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Double Play (Bases Book 3)

Page 12

by Hazel Grace

  Oh my God, no.

  He gives me a cunning smirk, one I want to sucker punch, and I hightail it out of the classroom, with Colson, of course, on my heels.

  Once I clear the doorway, I make a right, extending my stride to put as much distance between us as possible. The hallway is empty, classes are still in session, and I need to find a few hiding spots in this school.

  You know, like a locker to fold myself into when I see Colson coming or something.

  “Why do I feel like you’re avoiding me, Bases?” Colson conveys from behind me. I can hear the smile on his face by his tone, and I don’t turn around, nope, I keep my butt walking.

  “Gotta get to class,” I absolutely lie, using my arms to hustle myself further away.

  “You got fifteen minutes,” he professes, literally right behind me.


  “I have a test.”

  “Yeah? I’m sure you studied for it.”

  I step up the first stair to the second floor. “Not so much, I had to work last night.”

  “No, you didn’t.” Without thinking, I turn on him, my brows groove.


  “I was at King Kone last night, you weren’t there.” He looks at me like this is a natural conversation, but it’s not. The evidence that he knew and noticed that I wasn’t working last night does this weird thing to my body. Half of it is floating, the other half is freaking out and begging me to sprint up the rest of the stairs.

  “Did you need something?” I ask, ignoring him calling me out on my dishonesty. He takes a step closer to me, and I’m frozen to the tiled floors.

  Don’t show fear. He’ll feed on it.

  “Yeah, you’ve been acting funny.”

  “Me?” My word comes out more like a panicked squeal than what I was trying to accomplish here with the bravery card.

  The corners of his lips elevate. “You’ve been ignoring my text messages.”

  “Been busy.” I use my break to continue walking up the staircase.

  “And you’ve been avoiding me at practice.”

  I raise a brow. “Have you not seen Coach Gordon running us to death? She has us doing push-ups, running three miles, I learned how to—”

  “She’s been busting your ass, yeah, I know.” His hand touches my forearm, and my body follows his command, turning around to face him. He looms closer. “But you could’ve at least said ‘hi’ to me, Bases.”

  I straighten my back to look like I’m not completely bothered by how close he is or the fact that we’re alone. “Hi...was that it?”

  “No,” he says slowly. “I’ve asked you to go out on a date with me and no response.”

  “I told you I don’t want to date.”

  “Ah, yes, you want to ‘hang out.’” He uses his fingers and air quotes me. “I’m fine with that. Hang out with me.”

  “I’m busy.”

  “Bases.” How did his voice just get deeper? And why the heck did my body just buzz when he did that?

  “Colson,” I direct. “I don’t want to hang out with you. I already told you why, I have Gavin death-staring me almost everyday, I’m trying to save money and—”

  “I’m not going to beg you,” he interjects, his voice now sharp.

  “Good,” I glower. “Glad we had this talk.” I turn on my heel to walk up the second set of stairs but his arm comes up, blocking my way, and lands against the wall. He eliminates the inches between us, leaving a small gap that doesn’t feel safe or comfortable.

  “I said I wasn’t going to beg,” he repeats, imposing his height over me. “So I’ll have to go to option B.”

  “I don’t want to know,” I mutter, gaping into his chest because I can’t look up.

  My cheeks are on fire, I’m sweating, there isn’t enough air for both of us to share, but I can’t shift because I’ll brush up against his hard body. And I don’t want to remember how his feels along mine.

  You should’ve kissed me.

  I start to feel lightheaded, it must be my body warning me to run. Maybe look around for a fire alarm to pull so it empties out every classroom.

  Good idea!

  I peer over to my right, looking along the walls for the blessed red box that will save me from the anti-dater in my personal space.

  Colson’s finger tilts my chin up and back to him, making me look up into his whiskey-colored eyes.

  A list of side effects should come with his face.

  “If you don’t agree, Bases, you seriously leave me no choice.” And how quickly the threats commence again. “I’ll have to break a rule.”

