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Children of the Apocalypse: Mega Boxed Set

Page 26

by Baileigh Higgins

  These thoughts milled through her head the entire time they talked, making it hard to keep up the pretense. When she had the opportunity to escape with a reasonable excuse, she grabbed it, relieved not to have to fake a smile anymore.

  Logan went off to help Joseph with the construction of the wall, while she headed out to the vegetable plots. The morning passed in a blur, her hands occupied with planting, weeding, and pruning. This left her mind free to roam.

  She’d never planned on having children. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Would it be so bad after all? Erica was pregnant. So was Tumi. They had a doctor and a nurse. Even a pharmacist. They could scavenge for the supplies needed. How will Logan feel about it? Will he be happy? Angry?

  “Are you okay, sweetie?” Julianne asked when she brought her a glass of water.

  Morgan straightened up, easing the crick in her back. “I’m fine, Mom.”

  “Are you sure?” Julianne’s eyes scanned Morgan’s body, her expression shrewd. “Something’s different about you.”

  “I’m feeling peaky, that’s all.”

  “Have you seen Jonathan about it?”

  “I have, and it’s just a bug. Seriously, Mom.” Morgan downed the water in one gulp. “I’m not a kid.”

  Julianne shook her head, face wan. “You’ll always be my kids. All of you.” She looked down at Sam on her hip and gave a half-smile. “I can’t lose any more of you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean it like that.” Morgan hugged Julianne. “I miss Lilian too.”

  “I think about her and Michael every day. Ronald too.” They stood in silence until Julianne gave herself a visible shake. “I’ve still got all of you, though, and that’s enough for me.”

  Morgan watched her walk away and hoped she’d never have to live with losing a child. Now that a tiny person might be relying on her, she felt fear dry up the saliva in her mouth. Can I raise a child like this?

  A few hours later, she had finished weeding the last of the green beans when Logan rode up on a quad bike, balancing a covered basket in front of him. “Feel like taking a break?”

  “Uh, sure. What’s that?”

  “A surprise. Hop on.”

  Morgan climbed onto the back and wrapped her arms around his waist, taking comfort in the feel of his strong back. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling. After a while, he slowed to a stop. She opened her eyes to find he’d taken them to a remote spot between a clump of willows. The trees created the illusion of privacy, and the grass was soft, springy to the touch. A light breeze whispered through the leaves, cool and fresh. “What’s going on?”

  Logan opened the basket and pulled out a blanket. He threw it down on the grass, then bowed, flourishing one hand.“Have a seat, M’lady.”

  “Why certainly, good Sir.” A giggle welled up, but she played along. Keeping a straight face, she sat down with prim composure.

  He whipped out a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “A toast,” he proposed, “to the woman I love.”

  “Uh, okay,” she answered, watching his grandiose gestures with dubious interest. “No champagne for me, thanks.”

  He deflated. “What? Why not?”

  She thought fast. “I’m not supposed to drink alcohol with a stomach bug.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, thrown off his game. “Can you at least eat?”

  “Sure. I’m starving.” And indeed, she was. No breakfast followed by hours of hard labor had given her a healthy appetite. In hindsight, she now recognized her nausea for what it was—morning sickness.

  Happy that his surprise picnic was back on track, Logan pulled out an array of food from the basket to tempt her.

  “Wow. Thanks, babe. This looks great.”

  Morgan eyed the spread. It looked delicious, and her tummy rumbled. She popped an olive into her mouth, savoring the bitter taste. A handful of fresh cherry tomatoes followed. She’d picked them herself that morning, and they tasted like sunshine.

  It was too bad that Logan stared at her with unwavering intensity, like a hawk watching a mouse. She shifted beneath his scrutiny, growing uncomfortable. Does he know?

  Morgan wracked her brain for something to say. Nothing presented itself, and she stuffed a boiled egg into her mouth instead. Jamming the whole thing in wasn’t the best idea, and her eyes teared up as she struggled to chew.

  With the worst sense of timing, Logan leaned forward while she was in mid-chew. “Morgan, I’m not very good at this sort of thing, so I’m just gonna come out and say it.”

