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A Real Man Special Edition 2

Page 36

by Jenika Snow

  I was primed.

  “I trust you. I want you however you want to take me.” I didn’t want him to think I’d break. Because the truth was, I’d been waiting for this moment forever.

  He had his mouth back by my throat and ran his tongue along the arch of my neck, gently nibbling my flesh. He started gently adding pressure between my thighs, and I could have climaxed from that alone.

  “I want to get lost in you, Mia.” He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “I want to get lost between your legs.”

  The air was violently sucked out of my lungs in that moment.

  I was light-headed, the ecstasy I felt unlike anything I could have ever conjured up in my fantasies. I took a stuttering breath, trying to suck in oxygen, trying to keep my composure. I didn’t want this to end before it really began.

  He shifted back an inch, and my body chilled instantly.

  Pope was on his knees between my legs, his cock in his hand. He stroked himself as he watched me. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment, how many times I jerked off to the image of you just like this.”

  My heart thundered painfully.

  “Truth is, I could come just from staring at you, Mia.”

  I couldn’t breathe, didn’t think I could handle much more. Yet I’d never stop this.

  “Mia,” he commanded with a thick voice, his intention clear from the way he looked me, in the tone of his voice. Pope knew what he wanted, and that was me.

  I lifted my upper body up even more so I was only an inch from him now, our chests almost touching. I inhaled deeply, my head tilted back so I could look in his face.

  His focus was on my lips.

  I wanted to touch him, to make him feel as good as he made me feel. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, his thickness startling. He was huge, too thick for my fingers to touch. I stared into his eyes and started stroking him gently. It was the change in his breathing that told me what I did affected him.

  “God damn, Mia,” he groaned gutturally.

  I moved my hand faster, adding more pressure. I felt the wetness of pre-cum at the tip of his shaft with every upstroke. He closed his eyes, his massive chest rising and falling, his lips parting slightly. The fact I was the one giving him this pleasure had me on the verge of climaxing.

  But before I could get him off, something I desperately wanted, he gently pushed my hand away.

  He opened his eyes, his pupils dilated. “If you keep that up, Mia baby, I’ll come before we even fully start.” He was close enough that when he leaned in, our mouths were right by each other, our lips barely touching, his breath mingling with mine.

  I sucked in a deep breath, the room thick, the pressure mounting. “Pope. I need you. Now.”

  “And you’ll have me. Every part of me, Mia.” And then he had his mouth on mine, fucking me with his lips and tongue. I held on to him, knowing that if I didn’t I’d float away, the very presence of Pope my stability.

  “How ready are you for me?” His words were muffled against my lips.

  I felt like I’d been waiting for this my entire life. “I’ve never been more ready for anything.”



  The things I wanted to do to her…

  “Lie back fully, Mia. Now.” I should be gentle with her, but there was no fucking way I could control myself.

  Stopping this, making myself move back, meant my self-control was slowly waning. I couldn’t breathe, felt dizzy, insane with lust, with need.

  No more fucking around. I wanted to feel Mia naked and pressed against me. I wanted to feel her quiver and hear her cry out for more. I wanted to feel her tight virgin pussy squeezing my cock. I wanted to see the way her expression changed as she came for me. I wanted to hear Mia calling out my name when the ecstasy became just too much. I wanted her to say she was mine, only mine, while my big, thick cock was shoved deep inside of her.

  “Mia.” I groaned her name. I was barely hanging on as it was.

  I need to go slow. I have to be gentle with her.

  But truth was, I didn’t know if I could be. I was so far gone in my need, I couldn’t even control my breathing, let alone my passion.

  I stared at Mia as she lay on the bed, her hair fanned out around the pillow, her creamy skin on full display for me.

  I lifted my hand and ran it over my mouth, a deep groan being ripped from me but muffled by my palm. “Spread for me.”

  I couldn’t help but take in every inch of her, every line, every perfect fucking curve. It was exactly how I’d seen her in my head for all these years, claiming her, making her mine.