  My voice box is broken. His bedroom eyes slam into my gut, disrupting all the butterflies to shuffle around and take flight. I give a weak shake, pleading for him not to do that. I’ll get lost with no flashlight or map on how to find my way out. I’m not built to last for a guy like Colson Hayes.

  I do nice, mellow guys.

  Well, I thought I did. I guess my radar needs some adjusting ever since Gavin cheated on me.

  Suddenly, Colson’s face is closer than it was before, and I jerk back. “NO.”

  “Then say ‘yes.’”

  I shake my head harder. “I can’t.”


  My eyes narrow in on him. “Dude, do I need a restraining order?”

  He chuckles at that. “You’re so fucking adorable when you get all ‘higher road’ on me.”

  “I’m serious,” I scoff.

  “We’ll head into Langston and hang out there,” he emits. “If you don’t want to be seen with me then we’ll do that.” Now I feel like a jerk—sort of.

  “And if I refuse? Are you going to keep texting me, I’ll just change my number.”

  “Then you’ll have to change where you work and live because when I want something, I get it.”

  “Trust me, I know you’re not used to the word that I’ve just repeated a million times already. But I assure you, I’m not like these other girls.”

  He smiles. “I know.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Sleeping with you or kissing you. I don’t want to be seen with you or you getting a rise out of me. I remember.”

  Okay, so he was listening.

  “Colson,” I say softly. “I appreciate you...being interested in me, I guess. But, you already know everything. Please respect it.”

  He inches closer to me. “I respect the fuck out of you, Bases. But I want you to give me a solid chance of ‘hanging out.’ I’m not trying to trick you or embarass you. It took a lot of—it took a lot to text you that last week.”

  “Are you...are you admitting that you were nervous?” He looks away from me for a brief second and returns his eyes at me.

  “Yeah.” My lips begin to quirk, but I fight them down.

  “What was the rule you were going to break?” I ask in a small voice. His jaw opens as though he’s going to speak but no words leave. I can feel his hesitation, that his words are true and that he’s never done this before.

  Shoot, I’ve never had this happen to me before.

  His vulnerability toward me right now is attractive, that his guard is down but mine is up, I wanted to bring my walls down. But not until he told me what the rule was.

  “The rule,” he says leisurely. “Was pulling out all the stops. In front of everyone. To show, not only you, but to everyone in this school that I want you.”

  “That you want me?” I repeat.

  “Yeah, isn’t it obvious?”

  Yes, but I thought this was all a game.

  “If I agree,” I divulge. “You have to make me a promise.”

  “Another promise, Bases?”


  “What is it?”

  “One time.” I hold up my index finger. “One. Do you know that number?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Yes.”

  “After that one time, you aren’t allowed to ask me again. You can’t follow me around, text me constantly—”

  “I don’t tex
t you constantly,” he objects.

  “No more writing on my quizzes,” I continue. “And no more—” I wave my hand in between us “—this. Blocking me against a wall and stuff.”

  His eyes light up. “I like—nevermind. Alright, deal.” He steps away from me and holds his hand out for me to shake.

  “No deal, promise,” I command. “On your baseball career.”

  He squints his eyes and lowers his head toward me slightly. “I promise on my baseball career to all of the above.”

  I take his hand and give it a firm shake. “Deal. I’m busy tomorrow but...whenever you want, I guess.”

  “I’ll text you, if that’s okay?”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  He extends the few inches between us and gives me a salute along his forehead. “Talk to you then, Bases.” He walks down the stairs, leaving me with one thought—I’m an idiot.

  Present day

  “Better Homes Realty, this is Sawyer speaking.” I adjust my purse and leather satchel on my shoulder that almost slides down my arm in the midst of grabbing my phone.

  “Hey, Sawyer, it’s Gavin.” My whole body arrests in mid step down the sidewalk of Maple Drive.

