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Omega Revealed

Page 11

by Tanya Chris

  “We’ll live in Bedford,” Ryker had said. “I can cross into pack land when I need to shift and run and we can visit Carmen now and then.”

  “You’ll have to wear clothes,” he’d warned.

  “I’ll be fine, as long as you’re naked when I get home.”

  “When we don’t have people over,” he’d bargained.

  “When we don’t have humans over,” Ryker had countered.

  Remembering it made Gage feel warm, even though the snow had started falling. Ryker liked looking at him naked. Liked it a lot.

  Inside the Immigration Office, they found Carmen in her usual spot, hanging over Macy’s counter. She straightened as soon as they came in, fixing Gage with a harsh look.

  “You smell weird. Did Ryker claim you?”

  “You can smell it?” he asked hopefully.

  “I can see it.”

  Gage put his hand to his neck where the bite was healing much too fast. They didn’t know if his body would take a claiming bite, but Ryker had promised to bite him every day to keep it fresh if that was what it took. He wouldn’t mind. It’d been the most sublime moment of his life, being both impaled and pierced, claimed from both ends.

  “Still,” Carmen said, taking a deep inhale, “you do smell kind of off.”

  The shots couldn’t be working already, could they? He’d only had three, but Carmen’s comment made him eager to swing by Dr. Petra’s office as soon as he was done with immigration to get the next one.

  “So he claimed you,” Carmen said, surveying the bite on his neck, “like you’re an omega.”

  Ryker growled and Macy said Carmen in a warning tone.

  “Because I am an omega,” Gage said.

  “OK, fine.” Carmen waved a hand at Macy. “I mean, I’m glad you’re happy. Can we talk privately?”

  Ryker growled again.

  “Great Moon, he’s my brother and I just want to talk to him. You don’t have to go all alpha on me.”

  “It’s fine,” he told Ryker, doing his best to not give off stress pheromones. “I can talk to Carmen.”

  They went outside where Carmen’s hair glowed bright red against the swirling snow. He wrapped his arms around himself, wondering why Carmen never seemed to be as cold as he was here in Northern Pack territory. She wore a pair of cute pink earmuffs and her long scarf but nothing else.

  Carmen scuffed her bare foot through the accumulation of snow on the steps of the porch. “I really appreciate you bringing me here, especially since I just appeared without warning and all.”

  “You know I was glad to see you. I’m glad we’re going to be in the same town again.”

  “You’re sticking around?”

  “For a year, at least. Dr. Petra’s going to give me those shots and we’ll see what happens.”

  “That’s really cool what she’s doing.”

  “Well, I think so.”

  “I think so too,” Carmen said. “I’m sorry I wasn’t supportive of you before, and sorry I’ve been cranky. I was just so unhappy. I didn’t figure I could ever be who I wanted to be so I didn’t see why you should be either. Like, that was just life—being stuck and having to live with it, so I didn’t see why you thought you were so special.”

  “I guess I wasn’t,” he admitted. “I never noticed that you were unhappy too.”

  “I was, but I didn’t know why. I knew I didn’t want that whole alpha thing, but Dad was willing to let me mate with a beta if he was powerful enough and it took me a while to realize that the problem was the he part of it, not the caste part of it. I mean, I don’t want an alpha either way. I don’t know how you can stand being bossed around all the time.”

  That made Gage snicker a little to himself, because Macy obviously bossed Carmen around, just subtly. He’d rather be tossed and taken than politely corrected, and he knew how to make sure he kept his alpha under control. It was all about feeding him and fucking him and saying “yes, Alpha” with big eyes and a hard cock. He had the feeling he was going to be really good at this omega thing, but if Carmen wanted something different, that was OK too.

  “I like how Ryker treats me like an omega,” he told Carmen. “I wish you would.”

  She flushed and shuffled her toe through the snow again.

  “I know. I’m sorry about that too. It’s weird, because I always knew you that way … that other way, but Macy was telling me about her foot, how it’s not there but it’s there in her head sometimes, almost like she can really feel it or she goes to step down when she doesn’t have her prosthesis on and she’s surprised when nothing makes contact with the ground, because of course she has a foot there. She knows she has a foot there. And she said maybe it was like that with you. In your mind you always knew how your body ought to be.”

  “It’s sort of like that, I guess. I feel like an omega and it doesn’t make sense to me when other wolves see it different. It hurts.”

  “I’m sorry I’ve hurt you.”

  He couldn’t resist such a downcast expression on his normally exuberant sister. He hugged her, forgiving her. “Not anymore though, right?”

  “Are you kidding? Ryker will kill me if I so much as step on your toe.”

  That made him smile because it was kind of true. He sent Carmen on her way to Dr. Petra’s and ducked inside to give his alpha a last kiss goodbye before heading out himself. Ryker’s arms were warm and solid and Gage knew he’d never be alone again.