  I reached for my dick, stroking myself as I stared at her, needing her like I needed to breathe. There was no way I could be slow and gentle. No fucking way. I was on top of her a second later, had my mouth on her neck, my tongue at her pulse point. She clung on to me like her life depended on it.

  “Let me in,” I murmured against her throat and she spread her legs wider, letting me settle between them. I felt her slick folds surround my cock, and I started moving back and forth.

  Shit, I could get off from this.

  “Mia,” I groaned and moved my mouth to hers, let my lips brush along hers as I spoke.

  I closed my eyes and groaned.

  “Feels so good, Pope,” she cried out. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted.

  I slipped my finger down her cleft, teasing her clit. And then I ran the pad of my thumb along her pussy hole. She writhed beneath me.

  “God, Mia.” I was between her thighs, my breath moving along the most intimate part of her. With my hands on her inner thighs, I kept her legs spread for me. I lifted my gaze and stared at her.

  “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.”

  “You already do. You already have.”

  I kept my gaze locked on hers as I dragged my tongue through her cleft. I had my hand on her belly, holding her in place as I ate her out.

  I became a beast then, gripping her thighs tightly, digging my fingertips into her flesh, knowing there would be bruises in the morning. But I wanted those marks on her. It would show everyone who she belonged to.

  The silky-smooth feeling of her pussy along my tongue could have had me coming right then. But no fucking way was I going to get off without being inside of her. I needed to feel her come for me.

  Over and over I licked and sucked on her, knowing I’d never get enough, knowing she needed more. I wanted to have my face buried between her thighs until my tongue and lips were numb, until she was so weak from coming, until she was begging for more. I started dry humping the bed, not able to help myself, not even about to pretend like I could. Over and over I did this, rubbing my hips back and forth on the sheets.

  When I felt her body tense and knew she was coming, I sucked her clit harder and rode out the orgasm with her. I gave her pussy one more swipe then felt her relax.

  I moved up her body. My dick was pressed between her slick folds. I took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss, wanting my dick buried in her pussy so fucking badly I could already envision how good she’d feel, how tight she’d clench around my shaft.

  She opened her mouth, and I didn’t stop myself as I plunged my tongue inside, fucking her there.

  She panted against my mouth and spread her legs wider. I pressed my hips farther against hers, my cock sliding right between the center of her, gathering her wetness.

  “Spread wider for me, Mia. I need to see every inch of what’s mine.” I barely got the words out.

  She made a soft sound in the back of her throat, and I leaned back, bracing my hands beside her, looking down at her pussy. And then this gruff sound left me as I stared at her cunt.

  She was so fucking perfect between her legs, pink, wet … mine.

  “Pope,” she whispered.

  “Christ.” It was all I could get out. I glanced up at her face, saw desire covering it, then immediately looked between her thighs again.

  She was all for me.

/>   “Be with me. No more waiting.”

  I groaned, my balls drawn up tight. I was about to come. I needed to be inside of her before I got off all over her belly. “Mia,” I whispered harshly and grabbed my cock, the pleasure instantly consuming. As I stared into her eyes, I placed the tip at her entrance. “God. Yes.” I inhaled, smelling her sweet scent, needing every part of her ingrained in me.

  I opened my eyes and stared into her face. Her pupils dilated, her mouth parted.

  “You ready for me, pretty girl?”

  “I’m yours.”

  “You want me inside of you?”

  She nodded.

  A part of me wanted to prolong this, but the stronger part needed inside of her now.

  In one swift move, I buried my cock in her wet, tight pussy. She gasped, her pain clear, instant. I stilled, letting her get accustomed to my size, my girth.

  “I’m sorry,” I grunted as her pussy muscles contracted around me.

  “You’re big.” I saw the way her throat worked when she swallowed.

  “Touch me,” I demanded, pleaded.

