A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 21

by Jenika Snow

I brought the cold glass of lemonade to my mouth and took a long drink. The chilled liquid helped my parched throat, something that had nothing to do with the heat right now. Although I was inside my parents’ house, seated at their dining room table, a textbook in front of me, my entire focus was on Koehn doing construction.

  I didn’t even need to be at my parents’ house, not when I had my own apartment, which was quiet and I could actually focus on my work. But hell, knowing the construction crew was out today working on the expansion to my parents’ garage, especially knowing Koehn was here … yeah, I couldn’t stay away.

  Not only had my father hired him and his crew for this project, he’d known my family for years, well before I saw him as the man I desperately wanted as mine. And when I hit eighteen, it was like something in me shifted, woke up. I saw him as something so much more. I saw him as the man I wanted to be over me, thrusting those hard inches into me, claiming me. He was rough around the edges, so damn powerful and strong that I couldn’t help but compare all other men to him.

  Koehn stepped away from the garage and walked over to the table set up with drinks. I leaned forward, trying not to seem too obvious, and watched him grab a cold bottle of water from the ice bucket and place it on his forehead. I continued to stare at him. Lord, there was something seriously wrong with me right now, but I couldn’t help myself.

  I’d wanted Koehn for years, far longer than was probably healthy if I was being honest. But it wasn’t just the fact he was good-looking, it was also that he was a good man, that he helped the community as well.

  He grabbed a rag and wiped off his face, his bicep clenching from the act. Every part of my body grew tight as that sight slammed into my head. At my age a boy had only ever kissed me. That was the extent of my sexual experience. From the first time I saw him, I knew I wanted him to be my first.

  He glanced up, and I swear he looked right at me. I straightened, my heart racing. No, he couldn’t see me from this distance, with most likely a glare on the window. But still his attention was seemingly right on me.

  I glanced away, trying to focus on my book again, yet I swore I could feel his stare on me still. I didn’t dare look in his direction.

  There was no one else I wanted to take my virginity.

  But actually convincing him of that, having him see me as more than his boss’s daughter, was a whole other game I didn’t know if I wanted to play.


  She probably didn’t notice that I saw her watching me. But she was wrong.

  I was focused on Fiona just as much as she was on me. I took a step back from the board I was hammering in the framework and walked over to the table set up in the shade. I grabbed one of the water bottles, popped the cap, and chugged half of it before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Sweat covered my short hair, droplets moving down my temples and chest. The white shirt I wore was damp, the material clinging to my body from being out here all day under the sun. I glanced over at Fiona, could see she was inside at the dining room table. She was hunched over a book, one leg bent, her heel braced on the edge of the chair. She was wearing shorts, ones that could’ve been called Daisy Dukes for how far they rose up her legs.

  I looked around; all my men were working on projects for this expansion. I felt my body tighten at the very thought of one of them looking at her, seeing her creamy flesh. I wanted to cover Fiona up, gouge out any fucker’s eyes who even looked her way.

  When I glanced at her through the window once more, wanting her to look in my direction, I felt my body responded instantly. I was hard as fucking steel, my cock digging into the zipper of my fly, my balls drawn up tight.

  Fuck, just looking at her—hell, just thinking about her got me so fucking worked up.

  I remembered when I first saw her as a woman, when I first felt my heart race at the sight of her. That had been the first time a woman had caused that reaction in me. It had been a party in the square of town, a small wedding held for a local couple.

  Everyone had been invited, and when I’d seen her, wearing a little blue lace dress, her hair hanging loosely down the center of her back, dark waves making my fingers itch to touch them, I’d known right then and there she was mine. But she had been only eighteen then, far too young for the likes of me. I was a little over a decade older.

  I hadn’t been with a woman in so fucking long I couldn’t even remember my last experience. High school maybe. Hell, it was ages ago.

  I’d been working on getting my business up and running, my construction company small but solid, loyal. My clientele was building exponentially by the year, even reaching bigger cities. But my heart was here in this small town … close to the only woman who’d ever made me want more out of life than working. And so I’d sworn off relationships, off women in general. I’d focused on building my business, making a name for myself.

  And then she’d come into my life.

  After that night at the wedding I’d watched her, my possessiveness and obsession for her growing. Before her I hadn’t been interested in women because I’d been too damn busy with my own life. After her I hadn’t been interested in women because Fiona was all I wanted. If anyone was going to break my celibacy streak, it would only be Fiona. And once that happened, I wouldn’t let her go. Hell, I wasn’t letting her go now, and she didn’t even know she was mine yet.

  But three years had passed since that night, and my desire had only grown for her. I’d wanted her to experience life, even if I kept a close eye on her, made sure no little assholes came sniffing around. But she never dated, just focused on school. And thank fuck, she went to the community college in the next town over, commuting so she was still living in town, close to me.

  Hell, I jerked off to the thought of her every fucking night. And like a dirty bastard, I thought about pumping my cum deep inside her, making her pregnant, making her mine forever. And she would be mine, only mine. Always. I was done waiting. I couldn’t hold back anymore, had no more self-control when it came to her.

