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A Real Man Special Edition 2

Page 27

by Jenika Snow



  That word didn’t seem to do this moment—Calissa—justice.

  “Tell me what you need, what you want.”

  I groaned. She wanted to know what I needed? Fuck, all I wanted was her. Without saying anything, I curled my fingers into her scalp, tangling my hand farther into her hair. Staring her right in the eyes, there were so many things I wanted to say, wanted to tell her. And I was going to do that now, because there was no reason for waiting, not when too much time had already passed.

  Her eyes were closed, her mouth parted. “I love you, Calissa.” She opened her eyes then. “I’ve loved you since I saw you at that eighteenth birthday party, since I knew that you were a woman … my woman.”

  “Tex,” she whispered. “I love you. I love you so much.”

  I slammed my mouth on hers, needing her kiss, her flavor.

  “It’s really fucking simple, Calissa.” I pressed her backward, the wall stopping her from moving away from me. “I fucking love you. You’re the only one I want, the only woman I will ever want.” I placed my hand on her belly as I stared into her eyes. “And when I come in you, make you pregnant, no fucking way I’m letting you go.” I leaned in closer. “I’m not letting you go. You’re mine.” I looked at her mouth, wanting to kiss her again but knowing I needed to say everything first. She needed to hear exactly what this was for me.

  “This is real?” She asked the question but I could see that reality in her eyes.

  “As real as it will ever be.” I lifted my hand and smoothed my finger along her bottom lip. “This, all of this, makes perfect fucking sense. It’s exactly how this should have always gone, how it should have always been.” I was pouring my heart and soul out to this woman, and I wasn’t going to stop until she was mine. “Years I’ve wanted you, waited for you. I can’t wait anymore.”

  “I don’t want to prolong this. I want you.”

  She wants my baby deep inside of her, connecting us.

  “I’m being totally honest with you here.” I stared into her eyes. “This is the realest thing I’ve ever experienced, ever fucking wanted in my entire life.” I used my other hand to cup the side of her face, stroking my thumb along her cheek, seeing how much she blushed for me. I added a little pressure so she was forced to tilt her head back, as I leaned in just an inch. “But I want all of you. I need that.” I said the words low against her neck. “I want you to give everything to me, and I’ll do the same. I am yours.” I smoothed my thumb close to her mouth. I leaned even closer until my mouth was right by hers now. “You’re mine, have been and I haven’t even claimed you yet.” My lips brushed along hers as I spoke. “But you will be, right here, right now.”

  Calissa had her eyes closed and her lips parted.

  “Look at me,” I said softly. I needed her to be right here with me. I needed her to really know that I would take her in any way I saw fit, not because I was a motherfucker, but because she was mine.

  Slowly she opened her eyes, her pupils dilated.

  “You’re mine, aren’t you?” I kept rubbing her face, right beside her lips, wanting to kiss her again, needing to.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, that’s what we both want, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  I touched her bottom lip with my thumb, the flesh soft, warm. I rubbed the digit along the bottom swell and gently pulled it down. I let the flesh go, and she made this sound in the back of her throat. I thought about all the things I wanted to do to her mouth, the things I wanted her to do to me with those lush lips.

  I slid my thumb into her mouth, making her take it. “How much do you want this?” The primal need to get her pregnant was overpowering. I was hard as fucking steel, needing her to take all my thick, hard inches, needing to fill her up with all my seed.

  I felt her tongue move along my skin, and my already-stiff cock jerked. Moving closer, I pressed my dick against her belly, grinding myself against her, needing to feel the softness of her body against the hardness of mine. I ground myself against her over and over, her belly flat, smooth. “You feel that? You feel how hard I am for you?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  She continued to lick at my thumb, her breathing becoming harder, faster.

  “I’m so damn hard for you. I’ve been like this for years, only wanting you, only needing you.”

  “You feel how hard I am? It’s only for you.” I watched her mouth, so damn mesmerized by the sight of her sucking on my finger that I knew I could come right then and there if I didn’t have control over myself. But fuck, I was barely holding on as it was. “I could watch you suck on my finger all damn day. I could get off on it, just shoot my load before I’m even in you.”

  “I’d like to have you put something else in my mouth,” she said around my finger, her eyes looking drowsy as she lazily licked and sucked at the digit.

  “But when I come I want to be balls deep in you, shooting my load into your pussy and knocking you up.” I pulled my finger out of her mouth, despite loving it in there.

  “I want that, too.”

  I groaned and rested my forehead against hers. “I don’t care if this is fucking fast. I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.” I breathed hard, panted. I leaned back, pleasure filling me over hearing her say she wanted this, too. “I’m consumed by you,” I said. “You’re all I think about, all I want.”

  “Me, too,” she admitted and closed her eyes.

  “If I told you all the filthy fucking things I’ve wanted to do to you, with you, I might scare you off.” She shook her head before I finished speaking. “I want you spread out on my bed, your ass in the air, your legs spread as wide as they can go.” My cock jerked at the thought. “I want my face buried in your cunt, want to devour you, eat you out until my lips are numb and the only thing I can smell is the oh-so-fucking-sweet scent of your pussy.” I leaned forward again. She gasped, her warm breath moving along my lips when she slowly exhaled. “I can’t count the number of times I’ve imagined spreading your legs and shoving my cock deep in you, unloading the massive amount of cum I have. And it’s a lot, Calissa. It’s a lot because I want it all inside of you, filling you up.” I run my tongue along the seam of her lips. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’d love being marked by me.”