  Epilogue: Ryker, One Year Later

  The cold was biting enough to have Ryker shifting into wolf form for his journey home. He loped easily around the fringes of the snow-packed square, his mind already on what would be waiting for him at home.

  Gage. Gage would be waiting for him at home.

  Even though they had both liked the idea of Gage being a full-time house omega, the reality of it had been too boring and isolating for him. Once his scent had leveled out to a place where misidentifications were rare, Gage had been eager to join pack life more fully, and Ryker had supported him in that. Still, he was grateful Gage’s job as a kindergarten teacher had him home early enough to get dinner ready and be waiting for him by the door.

  Heading home to Gage was the best part of every day. Just thinking about Gage had him half-convinced he could smell him already, even though he was still a few minutes from home.

  But no.

  He took a deep inhale. He really could smell him. Maybe it was his heightened senses from being in wolf form, but he was definitely picking up Gage’s scent. Gage’s aroused scent.

  He stopped and sniffed at the air. His mate wanted him. He started moving again, faster now. Gage always wanted him, but he didn’t usually smell it before he even got into his own backyard. Gage wanted him bad today.

  The closer he got to the cottage, the more intense the scent got and the faster he moved until he was running at full wolf speed, inviting interested glances as he careened along, no longer trying to skirt people in human form but barreling straight through them on the shortest route to his mate. He shifted on his doorstep and burst wildly through the door to find Gage kneeling—gloriously naked and stiffly aroused—on the other side of it.

  “You’re in heat.” Fuck. He hadn’t known heat was possible, but there was no mistaking the thicker, deeper desperation of Gage’s scent.

  “Need you, Alpha.” Gage held up his arms and he scooped him up and threw him over his shoulder and carried him with more-than-human speed into the bedroom. He laid Gage down on the bed, but Gage immediately came up off it, scrambling onto his knees to tear at the cloth covering Ryker’s cock.

  “Easy there, little one. I’m working on it.” He set Gage back down onto the bed, but as soon as he let go, Gage was moving again. His omega wasn’t usually so disobedient. He wrapped his arm around Gage’s upper body and used his other hand to slap his ass until his whimpers changed to whines.

  “Behave,” he told him, using all the force of his alpha voice. Gage melted in his arms. That was nice. He’d never
bothered to try the alpha-command thing since Gage never gave him reason to, but he liked it.

  “Lay down,” he commanded, and Gage arranged himself quickly on the bed, though he squirmed with restless hunger. His hand rose to his cock, which was red and swollen and looked ready to pop.

  Ryker watched him stroke himself, enraptured by the sight and curious to see if he’d get himself off. He seemed hardly coherent as he thrust up into his own fist. His cock was leaking as bad as Ryker’s own, but he didn’t come, only grew more frantically squirmy, his eyes pinched shut with a concentrated desperation.

  “Alpha,” he begged.

  “You want my knot, don’t you, little one?”


  Yeah, his mate wanted him. No, more than want; this was need—basic survival, a deeper craving.

  “Please,” Gage begged again, his voice low and tortured. It jolted Ryker out of the reverie of adulation he’d been caught in. “Please knot.”

  “Yes, knot,” he told Gage as he stripped off his loincloth.

  A knot wasn’t going to be a problem. It was already forming just from the sights and sounds of his mate in heat. A river of slick ran down Gage’s thighs. He knew Gage’s slick came from the gel capsules he had secreted away, the ones he wasn’t supposed to know about, but either he’d used an extra capsule or the heat was making him produce his own, because he’d never seen Gage so wet.

  Either way, the slick represented how much Gage wanted him. He took a moment to taste it, relishing the burst of Gage’s flavor over his tongue and the way Gage squealed when he dipped inside to tease out more. Yeah, it was hot in there.

  Gage loved being rimmed, but he wouldn’t lie still for it today. He tossed against the mattress, his fingers ripping Ryker’s hair free of its braid and begging, begging, begging for Ryker’s knot, like nothing else could ever do. Normally, Ryker was in a hurry to give it to him, too, but something about how badly Gage wanted it had him holding back—drawing out the torment, making him wait.

  “Little knot slut,” he murmured when Gage actually launched himself up off the bed to grab at Ryker’s cock, voicing it like a complaint even though it was the last thing he’d ever complain about. “Didn’t I tell you to behave?”

  Gods, that whimper—so tortured, like a shot of adrenalin straight to his cock. He was driving himself crazy at this point. His cock was so full it hurt, and it wanted in, but he didn’t want this madness to end. With his knees on either side of Gage’s body, squeezing Gage’s writhing torso into compliance, he fed his cock into Gage’s mouth. Gage gobbled at it greedily, his whimpers momentarily silenced by the intrusion.

  “That’s it,” Ryker said, petting his tousled hair. “Be a good boy for your alpha. Suck my cock.”

