A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 22

by Jenika Snow

  “Who said you could talk to her?” He took a step forward. “Who said you could try and get with her?” His voice vibrated with anger.

  “I-I’m sorry, Mr. Ryker.” Zach took a step back and started twisting his hands together, looking between Koehn and me. “I didn’t know she was yours. I’m sorry,” he stuttered out and turned and headed toward the backyard.


  I retreated a step just as he turned and faced me. I had to crane my head back to look into his face, unsure if I’d heard Zach correctly. My face heated at the very idea that he’d thought I was Koehn’s, mainly because that’s exactly what I wanted. But now my face was even hotter because I was afraid Koehn would shut that down right now, tell me Zack was wrong, that I wasn’t his.

  I waited for him to say that, expecting him to tell me that Zach was delusional.

  Long moments passed and we didn’t say anything, but I could feel the chemistry moving between us. It was not like how it had been earlier, how I’d felt earlier. “Koehn…” I said his name softly, not sure what else to say.

  He leaned in close, the scent of his cologne slamming into me and making me dizzy. “You heard what he said? How he said he didn’t know you were mine?”

  He looked me right in the eye, having my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t speak so I nodded.

  “Hey, boss,” one of the construction workers said from behind us. Koehn didn’t turn around, didn’t break his gaze from mine. “We got an issue with some of the supplies. Said I’d wait and see what you had to say.”

  Still Koehn stood there, not speaking to the man, not moving. It seemed like forever that he held my gaze, but finally he straightened. “That’s exactly right, Fiona.”

  The way he said my name had chills racing at my spine.

  “What he said about you being mine. That was the fucking truth. You are mine.” And then he turned and stalked away, disappearing behind the house and leaving me breathless.

  I sagged against the side of my car, not able to catch my breath, not fully understanding what I’d just heard.

  Had Koehn really just claimed me as his?



  I knew I’d left Fiona probably feeling confused earlier today. But I wasn’t going to wait anymore. Tonight I was going to tell her exactly how I felt … exactly what she meant to me. Too much time had already passed, and I was tired of holding my feelings in.

  I sat in my pickup, the engine idling, my hands curled around the steering wheel. The leather creaked under my grasp, and I loosened my hold, exhaling roughly. It was only a five-minute drive, her apartment building small, but newer and intimate. After working at her parents’ expansion all day, the thought of how tonight would go played through my head. I hadn’t realized how nervous I’d actually be.

  She was mine, always had been and always would be. I’d just never told her that. That was all about to change tonight.

  Seeing Zach talk to her when I’d pulled up in front of her parents’ house had sent me into a rage. I wanted to rip him away from her, break his arm for even thinking he could touch her. Hell, I wanted to gouge his eyes out for even looking at her.

  I put the truck in gear and headed toward her place. The closer I got, the more possessed I became where it concerned her. I could only think about one thing, and that was Fiona as mine: under me, crying out my name, scoring my back with her nails. She’d look me in the eyes and tell me she was mine. She’d tell me no one else would ever own her but me.

  My cock was hard, digging against my zipper, demanding to be free. I wanted to be buried deep in her pussy, stretching her, filling her with my cum.

  I wanted my seed to take hold deep inside of her, getting her pregnant. God, obsession and territorial need filled me.

  I was so fucking turned on at the thought of claiming her, of getting her pregnant that I felt this wave of desire slam into me. I curled my hands more tightly around the steering wheel and growled, like I was some kind of fucking animal.

  I couldn’t get to her fast enough.

  When I was in front of her apartment building, I cut the engine and got out of the truck, stalking toward the front entrance. The town we lived in was small, her apartment building only housing six units within two stories.

  Once I got to the front doors, I was about to press the doorbell for her unit when someone left, the door open enough for me to go in without being buzzed through. I should have let her know I was on my way, but I needed to see her.

  Hell, she might tell me I was insane, that I needed to leave, but I was going to let her know that she was mine, that if she ran, I’d follow. No other man would have her. No other man would know what she felt like, tasted like, smelled like. Fiona would know exactly what I felt like, how I tasted when my cock was in her mouth and my cum was down her throat.

  I’d be the only one she knew those things with. I wasn’t letting her get away, and I wasn’t letting her be with anyone else. I took the stairs two at a time until I was standing in front of her door. I lifted my hand and brought my knuckles down on the wood. Every part of my body tensed when I heard the sound of footsteps right on the other side of the door, at the fact that in moments Fiona would be mine.


  I’d just poured myself a glass of red wine and was about to head over to the couch and watch something sappy when I heard hard raps at my front door. It was later, going on nine at night, and although I probably should have feigned that I wasn’t home, I found myself moving toward the door.

  I looked through the security peephole, my heart slamming into my throat when I saw Koehn on the other side. For a second I was frozen, unable to move, to disengage the lock and open the door. But then I did just that, and when I was standing in front of Koehn, looking him right in the eyes, everything else faded away.

  “Koehn.” I whispered his name, knowing I probably sounded crazy, seductive even, but his name had just tumbled out of me.