  My eyes quickly scan the area, looking for him, because I feel like it’d just be something he’d do. He would call while watching me from some secluded spot just to watch my reaction to his random phone call.

  He must’ve gotten my number from Bobbie.

  “Gavin,” I slowly reply. “What can I do for you?” I’m still studying my surroundings but blinded on one side when I look to my left.

  “You said you’d text me in a few days,” he transmits casually. “When I’ve let things settle down with Natalie.”

  I watch a white truck pull up in front of Mick’s Sub Shop. “And did they?”

  “Afraid not. She said I was too selfish.” I suspend a scoff that wants to come through the phone.

  Shocker of the year.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I say instead. “Don’t you have some loose ends in...wherever it was you came from.”

  “The rent was a month to month basis. Besides, I like being home.”

  Sure, you do.

  “Alright...what kind of house did you have in mind then?”

  “Nothing too big, maybe three bedrooms, a large backyard, nice size kitchen.” I roll my eyes and continue walking to my office.

  “I’ll pull up what we have in the system and email you over a few listings,” I offer. “Weather is getting warmer so you’ll have quite a bit to choose from. What’s your cap price?”

  “I’m actually standing in front of one I like now,” Gavin retorts. “Maybe you could come by and let me in?”

  Fuck no.

  “The listing agent might not be available, so we’ll more than likely have to wait to get the key to the lock code.”

  “Alright,” he alludes. “How about lunch? I can tell you everything my little heart desires over food.”

  “I’m running late to work right now, Gav,” I reply. “But text me your email address, and I’ll get working on those listings for you right away.”

  “You aren’t still mad at me about the other day, are you?” he presses.

  “I’m fine.”

  “How’s Colson?”

  Shit, I have no fucking clue.

  Ever since I practically threw myself at him, he hasn’t called, and when I text him with updates on the progress of the selling of his mother’s house and the buying of his new one, I get a one-word response.

  Feeling like an idiot would be an understatement at this point, but one thing rings out in my head besides the fact that he’s the only one who can make me come that hard.

  I care about you. And this is not a game.

  I’ve been clinging to those words for over seventy-two hours, not trying to read too much into it. Attempting to not throw my heart around and think that, maybe this time, we could possibly start over. That this time, he won’t hate me as much.

  I want to text him, ask him about that day. Did he regret it, was I too forward, and he was so in the moment that he couldn’t push me away? And has he thought about it?

  Fuck, why does it matter?

  It shouldn’t. I’m not what he needs right now. I’m a mess of work, school, and over-played feelings of what my life should be.

  “You still there?” Gavin coaxes.

  “Yep. Just send me your email address, okay? I gotta run.”

  “Sawyer,” Gavin presses, urgency in his tone. “I’d like to see you. We didn’t leave things off in a good place, and I’m trying to do better.”

  “Do better?” I repeat. “Gavin, you just told me the other day that since Natalie is giving Jace all her attention that you had to dip out. I don’t think you’re trying to do better.”

  “I always did better with you,” he retorts. “You were special.” This time, I let my scoff hit the phone. He’s out of his damn mind if he thinks that I’m going to fall into the cracks of his bullshit.

  Been there, done that.

  “Not that special, apparently, since you cheated on me,” I expose. “Or the fact that you started all those rumors to fly around school about Colson and I. You ruined it, Gavin. You destroyed him and I...and I’ll never fucking forgive you for that.”

  “Listen, I’m sorry,” Gavin bleats. “I was a jealous asshole. I wanted you back, I wanted—”

  “I honestly don’t care what you wanted. I would rather you just leave me alone, to be honest, but I have a lot of people relying on me so I’m dealing with you. If you want me to find you a house, fine, but that’s it. No dinners, no lunches, and no you showing up at my office unannounced. I’m not so gentle with people in my damn space.”

  I hang up because I can feel my temper and every bad memory start to surface. It’s unprofessional, and like I said, I have a lot riding on me to keep Dad’s business afloat.

