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A Real Man Special Edition 2

Page 41

by Jenika Snow

“God, yes. So wet,” she said as if she were desperate.

  Fuck, I nearly came in my damn jeans like a fucking teenager.

  The most obscene, vulgar part of me rose up, and I knew what I was going to say while with her would be fucking filthy. But I couldn’t stop myself.

  “You feel so… huge.”

  I closed my eyes and grappled with control. “You want me between your legs, don’t you?”

  She nodded, maybe not trusting her voice. I didn’t blame her. I didn’t trust mine.

  I moved my lips to her neck again, a part of her body I just couldn’t stay away from. I groaned against that soft flesh at the same time I ground my dick against her, over and over again, feeling that friction and knowing if I kept this up it would be over with before it really started.

  “God, yes.”

  She gripped my biceps and pulled me closer. I groaned, knowing she needed this.

  I needed this. I wanted this.

  There was no way I could stop myself from grinding my dick against her pussy. God, I needed her naked.

  “Big,” she moaned, and I snapped.

  I pulled back only long enough to tear my clothes off. I had my long-sleeved shirt off first, gripping the material on my back and pulling it up and over my head. I tossed it aside and immediately went for my pants. She watched me with this dazed expression on her face, her eyes wide, her pupils dilated.

  I had to shift on the mattress to get the pants and my briefs off, but once I was naked, I stilled as I saw the expression on her face. She was staring right at my cock.

  I wasn’t a small man by any means, not in height, build… or anything else. It was one of the reasons I’d gotten my nickname all those years ago on that fucking dare.

  My dick was huge. I knew that, and right now, I worried she’d think it was too big.

  “I mean…” She trailed off a second, her eyes still on my crotch. “I know it’ll fit, but I won’t lie and say I’m not afraid. You’re gonna have to really work that in me.”

  Shit. Hearing her say working myself in her turned me on so damn much I felt even more pre-cum line the slit at the tip of my shaft.

  She slowly lifted her eyes up to meet my gaze. “I’ve never done this,” she whispered, admitted very shyly.

  The world stood still as I took those words in.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said after a prolonged moment, her throat working as she swallowed. It was obvious she was nervous for more than one reason. I hadn’t even contemplated she might be untouched, even though I hoped like hell I’d be the only man to ever know what she felt like, sounded like as she came.

  But God... she really was a virgin.

  There was no stopping me now, no chance of trying to rein in my desire or control.

  “I’ll be gentle,” I groaned.

  I hope. I need to be.

  I started going for her clothes. She didn’t stop me, thank God. In record time, I had her shirt and pants off. She lay there in only her panties and bra, her curvy-as-fuck body calling to me in every primal, female way.

  I’d never seen a woman more gorgeous than Landry.

  She rose up and started taking off her bra, her focus trained on me the whole time. When the material was off and tossed aside, I stared at her chest and the lush, round breasts that were revealed.

  “Panties.” I groaned that lone word like a fucking barbarian.

  She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties and slid them over her hips and down her thighs, lifting her ass for a second to remove them. They now hung off one of her ankles, her legs slightly spread, a little teasing glimpse of her pussy on display. I reached down and grabbed my dick, stroking the fucker from root to tip as I stared at her pink, wet flesh.

  I ground myself right up against her. She scored my back with her nails, the feeling erotic, so fucking hot. “Yes, so damn good, baby.” I ran my tongue the rest of the way up her neck and to her mouth. Once I was kissing her again, I moved my hands between us and felt the weight of her breasts, eager for everything I would give her. Landry was just as ready for this as I was. I sat back and looked at her. “Spread for me, baby.”

  She did so, bracing her legs on the mattress, showing me how pink and wet she really was. I looked back up at her face. “I’m going to claim you, so you know exactly who you belong to. There’s no going back after this.” I groaned as I positioned myself over her, feeling her slickness greet my hard dick. I was so fucking hard.