  In my life there was only one woman, and that was Fiona. It was time I showed her that she had always been meant to be mine.



  I topped off the latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon, the coffee shop I worked at packed and hectic. Between classes and working on getting my degree, I was holding down this job with ridiculous hours, but one that allowed me to schedule around my classes. I was stressed out the majority of the time, but I needed my own space. So I paid my own way, had a little apartment in the center of town, and just dealt with the stress, knowing it would be over soon enough when I graduated.

  “Latte, extra foam, dash of cinnamon.” I handed the cup off to the customer and helped the next one in line. Given this was the only coffee shop in town, every morning it was like rush hour, everyone needing their fix.

  For the next hour it was nonstop, but it helped me keep my mind off other things, especially Koehn, who consumed my every thought. Seeing him yesterday working at my parents’ house, wondering if I had the nerve to actually go after him, had been on my mind the entire time. I wanted to tell him that we were meant to be together, that I wanted him in my bed, showing me how a real man handles a woman. But I was scared, frightened that saying so would result in him laughing at me, maybe saying I was nothing more than a child even though I was a full-grown woman.

  Pushing those thoughts away, I turned and grabbed another stack of cups, and when I faced the front again, I nearly dropped what I held. Standing on the other side of the counter was the man I was trying to stop thinking about. He was so big, tall and muscular, blocking out everything behind him.

  I stood there for a minute, and then he grinned. Straight, white teeth flashed, and my heart jackknifed in my chest.

  “You going to help him, or should I?” Laura asked. I glanced at her and shook my head before taking a step up to the counter.

  “Hi,” I said, my mouth dry, my throat tight. “What can I get for you, Koehn?” D
espite the fact I knew this man, had for years, it was strange speaking with him. We hadn’t actually had a full-on conversation, just a few one-sentence greetings here and there over the years. And although this was the same scenario, I supposed, the fact I’d been thinking about him nonstop had my face heating and embarrassment filling me.

  “Tall coffee. Black. And throw in a bagel, plain.” He grinned wider, and I felt that smile all the way to my bones—hell, all over my erogenous zones. I grew wet as I took in his size, saw the way his muscles stretched the material of his shirt. He was all power, raw strength.

  I nodded once and licked my lips, and didn’t miss how his gaze landed on my mouth, watching the act. I turned and went to fill his order, my hands shaking. I was nervous, so nervous that I was afraid I’d do something stupid and make a fool out of myself. Once I had his coffee and bagel bagged, I faced him and handed his items over. We kept eye contact for long seconds, so long that the person behind him cleared their throat.

  He handed me a twenty, told me to keep the change, and turned to sit at one of the empty tables in the corner. And then he proceeded watch me as he drank his coffee and ate his bagel.

  How the hell was I supposed to work with him there, his focus on me, his gaze like fingers along my body? By some miracle I managed to get the rest of my shit done and went to the back for my lunch break. I opened the door and headed to my car. I already had to be at work for eight hours, no way was I spending my half-hour break surrounded by the smell of coffee and the gossip from my coworkers about how they got banged the night before.

  I dug around in my purse for my keys, and once I had them, I found myself looking down the ally. I could see Koehn’s truck parked just across the street, and although I should have just gotten into my car and left, but I moved away from my vehicle and toward his. I had no clue what I planned on doing. Wait for him to show up? Bombard him, or worse, throw myself against him and tell him I loved him?

  I stepped out onto the sidewalk and ran right into a big wall of male flesh. I stumbled back, but strong hands gripped my waist, holding me upright. Tipping my head back, I came face-to-face with Koehn. He was still holding me, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I grew warm from his touch.

  For long seconds all he did was stare at me, the air thickening, heating. I felt my throat close up a little bit and found myself taking a step back. He still had his hands on my waist, his fingers gently pressing into my skin.

  His fingers felt like fire along my body, skating over my arms and legs, making me want to just press myself against him. A few people walked by, and I cleared my throat. He let go of me, but his expression looked like he was hesitant to do so. Or maybe that was just my imagination? Maybe that was my fantasies trying to come through?

  “I’m sorry,” I stuttered out. I felt my face heat, knew it was probably beet red. Still he stayed silent, just standing there, watching me. I could feel his stare like a tangible touch. Could he see how hard and fast my heart was beating? Could he see my pulse pounding against my skin right below my ear? Hell, could he see my nipples poking through my shirt?

  His body, so big and masculine, hid everything behind him. The wide berth of his shoulders, the masculine expanse of his chest … all of it called to every feminine part of my body. I didn’t dare let my gaze go lower, though, even if I wanted to see if he was sporting a bulge behind those jeans of his.

  I actually thought I’d be able to speak with him, tell him how I felt? Standing in front of him, feeling all kinds of flustered, told me maybe I wasn’t quite ready to be honest.

  And what, wait even more years?

