A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 20

by Jenika Snow

  Rye grunted. He slammed into me, then rotated his hips, pressing his body against the bundle of nerves that made up my slit. Sensations moved through me.

  “Kiss me.” I didn’t care if I was begging. And he didn’t make me wait or ask again. He had his mouth slammed on mine, his tongue speared between my lips. Our combined flavors mixed together as we pressed our tongues against each other. Rye was thrusting into me in quick, hard strokes.

  I moaned, unable to stop myself.

  On the fourth thrust he buried himself all the way inside of me. I moaned at the intensity I felt. The sound of his pleasure had my own rising higher. And then I felt the hot jets of his cum fill me, felt him get thicker inside of me. He groaned and shook atop me.

  God, it was arousing knowing that I caused this reaction in him.

  When his weight became almost too much for me, he rolled off, but kept me close to his body. I liked that, loved knowing that he needed to have me close to him. I felt myself start to relax even further, knowing what true happiness and completion felt like.

  For several seconds we did nothing but lie there, his big, muscular body curled around mine protectively. He reached between my legs, moved his finger around my pussy hole, and then pushed the digit into me.

  “My cum belongs in here, stays in here, and you’ll know you’re mine every fucking day for the rest of your life.”

  I gasped at the sensitivity between my legs. He shifted me so I was now facing him, his hand still between my legs, his finger still buried deep in me. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. This was what I wanted in life: Rye holding me, telling me I was his. I wouldn’t fight how I felt anymore. I wouldn’t try and pretend this wasn’t where I was meant to be, who I was meant to be with. My father might or might not understand, but in the end I knew what I wanted.

  In the end this was my life and I needed to do what made me happy, damn the consequences.



  I stared at Kash from across the table, the side of my face throbbing from when he’d hit me just moments ago. But I'd let him punch the fuck out of me, let him get his aggression out over the fact I’d just told him Jessa was mine and I wasn't giving her up.

  I glanced to the side and saw my girl standing there, her hands twisted together, her expression worried. I wanted to go to her and tell her everything would be okay, that I'd make sure it was.

  Kash had come home just an hour ago and I'd been sitting here waiting for him, not about to deny any of this. I wanted him to know right away that Jessa was mine.

  As soon as Kash had walked through the door and seen me standing beside his daughter, the confusion and anger morphed across his face.

  He'd known before I said anything.

  And it had only taken a second after I got the words out that Kash had slugged the side of my face. But I let him hit me, let him get out his anger over what had transpired.

  Jessa took a step forward and stood beside me. I clenched my hands, wanting to pull her closer, wanting to have her right on my lap. But I respected Kash too much to be disrespectful like that. He was clearly trying to understand all of this, and shoving my affection for his daughter in his face wouldn’t do anything but piss him off more.

  Kash looked at Jessa, his expression unreadable. “How long has this been going on?” he asked, his voice void of emotion.

  After he hit me, Jessa had screamed out for him to stop. He'd done so instantly and took a step back, obviously trying to rein in his anger. I couldn't blame him. If the roles had been reversed I would've reacted the same way.

  “It hasn't been going on.” Jessa looked over at me. “But I've loved him for a while now, and I don't want to hold my feelings back any longer.”

  I curled my fingers even harder into my palms, my blunt nails digging into my flesh. I loved her too. I looked at Kash, staring at the man I had known for longer than I cared to admit, wanting him to see how genuine this was. I was a bastard in a lot of ways, and had never really cared about anything.

  But when it came to Jessa she was it for me.

  And I was tired of pretending otherwise.

  “I love her, Kash. Nothing was ever done behind your back until this one time.” I saw his jaw clenching and knew that little bit of information had pissed him off. I couldn't blame him, but I was also going to be honest.

  He looked at his daughter then, his gaze softening. “You know this isn’t something that I can just accept?”

  She didn’t answer Kash right away. Jessa exhaled and closed her eyes for a moment. “I hope you do, though. I love him, and I know he cares for me. I’m not a fool, Dad. I don’t just jump head first into situations. You know that.”

  Kash rubbed a hand over his face and looked between the two of us. “Fucking hell,” he said without any heat in his voice. “You’re so much fucking older than her, Rye.”

  “I’ll protect her,” I said with determination in my voice. “I’ll make sure she never wants for fucking anything.” I could see the tenseness in Kash slowly starting to dissipate. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Yeah, I know you’ll do all of that.”

  I felt like this heaviness was lifting from me. I might be a badass to anyone who fucked with me, but Kash was a business partner, a friend, and seeing him pissed at me—and rightly so—felt like shit.

  “You’re okay with this … with us?” Jessa asked softly.

