A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 35

by Jenika Snow

  And just like that the world fucking stopped, life came full circle, and everything I’d ever hoped and dreamed for was right there for the taking.

  I couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe. I probably looked like a fucking asshole for not responding. She looked so worried, her teeth nibbling at her bottom lip once more, her anxiety clear.

  “I ruined everything, didn’t I?” she whispered and the unshed tears in her eyes broke my fucking heart. “But I’ve kept my feelings for you secret for so long, afraid of ruining our friendship … of this reaction from you.” She looked down at her hands, and I followed her gaze, saw how she twisted her fingers together. “I love you, Pope. I’ve been in love with you for so long it’s ingrained in me, a part of me.” She looked back up at me and a small, sad smile covered her lips.

  “Mia,” I whispered.

  “Even though you might not feel the same for me, I had to be honest…”

  I didn’t let her finish. I couldn’t. I cupped her cheek, my thumb right by her mouth. I leaned across the seat and claimed her lips with mine, taking that chance, giving in. Her flavor exploded along my tongue as I licked the seam of her lips until she opened for me.


  She was soft like silk, sweet like sugar.

  She gasped at first, but then moaned as she reached out and held on to me, gripped me as if her life depended on it.

  “I’ve been wanting this for so fucking long,” I whispered against her mouth and forced myself to pull back to look into her face. I saw her mouth slightly parted, her eyes closed.

  She was lost in this moment, the same way I was.

  I stroked my thumb along her cheek, her skin so soft under my touch. “Look at me.” I was lost when she opened her eyes, the blueness so startling I found myself falling even more in love with her. “I love you, Mia. I’ve loved you for so fucking long.” She exhaled softly, that sweet little puff of air filtering across my lips.

  And then she was the one to bring her mouth to mine, kissing me with a desperation that rivaled my own. I didn’t know what would happen next, but I knew in this moment, I couldn’t have stopped if my life depended on it.



  I shut my dorm room door and leaned against it, staring at Pope as he stepped inside. I’d lucked out and gotten a single room instead of having to share with a roommate, and at the moment I was very thankful for the extra privacy.

  I knew what would happen tonight. I wanted it, craved it. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit how nervous I was.

  He turned around to face me, his body seeming like it filled the small interior. I’d loved this man since I knew what that emotion was, since I knew he was the only one I ever wanted. He took a step toward me and my heart jumped in my chest. My throat was dry, tight. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Placing my hands on the cold, wooden door behind me, I braced myself, trying to act like I had my emotions in check.

  He stopped a foot from me and I heard him inhale deeply. A moment of silence passed between us, where we just stared at each other.

  “Look at you,” he said softly, almost so softly that I didn’t hear him. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from my cheek, his fingers moving along my skin, causing euphoria to slam into me. “How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?” He sounded like he was almost speaking to himself.

  “I could ask myself the same thing.” My voice was nothing but a bare whisper.

  He shook his head and moved an inch closer. “No, Mia. You’ll never know how much I love you, because I’ll never be able to really describe it fully, never be able to show you. All I can do is be in your life and try until my last breath to make you realize that you’re it for me. For me, you’re my rising sun. You’re the stars in the sky and the oxygen that gives me life.”

  I’d never heard Pope speak like this before. It was so powerful it almost broke my heart.

  Then his chest was pressed to mine, his body heat seeping into me.

  It felt like the world was tilting, like everything was falling right into place. Here I was, finally being with Pope, his body pressed to mine, the alcohol I’d consumed helping pave the way for my inhibitions to say “Go for it.”

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. And then he leaned in even more, pressed his mouth right to mine, and gave me a kiss that made me breathless, a kiss that I’d always envisioned. Pope kissed me softly, sweetly. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close.

  His body was hard against mine, but tender, gentle as he held me.

  I knew he was holding back. But I didn’t want that. I wanted to feel the raw power of Pope, the strength I knew he kept hidden, kept right below the surface. I wanted all of it.

  “More,” he grumbled against my lips.

  He kissed me harder, adding more force. He pressed his body even harder against mine. I felt the hard dips of his muscles pressed to my softness, felt the stiff outline of his cock against my belly.

  “Mia,” he whispered. “Touch me. Hold me.”

  I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck. In a matter of seconds, Pope had me lifted in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist on instinct.

  And then he was striding to the bed, sitting down, but keeping me on top of him.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said gruffly against my mouth.

  I felt the stiff outline of his cock even more, pressed right up against my pussy. I was panting against his mouth, unable to think clearly, let alone say anything.

  “Should we stop?” he asked harshly against my lips.

  I shook my head. “God. No.”

  He broke away and looked into my eyes, his hand cupping my cheek.

  “Don’t stop, Pope.”

  He groaned and slammed his mouth down on mine. I dug my fingernails into his back, pulling him closer. I opened my mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside, stroking mine, making me ache between my thighs.

  He was gently pressing his hard cock against my aching pussy, thrusting back and forth, making me want to beg for more … so much more. He made me wish there was nothing separating us, that his erection was out and he was sliding it deep inside of me.