  I shook my head at my internal thoughts, feeling ridiculous at this moment. I found myself turning and walking away, humiliated, and not sure how to even speak with him, what to say. It was only when I was in my car and looked in my rearview mirror that I saw he was still standing there, watching me. He had this strange expression on his face, and I could see his hands were clenched tightly at either side of his body.

  I was a coward, but I also knew I didn’t want to wait any longer. I didn’t want to pretend I could live with this “secret” of how I felt anymore. No, I’d tell him, and then I’d wait and see if shit really did hit the fan.


  I could still feel my hands wrapped around her waist, could still feel her heat penetrating my skin. I shouldn’t have let her go, shouldn’t have watched her walk away. She’d been nervous, scared even. But I should’ve told her right then how I felt. That had been the entire point of me going into the coffee shop today. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t backing away, that for years I’d wanted her, that it had only been her for me since that night at the wedding, since I saw her for the woman she was.

  I didn’t want to rush her or push her into anything. And the way she was being skittish told me I could cross some dangerous lines if I pushed her too far, too much. And so I kept my mouth shut, watched her walk away. But I wouldn’t let her get far. I’d let her gather her bearings, and then all bets were off. I was going to make Fiona mine, and nothing was going to stop me, not even good intentions.



  I pulled into my parents’ driveway and cut the engine. I hadn’t planned on stopping here today, but I had to pick up some mail that my mother said got delivered to the house. And even though I was sure it was junk, I secretly hoped Koehn was working.

  Once I got out of the car, I could hear the banging of hammers coming from the backyard. I didn’t know how much longer the construction on the expansion would take, but the very thought of Koehn no longer here, a daily presence when I came to my parents’ house, was a bit depressing. Yes, he lived in town, but it wasn’t like we went out of our way to see each other; at least he didn’t. Maybe we ran into each other at the coffee shop or at a restaurant, but to be honest it wasn’t enough for me. Not anymore.

  Instead of going to the front door, I made my way around back to see the progress on the garage. But I also went this way in hopes of seeing Koehn. I might’ve just seen him earlier today, that awkward, weird exchange still a heavy presence inside of me. But since leaving him, I’d been thinking about my approach, and how I was just going to go through with it. The next time I saw him I was just going to lay it all out there, tell him I loved him and hope for the best.

  There were about five guys working on the garage, but none of them were Koehn. Disappointment filled me, and I turned and headed inside, grabbed my mail and left out to the front door.

  I saw one of the workers putting some tools in the back of a truck. I shut the door, and the noise must’ve grabbed his attention. He glanced over at me and smiled. He couldn’t be much older than I was, with a body muscular from working hard manual labor every day, no doubt.

  “Hey,” he said and grinned wider.

  I smiled. “Hey.”

  “This your place?”

  I shook my head and made my way toward my car. “My parents. I was just stopping and grabbing the mail.” I lifted my hand and waved the envelopes I held. Once at my car I realized the pickup truck was blocking me in. He must’ve pulled in right after I arrived. I could feel his gaze on me, and an uncomfortable feeling settled over me, a sensation like when you’re being watched but wish you weren’t.

  “Mind backing out so I can pull my car out?” I glanced over at him as I opened my front door and tossed the envelopes on the passenger seat.

  He moved around the front of the truck so he was standing on the side of my car, directly across from me. He lifted his hands and placed them on the hood of my car.

  For long seconds all he did was stand there and stare at me. What was this guy’s deal? I had told him I needed him to move his truck, and yet he hadn’t done so and instead just stood there staring at me. I was about to ask him once more when he cleared his throat and straightened.

  “You live in town?” He started making his way around my car. He stopped when he was a few feet from me. He was kind of goofy, but it was clear he was
sure of himself, cocky even.

  “Yeah.” I smiled politely. “Listen,” I said. “Think you can back your truck out so I can go?”

  He took a step closer to me, and I took one back. This guy really didn’t know about personal space.

  “I’m new in town,” he said, ignoring my request.

  The sound of a vehicle approaching came through, but I was still watching the guy just a few feet from me now. And when I heard that vehicle stop right behind me, I assumed it was another worker showing up.

  “Maybe you can show me around town. Maybe I can take you out to dinner?” His grin widened. It was clear by his expression he thought this was a sure thing.

  And then, because he obviously didn’t feel like he’d crossed any lines, he reached out and touched a stray hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my ponytail. I was about to tell this guy off when the sight of his eyes widening, his focus right behind me, had me staying quiet. I glanced over my shoulder to see Koehn standing behind me, his eyes narrowed, his focus on the guy in front of me. This low sound came from him, one that had the hairs on my arms standing on end and goose bumps moving along my body.

  Koehn placed a hand on my waist, and everything in me tightened as he pulled me back and positioned me partially behind him.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Zach?” Koehn’s voice was low, sounding deadly. I glanced up at the man I loved, knowing my eyes were probably wide as saucers, unsure of what the hell was going on. “I asked you a question, boy. What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

  I glanced at Zach, saw his throat move as he swallowed, his uncertainty evident.

  “Nothing, boss. Just seeing if this pretty girl wanted to go out with me tonight.”

  He sounded more animal right now than anything else.


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