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Break Away (The Baltimore Banners Book 5)

Page 20

by Lisa B. Kamps

  Somewhere in the distance she heard the ding of the elevator, the hushed voices and muted laughter of other guests as they walked along the carpeted hallway. JP pulled away with a groan, heat flaring in his eyes as he guided her into the room and closed the door behind them.

  He ran one hand through her hair, his fingers spreading the strands, rubbing them, before he tucked them behind her ear. "You drive me crazy."


  "Oh yeah." His voice was rough, needy, further igniting the desire that had flared to life as soon as she saw him standing outside. But instead of leading her back to the bedroom, like she expected, he stepped back and removed his jacket, looking around the room with a frown.

  "Don’t say it."

  He turned to look at her, his brows raised in question. "Say what?"

  Emily rolled her eyes and moved to the sofa, shifting against the hard cushions as she tucked her legs under her, trying to get comfortable. "You know what. I told you, it’s too soon."

  "I wasn’t going to ask again. Well, not really. I was thinking more of a compromise."

  "A compromise?"

  "Yeah." He sat next to her and draped his arm around her shoulder, his thigh pressed against hers. "Stay with me through the holidays. No, don’t interrupt. Just through the holidays. Then, after the first of the year, if you still want, I’ll help you look for an apartment."

  "JP—" She stopped, taking a deep breath. She knew exactly what he was doing. Or at least, trying to do. It was clear in his expression of feigned innocence, in the spark that lit his dark eyes and the slight smile that teased the corners of his full mouth. "It’s not going to work. I know what you’re trying to do."

  "And what’s that?"

  "You think if I stay there, I’ll change my mind about getting an apartment."

  "Well, I can certainly hope, eh? But no. If you still want to, I’ll help you."

  "What difference do you think a couple of weeks is going to make?"

  A shadow crossed his face, there and gone before she could say anything about it. He shrugged and ran his hand down her arm, his fingers threading through hers as he moved closer. "I don’t want you to be alone. I’m selfish, eh? I want you to be with me for Christmas."

  Emily swallowed back her sigh. It would be so easy to say yes, so easy to just give in. She looked down at their clasped hands, hers so much smaller compared to his powerful ones. She didn’t want to spend Christmas in this sterile impersonal hotel but she was afraid to say yes, afraid because she knew she wouldn’t want to leave if she did. She had to say no and opened her mouth to do just that when he squeezed her hand, stopping her.

  "What if I told you I needed your help?"

  "My help."

  "Yes. I’m having Christmas Eve dinner at my house and I need help decorating. And organizing. And—" JP paused, frowning, then waved one hand around. "And whatever else you do for that kind of thing."

  "You’re having the party? Not Randy and his girlfriend?"

  "Uh, yeah. Something changed."

  "I see. And now you need my help."


  "You want me to decorate your house?"

  "No. No, of course not. I’m going to hire someone to do that. But we have another road trip coming up and I won’t be there, so I need someone to take charge."

  "You’re hiring someone to decorate?"

  JP shifted, his sudden discomfort obvious. "Uh, yeah. I don’t usually decorate. I, uh, don’t even have any. Decorations."

  Emily couldn’t stop her laughter, and not just at JP’s obvious embarrassment and discomfort. "That’s actually kind of—"



  "Then you’ll say yes because you feel sorry for me?"

  Emily leaned her head against the back of the sofa, feeling the warmth of his arm around her shoulders, her neck. She tilted her head to the side and watched him. A lock of brown hair fell across his forehead, giving him an innocent almost-boyish look. But there was nothing innocent or boyish in the simmering heat of his eyes, in the devilish tilt of his smile as he leaned closer to her.

  Dangerous. He had always been dangerous, more now than ever before. And she loved him, whether it was smart or not. She should say no. If she was smart, she’d tell him no.

  She reached out and brushed back the fallen lock of hair with the tips of her fingers, not stopping as she ran her hand through his hair. Its softness still surprised her. No man should have hair so soft. No man should have lashes so thick and dark or a mouth so full and sensual. But JP did. And she was as helpless against his pull now as she had been five years ago.

