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Friends With The Monsters

Page 29

by Albany Walker

  Gunnar’s lips move, but no words come from him. “As soon as you get out of it, I’m going to take you home and lock you in your fucking bedroom!” he roars, leaning into my face.

  I narrow my eyes at him and dare, “Try it.”

  “Okay, okay.” Calix pushes his way between us, making sure not to pass the threshold with his feet.

  “This is just a ward, Dami; it’s not designed to keep people out, but keep them in.” Calix meets my eyes and gives me a small nod when I focus on him.

  “I’ve broken wards,” I murmur.

  “Yes, you have, baby. This one might be a little stronger, but it’s not stronger than you.”

  “You’re damn right it’s not,” I seethe. I think back to the club, the way it felt like I was trudging through water. I remember using my hands to move myself through it, physically.

  “That’s it,” Calix purrs when my right foot slides a millimeter. “Keep going,” he encourages.

  A grin tugs at my lips. “Easy peasy, motherfucker.” I keep shedding off the heavy feeling surrounding my ankles and feet, until it feels like if I just step out of my shoes, I’ll be completely free. And that’s exactly what I do.

  My toe touches the tile floor on the other side of a circle I can feel right at the entrance. I crouch down and run my hand a few inches above the ground to familiarize myself with its energy.

  I jump up and bounce on my toes a little. I’m not going to lie, breaking his ward has my blood singing in my veins. “I’m going to get Aeson.”

  “Wait!” Gunnar shouts, then takes a deep, calming breath when I do, in fact, freeze. “Getting yourself out and getting her out are two totally different things, Damiana.”

  “I’ll have to do it.” Grim appears next to me. “I don’t want you in here alone anyway.”

  “How will you get her out?” I furrow my brow.

  “I’ll have to cross her.”

  “What?” I take a step backwards.

  “You said we couldn’t come to the other side, that we wouldn’t come back.” My voice is hushed, speaking words I don’t want to say.

  “We don’t have any other choice, Damiana. We don’t have a witch to help us. I doubt one would be powerful enough anyway, unless it was the caster, and I don’t think he would remove the ward,” Gunnar answers for Grim.

  “What will happen to her?”

  “She’ll be bound, body and soul, until I untether her.” Grim lowers his chin, staring right into my eyes.

  “You act like that’s a bad thing.” I glance at Calix and Gunnar on the other side of the door.

  “Omnia, there are times when death is a release. If she were to be captured and tortured, she would never die, no matter what they did to her. Do you understand?” I lick my lips. “I will give her the choice. I can cross her and bring her back, or…” Grim leaves the rest unsaid.

  “Oh, she’s coming back.” I cross my arms over my chest defiantly. “If I have to reach into the other side and pull her out by her hair, she’s coming back.”

  “Aeson is older than you know, Dami, let her make the decision,” Calix tells me softly.

  “Aeson!” I shout up the stairs. “We’re coming.” I stare into Grim’s eyes. He’s the only hope I have of keeping my best friend, and I just got her back. Please let her want to come back.

  I take slow, measured steps behind Grim, since he insisted on leading. I don’t mind. I’m too lost in my own head to really pay attention anyway. If I’d been paying more attention before, I wouldn’t have stumbled into a ward or let Aeson fall into another trap.

  Grim pushes open the door to the room I can hear Aeson cursing from. I cover my mouth to hold in my gasp, she’s not just trapped with her feet on the ground. She must have landed in a crouch when she jumped down from the window. Even her hand is plastered to the floor.

  “Hey, bitch.” I straighten my back and try for an unaffected smile. She’ll see right through it but appreciate the effort.

  Aeson blows out a heavy breath, the air pushing her hair back from her forehead. “You’re either my lucky charm, or the universe is trying to tell me something, Dami.” Her voice is uncharacteristically serious.

  “We all have bad weeks, Aeson. This one is definitely my fault; I’m the one who asked you to come along.”

  Grim skirts around me and forces Aeson to look at him. I’ve noticed the way she avoids him, but I just figured she, like the others who visit me, are a little frightened of him.

  “Brownie.” I swat Grim’s arm and give him a mean-mug. “Aeson the Brownie,” he says slowly, while watching me. I nod. He turns his attention back to her.