  He didn’t wait for me to invite him in, although I would have done so instantly if I weren’t standing here, opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water. Instead he made his way in, causing me to take several steps back, and then he proceeded to close the door behind him. I was breathing hard, my chest rising and falling as I stared up at him.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked on a whisper. He moved a step closer, and then another and another, until he was inches from me, his heat spearing right into my body.

  I couldn’t breathe as I took in the wide expanse of his shoulders, of the sheer power that came from him. He wore a button-down shirt, the white tee under it stretched tightly over his muscular chest. The sleeves of the button-down were rolled up, exposing his forearms, ones that were vein-roped … ones that turned me on and made me wet.

  “I…” The words lodged in my throat. “What?” I whispered that lone word after what seemed like ages.

  He didn’t show any emotion, just stared at me, this fierce look on his face.

  “This is fast, crazy even, I admit,” he said and took a step toward me, and on instinct I moved one back, although I wasn’t afraid of him. In fact I anticipated this, wanted this desperately. “But you can’t tell me you don’t want me, and even if you did, I know it would be a lie.” He took another step forward. “I see the way you watch me, the way your gaze rakes over me.”

  I felt my cheeks heat, knew my face was red.

  “This is insane,” I finally managed to say. And it was, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want it, that I hadn’t been dreaming of this moment, fantasizing about it as I touched myself.

  “I want you, have wanted you, Fiona. And I’m done waiting.”

  I couldn’t breathe after he spoke. I exhaled, my mind whirling, my heart racing. He moved closer still. He wanted me in the way I wanted him.

  “And when I saw Zach talking to you, fucking touching you”—he growled that last word out—“I knew I was done standing off to the side and letting you live your life. I knew I had to
make it known that there’s no other woman for me.”

  My heart was racing, and I grew dizzy. I reached behind me and felt the wall, the firmness cold against my palm.

  “For years I’ve wanted you, waited for you, told myself I should let you go.” He shook his head slowly, his expression primal, intense. He looked like a savage about to attack, devour me. “I haven’t been with a woman since I knew you were mine, since you became a woman and I knew that no other man would have you but me.” He took another step closer. “I have been celibate for years, baby, fucking years because you’re it for me, always will be.”

  He was right in front of me now, his big body blocking out everything else, his warm breath teasing my face. He smelled good, manly and potent. Mine.

  “And I can see that you want me too, that you know you’re mine.”

  God, was this really happening?

  “Say it, Fiona. Say you’re mine, that no other man will know what you taste like, feel like.”

  I swallowed the thick lump in my throat.

  “Say it. Fucking say it,” he growled out.

  I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

  “Say. It.” He had his chest pressed right to mine now. My nipples beaded, my throat tightened, and my pussy became so wet my panties were soaked.

  “I’m yours.”

  He leaned in close, his lips just a hairbreadth away. “I’ll only be yours, right?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’ll only ever be yours.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, you fucking will be.”



  I was pressed against the wall, Koehn right in front of me, his body so big, so powerful. “Tell me you want this right here, right now, and with me.”

  I inhaled and exhaled so forcefully I started getting dizzy. This was surreal, like I was in some kind of dream world. Yet I didn’t want to stop, didn’t want to tell him to take it easy either. I wanted Koehn fiercely, and right now I could make that a reality.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve saved myself for you.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes, his jaw clenching as he looked like he was trying to get his control in check. When he opened his eyes and looked at me again, I saw his pupils were dilated.

  “I should go soft, be sweet and gentle, but fuck, I can’t, baby. Hell, I want to pump my seed inside of you so fucking badly, want to fill you up with it until you’re big with my baby growing inside of you. I want that because you’re mine. You’ve been mine since before you knew it.” His words were low, muffled, his arousal coming on just as strongly as mine was.

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. “Maybe I don’t want sweet and gentle.” I was being brazen right now, just throwing caution to the wind and saying what I wanted. I’d loved this man for years, and here I was, his affection loud and clear, his need evident. I didn’t want to go easy, didn’t want slow. “I want you. All of you.”

  He stared right in my eyes. “God, hearing you say that could have me coming right in my fucking pants.” He looked back down at my lips. “This is so damn hard.”

  I swallowed, hearing his desire thick in his voice. Did I sound like that? “What’s hard?” Dirty thoughts slammed into my head after I spoke.

  The sound that came from him this time was deep, rough. I felt it in every part of my body.

  “Being here with you, knowing you want this as much as I do … knowing I should be a better man and leave.” He looked into my eyes. “Because you deserve a hell of a lot better than the likes of me.” He was so close, his warm breath moving along my lips, making me wetter, hungrier for him. “But I’m too fucking selfish to let you go, to let you walk away. I’d find you, come after you. I wouldn’t let you leave me.”

  I made a small noise in the back of my throat. This man was so damn possessive of me, and God, I loved it.

  My heart thundered so hard it was painful. “Who says you’re not good enough for me?” I was looking at his mouth now, needing his kiss, desperate for it. “Because from where I’m standing, I’d say we are perfect for each other.” I didn’t know where this woman was coming from, this brazen and wanton female who spoke her mind.