  She had her hands on my biceps, her nails pricking my skin.

  I started pulling out and pushing back into her slowly, easily, letting her get used to me, to my size. But all I wanted to do was pound the fuck out of her. I felt how wet she’d become for me, heard her breathing change. She was right here with me.

  In and out.

  In and out.

  Sweat started to coat my skin, my heart raced, and my balls were drawn up tight. I wanted to come so badly, but I didn’t want this to end. I wanted it to last forever. For-fucking-ever.

  I pushed in deep and stilled, feeling my muscles relax and contract. Her pussy milked me for my cum.

  “Baby, I can’t last,” I admitted.

  “Good, because neither can I.”

  I closed my eyes and moaned right before I started slamming in and out of her, fucking the hell out of my girl.

  I reached between us, needing her to get off for me just once more, needing Mia to show me how good this felt for her.

  I started rubbing her clit.

  “Pope,” she whispered.

  Back and forth I rubbed that little bundle.

  She tensed beneath me, moaning softly, her voice rising higher. And then she was tossing her head back and forth, her mouth opening as her pleasure reached its peak.

  The fact she came for me, let herself become vulnerable, had my self-control slipping.

  “Don’t stop. Please, Pope,” she moaned. “Don’t ever stop.”

  “Never,” I growled.

  Any kind of self-control snapped. I started to really pump in and out of her, filling her up with my cock, making her take every single thick inch. I stared at her face the whole time, loving the pleasure that washed across her expression.

  “So good, Mia. So fucking good.”

  “Yes,” she cried out.

  I felt my orgasm rise. Just before I came inside of her, filling her up with my cum, I pulled out. I grabbed my cock and stroked my hand over my length, my balls drawn up, my need violent. There was no turning back, no stopping this. She was mine irrevocably. She always had been. She always would be.

  The pleasure consumed me, controlled me. I breathed out slowly as my orgasm washed through me, claimed me. It was never-ending. It was uncontrollable.

  Groaning deeply, I forced my eyes to stay open as I came so I could stare at her, watch as my cum covered her belly, marked her.

  When the pleasure dimmed, I sagged and breathed out, my chest rising and falling harshly, sweat covering my body. I couldn’t help but stare at Mia, thinking about what we’d done, how Mia was mine. All mine now.

  Possessiveness filled me at the very knowledge that she’d given herself to me. I felt even more territorial of her now.

  I lifted my gaze to her face. For a long time we didn’t speak, but nothing needed to be said.

  “Pope,” she whispered and my heart clenched.

  “Be mine, Mia. Always.”

  She smiled. “I’ve always been yours, Pope.”

  Pride and pleasure slammed into me, and I couldn’t help the sound of raw need that came from me. It was primal. “I couldn’t let you go even if I wanted to, Mia, even if I had the strength to.” I pulled her in close and buried my nose in her hair. “All I want to do is make you happy, to protect you and make sure I don’t disappoint you.” I felt her shake her head. “Having you in my life has changed everything. Loving you has changed everything.” I wasn’t like this, not ever, but with Mia I felt the world crumble around me. “You make me want to be a better person. You make me want to be a better everything.”

  That was the truth, but she’d never know how deep it actually ran. I’d spend the rest of my life showing her, proving to her that we were always meant to be together.



  I started off at a slow pace on the treadmill, but the longer I was on it the more my thoughts wandered, and the faster I went. My feet hit the platform at a steady interval, the music blasting through my earbuds, sweat dripping down my body.

  All I could think about was last night, what Mia and I had done … what I’d done to her.

  My body was strung tight with the memory of how she’d felt under me, how soft her skin was, how good she smelled. Even now, I swore her scent was on my skin, ingrained in my very cells.

  I closed my eyes and breathed out.

  She’d been so tight and wet, so ready and primed for me. I hadn’t been able to control myself like I wanted to, hadn’t been able to make it last, make it go all night. And that’s what I wanted.