  "It’s a bad idea, JP." The words came out in a hesitant whisper as he leaned closer, his mouth only inches from hers, heat swirling in the depths of his eyes.


  She shook her head, unable to put her fears into words, unable to voice her hopes. And then his mouth was on hers and it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered as he kissed her, deep slow wet kisses that burned, consumed.

  He trailed his hand along the side of her face, his touch gentle, warm. The tips of his fingers grazed her neck, dipped inside the collar of her shirt, trailing fire everywhere he touched. His hands were slow, his touch steady as he cupped her breasts, his thumbs teasing the nipples into hard points. She lifted her arms and draped them around his neck, pushing herself closer, giving herself over to each touch, each caress.

  JP dragged his mouth from hers, down along her jaw, her neck, back to her ear. His voice was husky, a hoarse whisper in his ear. "I need you, my Emilie. Now. Always."

  She couldn't speak, could barely breathe. She nodded, unable to do more. JP groaned and shifted his weight, pulling her to her feet before bending over and picking her up. His eyes held hers, captivating, never looking away as he carried her back to the bedroom and gently placed her in the middle of the bed. Their clothes disappeared, landing in a haphazard pile. Then JP sheathed himself with a condom and stretched out on top of her, the heavy weight of his erection pressed against her, teasing her.

  "J'ai besoin de toi, mon amour." Emily didn’t understand the words, didn’t need to because she could see the need in his eyes, feel it in the tenderness of each touch, each stroke of his hand against her skin.

  Then his mouth crashed against hers, urgent, demanding, as he plunged into her. Breath rushed from her and her back arched, her fingers digging into his shoulders as heat seared her from the inside.

  Each touch of his hands, each kiss, each whispered word became urgent, demanding, as he pushed into her. Out. Again. Harder, faster. Her hips met each of his thrusts, taking and giving. Over and over until they melded into one.

  "Jean-Pierre." She breathed his name, her head tilted back, her eyes closed as he pushed her to the edge. His hands closed on her hips, holding her still as his hips pumped. Hard, fast. Over and over.

  "Emilie. I need you. Always. Please."

  Her eyes flew open at the desperation in his voice. He was looking at her, watching her, the expression in his eyes pushing her over the edge with an intensity that shattered her. Sensation exploded, sending her flying, soaring.

  JP plunged into her again, once more, his head thrown back and his jaw clenched as he climaxed. And still he drove into her, over and over until he collapsed on top of her, sweaty, breathless.

  Emily tightened her arms around him and dropped kisses along his neck, his shoulder. His flesh was warm, alive, under her touch. He shivered and turned his head, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth as he watched her.

  "Only you, my Emilie. Only you." He shifted, moving off her, out of her. She gave a whimper of protest at his loss, then pinched him when he chuckled. He rolled out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom, returning a minute later. He climbed back in and settled next to her, smiling as he spread the sheet and blanket over both of them. Then he pulled her into his arms and held her close, his whispered words following her into her dreams.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

nbsp; The mingled scents of pine and cinnamon filled the room, warm and inviting. Emily closed her eyes and took a deep appreciative breath, then opened her eyes and looked around.

  She had doubts—a lot of them—a few days ago when she had reluctantly agreed to take JP up on his offer. Not just his offer of temporarily staying with him—because it was only temporary, no matter what he thought or what she was beginning to want. But doubts about his crazy idea of having someone come in to decorate. Who did that? It was crazy, absolutely ridiculous. But she quickly learned he hadn’t been lying when he said he didn’t decorate, when he told her didn’t have any decorations, period.

  Just as she quickly learned there were actually people who provided that service. And it wasn’t cheap.

  Looking around, she had to admit she was impressed with the job they had done. The décor was understated, rustic in keeping with the décor of the house. The focal point was the tree, a twelve-foot Douglas fir placed between the large stone-fronted fire place and the outside wall of glass that overlooked the expansive yard leading down to the water. Darkness turned the glass into planes of black that reflected the tiny lights on the tree.