  She closed her eyes and nodded, her breathing coming faster and harder.

  I ground against her belly, groaning like a damn teenager who couldn’t control himself. I couldn’t control myself, not where Calissa was concerned, not when she was right here with me, about to give herself over in every fucking way. I slammed my mouth onto hers, devouring her. I wanted more. I wanted so much more.

  “I’m going to fucking fill you up,” I grunted against her lips. I forced myself to back away. “Are you wet for me, ready for my big dick?”

  Calissa nodded instantly.

  I held onto her waist and pulled her forward with force, her body slamming against mine. I knew she could feel how hard my cock was for her. Staring into her eyes, I ground myself against her like a filthy bastard. “I’m so fucking hard for you, like granite. I feel like I could drill nails through steel right now with my shaft.” She gasped. “I want this in you.” I thrust forward. “No more waiting.” She shook her head. In the next few moments I made short work of getting her undressed. I needed her bare, needed to see her creamy flesh.

  Once she was naked I reached between her thighs and placed my hand on her pussy. She was soaked. “Christ.”


  I groaned at the sound of my name falling from her lips. “Beg me to touch your pussy, to slip my fingers deep inside.” I was being such a dirty bastard right now, but I couldn’t help it.

  “Yes,” was the only thing she said. It was good enough for me.

  Instantly my balls drew up tight to my body. Her pussy was smooth like silk.

  She licked her lips then moaned softly for me. Calissa thrust her pussy against m
e. I started rubbing her pussy lips, sliding my fingers toward her center, and then ran the digits up and down her slit. Leaning forward, I ran the tip of my tongue up the arch of her neck.

  As I worked my fingers along her pussy lips, I told her all the dirty fucking things I was going to do to her. How I was going to devour her cunt with my fingers, mouth, and especially my cock. I told her she was the only one who could make me feel like I was losing my mind.

  “Only you.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from thrusting back and forth against her belly, the friction feeling so incredible. But I had to brace myself because I didn’t want to get off before I was balls deep inside of her.

  “How much do you want it? How much do you fucking love this, Calissa?” I was a selfish bastard for wanting her to tell me this. But hell, I wanted her to say it over and over again. I’d never get tired of hearing it.

  “I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything before,” she groaned out and I grunted in pleasure. Hearing her say these things was like an aphrodisiac all on its own.

  “That’s good, Calissa. That’s really fucking good.” I moved my thumb to her clit and worked that bud back and forth, and she threw her head back.

  “I want to be inside of you. I need that now. I need to feel your bare skin along mine, need to have your pussy clenching my dick as I come, as you come right along with me.”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “I want to be so deep inside of you, fuck you so hard and thoroughly, that neither of us can think straight, let alone walk comfortably tomorrow.”

  “I’m getting wetter.”

  I groaned at her words. “I want my cock in your cunt, want to feel your pussy milking my dick until you suck all the seed from my balls.” I stroked her clit faster, harder. She started moving her hips, grinding her pussy on my hand, clearly wanting to get off.

  Removing my hand, I lifted it so she could see how glossy my fingers were. “Open your mouth. Open fucking wide and take what I’m giving you.”

  Calissa did so without hesitation, like a good girl. My good girl.

  “Suck on them.” I placed my fingers in her mouth, growling low when she moved her tongue around them. “Clean them off,” I demanded. I watched in a trance as she did what I said, greedily, hungrily sucked the digits until her cream was cleaned off.

  “How does that taste? How do you taste?” I took my fingers from her mouth.


  I licked my fingers, tasting her flavor.

  “Yeah, you do.”

  He groaned, tasting her flavor, wanting it fucking engrained in me. “Your flavor. It’s so damn addicting. It’s mine. All mine.”

  I needed her now. I needed to fuck my woman so she knew whom she belonged to.



  His body was pressed to mine, his hardness to my softness. Before I knew what was happening he had me lifted in his arms, started moving forward, and then I felt the table in the kitchen stop us both. He set me on top of it, used his body to spread my legs wider, and then tangled his hands in my hair, holding me to him, making me kiss him fiercely.

  I felt myself growing hotter, my pussy becoming wetter, and my nipples hardening, wanting—needing—his mouth.

  And as I sat there and watched him remove his clothing, all I could think was how I wanted his big, nude, muscular body pressed back against mine. He had a swatch of hair covering his pectoral muscles, a thin trail starting below his navel and going right down to the massive erection he sported.

  God, he was huge. My pussy clenched at the thought of trying to take all of him. Although I’d had one sexual encounter before I met Megs or Tex, that one experience had left a hell of a lot to be desired. We’d been inexperienced teenagers fumbling around. But since I first saw Tex, even if I was far too young for him at that time, I knew he was the only one I wanted. He was the man I compared all others to.

