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Storm's Refuge

Page 17

by Nancy M Bell

  Storm’s soft whine woke her, and she tried to focus her eyes. The red numbers on the clock read 1:00 a.m. Her mind registered the time a second before the mattress dipped, and she heard Cale’s weary sigh. She moved to get out of his bed and go upstairs. Before she did more than push back the duvet, his arm encircled her waist and pulled her against his warm body. Her breath stuck in her throat at the touch of his stirring manhood against her back. His lips nuzzled the back of her neck before he exhaled in what sounded like utter contentment.

  “Go back to sleep, Chelly. Morning comes early.”

  The words slurred a bit and trailed off. Suspicion stirred in her and she turned her head and sniffed his breath. Cale smelled of antiseptic and soap, and she was ashamed for thinking it might be otherwise. Never again, she promised herself and relaxed into his embrace.

  “Night, Cale,” she whispered.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sharp insistent squeals of displeasure roused Michelle from the dark comfort of sleep. She rolled onto her back and pushed ineffectually at the heavy object restricting her movement. Strong fingers closed over her hand, and her eyes flew open. Cale smiled at her, his hair dark against the white pillow. Releasing her hand, he brushed the hair out of her face and drew her toward him. She leaned against his warm chest and enjoyed the wonderful feel of his lips on her skin. He feathered tiny kisses across her cheekbones and over her jaw, sending delicious tendrils of desire shooting through her body where they pooled in her groin. The bedclothes rustled as he pulled her closer so she lay on top of his body, her hips and legs encircled by his strong thighs. She wriggled to get comfortable and smiled at his body’s reaction. His kiss deepened, becoming more than a casual good morning when his tongue traced the curve of her lower lip. She all but inhaled it as she gasped at the jolt of desire lancing directly to her centre.

  Her tongue danced with his, her nipples tightening and tingling where she rubbed them against the coarse hair of his chest. In a swift manouver which would have done a steer wrestler proud, Cale flipped her over onto her back still keeping her imprisoned between his thighs. He deserted her mouth to delve his tongue into her ear and suckle gently on the lobe. Her body arched involuntarily toward him when his hand slid down and captured the sensitive flesh of her breast. Gently he stroked and kneaded the pliable mound, tenting his fingers over the peak and stroking upward toward the straining tip but not touching it.

  Michelle wrapped her arms around his neck and strained closer, inarticulately begging for his touch. In response, his fingers danced and teased across the pebbled flesh, and his hot mouth covered her lips. His penis twitched and throbbed against the apex of her thighs. The flannel shirt which she hadn’t bothered to fasten the night before slipped to the sides pushed out of the way. Her nipples burned for the slick pleasure of his tongue. With a wicked smile, she slipped a hand down over his buttocks and along the side of his hip. His body convulsed against her, and she arched her back higher, presenting the darkened bud of her nipple against his hand.

  Her fingers found the warm bobbing head where it pressed on her abdomen, catching the viscous fluid of his pre-cum she traced a fingertip around the straining head. Teasing him as he had teased her, she stroked up the tulip of his penis but didn’t wrap her hand around it. His mouth closed over her nipple, and he nipped the rosy tip gently. Forgetting her intention to tease, Michelle smeared the bit of fluid along his shaft and pumped her hand. Cale’s hips bucked under her attention, and he moved to place his knee between her legs. His mouth deserted her breast and left wet kisses down her stomach while his talented fingers caressed the hot, wet folds of her labia.

  The tip of his tongue touched the swollen bud of womanhood and then gently lapped, swirling the hot steady pressure of his mouth over her clitoris. His hands were busy teasing her tingling nipples and sliding the fingers of his other hand in and out of her vagina which was twitching and contracting around them. Michelle’s breath came in gasps as the erotic sensations rolled through her, nothing in the world existed beyond Cale’s hands and mouth on her body and the pleasure he was awakening within her.

