he could see it on my face. He glanced down and saw the pregnancy test in my hand, and I felt the air change, shift.

  God, this is it.


  I could see she was nervous, kne’ it was because of the little stick she held. I was in front of her in the next instant.

  She had tears in her eyes, and I cupped her cheeks, wanting nothing more than tae make her feel better. I pulled her close. My heart was thundering, and my palms were sweaty. “Molly, my sweet lass.”

  “I feel like I’m on this ledge about to fall over.”

  “Shhh, everything is going tae be fine.” I leaned back and cupped her cheeks again, staring in her eyes, willing her tae try and be calm. “A baby?” I already kne’ the answer, given her reaction, and I was trying tae keep my own excitement over the situation down. I needed tae make sure she was okay first. I dinna want her tae feel any more overwhelmed than she was.

  After a second she smiled and nodded, and that’s when I smiled too.

  “You think this is too soon?” Her voice was soft, distant. She was so worried. That could have brought me tae my knees.

  “I’ve known you were mine since the moment I saw you. And having you as my wife made things real, lass. They are so fooking real.” I kissed the top of her head.

  “A baby, Alastair. We’re going to be parents.” She started laughing softly, her happiness clear, but that underlying nervousness still there.

  “Aye, lass. A baby.” I didn’t hide my own excitement anymore. I’d been waiting tae even bring up children with her, thinking it was too soon for her tae even consider it.


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