  I moved my hand between our bodies, slipped my fingers through her slit, and clenched my teeth at the wet heat I found waiting for me. She was so ready. I wanted to lick her, eat her out until she was coming in my mouth. Instead, I gathered her cream on my fingers, lifted them, and sucked them until there was nothing left covering the digits.

  “Big.” She said my name again.

  I kissed her then, spearing my tongue into her mouth so she could taste herself. “Tell me what you need, what you want.”

  “You,” she said instantly.

  That was my undoing. I reached between her legs again, touching her pussy, spearing my fingers through her soaked folds, and teasing her clit. “That feel good, baby girl?”

  “Yes, God, yes, it feels so good.” Her eyes were shut, her mouth parted slightly. I slid my finger into her body, feeling her inner muscles clench around the digit, moaning at how wet and hot she was deep inside. I pumped my finger in and out, staring at her face the whole time.

  I kissed her again, mouth-fucking her as I pumped my finger in and out of her, the wet sounds of the digit being sucked by her pussy filling the air, making me hotter, stiffer.

  “Touch me,” I gritted out, and she complied instantly. When she reached between us and grabbed my cock, I hissed. Her hand was small compared to my huge dick.

  “You’re so big, so thick.”

  I had to clench my teeth as the pleasure washed through me. My skin tightened, and the blood rushed through my veins. “So fucking good, but I have to stop you.” I shifted back, her hand leaving my cock. I placed my hands on her legs, lifting them up so they were braced on the mattress, and pushed her knees apart.

  My focus was trained on her parted pussy lips, on her little swollen clit, her pinkness. Her tight little hole was right there for me, ready for my big dick.

  Putting my fingers over her pussy, I felt the heat from her body spear right into my flesh. God, she was so fucking pink and smelled incredible. I moved the digits farther inward until my thumbs brushed against her pussy lips. “So damn perfect.” I looked up at her and saw she was watching me. “You want me to eat you out, make you come with my mouth?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, panting.

  I latched my mouth on to her, closed my eyes, and grunted at the taste. Her flavor was sweet and musky and so fucking addictive. I could have eaten her out all day long.

  I devoured her until she came against my lips, until Landry was pushing her pussy against my face, seeking out the pleasure I could give her. There would be no other man who had her like this, who tasted her, savored her. She was mine.

  I dragged my tongue over her, up and down, all around. I groaned at the scent of her, at the way she tasted, the way she clenched her hands in my hair. I dipped my tongue inside just enough to show her what was to come. Had she ever let anyone near her this way, licking and sucking her? The very thought of another man knowing her flavor infuriated me, made the possessive side of me rise up.

  I needed to be inside her.

  When I gave her one last lick, I forced myself to move away. I stood and grabbed my cock, jerked it a few times, working my desire up to a frenzied level. Like I fucking needed that anyway. I was prolonging this, trying to make it last… trying to make every second with Landry last.

  But I wanted my cum in her, wanted it filling her, marking her. “I’m clean, baby girl. I need to be raw in you, need to feel your bare pussy clenching around my dick.”

  “Be with me,” she said on a moan.

  “You ready fo
r this, for being mine, Landry?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I placed the tip of my dick right at her pussy hole, wanting to just shove deep into her. While staring into her eyes, I held on to her waist. “You ready for more, baby?”

  She nodded. In one quick move, I sank into her tight pussy.

  “God, Big.” The way she said my name, all breathy, had this harsh groan spilling from me, this wild animal escaping. I reared my hips back and slammed into her hard, her body sliding up the mattress for a second before I pulled her back down.

  Harder and faster.

  Sweat started to trickle down my back. “Fuck. God, yes, baby.” I rocked in and out of her, the feel of her pussy so wet, so fucking tight.

  She’s all mine, and fuck anyone who tries to stop me from having Landry as mine.

  “God, yes, baby. That’s it.” I stared into her eyes. “That’s so it. I want you to squeeze that pussy around my cock. Make me come.” I tried to breathe, but being buried deep in her felt too damn good.