  I wanted to be buried deep inside of her until the sun had come up and both of us were too exhausted to move. But I’d forced myself to leave, because sneaking out at the ass crack of dawn from her dorm would’ve caused some issues for her, raised some eyebrows.

  But I’d made it perfectly fucking clear that this hadn’t been a one-night thing, a one-time occurrence. I meant it when I said Mia was mine and I wasn’t letting her go. I’d waited too damn long to finally claim her, and now that I had her, everything felt like it was right in the world, like everything had fallen into place.

  All I wanted to do was spend every waking moment with her, hold her, touch her in some way so everyone knew, had no fucking question, who she was with.

  I pumped my arms faster as I ran harder, my focus trained right ahead. There were people working out on either side of me, girls in skimpy spandex outfits, ones that were mainly there to get the attention of the beefed-up guys on campus instead of actually working up a sweat.

  After half an hour, I shut down the treadmill and stood there for a moment, my chest rising and falling, a sheet of sweat covering my body. I’d already been at the gym for an hour and a half, working out because it was better than the alternative, which was going right back to Mia and pressing her up against the wall as I buried myself deep in her body.

  Hell, I could still feel her hands on me, her fingers gently moving up and down my arms, holding me as I thrust in and out of her. I could still feel her nails pressing into my bicep, that prick of pain as she cried out her completion.

  Shit, my cock was starting to harden, my erection tenting the nylon of my shorts.

  I climbed off the treadmill and grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat from my body. I picked up my water bottle and unscrewed the cap, downing the full sixteen ounces before tossing it in the recycling bin.

  My chest was rising and falling in even intervals, everything around me dim compared to what I had, how I felt with Mia.

  “Hey, dude. What’s up?”

  I glanced over when I heard Tristan’s voice.

  He sauntered over, the wife beater he wore stretched across his massive chest.

  “Hey, man.”

  He stopped by me and grinned. He was a rich pretty boy, but despite his cocky manwhore-ish reputation on campus, Tristan was a good guy who was just misunderstood.

I knew he liked all the attention, even if most of it was bullshit.

  “Dude, big-ass party tonight over at Beta Kappa Alpha.” He walked over to bench-press and turned around to look at me when I didn’t answer. “You down?”

  I shook my head and walked over to where my gym bag was. I sat on the bench and started taking off my running shoes. I needed to shower. And then I’d go see my girl.

  “Rumor has it there’s some big-time football players showing up. You played ball in high school, right?”

  “That was a lifetime ago, man.”

  Tristan snorted and I grinned.

  “You sound like you’re an old fucking man.”

  “Compared to those days, I am.” Tristan started laughing. “But I have plans tonight anyway.” Technically, I didn’t have anything going on, but my plans were always Mia.

  They always were and always would be.

  Because she was mine.

  That knowledge washed through me like a tidal wave and I felt myself grin. I could sense Tristan still staring at me, and when I glanced at him, I was right. His focus was trained right on me, this inquisitive look on his face.

  “Dude, what’s up with you? You look like you got a good piece of ass last night or something.” He sat down but still stared at me.

  I just shook my head. “Good company will do that, man.” Love will do that to you.

  And what Mia and I did was no one’s business but our own. But I was feeling pretty fucking incredible, and that was obviously projecting.

  “Well, your silence is pretty loud, but I’m not going to delve. I know how to mind my own fucking business.” He gestured for one of the other guys to come over and spot him, then leaned back, lifting his hands and curling his fingers around the bar of the weights. “Well, if you change your mind, come on out. Supposed to be one hell of a party.” He looked at me for a moment. “Maybe you can hit up some of those football players, you know, get in good with them.”

  I knew Tristan meant well, but he didn’t know the whole story. He didn’t know that after a bad knee injury that successfully ended what could have been an incredible professional football career, I decided I’d follow this new life and focus on my studies, get a job that didn’t have me knocking into big motherfuckers on the daily.


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