  Aeson licks her lips. “I got no business with you, Reaper.”

  “Unfortunately, you do. I can offer you a choice.” Grim spreads his hands and a small rift forms, one of his portals.

  Aeson swallows. “What choice is that?”

  “I can cross you and bring you back, but you will forever be changed,” Grim states somberly.

  “Or?” Aeson raises her chin as much as she can while being trapped against the floor.

  “Or I just cross you, no coming back.” He releases the portal, and it snaps closed.

  “But what about…” Aeson’s dark eyes lock on mine, asking me for help.

  “I don’t think I can break the ward, Aeson. I didn’t break the one I was trapped in downstairs. I just slipped out of it.” I shrug my shoulder, failing to come up with a better explanation and feeling like a failure that I can’t save her.

  Aeson looks away and swallows. “This motherfucker is really getting on my nerves,” she growls. Her head falls forward, and she stays quiet so long, I almost start pleading with her to let Grim bring her back, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “What kind of ‘changed’ are we talking about? Some zombie shit?” Aeson finally lifts up her head.

  “No,” Grim tells her, kneeling near her on the ground. He explains how he’ll have to tether her soul, how she couldn’t die until he collected her.

  Aeson sucks in a breath. “No wonder your name is only whispered.” She stares at him with a look of fear and wonder.

  “Aeson,” I call, then roll in my lips. I won’t ask her to stay, but I’m sure my face is saying everything.

  “I suppose I’ll need to stick around. I can’t have this asshole ruining my reputation.”

  I let out a squeal and hop closer to her. In my excitement, I almost trip over Grim and land right next to Aeson in the stupid ward. Grim reaches back and bars his arms across my waist, his fingers biting into my hip.

  “I only have so much patience, Omnia. If I have to watch you in another snare, I will probably lay waste to every witch I see, and that would grow tiresome.”

  “Sorry,” I singsong. “He’s so sweet,” I whisper to Aeson.

  “Oh yeah, he’s a fluffy ball of sugar,” she deadpans.

  Grim stands and ushers me with his body to take a few steps back. “Wait here.” He plants his hands on my shoulders and squeezes.

  “I will—I won’t move.” I make an X over my heart. Grim leans down and kisses me softly.

  As he turns back to Aeson, I feel his portal open and the rage and anger boils out. I’m not tempted by it anymore, not even a slight twinge of hunger. Most likely it’s because I consumed a soul just a short time ago.

  The portal opens wider and my hair blows back from my face. Grim steps closer to the ward and reaches for Aeson’s tiny hand that isn’t planted on the ground. “It’s your choice,” he reminds her when she hesitates.

  Aeson squeezes her eyes closed and reaches her hand out. As soon as the tip of her finger touches Grim, her body crumples to the floor, her foot no longer rooted to the spot. Thankfully, the arm that reached for Grim is just past the circle. I lift my foot to go pull her free, then remember my promise.

  I glance around the empty room, waiting for the portal that disappeared seconds after Grim gathered Aeson’s soul to reappear, but nothing happens.

  I lick my lips. �
�Grim?” I call him a few times, growing louder each time.

  “What’s wrong, Damiana?” Gunnar shouts from downstairs.

  “Grim and Aeson. They’re not back yet,” I holler.

  I can’t take my eyes off Aeson. I feel a prick at my eyes. She’s so still, so silent. I can’t even see her face.

  “Grim?” I call again, but this time it’s a choked sob.

  “I’m going in there,” Gunnar warns.

  “Fucking wait a minute, she’s okay,” Calix tells him. “Damiana, he’ll be back. You know he’ll be back.”

  “But what if she changed her mind?” I wring my hands together.

  I feel the portal open again, only this time, it feels like it’s pulling the air from the room. My feet start to slide, and I circle my arms trying to catch my balance. Some part of me knows I do not want to be pulled into that portal.

  “Oh shit!” I look around for something to grab on to, but there’s nothing. The bed makes a screeching sound as it drags a few inches closer to the forming rift.

  “Oh shit what?” Gunnar barks. “What the fuck is happening up there?”