  “I need you,” I gasped against his mouth, and he pulled away. My face felt hot, my lips swollen from the blood rushing beneath the surface. “Pope.”

  I wanted him to take me. I wanted to feel freedom in his arms … under him. I wanted Pope to make up for lost time.

  He didn’t say anything for long moments, but I could see he was thinking hard, deeply. He still had his hand on my cheek, his thumb stroking right under my eye. My inner muscles clenched, needing something substantial, wanting to be stretched, to feel that burn.

  I needed Pope.

  He groaned right before he had his mouth on mine again. He fucked me with his lips and tongue, making me wish we were naked and in bed.

  “You’re mine,” Pope said with so much intensity in his voice there was no doubt in my mind he meant it.

  “Pope,” I whispered.

  “I can’t let you go, Mia. I can’t.”

  I shook my head. “Good. Because I don’t want you to.”


  Fuck. This was reality. This was real.

  My cock was hard, like a steel pipe in my pants, digging against my zipper. Every part of me was strung tight.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  I tore at my clothes as fast humanly possible until I was naked and she could look her fill of me. I looked into her eyes, the bright blue sucking me in, drawing me closer, deeper. I had never been fully alive until I realized my love for Mia, until I knew I couldn’t live without her.

  She was what being alive meant.

  I didn’t miss how her gaze lowered to my dick, how her eyes widened slightly … how her desire coated the air even more.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, Pope,” she gasped.

  I held her tightly to me, kissing her until she was gasping fo
r air, until she was clinging to me. I only stopped to tear at what little clothing she still had on and rip all the fucking material off until she was bare. So fucking perfect.

  There was no way I’d deny her. I lifted her easily and just held her, wanting her on the bed, needing to see her hair fanned out over the sheets, the scent of her filling my nose, making me drunk.

  I wouldn’t waste any more time, not when I finally had Mia. I stood there for a moment, just holding her, staring at her, wanting to devour her. But there was no way I could control myself right here, right now. I leaned in an inch, our mouths so close that if I said one word, our lips would brush together.

  “Is this really happening?”

  I nodded. “It’s so fucking happening,” I whispered against her mouth. I set her down so I could cup her cheek. “I want forever,” I said with a demanding tone in my voice. I slipped my hand behind her head, cupping her nape, keeping her close. This possessive side rose up in me like a hungry beast, refusing to be tamed where she was concerned. “I won’t stop until I have you as mine forever, Mia.”

  I looked my fill of her. Her breasts were perfectly round, a handful … mine. I looked lower at the junction between her thighs. Her pussy … hell, her pussy was pink and wet. It was all for me.

  “Pope.” She said my name and it sounded so fucking good.

  God, there was no turning back. There was no stopping this.



  I was harder than I’d ever been in my life. My cock ached and my balls were drawn up tight. Hell, the tip of my dick was covered in pre-cum, the need to get off tightening my body. My gaze was trained right between her legs, the shadows in the room slightly obscuring the area of her I wanted to see the most. I took a step back and trailed my gaze up her flat belly, and over her round, perfect breasts. Her chest rose and fell, this thickness in the air almost suffocating.

  I felt crazed.

  “Bed, baby. I need you on the bed.”

  She obeyed right away and I stood there and watched her, stared at her like this hungry beast unable to control myself.

  “Mia,” I whispered right before I reached toward her and wound my hand in her hair, pulling her forward so she was forced to brace her upper body on her elbows. “My Mia,” I said to myself, yet I spoke them out loud. Our mouths were so close, yet not touching. “The things I want to do to you…” I let those words hang between us, knew I was probably scaring her, but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop myself.

  “What kind of things?” She was tempting the beast within me.

  “Filthy fucking things, Mia.” I felt her warm breath brush along my lips. She was getting worked up over all of this.


  “Things that would make you blush a pretty pink color.” The fact she wanted me to say them out loud turned me on so fucking much.

  “Tell me, Pope. Show me.” Her voice was this breathy little moan.

  I tightened my hold on her hair, an involuntary act because I was getting strung even tighter, worked up even more. “I want to have my tongue on your cunt, your scream of completion in my ears.” I closed my eyes as I pictured that. “I want to taste your cream on my tongue as you get off. I want to hold your breasts in my hands, feel how hard your nipples get as I eat your pussy out.”

  She was panting.

  “I want to pull back after I’ve devoured you, look between your legs, and see how wet I got you, if you soaked the sheets.”

  The images slammed into my head on repeat and I felt my body start to shake. I could come just telling her this stuff. She lifted her hips and started rubbing herself on me.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  My cock rubbed between her legs, causing shots of pain to race up and down my spine. I could have told her so much more, but if I did, I would have come all over her, covering the sheets and ending this before it really started.

  “I want to feel how hot you are, how wet and silky the inside of your pussy is as you clench around my cock.”