  The feeling of ecstasy was so intense it bordered on painful. She knew the peak was approaching and strained toward the wonderful rush of release. Suddenly, Cale drew her whole clitoral area into his mouth and sucked while driving the hard point of his tongue into the bud. At the same time, the fingers in her vagina reached upward with a tickling motion, and the intense pressure exploded inside her as he stroked her clit from the outside and from within. Before the ripples of pleasure subsided, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and drove himself into her hot and ready body.

  Michelle grasped the duvet in her hands and rode the thrusts of his body, matching them with her own, to the towering crescendo of completion.

  Cale collapsed beside her and rolled her with him, their bodies still joined.

  “How’s that for a good morning?” he asked impishly.

  “A girl could get used to it,” she replied.

  The puppies squealed louder, and Storm pushed her nose into the back of Cale’s neck, making him jump and roll away from Michelle. Quickly, she swung her feet to the floor and stood up, gathering the flannel shirt around her. Behind her, she heard the rustle of bedclothes as Cale got out of bed as well. She hurried down the hall to the kitchen and got the container of supplement milk from the fridge. Pouring some into a bowl she warmed it in the microwave. Cale entered the room and padded across to the wood stove in his bare feet. The sounds of him stoking the fire created a warm homey feeling in her heart. Storm hopped into view with the six puppies rolling along behind on their short stubby legs. Scooping one up, Michelle crossed to the padded armchair by the stove and settled the puppy on her lap. Cale brought an afghan and tucked it around her bare legs and dropped a kiss on her hair. She looked up with a smile and laughed at his expression as tiny dog teeth closed on his pajama leg and pulled.

  “Little heathen,” he exclaimed, picking the black ball of fur up and snagging the second bottle of warm milk from the chair beside her.

  Storm hopped up unto the old horsehide sofa against the wall to escape her babies’ attentions. With a puppy securely in the crook of his arm and the bottle held in his hand so the puppy could eat, Cale fetched a low dish from the counter and filled it with warm milk from the container and dropped a bit of canned puppy food into it. Mashing it with a spoon, he carried it back to the throng of hungry creatures and placed it in front of them.

  “Soon, they’ll be eating enough on their own, and we won’t need to do puppy patrol.” Michelle glanced at him and smiled.

  “They do grow fast, which is a very good thing in this case. Storm has the right idea, lie on the couch, and let someone else deal with the kids.” His vibrant laugh sent shivers of happiness through her.

  “What time did I say your are folks getting here?” She didn’t want to be half-dressed when they arrived, that was for sure.

  “Around two, if I remember right. They’ll call when they get to town. I think Mom wants to stop and say hi to Mary before they come out to the ranch.”

  “That could be dangerous you know,” Michelle warned. “You know what a matchmaker Mary is. She’ll be putting all sorts of ideas in your mom’s head.”

  “Probably nothing more than she’s figured out on her own. I bet Mary and Gramma have been gossiping about us non-stop, and what Gramma knows Mom knows.”

  Cale set the puppy down on the floor and picked up a milk-soaked litter mate. He snagged an old towel off the pile beside the chair, kept there to wipe down muddy floors and dogs. Expertly, he wrapped the wriggling bundle and offered the nipple to the complaining beast.

  “You do that well. Wait ‘til it’s dirty diapers and screaming kids,” she teased him.

  “As long as said babies are yours and mine, I’ll be there like a dirty shirt.” His voice was warm and low.

  “Whoa, cowboy, who said anything about you and me having babies?” Her startled gaze flew to his
face, and she felt the heat flooding her cheeks at the intimate thought.

  “Umm, seems to me we made a good start this morning. Unless you’re on the pill, I was too distracted and sleepy to think of using anything when you bushwhacked me.” Concern clouded his expression. “Are you…on the pill I mean?”

  Michelle shook her head and mentally kicked herself a thousand times for being so stupid. “It didn’t agree with me, and well…I guess I was kinda hoping if I got preggers it would push Rob into actually tying the knot. Dumb, I know…” Her voice trailed off.