  She was making these mewling noises for me, these little cries of pleasure, of wanting more. I dug my fingers into her waist. I wouldn’t let her go. I’d never let her go.

  “Is it good for you?”

  She nodded, her mouth parted, her eyes big, her pupils dilated. I was a dirty fucking bastard for what I wanted to do to her. I leaned back so I could watch myself move in and out of her pussy, watch as it sucked at my cock. A groan ripped from me at the sight. Her pussy lips surrounded me, stretched wide, so pink and slightly swollen from what I was doing to her.

  “Big,” she moaned, her voice hoarse, her pleasure obvious.

  I looked at her face. “You’re fucking perfect everywhere.”

  She gasped.

  I reached between us and started rubbing her clit. “Come for me.”

  She started breathing harder, faster. And then I saw her pleasure wash across her face as she went over the edge. She closed her eyes and let go, just like I said, just like I wanted.

  I needed her so unhinged she couldn’t even see straight.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll still feel me tomorrow when you sit down,” I growled, the images in my head dirty, possessive. “Now come for me again, just once more, baby girl.”

  She tossed her head back and did just that, obeying me so well, so much that I knew I’d never get enough.

  Hell, I knew I’d never get enough of her when I first saw Landry all those years ago.

  “I was a fucking idiot for not claiming you when you first came to town. I’ll never make a mistake like that again,” I said harshly, with possession in my voice.

  I couldn’t hold back, even if I wanted to, to make this last. There was no fucking way I could stop this. “My sweet Landry,” I whispered and slammed my dick into her sweet, tight virgin pussy once, twice, and on the third time, I thrust every single thick inch of my dick into her body.

  Maybe I should have pulled out, jerked myself off, and sprayed my seed all over her lush, curvy body. I wasn’t wearing a condom, and pregnancy was a possibility, but fuck, the thought of her carrying my child, of her belly growing swollen because of my baby, had me roaring out and keeping my cock deep in her tight pussy.

  “I can’t pull out,” I said in a guttural tone.

  “Don’t. Stay inside and fill me up.”

  Holy fuck. Her words were filthy but had a touch of innocence laced in them.

  She stared right into my eyes as I came, as I felt her pussy quiver around my dick, her inner muscles clenching around my shaft, pulling me in more, tightening around my erection. Damn, she felt so fucking tight, like she was strangling my dick. I needed more.

  So much more.

  I came for her, filled her up, coated her with my cum, made her take every last drop. My dick felt thicker, bigger. I worried I would hurt her, but the feeling of her nails digging into my skin, the way she moaned for more, told me she liked what I was giving her.

  My body shook, my muscles tense. I released a breath as I felt my orgasm come to an end. When I slowly pulled out, her pussy still clenching around me, I nearly thrust back in deep. When my dick slipped from between her thighs, I stared at how red and swollen she was, how wet. I watched as my seed started to slip out of her little hole, sliding down the crease of her ass and soaking the sheets beneath her. The thick white fluid covered her pussy lips, making me hard despite the fact that I’d just gotten off, was now spent, my balls drained.

  “God, so fucking hot, Landry.” I didn’t even try to stop myself from reaching out, smoothing my finger over her folds, smearing my seed along her pretty cunt. “It’s so fucking hot seeing my cum covering you like this.” I looked at her face again. “I’ve marked you as mine, Landry baby.” I pushed a finger into her pussy, and her hole clenched around the digit. I grunted in pleasure, knowing I’d never get enough.


  I wrapped my arm around her, making sure she was as close to me as possible.

  “I’m yours, Big.”

  “Yeah, you really are, Landry.”

  Always. She’d always be mine.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d gotten out of bed early this morning, partly because I couldn’t sleep, but mainly because I had a raging hard-on. I didn’t want to wake Landry with that sucker digging into the small of her back. I also knew she was going to be sore, given the fact that she’d given me her virginity last night, and I was a large man and knew I’d stretched her real good. I didn’t want to give her any more discomfort.