  Kash didn’t respond right away, but finally he exhaled. “Your happiness and wellbeing are all that I want.” He looked at me then. “And if being happy with Rye is what you want, then so be it. I know he’ll protect you with his life.”

  And I would. I will.


  Several days later

  I sat at one of the empty tables at my father and Rye’s bar, the glass of Coke in front of me warm and the ice already melted. I thought back to all the things that had happened up to this point. I thought about how my father had accepted what I wanted, and how he’d wanted to speak with Rye alone. I wondered what was being said, wondered if there would be threats to not hurt me, like I imagined fathers said to their daughters’ boyfriends.

  I didn’t ask Rye about any of it, because I just wanted to enjoy the fact I was with him, my father wouldn’t have an issue, and I could finally be happy with the man I wanted. And the last couple of days hadn’t changed anything between my father or me. He hadn’t mentioned my relationship with Rye, maybe because he was still trying to come to grips with it, but he was also not trying to talk me out of it either.

  I exhaled and ran my finger along the glass.

  “Hey.” The sloppy, slurred voice behind me had me rolling my eyes.

  The bar was pretty much dead, aside from a few stragglers hanging around. I didn’t bother saying anything, because interacting would only have him thinking I was interested, especially since he was drunk.

  I felt his hand on my shoulder and was about to turn around and say some choice words, but before I could his hand was gone and I was looking over my shoulder in shock as Rye stood over him. The man was on the floor, Rye having clearly knocked him backward.

  “Touch what’s mine again and I’ll be sure to snap off those fucking hands of yours. You got me?” His voice was deep, serious … deadly.

  The guy nodded and quickly got off the ground to wisely head in the other direction. I looked up at Rye from where I sat and saw he was already looking at me.

  “Come here, Jessa.”

  I was out of my seat and in his embrace seconds later. I felt everyone staring at us, but I didn’t care. If they didn’t already know I was Rye’s they would find out soon enough.

  “Was that really necessary?” I teased, knowing that Rye did whatever the hell he wanted.

  He grunted and stroked the back of my head. “When it concerns you everything is fucking necessary.”

  I smiled against his chest and closed my eyes. Yeah, this life was certainly no
t what I’d ever thought I’d have, but I’d certainly envisioned it plenty of times.

  Epilogue One


  One year later

  What I felt for Rye was wild and free, intense and crazy.

  I heard the sound of a vehicle pulling in, and set my book aside to rise and go to the window. Over the last year I’d moved out of my father’s house, gotten my own little place, and continued to see Rye. I won’t say my father was exactly accepting right from the beginning, giving us his blessing as soon as we told him, but he knew I was happy. He knew I didn’t make rash decisions. He also knew Rye, the type of man he was, and he trusted him.

  Things had definitely changed over the last year in my relationship with Rye. We were closer than I ever thought possible, and that was saying something, seeing as our relationship was far from conventional. He still ran guns illegally, was still that dangerous “criminal” that everyone feared. But he was honest and caring, genuine, and showed me love. He gave me affection, protected me, and made sure I was happy.

  He didn’t hurt people, didn’t do things that purposefully put others in harm’s way, and at the end of the day we were just two people in a relationship. He might have been called an animal on the best of days, this feral creature that didn’t conform to society or follow rules. But he was my animal.

  I grew wet and needy, my body wanting the things only Rye could give me. I watched as he left his SUV, the sun starting to set, the dusk causing him to be partially covered by light and darkness.

  He came toward the house and I stepped away from the window. My heart was thundering, my palms sweating. I wanted him, needed him, and all I’d seen was him getting out of the vehicle.

  I was starting college again, another semester that would help me get my degree in business management. And although I was thick into my schoolwork, having Rye come over every night, and making time to see me every day, made all the stress worthwhile.

  The moment I saw him standing there staring at me, the heat in his expression as he watched me told me he wanted me. This wasn’t just what our relationship was about. He didn’t just fuck me, make me come, scream out for more, and then take care of me afterward. He lavished me in affection, helped me with my studies, cooked for me, held me … loved me.

  I lowered my gaze and saw how hard he was for me. He made this low sound in his throat, and God, did that turn me on. Every erogenous zone in me heightened, and screamed out to give in.

  He came closer then, his head lowered, his eyes focused on me. I backed away, and when the wall stopped me, he leaned his face in close to me. I liked playing hard to get. I knew he liked it too.

  “You feel what you do to me?” He pressed his erection into my belly, and I moaned at the feeling. I shifted, trying to get closer.

  He dragged his lips along my cheek. Not able to hold my eyes open at the feeling, I let my head fall back against the door. Rye ground his dick into me again, over and over, until I found myself reaching up and holding on to his biceps for support. He was rock hard and tense beneath my palms.

  “Take me here, right now.”