  “No use crying over spilt milk, Chelle. Odds are nothing happened, and if it did…”

  “Easy for you to say! You’re not the one who has to raise the kid by yourself, not to mention listening to Mary, and God forbid George, rag on me for getting myself knocked up—”

  Her words were cut off abruptly by Cale’s lips capturing her mouth. The puppies squirmed between them, but she ignored them caught up in the magic of his kiss. He broke away with a smile and returned to his seat, after depositing the full puppy on the floor and selecting another.

  “You won’t be raising any kid of mine by yourself. You’re putting the cart in front of the horse anyway. I don’t think the chances of you being pregnant are very high. Besides which my momma would kick my ass from here to hell and back if I didn’t step up and take responsibility for my actions.” He grinned at her, his hair falling across his forehead.

  “Hummph, so you’d only be there because it was your duty?” Michelle muttered.

  “Not hardly, woman. In case you haven’t noticed, I like your company, and it would make me very happy to go to bed every night and wake up with you beside me for the rest of our lives.” His expression turned serious as he spoke, and his gaze caught and held her own with an intensity she felt in her bones.

  “Well, like you said, it’s not likely is it?” Michelle set her puppy down and picked up another.

  “Even so, Michelle, think about what I said. I’m not just teasing. We make a good team, and you can’t deny the sparks fly when we’re together. You don’t have to be pregnant to get me to marry you.”

  “Who’s getting married?” An unfamiliar female voice cut across Michelle’s jumbled thoughts.

  “Mom, Dad…” Cale scrambled to his feet, a tide of red sweeping up his face. “I thought you weren’t going to be here ‘til this afternoon.”

  “We got on the road early and thought we’d surprise you.” Carson Benjamin’s voice sounded amused.

  “Well, you did do that.” Cale set the last puppy on the floor and moved to his mother and hugged her.

  “So, I see. Hello, Michelle dear. I know we spoke on the phone, but it’s lovely to meet you in person.” Peggy Benjamin directed the last of her comment to Michelle.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Benjamin, you too, Mr. Benjamin.” She bent and put the sleeping puppy with its littermates.

  “My pleasure, Michelle.” Carson smiled at her.

  “There’s coffee in the pot. Help yourself while I get some clothes on, and I’ll help you bring stuff in.” Cale hurried down the hall toward the bedroom.

  Coward! Michelle stayed where she was. There was no way she could get up with his parents standing there. For God’s sake, she was clad only in a flannel shirt and nothing else but her pelt. She smiled uncertainly at Cale’s dad when he moved past her to the coffee pot. Peggy Benjamin settled herself in the chair her son just vacated and regarded her with an amused look on her face. Michelle cursed silently as she felt her face and neck heat with embarrassment. She didn’t need a mirror to know her face was fire engine red. She could look guilty on a good day, and there was no denying the intimacy of her relationship with the woman’s son.

  Carson brought his wife her coffee and moved away to prowl about the kitchen, looking at the plumbing under the sink and inspecting the fuse box. Peggy observed him with an indulgent expression on her pretty face. She caught Michelle’s attention, raised her eyebrows, and smiled. She grinned in return and twisted her head to look at Cale as he re-entered the kitchen.

  “What do you think, Dad? It’s an old house and a little rundown, but the land is good, and the out buildings aren’t in bad shape.” He tucked his shirt into his waistband while joining his dad to inspect the pipes in the laundry room.

  Whatever Carson replied was lost in the sound of the door closing behind them and the rattle of something metallic. Storm chose that moment to get up and hop over to Peggy, shoving her nose into the woman’s hand for attention.

  “That’s Storm. We had to amputate her leg recently. We tried everything, but it wouldn’t heal. I think there was too much damage, and we’re not sure how long she was hurt before I found her. Which reminds me, I need to get her meds.” She stood up wrapping the afghan around her waist and not meeting the older woman’s gaze. At least his dad wasn’t in the room.

  “Yes, Cale told me about her. You took on a lot when you rescued her with everything else you had on your plate. Is there anything I can do to help with her meds?”