  I see the tip of something silver pierce the tumultuous gray fog from the other side. With a quick slash, Grim’s scythe rips open the place the portal is forming, and he pushes his cloaked arm through. He steps out, his tall, lithe body rounded down, as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders.

  The portal snaps closed as Grim jerks his scythe to the side. I take one step forward, watching Grim, but also looking for Aeson.

  Grim pushes the hood back from his face with a slow hand and his eyes jerk up to mine. The fire that usually burns there is extinguished. He’s left looking utterly exhausted and spent.

  I take another step, my arms reaching out as if I would catch him if he were to fall. “Careful, Omnia,” he cautions in his layered voice, but it’s as low as a whisper.

  “Pull the Brownie from the snare, but don’t touch the circle,” he instructs me. I move to take another step toward Grim, almost forgetting about Aeson. This cost him—I can see the toll.

  “You must do it now,” Grim orders, leaning against the shaft of his sickle.

  I force myself to head toward Aeson’s body. Bending down and being very careful, I tug on her tiny, cold hand, dragging her lifeless body across the floor until it clears the circle. I make a sound in the back of my throat that could be a whimper, but I don’t acknowledge it.

  “That’s good.” Grim drops to his knees next to me with no finesse—he just falls. He reaches out the same finger that he used to gather Aeson’s soul and touches the side of her face. Grim’s eyes fall shut as his back bows and a silent scream forms on his lips.

  Too afraid to touch him, I start to shake. I feel helpless as I watch his head finally slump forward onto his chest and his hand fall away from Aeson.

  “Grim,” I whisper. He doesn’t make a move or respond. “Grim.” This time it’s more urgent, but he still doesn’t answer me.

  Aeson gasps on the floor, and her body spasms once. I should feel a swift sense of relief as she takes her first breath, but it’s not there.

  “Grim!” I shout his name this time, grabbing the cloak over his chest and shaking him. “You better get your ass up right fucking now, Loverboy. I mean right now!” His head lolls as I shake him.

  Aeson stirs on the floor, coming to her feet slowly. “What the hell just happened?” She looks at Grim, whom I’m now holding up, then back at me.

  I ignore her to wrap my arm around Grim’s back and grunt as I hoist us both up. Thank fuck he didn’t fall all the way to the floor. “Stay the hell away from any entry points and get back downstairs.”

  I drag Grim’s body next to me, trailing behind Aeson. “You weigh a fucking ton,” I grumble, after making it out of the room.

  “Somebody better talk to me!” Gunnar insists.

  “Keep your pants on, bleeder,” Aeson grouses, as she makes her way downstairs. I stop at the top and lean against the wall. I don’t know how I’m going to get us down without breaking both of our necks.

  “Grim, please wake up,” I beg him in a whisper. “I really want to go home. You can have big spoon, and I’ll even let you fall asleep with your dick inside me. Please, just wake up.” He doesn’t stir, and I start to panic.

  “I need help,” I call down. “Please, help him.” My eyes are leaking. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks, but I can’t stop them. We’re trapped in the fucking house alone and I’m not strong enough to carry him downstairs.

  “Tell me what’s happening, Damiana?” Calix asks, his voice calm.

  “Um, Grim, he’s…he’s not waking up…and I can’t get him down the stairs.” I sniffle a few times.

  “Don’t cry, baby,” Calix croons.

  “I’m not crying!” I shout, sobbing.

  “Okay, okay,” Calix cajoles.

  “I’m going to go in. I can see the bottom of the stairs. I’ll be fine.” Gunnar’s voice is hard.

  “And what if you’re not?” Calix barks. “Listen, just give him a second. He’s the Angel of Death, for Christ’s sake; he’ll snap out of it. He’s too fucking stubborn not to.” Then Calix calls to me, “Do you think he would let us have you without a better fight than this? You just popped his cherry.” Calix tries to make light of the situation, but I can hear the tension in his voice.

  “I’m scared,” I whisper. I’m never scared.

  “I’m going,” Gunnar warns, and I hear Calix heave a sigh. Gunnar appears at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes wildly scanning the place. “I’m in, I’m good...” His words trail off as he sees me holding up Grim against the wall.