  But I liked her.



  I was hard, harder than I’d ever been in my fucking life. I had no doubts I could have probably drilled nails through steel with the wood I was sporting right now.

  And it was all because of Fiona, all because I had so much pent-up arousal for this woman that I was about to come just looking at her.

  I wanted her with this intensity that drove me insane, that had me on the verge of shaking, all but being a fucking animal with her. But I was having a hard time controlling myself where she was concerned.

  I placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head, curling my fingers against the wallpaper, my nails scraping along the textured material. I wanted Fiona, and I wanted her now. I was lost in my desire for her, and there was no going back. I didn’t want to fucking go back. The way she pressed her chest to mine, her nipples hard, her breasts full. She was so ready for me, her body liquid for what I had planned.

  I pressed my body right to hers, obscenely, digging my cock against her belly, letting her feel how thick I was, how rock hard I was for her. I wanted my cock so deep in her she wouldn’t know where I stopped and she began. I wanted her sticky with my cum, smelling like me, begging me to fill her up over and over again.

  “You feel that?” I said hoarsely. “You made me this hard, and now you’re going to do something about it. Now you’re going to ease my ache … drain my balls.” I ground myself against her even harder. “You feel that, baby?” I groaned out again.

  “I feel that.” She moaned, her breath moving along my lips.

  Her pupils were dilated, her arousal written across her face. I moved my hand down, around her hip, and cupped her lower back. I slid my fingers along the edge of her shirt and let the digits sit there for a second, her flesh so warm my cock gave a hard jerk. Need rode me hard.

  “You want me, want this?”

  “Yes,” she finally said, moaning that lone word out.

  I curled my fingers around the material of her shirt, and without thinking any more I lifted it up and over her head. I took a step back, and as I stared at her, the fact she didn’t wear a bra, her tits full, her nipples hard. Something snapped in me.

  I tangled my hand in her hair, my fingers wrapped around the silky strands. I forced her head back, exposing her neck, my mouth watering. I was so damn hungry for Fiona.

  “From the moment I knew I had to have you, wanted you like a fiend, I grew possessive, obsessed with you. You’re the only one I want.” I was breathing harder. “I’d jerk off to the thought of you, to the image of you in my bed, your pussy spread, wet, pink.” I was losing my fucking mind with Fiona. “And you’re about to get every fucking inch of me.” She consumed me, owned me.

  My entire body became tense, my muscles contracted, my heart thundering. I kissed her until she was breathless, hell, until I couldn’t even fucking breathe. I stared into her eyes, getting lost in them, knowing she’d always hold my heart. She’d always own me. She breathed harder, faster, her desire written across her face.

  All kinds of dirty images slammed into my head, ones that made me feel like a filthy bastard. But even if she deserved sweet and gentle, with flowers and music playing in the background, no way I could control myself.

  “Your cherry will be mine, your virginity mine to own.” I ran the tip of my nose up her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her. I dipped my tongue out and licked at her flesh, a salty flavor exploding on my taste buds, her sweat addicting. She shivered for me and made the sweetest fucking sound, one that had my dick jerking. I wanted to feel her virgin cunt clenching around my cock, milking me. I’d never stop touching her.

  “God, be with me. Fuck me.”

  I slipped my hand along the back of her knee, lifted her leg easily, and wrapped it aro
und my waist. She held it there, staring into my eyes. She had her hands on my shoulders, her nails digging into my flesh. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” I moved my hand to cup her ass. She was so perfect. I pressed my hard dick against her belly, harder, thrusting, dry humping her because I couldn’t wait to get inside of her.

  “I need you now.”

  “And I’ll give you every last inch of me.”

  I got down on my haunches, helped her out of her pants before tossing them away, and parted her thighs. I ran my finger along the edge of her underwear, the material silky, with lace trim. And then I all but tore the fuckers off. And then I gazed at her slit. She was so damn pink and wet. I lifted her leg up and out, watching as her lips spread.

  Staring up at her, I slipped my hand between her legs and placed it right over her pussy, feeling her heat, her wetness for me.

  Her bared pink flesh came into view, and her smell made me drunk. Her scent was addicting. “No one will ever have you but me, Fiona.” I looked back at her face. “Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes. Always,” she whispered.

  I growled in approval. Fuck, I’d make this good for her.

  “That’s right. You’re mine. Only mine, and there’s no way I’m letting you get away.”



  I couldn’t even fucking think straight. “God,” she said and tipped her head back, her throat arching and bared to me. I wanted to mark her like I was some kind of animal, like I could imprint myself on her.

  There was no way she was leaving me, no way I was letting her go. She was mine, and soon I’d have her filled with my baby, big, gorgeous … all mine.

  “I need you,” Fiona moaned, her words carrying out, moving over me.

  “You have me. You’ll have all of me.” All I wanted to do was devour every part of her. “I’ll be balls-deep in your tight little cunt, emptying my balls inside of you, making you so full of my seed it slips from your pussy and makes the sheets wet. And then I’ll fill you up over and over again until it takes, Fiona, until you’re pregnant and mine.”


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