  “Mmm?” she mumbled.

  He pushed himself up onto one knee and slipped a small black box out of his pocket.

  Morgan’s eyes bugged.

  “Morgan.” He held out the box, snapping open the lid. “Will you marry me?” Inside lay a ring of white gold and sapphires. It glittered and sparkled, beguiling with its promise of love and fidelity.

  A sudden intake of breath proved to be her undoing, and she choked on a lump of egg. Coughing and spluttering, she hacked like a cat with a hairball.

  Logan was up in a flash, pounding her back and shoving a bottle of water into her face. After a deep swallow, she heaved oxygen into her lungs, fighting for a semblance of dignity. “You want to marry me?”

  “That’s the plan,” he replied, sitting back.

  “The plan?”

  “I mean, I want to marry you. I love you, and I want to be with you, and…” He stopped abruptly and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m rambling. This is much harder than I thought it would be.”

  “Where’d you get the ring?”

  “I picked it out at a jeweler during a raid last week. Why? Don’t you like it?” Sudden anxiety washed over his face. “I can get you something else.”

  “No!” She shook her head. “I love it. It’s gorgeous.”

  “Is that a yes then?”

  With the force of a bolt of lightning, it hit her. Logan wanted to marry her. Elation sizzled through her veins. “Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  With a look of intense relief, he swooped in for a kiss that left her breathless then slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.

  “How did you manage that?” she asked.

  “I asked your mother for help.”

  “You asked my mom? Seriously?”

  “Who do you think packed the basket? Or told me you like sapphires?”

  An hour later, they lay side by side, staring up at the clouds. Morgan felt replete. Like her body was filled to the brim with every good emotion that existed. She gazed up at his face. “I love you.”

  He gazed at her with the kind of devotion you only read about in stories. “And I love you.”

  She shivered as he trailed his fingers up her arm, raising goosebumps. “I wish this moment could last forever.”

  He kissed the top of her head then her lips, hands cupping her face. “It will.”


  The next morning, Morgan got up as quietly as she could in the pre-dawn hours, trying not to disturb Logan’s sleep. Sneaking to the bathroom, she took out the pregnancy test. The moment of truth awaited. She fumbled with the packaging and peed on the stick.

  Her foot tapped on the tiles as she waited, impatience and nerves making her jittery. After several tense seconds, the first line appeared. She chewed her lip. Maybe she wasn’t pregnant. Then, it showed, becoming brighter with each passing moment. The second line. I’m pregnant.

  “Oh, shit.” Her hands trembled. An indescribable feeling welled up inside. Joy? Fear? It was hard to tell.

  After tossing the test into the bin, Morgan slipped back in bed and nestled up against Logan, hoping his presence would soothe her. It did not. Her mind was in turmoil.

  For an hour she tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going for a run, babes.”

  He mumbled something and turned over, snoring. After their engagement yesterday, there had been a celebration party, and Lo
gan went overboard. He was not the only one. There would be quite a few headaches today, she was willing to bet. Strangely enough, she felt fine this morning. The nausea was there but subdued, manageable.

  Perhaps it’s the dry crackers and ginger tea I had before bed. A little tip from Jonathan whispered into her ear.

  It was a beautiful morning for exercise. Crisp and clear. Easing into a slow jog at first, she did a circuit of the buildings. She was preparing to do another when a familiar voice called out.

  “Hey, Morgan. Wait up.” Angie jogged over the dew-laden grass, looking girly in a hot pink tracksuit. “Can I join you?”

  “Sure. Let’s go.”

  “Why don’t we run down to the far end? Follow the fence?”

  “Sounds good. We can make it count as a patrol.”

  They set off and fell into the rhythm of running, their feet forming a steady beat. Morgan felt good, her breathing smooth and even. She kept thinking of her pregnancy, getting more and more excited. I’m having a baby!

  A spontaneous grin broke onto her face, and she placed a hand over her taut belly, wondering at the life growing there. I’m telling Logan as soon as I’m done here. In fact, I’m turning back now.