  “Fuck.” He groaned and pressed his entire length against me, making me see and feel that he was ready for me.

  He moved his tongue along the shell of my ear and I moaned. He pulled away only enough that he had his mouth close to mine once more.

  Then his mouth was on mine, and he was running his tongue along my bottom lip. I heard his nails dig into the door. I opened my mouth, took his tongue between my lips, and sucked on it.

  “I don’t want slow,” I moaned, not caring how needy I sounded.

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to give it to you that way, baby.”

  “I love you, Rye.”

  He growled low. “I love you.”

  The passion was real between us, and would never die. God, this was exactly what living was really like.

  Epilogue Two


  Two years later

  I’d graduated college just this past summer, gotten my business management degree, was ready to start my life with Rye and my new career. And then I’d gotten the biggest shock of my life.

  My heart was this steady drum inside of me. I bounced my leg, my nerves strung tight, my palms sweaty. Everything in me felt like it would combust. I stared at the stick on the coffee table, those positive two lines that told me I was pregnant with Rye’s child.

  I looked down at my engagement ring. Rye had given it to me just last year, and we’d decided to wait until I was done with school and found a job, but it seemed like plans were changing for both of us.

  I heard a car door shut. My heart jumped to my throat. I couldn’t move, couldn’t hide my nervousness. We lived together now, had been for the last year. My father had grumbled about it for a minute, but he got over that really quick. He was just protective, and I understood that.

  I heard the front door open and ran my hands over my thighs.

  “I’m home, baby,” Rye said, his voice deep. He rounded the corner, stopping when he saw me, now standing a few feet from the coffee table.

  “Hi.” My voice was shaky. I heard it deep in my belly, felt it all over. I was about to tell him, about to change things in our life that might upset the balance. I was nervous and afraid, worried what Rye would say.

  I knew without a doubt that Rye loved me, but bringing a baby into the picture, one that wasn’t exactly planned … yeah, that might shock even the most levelheaded person.

  “Everything okay?” He was in front of me only seconds later.

  I took a steadying breath, because right now that was all I could do, all I could even think about. “I’m…” God how do I say this? Just say it. “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” he asked. His voice was thick, but his face was emotionless.

  His entire body was tense, his muscles bulging, his tattoos on clear display.

  I reached beside me, picked up the pregnancy test I’d taken, and showed it to him. My throat tightened as he took it from my hands and looked down at it.

  “A baby?” He lifted his head and looked at me, then lowered his gaze to my belly.

  I nodded. “Yeah, pretty crazy, huh?”

  And then he grinned, a smile that had me relaxing and feeling like the world wouldn’t swallow me whole. He had me in his arms a second later, just holding me, whispering how happy he was, how everything would be okay. For such a strong, big man, he was a gentle giant toward me.

  He placed his hand on my belly, a heavy, comforting reassurance that he was here with me. “You’re carrying my baby.”

  I nodded, a smile lighting up my face, no doubt. “You’re really happy about this?” I wanted him to be, I realized.

  “More than happy. I’m fucking ecstatic.”

  I kissed him then.

  He pulled me closer again and stroked my hair, slowly, caressing, as if I were fragile. “It’s you and me, baby, forever.” He placed a hand on my belly.

  And that’s exactly how I always wanted it to be, how I knew it would always be.

  The End

  NAILED (A Real Man, 16)

  By Jenika Snow


  [email protected]

  Copyright © March 2018 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: March 2018

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar

  Cover model: Zack Salaun

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Line Editor: Lea Ann Schafer

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coin

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Size definitely matters.

  I’ve wanted Fiona for years, but good intentions had me staying away. I’d always seen her as mine, and was pretty damn satisfied when she turned every guy away who came sniffing around her.

  And it was because of my carnal need for her that I didn’t touch another woman, that I stayed celibate for Fiona.

  When it came to her I was possessive, territorial.

  I didn’t just want her in my bed.

  I wanted her as mine. Branded by me … bred by me.

  And one way or another I’d have her … as my wife and filled with my baby.



  A man shouldn’t look that good covered in sweat and dirt. And I sure as hell shouldn’t be wet watching him work. But God, watching Koehn’s muscles bunch and strain as he hammered in another nail, as the sun beat down on him, and as those droplets of sweat moved along his muscles, had me so aroused I was on the verge of saying fuck it and offering myself to him.

  No, I was too much of a coward, too afraid that he’d see me, this twenty-one-year-old virgin who’d never had a real boyfriend, and laugh his ass off at me. Koehn was older, tall and muscular, and put all other men to shame. Hell, if I was to think of how a real man would look and act, Koehn would come to mind instantly.

  But he was well over a decade my senior, and surely working for my father made him see me as nothing more than his employer’s daughter.


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