  Fragrant boughs of pine swathed the timbered mantelpiece, with smaller pine branches tied with dark red fabric and arranged around various candles. Pillar candles, candles encased in hurricane glass, votive candles. More candles than she would have imagined. The room would be bathed in a soft glow when they were all lit.

  But not now, not yet.

  She moved across the room, her eyes studying the dining room. A large centerpiece of candles and pine boughs rested in the middle of the table. Dark red placemats sat at each of the twelve settings, set off with dark green napkins neatly folded in rough bark-covered napkin holders. A smaller tree sat in the corner, draped in simple red ribbon. This one had a ball root, meant to be planted later. Emily didn’t know if JP had requested a live tree or not. Probably not, considering he had told her to just have them "put up a tree and stuff".

  Emily walked back into the living room, frowning. Was it too much? She didn’t think so. The effect was understated and simple, rustic, maybe even a little masculine.

  But it wasn’t her opinion that mattered. It wasn’t her house, it was JP’s. What would she do if he didn’t like it?

  Emily heard the garage door open, heard the smooth purring of a powerful engine through the connecting hallway. She looked down at her watch, surprised at how late it was. Then she frowned, wondering if maybe she should have lit some of the candles, just in case—

  And then it was too late because JP was strolling through the hallway, his overnight bag slung over his shoulder. She paused, her eyes raking over him, taking in the crisp lines of the dark charcoal suit, meticulously tailored to fit his lean, hard frame. The pale gray shirt was open at the collar, the tie hanging loose around his neck. His hair was slicked back, the ends curling at the back of his neck.

  He dropped the bag on the small bench by the hallway, his eyes meeting hers. His brows lifted, an expression of question in his eyes. "What?"


  He looked down at himself then back at her. "Is something wrong?"

  Emily realized she was staring and quickly looked away, feeling her face heat. She still wasn’t used to seeing him dressed in a suit. He looked different, more intense, almost intimidating. Until he smiled and advanced on her. Then the stranger in front of her transformed back into JP, with his glinting eyes and boyish smile.

  And small bandage under his right eye.

  His arms came around her, pulling her close, but she placed a hand against his chest. She gently ran her fingers along the bandage, scowling. "What happened?"

  "Stick to the face. You didn’t watch the game?"

  "No. Does it hurt?"

  "Will you kiss it if I say yes?"

  Emily laughed, at both his tone and his small pout. She leaned up and pressed her lips against the bandage, light and quick. "So what do you think?"

  "I think it needs another kiss."

  She laughed again and rolled her eyes, then stepped out of his hold. "Not that. About the decorations. What do you think?"

  JP glanced around the room, nodding occasionally. "Not bad. I kinda like it."

  "Just remember that when you get the bill. I still think you’re crazy."

  "I am. Completely crazy." JP lowered his mouth to hers, the kiss quickly becoming hot, needy. He pulled away with a groan, his arms still tight around her. "Completely crazy for you."

  Emily tried to stop the sigh from escaping her parted lips. It was such a cliché, completely overused and corny. But she sighed anyway, the silly words igniting a warmth, a contentment, deep inside her. A boyish grin teased JP’s lips as he grabbed her hand, leading her down the wide hallway to the other side of the house. "Where are we going?"

  "I need a soak. In the Jacuzzi tub. And then you can help me plan this crazy party."

  Emily followed him, laughing. Not at the soaking part. No, she was in complete agreement with that. She was laughing at his misguided thought that they’d actually get anything planned.

  She was right. They didn’t.


  "Don’t touch that. You’re going to mess it up."

  "Dude, seriously? It’s fucking food. Aren’t we supposed to eat it?"

  "Watch your mouth, you peu de merde. There’s women in the other room, eh?"

  Mat held the hand Randy had slapped against his chest, frowning as he looked at JP. "They can’t hear me. And why are you telling me to watch my mouth when you’re cussing too?"