  She slowed. “I’m going back, Angie. I need to tell Logan something important.”

  “What?” An undefined emotion crossed the younger girl’s face. She stuttered a reply. “Are you sure you don’t want to go a little further?”

  They’d left the buildings behind but were not out of sight yet. The fence was still a distance off. Morgan shook her head. “No, I’m sure. I need to see him right away.”

  “Okay. I’ll go with you,” Angie replied. Her dark eyes were hooded, but Morgan hardly noticed.

  They turned back the way they came, and she thought she’d burst out of her skin with excitement. I’m going to be a mom! I can’t wait to tell Logan. I’m sure he’ll be happy. Just as happy as I am.

  They’d gone only a few paces when Angie cried out, doubling over in pain. Morgan stopped. “Are you okay?”

  Angie gasped, clutching her side. “I think I’ve got a cramp.”

  “Take it easy. It should pass soon.”

  “Just give me a minute,” Angie said.

  Her face was twisted with pain, and Morgan moved closer to offer support. “Here, let me help you.”

  “Thanks, I’m sure it will go away any moment.”

  Impatience prompted Morgan to glance over her shoulder. In the distance, she spotted Logan’s tall figure striding toward her. A smile grew on her face, her heart swelling with joy. She looked back at Angie to spur the girl along. “Can you walk—”

  Angie’s hand flashed to her waist. A glint of silver showed. Her body twisted, and the object swung towards Morgan’s unprotected stomach.

  Alarm flared in Morgan’s mind. Instinct kicked in. She pulled back but not far enough. Pain exploded in her abdomen. She gasped, trying to catch a breath with lungs gone empty. She gripped Angie’s wrist, trying to remove the stinging agony. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages.” Angie grabbed Morgan’s shoulder. Her fingers dug into the muscle, pulling herself closer. The knife cut deeper.

  With a cry, Morgan wrenched at Angie’s arm. Her other hand lashed out, a fist catching the girl on the cheekbone. She broke free, pressing against the bleeding wound. Blood pumped out between her fingers, thick and warm. My baby!

  She gazed at Angie’s triumphant face with confusion. “Why?”

  “Why? You want to know why?” Angie lunged, the knife stabbing at the air. Morgan staggered to the side, narrowly avoiding it. “Because you took Armand away from me.”

  “No…I didn’t…” Morgan’s brain scrambled, unable to form a coherent thought. She’s crazy. I have to get away from her. I have to…Logan!

  She looked over her shoulder, spotting him running toward them, but he was still so far away. Too far. “Lo—”

  Angie sprang forward and used the moment to her advantage. Morgan dodged, but she wasn’t fast enough. The knife slid into the flesh beneath her sternum. It bit deep, sinking to the hilt.With a brutal cutting move, Angie sawed upward. The girl shrieked in anger. “He was mine!”

  The pain morphed into a hellish trail of fire, burning up into Morgan’s chest. She screamed, her body set alight. Clawing at Angie’s face, she broke free. A river of blood pushed up her throat. She choked, the crimson fluid gushing over her lips. Her knees buckled, and she fell, the world moving past her eyes in slow motion. Angie’s face hovered above hers for a second, gloating. Morgan blinked, tears fogging her vision. “Please.”

  A hoarse shout sounded, and Angie was plucked away. Logan appeared in her stead, his face contorted. “Morgan. Hold on, baby. I’m here.”

  She tried to speak but coughed. The words gurgled in her throat. She was drowning in her own blood. Logan grabbed her by the shoulders. He pulled her upright, holding her against him. Her head lolled forwards, and the fluid dribbled out onto his chest. It allowed her to breathe, and she sucked in a lungful of air. “Logan.”

  “Don’t speak, my love. Save your strength. I’m going get help, okay? Just hold on.”

  “Don’t leave me. Please.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  The world dipped and swayed around her. Her muscles were weak, the strength leeching from them on the tide of her breath. She lay against Logan’s chest. His scent enveloped her, warm and safe. His voice whispered to her, the words near and yet so far.

  I’m here. I’ll never leave you. I promise.

  Stay with me.