  Gage squeaked out an incoherent agreement and worked harder. Drool ran down from the corners of his mouth as he slobbered and choked. Ryker pulled back, giving him a moment to breath. “Great Moon, you’re gorgeous.”

  “Please?” Gage’s eyes were as wet as his mouth, as wet as his ass. Everywhere he was soft and wet for Ryker, eager and obedient.

  “Yeah.” He couldn’t deny his mate another moment. He settled in between Gage’s legs, lifting them high to get one last look at that gaping, dripping hole before he drilled into it. His cock slid home easily until it hit the rising bulge of his knot. He pulled out and rammed in harder, pushing past the obstruction, driving himself home.

  Gage was wild beneath him, grabbing for any part of him he could reach, his cock bouncing on his stomach—so hard it wouldn’t lie flat. A few hard strokes tripped the orgasm Gage hadn’t been able to give himself. His release spilled in frantic bursts from his cock, coating his stomach and jetting all the way up to land a milky splash of come on his nose.

  Ryker leaned over and licked the come off Gage’s nose. The heady flavor was all it took to release his own orgasm. He buried his knot deep with a victorious snarl, pressing in even harder though it wasn’t possible to get any deeper, rutting into Gage with a fury that couldn’t be sated. He was still coming, and the juice was still running out of Gage’s cock too, though slower now, oozing and seeping.

  He lowered himself down over Gage and nosed at the claiming bite on his neck, still fresh from some enthusiastic biting play they’d engaged in last week. For once, Gage didn’t complain that Ryker was heavy, only pulled him tighter.

  They didn’t talk while his knot continued to pulse, both too tired and overcome. The pleasure ricocheting between them said everything. But eventually, and it seemed to take longer than usual, his knot subsided to the point where his cock slipped free, and he moved off of Gage to cuddle him instead of cover him.

  “You’re amazing,” he told his omega.

  “That was so good,” Gage agreed. “Heat is the best.”

  “How long will it last?”

  “Hard to say. A few days is typical, but with me?” He shrugged. “Dr. Petra had the idea of doubling my shots to see if the extra dose of hormones would simulate heat and it did.”

  “Fuck yeah, it did.”

  “So I guess I can up my dosage anytime we feel like having some fun, but she did say not to overdo it. Being in heat burns a lot of calories.”

  “Shit.” He jumped up off the bed. “You’re in heat. I’m supposed to be taking care of you, feeding you. What else am I supposed to be doing?”

  “Fucking me.”

  Right. Fucking.

  Gage reached for him. Ryker could see that his little omega cock was already re-hardening, could smell his need increasing. A part of Ryker had been secretly glad that Gage didn’t have heats, because he wasn’t sure he could perform on that kind of schedule. He wasn’t nineteen anymore. But he saw now that his performance wasn’t going to be a problem. One look of longing from his mate and he was already hardening in answer.

  How could he not be ready when his mate needed him so badly? His beautiful, perfect omega. His beautiful, perfect Gage.


  Gage had grabbed him by the cock and was pulling him back onto the bed.

  Never mind beautiful, perfect Gage. This was horny, determined Gage. Now wasn’t the time to wax poetic. Now was the time to fuck.

  Thank You!

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  The first book in the Omega Re universe—when Angel met Leo—is available from Amazon on Kindle

  "Of course I smelled him—smelled him and was drawn to him. Rich, ripe, male omega—not far away and well into his heat. Unsatisfied heat. I laughed, realizing that in this moment, at least, the omega was the boss of the alpha. I needed to help him."

  Angel, an alpha who's left the violent, strictly hierarchical rules of his pack to find success in the big city, and Leo, an omega on the run from his abusive alpha, are thrust together to satisfy Leo’s urgent heat-lust. But can a once-hurt omega ever trust an alpha to care for and protect him again? And can an alpha sensitive to social injustice learn to enjoy his naturally dominant nature?

  Angel and Leo must face the pasts they ran away from before the two can build a future together. They may not be able to change the laws of nature, but t
hey can change the language of love.

  Omega Reclaimed is a MM alpha/omega shapeshifter novella.

  Available from Amazon on Kindle and in paperback

  Aayan Denir knows Garrett Hillier was once a high-powered defense attorney, and—thanks to a leaked photograph—he knows Garrett is sexually submissive, which makes him ideally qualified to defend Aayan's brother from the charge of murdering his sub. Aayan would do anything to protect Syed, even if he doesn't understand how Syed could hurt someone he loves. He could never hurt Garrett. He only wants to take care of him—love him, serve him, cherish him. And maybe torture him. Just a little.

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  As Syed’s trial date looms, Aayan and Garrett explore what a BDSM relationship means for them, and what they mean to each other.

  Aftercare is a M/M BDSM contemporary romance about Aayan, a Muslim immigrant who’s not sure he can play the Dom role, and Garrett, a submissive attorney who walked away from his life when his husband died.

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