  "Because I’m swearing in French. It’s more dignified. Besides, nobody knows what I’m saying."

  "Liar." JP jumped, startled by the feminine laughter behind him. He looked over his shoulder, surprised to see Emily and Alyssa standing just inside the kitchen. Both women were laughing, Emily’s eyes sparkling as she walked toward him. He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth when she walked into his arms.

  "And what am I lying about?"

  "Nobody understanding you. I told you, even I know all the bad words."

  Heat burned in his cheeks when everyone laughed. JP managed to aim a scowl at Mat and Randy, which only made them laugh harder. A biting phrase sprang to his lips but he choked it back, not wanting to take a chance that either Emily or Alyssa would understand.

  Emily leaned up and gave him another quick kiss, then pulled out of his arms. She walked to the large center island and grabbed one of the platters, stepping out of the way so Alyssa could grab a second one. "I think Alec and AJ just pulled up, if you guys want to stop playing in here."

  "Who says we’re playing?"

  Alyssa pinned Randy with a skeptical gaze, her brows raised. "Do you really think you’re fooling anyone?"

  Randy snapped his mouth closed, then finally smiled as the two women walked out of the kitchen. "She knows me so well."

  "Oh Christ. Look at you two. You’re like simpering lovesick little boys. It hurts just to watch you."

  "Just wait, Herron. Your day is coming. And I personally can’t wait to see you fall." Randy grabbed his beer from the counter and took a long swallow. A look of horror crossed Mat’s face, making JP laugh.

  "Don’t say anything, Mat. You’ll only lose in the end."

  It was obvious that he was trying to figure out a good comeback. And just as obvious he was failing at it. Mat finally shrugged and walked over to the refrigerator to pull out another beer. He twisted off the cap and took a sip, then looked back at Randy and JP. From the expression on his face, JP expected him to say the beer was too bitter. Or maybe too warm.

  "Do you think Alec is going to make us hold the kid? Babies give me hives."

  Randy choked on his beer. He sputtered for a few seconds, looked over at JP, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Christ, Herron. You did not just say that. You’re an idiot."

  "What?" Mat looked at Randy, then over at JP. A flush crept up from his neck, working its way across his cheeks, even
to the tips of his ears. "Oh. Sorry. I didn’t think—"

  "No worries, eh? But I wouldn’t let Alec hear you say that. For a goalie, he’s still a hell of a fighter."

  "Forget Alec. I’d be more afraid of AJ."

  Mat’s mouth opened and closed, a sign he had no idea what to say. He finally shook his head and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Randy and JP alone in the big room.

  "Emily’s not going to freak or anything, with the baby being here?"

  JP glanced at Randy then looked down at the floor, studying the pattern of the slate tile. He shook his head. "No, she’s good."

  "What about you?"

  "Me? No, I’m fine."

  "Then why do you look like you just took a puck to the throat?"

  JP shrugged, not knowing what to say. Up until Alyssa said that Alec and AJ were here, he hadn’t even given much thought to seeing the baby. Yes, he had seen pictures. Damn near every day, because Alec was constantly boasting about his newborn son. But this would be the first time seeing little Tanner. He hadn’t thought the idea of holding the baby would bother him.

  Until now, when it was too late. And it wasn’t like there was anything he could do about it.

  But JP didn’t tell Randy that. He didn’t want to, and couldn’t the find the right words even if he had. So he just shrugged again and shook his head. Randy didn’t press and changed the subject.

  "Have you heard from Emily’s sister?"

  Leave it to Randy to find the one other subject he didn’t feel like discussing. He tossed him an irritated look then grabbed his beer. "No, not a word."

  "Maybe she’ll show up."

  "Yeah. Maybe." JP didn’t believe it, though. As much as he wanted her to, for Emily, he didn’t think it was going to happen.

  Laughter and loud conversation drifted into the kitchen, cheerful and welcoming. JP bit back his sigh and pushed away from the counter. This was his party, he should be playing the host, mingling with his guests instead of sulking back here in the kitchen.


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