  Gunnar bounds up the stairs and grabs Grim, lifting him easily. As soon as his weight disappears, I want to crumple to the floor. Gunnar hoists Grim up over one shoulder, and Grim’s long arms dangle down Gunnar’s back, swaying too easily.

  With his free hand, Gunnar reaches for mine. “We’re going down and getting out of here,” he tells me, staring into my eyes. I nod, because I want to believe him.

  Gunnar goes ahead of me, but he’s half sideways because he doesn’t release my fingers. Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, he looks around the house for another exit. Calix is standing in the open doorframe with his hands braced on either side. He smiles when he sees me, but it’s doleful.

  “Can you tell if he has all the entrances and windows warded?” Gunnar asks me, spinning around.

  “I can check, but I’m pretty sure.” I nod and wipe my nose with my sleeve.

  “Forget it. We’re going to make our own exit, and it’s going to be noisy.” Gunnar squats and uses his hands to brace Grim’s back as he sets him gently at my feet. “Stay here, I’ll be back for both of you.” Gunnar nods his head at me until I match his movement with my own. He’s remarkably calm. Aeson walks over from the bottom of the stairs to join us. I almost forgot about her. Damn good friend I am.

  Gunnar moves to a wide expanse of wall, one far away from windows and doors. He lifts his arms so his hands are up above his head. After one long yell, he pounds his fists and forearms into the wall. Plaster and dust start to fly almost as fast as his arms do.

  Within just a few moments, I can see the darkness from outside winking through the hole he’s creating. Seconds later, he kicks near the floor, making the hole large enough to walk right through.

  He spins, his eyes on me, and between heaving breaths, says, “I should have done that twenty minutes ago. Come on, you two first.” Gunnar beckons me and Aeson forward, rolling his arm. I look down at Grim and shake my head in denial. Gunnar lets out a sigh and stomps over. “Fine.” He leans down low, hoists Grim right back over the same shoulder, and grabs my hand again. I look up in time to see Aeson use her hand like a springboard against a piece of wood and vault through the hole, landing in the same exact crouch she was trapped in. She bounces up quickly and hops to the side. I don’t blame her for moving quickly. Being trapped, even for only a few minutes, sucked.r />
  Calix reaches in through the hole and places his hands on my waist, lifting me from the debris on the ground, and making sure to set my bare feet on the soft grass. I hear the wailing siren of a police car off in the distance I somehow know is for us.

  “We need to go, and quickly, if we want to avoid the cops.” Calix looks around.

  I lick my lips. “I know where to get a car.”

  Chapter 31

  I have Grim’s head in my lap. We’re almost home, and he still hasn’t woken up. I’m too afraid to check to see if he’s breathing. In fact, I’ve been ignoring everyone and everything except my fingers stroking through his soft, dark hair since Gunnar silently placed him in the backseat with me.

  Aeson tried to ask me what happened in the room while we broke into my parents’ garage, but I just shook my head. I don’t know if I can tell her if she doesn’t remember, and I can’t relive it right now anyway. She ducked off into the night, promising to find her own way home soon after.

  Calix slows the car and turns onto my long, narrow drive. We’re home. He pulls the car up near the front door and glides it to a stop.

  Gunnar opens his door first, then comes to Grim’s side. I look up at him, wishing he would tell me everything is going to be okay, but I’m too afraid to ask. He sighs wearily and tugs on Grim’s cloak, pulling him back over to the side so he can pick him up and carry him to the house.

  “I’m going to ditch the car, Damiana,” Calix informs me, as I shimmy across the seat, hurrying to get out the same door Gunnar just pulled Grim through.

  I pause. “Okay, don’t go too far. Be safe,” I say, telling him words I’d never thought to say before.

  “I’ll be right back,” he promises, meeting my eyes from the front seat.

  Gunnar carries Grim all the way up to my bedroom without breaking a sweat. I, on the other hand, feel like I’m boiling. He drops Grim on the bed and a huff comes from Grim’s lips. I rush over. “Did you hear that?” I dart my gaze to Gunnar, but I can’t look away from Grim for long.

  “He’s breathing, Damiana.” Gunnar lays his hand on my shoulder. It’s the first time I’ve noticed that his knuckles are red and that he has chalky residue on his arms.


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