  He gripped himself and stroked that massive cock from root to tip, all the while staring at me. “This fucker right here,” he said, referring to his erection, “wants to be inside of you bad, Calissa.”

  My mouth dried.

  “Turn around. Let me see your ass.”

  My pulse jumped. I did as I was told and looked over my shoulder to see him stepping forward, his focus on my ass, his hand still on his cock. The stinging slap of his hand on my ass cheek had me gasping. The pain and pleasure coalesced into one.

  “Fuck. Watching you turns me the fuck on.” He smoothed his hands over my spine, rubbing his palm up and down the length before finally settling on the curve of my bottom. “Your ass was made for me.”


  He gave my cheek another spank and heat filled me, the blood rushing to the surface.

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” I stared at him over my shoulder.

  “I want to hear you say it because it makes me harder.”

  I spread my legs so he could see how wet I was for him. “Can’t you see how much I want your dick?” I was being obscene right now, but I knew he liked that.

  He growled low. “I’m not going to try and control myself.” He was breathing hard.

  “Good. I don’t want gentle.”

  “I’m not going to go slow, Calissa.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  He groaned. “You’re playing with fire talking to me like that, taunting me.”

  I was. I knew it.

  He didn’t waste any time as he grabbed my ass and popped it out. Tex palmed the globes, squeezing my flesh almost painfully. He molded his hands along the curves of my ass. “No protection. Not for what I have planned.”

  “Go raw.” Because I wanted exactly what he did.

  He parted my ass cheeks, slid his fingers between my thighs, and a gasp left me at the sensation of his thick fingers sliding through my soaked slit.

  “You’re so wet for me, soaking my hand in your cream.” He kept moving his fingers through me. “Fucking primed for me, baby.”

  When he removed his fingers, I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long for what was next. I felt the tip of his dick pressed at my entrance. I curled my hands around the edge of the table.

  In one swift move he buried all of his monstrous inches inside of me. I felt my eyes widen and I sucked in a breath. I was stretched fully, filled completely. I looked over my shoulder at him. Every muscle I could see on him was taut, and his face was strained. He tightened his hands on me. That’s exactly what I wanted.

  I felt his hands tighten painfully on my waist just then, and knew I’d get exactly what I wanted. Tex started fucking me then. He pulled out so just the tip was lodged in my pussy, then shoved deep in me, so hard, so fast I felt the air leave me. My inner muscles clenched, as if my pussy knew getting him off would have his cum filling me … something we both needed.

  “You feel so fucking tight.” He groaned.

  All I could do was hold on as Tex fucked the hell out of me.

  In the next moment, he had me turned around again, lifted me up, and had my ass on the table. He gently pushed me back, kept my legs spread with his body, and with a powerful push, he shoved back into me. He stared down at where we were connected.

  “Your cunt is nice and red, glossy because you’re ready for me.” He fucked me in and out, slow and steady, never once taking his gaze off mine. His motions became frenzied, more erratic.

  All I could do was hold on and let Tex fuck me … breed me.

  God, just thinking that turned me on.

  “You like having my big cock between your thighs?”

  “You know I do, Tex.” He slammed inside of me and I gasped, my body pushed up.

  I didn’t want this to end, but I couldn’t stop the pleasure from rising. I reached up, grabbed on to his forearms, and dug my nails into his flesh.

  And then it hit me.

  “I’m going to come, Tex.” I felt my eyes widen and held on even tighter to him as I
reached that peak.

  He didn’t say anything, but he did slow his thrusting, which in turn dimmed my need. I was about to come, needed to. He leaned forward and licked a path between my breasts, groaning as he did it. And all the while he continued to work his dick in and out of me.

  “Get off for me. Come, Calissa.”

  And I did. Right then.

  Tossing my head back and closing my eyes, I came for him.

  “Fuck,” he grunted out. Tex pulled back, and started slamming his dick into me then. In and out. In and out. Over and over again.

  I came so hard it seemed to last forever. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think straight.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking wet. You’ve soaked my dick in your pussy cream.”

  He pulled out slightly and then slammed back into me hard enough to hit something deep in my body. I was pushed up slightly, the scraping along my back burning but feeling so damn good. He slowed his thrusting when my pleasure started to come down. Before I knew what was happening, or could protest that he wasn’t fucking me any longer, Tex had me in his arms and was striding out of the kitchen and to the bedroom.

  Once in the room he had me on the floor, my toes instantly curling into the carpet. Tex got on the bed, laid down on his back, his dick thick, hard, and pointing straight up. He reached down and gripped himself at the base, the tip of his dick dotted with pre-cum.

  “Come here, baby.”

  I took a step toward him.

  “Put my cock in that hot, sweet little pussy of yours. Ride me like you’re hungry for my cum, like you need it to survive.”

  The air left me violently.

  But once I was in front of him I didn’t sit on his cock, didn’t take it deep in my body. Instead, I gripped his huge dick in my hand and stroked all those inches from root to tip. I thought about sucking him into my mouth, wanted to even. My mouth watered for a taste.

  “I need inside of your cunt, baby. I need to feel you clenching around me.”

  I exhaled and knew that’s what I needed, too. I could suck his dick later. Right now I needed him in me.


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