  Chapter 27 - Logan

  “Don’t leave me. Please.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” Logan slid his arms beneath Morgan and stood. He set off at a run, heading for the infirmary. She lay against his breast like a broken bird, her blood soaking the front of his shirt.

  “I’m here. I’ll never leave you. I promise.”

  “Stay with me.”


  He murmured the words over and over, hoping to keep her awake. The distance seemed to stretch forever. Her rasping breaths were terrible to hear, but even worse was the sudden silence.

  Logan stumbled to a stop and looked down. Her eyes were closed, her skin paper white. Laying her down on the ground, he pressed his ear to her chest and felt for a pulse. Nothing. No heartbeat.

  “No. Don’t die.” He grabbed her face with both hands, tapping her cheeks. “You can’t die.”

  No response.

  He leaned forward, breathing into her mouth. Her chest rose and fell. He repeated the procedure, punctuating it with chest compresses. “Come on, baby. Fight!”

  Morgan lay lifeless, her blood soaking into the ground. After a few minutes, he was forced to acknowledge the truth. She was dead.

  He brushed his thumbs over her mouth, leaving crimson smears on her cheeks. “I saw the test. I know.”

  His hands curled into fists, and he choked back a bitter sob. Deep inside, something broke. Something that died years ago at his father’s hands only to come alive again at her touch. Fury welled up inside. A cold, unforgiving hatred that pushed out any thoughts of mercy or kindness. Angie.

  Logan strode back to where he’d left her. His mind flashed back to the moment he saw her attack Morgan, his desperate run to intervene, the despair when he was too late, his anger…no his rage at her perfidy. He’d ripped her away from Morgan, his fist connecting with her jaw and knocking her unconscious.

  An ugly bruise had formed on the side of her face, and her lip was split and bleeding. He grabbed her by the arms, lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder.

  At the main building, people were gathering for breakfast. He headed there and dumped Angie on the ground, prodding her with his boot. She stirred, moaning.

  “What the hell is going on?” Max asked, striding over.

  “This bitch killed your sister.”

  “What?” Max stopped short, f

  “She killed Morgan.”

  “What do you mean killed? Morgan’s dead?” Disbelief flashed across Max’s features.

  Angie sat up, shaking her head. She groaned, rubbing her swollen jaw. Blood trickled from her lip. She opened her mouth to speak, but Ben interrupted. “Angie? Oh, my God, Angie! What happened?”

  He pushed through the crowd and reached down to help her to her feet. She leaned against him and pointed a trembling finger at Logan. “He hit me. Logan hit me.”

  “You son of a bitch. How dare you touch her? I’ll break your neck, you little whelp!”

  Angie clung to Ben, staring at everyone with huge eyes. She looked fragile, doll-like. Not a person there could believe her capable of murder. Angry glares turned on Logan. Silent condemnation spread from one to the other.

  “Logan? What’s going on?” Max asked. His voice held a pleading note, begging him to tell them it was all a joke, a misunderstanding. “Where’s my sister?”

  “I told you. She’s dead.” Logan looked at Angie. “Angie killed her.”

  “You’re crazy. Angie would never hurt anyone.” Ben’s face grew purple with fury, puffing up like an angry bullfrog’s. He placed a supportive arm around her shoulders and looked at Max. “You can’t honestly believe what he’s saying?”

  The crowd gathered closer, forming a half circle. A ripple spread through their ranks, whispers buzzing in the air.

  “I saw her do it,” Logan said. “She betrayed us, betrayed Morgan.”

  “He’s lying. He’s the one who did it. I tried to stop him, and he hit me.”

  All eyes turned on Logan, evaluating, considering. He stood stock still, face a blank, but his hands were covered in blood. The bruise on Angie’s face likewise accused him.

  “Logan?” Max asked.

  “I didn’t do it, Max. I loved her. You know that. She was my whole world.”

  A disturbance interrupted them. Elise had summoned Julianne who pushed through the crowd, crying out, “Where’s my daughter?”

  Logan turned to her, and his face softened. For a split second, he allowed his pain to shine through. “She’s over there.”


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