  “Oh. God,” she moaned and fell back on the bed, her eyes closed, her lower body still working back and forth on me.

  I felt beads of sweat dot my forehead as I strained to gather my control. “No other man will ever know what you feel like, taste like, smell like, Mia. All of that is for me only.”

  “Yes,” she cried out. “I’m yours.”

  Yeah, she fucking was.

  I needed to see her get off while she rubbed her pussy along my dick. I reached between us and found her clit, rubbing my finger back and forth over her, feeling how engorged the little bundle was.

  “Come for me, Mia. Let me see you get off.” I gripped her waist with one hand while I worked her clit over with my other one. She rocked her hips up and down, seeking that pleasure, that completion.

  Her pussy ran over my cock seamlessly and I couldn’t help but stare into her face, transfixed, mesmerized by the sight of her pleasure washing over her face.

  This was all because she wanted me, because she loved me.

  “That’s it,” I murmured. I was breathing so damn hard, and I felt my pulse racing. “Come for me, Mia.”

  And she obeyed right away.

  With her head tossed back, her neck straining, and her hands on either side of her clenching the sheets, I felt my mouth part as I watched my girl come for me. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, the most arousing experience I’d ever had. Knowing she found pleasure because of me had me forcing myself not to come.

  She reached up and held on to me, digging her nails into my forearms, giving in and holding on to me for stability.

  When her body finally relaxed, only then did I pull my hand away, holding it up and looking down at my fingers. They were glossy from her cream. I sucked the digits into my mouth, licking off her essence, her arousal. I groaned at her flavor. Sweet musky. All mine.

  I cupped the back of her head and pulled her up so I could kiss her, so I could make her taste herself on my tongue and lips. When I pulled back, we stared into each other’s eyes. “I love you and I’m never letting you go.” I slammed my mouth back down on hers, kissing her until she moaned for me, until she clung to me like her life depended on it.

  “Pope,” she gasped out when I pulled back. She was so worked up for me. So ready. Her pupils were dilated, her body warm, aroused.

  “Tell me what you need and it’s yours.”

  “You,” she said instantly.

  I lowered my gaze to her mouth, loving that her lips were red, swollen, a light, glossy sheen covering them.

  “Say it again.” I lifted my hand and ran my finger over her bottom lip, pulling the flesh slightly down, growing harder by the second. “Again.”

  She gasped and I slid my finger into her mouth.

  “You,” she murmured around the digit.

  I pulled my finger free from her mouth and breathed in and out harshly.

  “I’m ready, Pope. I’m ready for everything.”

  I cupped her nape, pulled her in close, and claimed her mouth. The world tipped on its axis, that small kiss taking my breath away, having me rethinking everything I knew about life.

  It was perfection. It was now my reality.

  I wasn’t going to deny either of us any longer. I curled my body around hers, keeping her close, protecting her as much as I needed to feel her pressed against me. Her breasts pressed right to my chest, the perfect mounds having the very male side of me rise up.

  “Mia,” I said gruffly.


  God, the way she said my name was like pouring gasoline on a fire. It was dangerous.

  This small sound left her.

  I broke the kiss, had my hands on her hips, my fingers digging into her body. I was being a little too rough, I knew that, but I couldn’t have stopped myself even if I tried. I was like a derailed train in that moment.

  I lowered my gaze to focus on her lips. So red and plump. I dipped my head just enough to run my tongu
e over first her top one and then the bottom. She moaned, and I kissed her again. My control was snapping.

  “Mia.” I breathed against her mouth, not wanting to pull away. “I want to take my time with you, but right now it’s a losing battle.” I pulled back and looked into her face.

  “Then we both can lose, Pope, because right now all I want is you.”



  The way Pope watched me was reminiscent of how a lion watched a gazelle right before attacking. Precise. Intent. Consuming.

  I felt possessed by his look alone.

  “Mia.” He said my name harshly, this groaned whisper leaving his lips. “I’m starving for you, so hungry I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough.” He made this low sound deep within his chest. He had my body pressed to his, his mouth on my throat.

  He used his teeth and tongue to lick and suck at me, to draw me closer to the edge of oblivion. His dick was pressed right between my thighs, this massive length that had me wondering if he’d even fit comfortably. My inner muscles clenched, my pussy becoming wetter.

  “Mia. Baby. Show me where you want me to touch you. Take my hand and show me.” He sounded pained as he spoke.

  My entire body tingled, fire racing along my skin, igniting me, causing this inferno within me. He ground himself against my belly, his dick digging further against me.

  “Show me,” he said again, this harsh growl leaving his lips.

  I took his hand, pushed it between our bodies, and while staring into his eyes, I placed his fingers right between my legs. That small touch had my toes curling, my throat tightening, and tiny sparks of electricity moving through me.

  “That feel good?”

  I nodded, my eyes closing on their own.

  “I know you deserve slow and easy, but Christ, Mia, I can’t control myself where you’re concerned.”

  My entire body felt like it would combust at any second. I was wet, ready, aching for him.


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