  But I’m not seventeen anymore, and the sooner Gavin remembers that, the better for all of us. I don’t have time for his shit today or any other day. I have two showings I have to get ready for, and Bobbie is helping me out at a closing as well today.

  Gavin is just going to have to wait or fuck off, I prefer the latter.

  Plus, I know him well enough to know this won’t be the last time he tries to start crap with me.

  Striding down the rest of the street, I enter the front door of the office and head to the coffee maker to pour myself and Bobbie a cup with extra cream.

  “You are a goddess,” she greets me as she takes her steaming cup of coffee.

  I give her a smile. “It’s my middle name, and Gavin Sheston, if he shows up here unannounced, call your husband and get his ass kicked out. The cops around here won’t do anything.”

  Bobbie’s brows descend, but she slowly nods. “ problem.”

  I give her a wink and head into my shared office with Dad. Papers stack along the sides of the desk, my coffee cup from yesterday is still here, and my laptop open from last night. This is what too many hours of work and school will do to you.

  “Are the buyers for the Timberwood property still on for noon?” I call out to Bobbie.

  “Super on and super excited,” she answers.

  I power on my Mac, scavenging through my listings to find the print out of the Timberwood house to bring with me when my phone goes off.

  “Better Homes Realty, this is Sawyer,” I greet.

  “Miss Boyd,” a deep voice responds from the other side. “This is Dean McHenry.”

  I stop messing with the chaos on my desk and sit straighter in my chair. “Oh, umm...hello Dean McHenry. What can I do for you?”

  “I was calling to see if I could set up a meeting with you tomorrow in my office.”

  I nod. “Of course, umm, what time?”

  “Does one in the afternoon sound alright?”

  “Sure...that’s fine. May I ask what this is about?” I prod, holding my hand above my heart to feel it accelerating in my chest.r />
  “Yes,” he offers, his tone monotonic and bland. “We’ve received a copy of your latest essay for Mr. Johnson’s class. It appears that there are some copyright infringements.”

  “Copyright infrin—I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “Hence, the meeting, Miss Boyd.” My eyes thin to no one in particular that can see them.

  “Dean, I’m taking time out of my day off from school to drive down to Texas, I think I deserve a solid reason on why I’m doing this.”

  “Frankly, Miss Boyd, to keep you enrolled in this college for one,” he snarks. “For two, this is a very serious matter. Copying off students and—” I don’t hear another word.

  I’m standing in front of Principle McMahon’s office all over again with Colson’s amber eyes on the other side of the threshold. His sly smirk grazes my face as he steps aside for me to meet my fate. My chest is heavy while my lungs try to hold it up so they can breathe.

  After you, Bases.

  I shake my head. Colson would never do this to me again. I mean, there would be no reason to. Well, there would be, but we just...didn’t we just hash it out the other day?

  I care about you. And this is not a game.

  “Dean McHenry,” I interrupt. “When did this allegedly happen? I can assure you that I didn’t plagiarize another student’s work. I have proof that I wrote it as well as all my references on where I received my information.”

  “I don’t see how that—”

  “I think I’m being framed.” I almost say again but catch myself. “And I might know who could’ve done it.”

  “Two days ago,” Dean McHenry states. “And we’re still good for one o'clock tomorrow, Miss Boyd?”

  “See you then.” I hang up the phone and place it on my desk.

  “I’m printing out more information sheets for the Timberwood property, Sawyer,” Bobby shouts from the other room. “They’re bringing their parents.”

  “Awesome,” I mindlessly reply back.

  There are many things I can see Colson doing but sharing what we shared and then ruining it like this, I’m not sold. I know how he feels about me, he’s conflicted and torn by the past.

  But we had a breaking point the other day, I felt it, and I know he did too. There is no way he didn’t feel it. Even though we didn’t speak much afterward, he left a long, lingering kiss on my forehead and said he would talk to me later.


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