  So I’d gotten out of bed, covered her back up, and just stood there for a moment watching her sleep, reveling in the fact that she was lying in my bed, her body lusciously nude, her dark hair fanned out along my white sheets.

  She looked perfect. She looked like she belonged.

  And although I’d felt this incredible arousal for her, I also felt this intense warmth in my heart. I wanted her, cared about her for so long that it all seemed like this fantastical dream, a made-up fantasy. But it was real, and she was here, and she was mine.

  I wasn’t going to let her go. I’d told her as much last night, would continue to tell her over and over again until there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that she was mine.

  It had been a couple hours since I’d left her in my room sleeping, and I was working on my third cup of coffee when I heard her stir. The fire was already going, the January weather leaving frost all over everything in the early morning, right before the sun rose and started to melt it.

  I stood when I heard my bedroom door open, looked at the table I already set for breakfast, and prayed like hell she didn’t think I was overstepping bounds and going too fast. But I’d wanted to make her breakfast, to feed her. I wanted to squeeze those oranges, so she had fresh juice, wanted to have her taste the bacon I’d gotten from the butcher shop just last week, because it was the freshest I’d ever had.

  I wanted her to tell me how good the homemade pancakes were, not because I needed my ego stroked, but because I would know I was nourishing her.

  I just wanted to take care of her.

  She came out with a blanket wrapped around her body, her curves visible and making my pulse race. God, she was gorgeous with her hair mussed, her cheeks flushed, and lips that were plump and pink from my kisses.

  She stopped right before she got into the kitchen and gave me this sleepy smile before her focus turned to the table.

  “You made breakfast for me?”

  My chest puffed up like I was some kind of proud bastard she’d noticed. Hell, who was I kidding? I was damn proud she noticed. I walked over to the table and pulled the chair out, waiting for her to take it.

  “I wanted to make you breakfast. Hope you’re hungry enough to eat it all.” I chuckled nervously. Hell, I’d never felt this kind of anxiety before, never been so worried about pleasing somebody in my life. But I wanted Landry to be happy. So damn happy.

  “Thank you. Everything smells delici
ous.” Her voice was soft, still laced with sleep. She was only a foot from me now, getting ready to sit down, but I reached out and curled my hand around her waist, bringing her closer to me. Her womanly body pressed against my hardness, and I had no doubt she felt the stiff outline of my cock digging into her belly.

  The little sound of surprise she made told me as much.

  I buried my face in the crook of her neck and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. I loved how she molded against me, her arms wrapped around my shoulders, her head resting on my chest. She made me feel like such a man, and every primal part of me wanted to take care of her in every single way that mattered.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice was soft and pleasure-filled.

  “Enjoying the moment with you, not wanting it to end.” I was going to be honest with her. I’d always tell her the truth, no matter what.

  She melted into me a little bit more and I heard her let out a sigh, one that was filled with contentment and relaxation. A low growl left me before I could stop it.

  “I could stay like this forever,” I said honestly, tightening my arms around her body even more.

  “I’d be okay with that,” she responded, and I made another gruff sound in the back of my throat.

  I gave the side of her neck one lingering kiss before pulling back and sliding my hands up her body so that I could cup her cheeks. I tilted her head back slightly and looked down at her lush lips before leaning down and claiming them in a soft, sensual kiss.

  Although I could’ve fucked her right here on the breakfast table, just pushed everything off and bent her over, spreading her thighs and sliding in deep, I was just savoring this moment, enjoying it.

  “I thought about this for so long, Landry. So long.” I murmured those words against her lips before pulling back and giving her a smile. She looked dazed and content as she glanced up at me, and then a slow smile spread across her perfectly pouty lips. I loved that I’d put that expression on her face.

  “Me too,” she whispered and rose up on her toes to be the one to kiss me now.

  God, I loved this woman.


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