  “Thanks for the offer. She’s a good girl and takes her pills without complaining.” Michelle shuffled across the floor, clutching the heavy knitted blanket with one hand.

  “Why don’t you go get changed, dear? I was young once, too, believe it or not, and I remember how awkward it can be when people show up unexpectedly. I’m sure Storm can wait a few more minutes.”

  “It’s not like that…” Her voice trailed off at the knowing look on Peggy’s face.

  “Go. Get changed before the men get back from exploring the plumbing.” She made a shooing motion with her hand before sliding from her chair to sit on the floor with Storm and the puppies. “I’ll hold the fort ‘til you get back.”

  Michelle fled down the hall, fighting to hold back tears. So much for making a good first impression on his parents. The first time they meet me, I’m sitting there bold as brass, half naked in their son’s kitchen. Quickly, she gathered her clothes off the floor and pulled them on. She was passing through the doorway when Cale and his dad came down the hall toward the stairs. Taking a steadying breath, she stepped into the passage and smiled. Might as well brave it out; it was pretty obvious where she slept last night anyway. No point in making it worse by trying to hide the fact. Besides, she reasoned, they were both consenting adults. Cale interrupted her train of thought by kissing her happily as he went past her. Carson grinned warmly as he passed, his smile a carbon copy of his son’s. Her heart lifted, and she grinned on her way back to the kitchen, maybe things would work out okay after all.

  Entering the kitchen, she got Storm’s pills and extracted a chicken hot dog from the fridge. Stuffing the pills into the meat, she offered the dog a piece without anything secreted in it first, followed by the bit with the pill. The black dog swallowed both, scarcely stopping to chew and looked hopefully for more.

  “She really is a sweetheart, isn’t she?” Peggy stroked the soft fur on the dog’s head.

  “Considering what she’s been through, yeah she is. I don’t think I’d be as forgiving if I was her,” Michelle admitted.

  “Yes, humans could learn a lot about patience and forgiveness from animals couldn’t they? Cale said two of the babies don’t have homes yet, is that still the case?”

  “We have homes for four of them. Clint, Mary and Doc’s neighbour is taking two, and Mrs. Becker spoke for a male. Cale mentioned Mary was interested in one, but the other two are still up for grabs.”

  “Carson and I were talking it about it on the drive up, and we’d like a little female if there’s one left. If not, we’ll take a male, gender isn’t really that important to us.” The woman scooped up a sleepy puppy and laid it across her lap on its back and stroked the fat belly. “Babies are so sweet. Too bad they have to grow up. That’s just a mother talking though. When Cale and his brother were growing up, I was counting the days until they would be old enough to get out on their own. Once they’re gone, you wish they were little again.”
Peggy laughed at her own nonsensical thoughts.

  “I can believe that. I babysit for my friend Laurie sometimes, and I’m a wreck when I get back from her three kids. They’re sweet little things, but oh my stars, they’re busy.” Michelle found herself laughing and confiding in Cale’s mother. “Makes me wish for some of my own sometimes.”

  “Mary tells me you were engaged to your childhood sweetheart, but it didn’t work out.” The older woman’s tone was gentle.

  “Trust Mary. Rob and I grew up together. This was actually his family’s ranch. My place is across the coulee. You would have driven by it on your way here. My brother is looking after it now. We’re not exactly on speaking terms at the moment, which is why Cale offered to let me stay here.”

  “Are you sure that’s all there is to it, dear? I know my son; living with a woman is not something he would enter into lightly. He’s always talking about you when he calls home.”

  “Your son is a great guy, and we get on really well with each other. Rob and I were friends, and then when we grew up, we were lovers but not really friends anymore, if that makes any sense to you.” Michelle frowned while she attempted to marshal her thoughts.

  “I know better than you might think Michelle,” Peggy said enigmatically.

  “With Cale, it’s like he’s my best friend even though I haven’t known him that long, but it’s so much more than that as well. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen… Oh my stars, I didn’t mean to say that!” Her face felt like it was on fire. This was his mother she was talking to for heaven’s sake. What a thing to say.

  “Don’t be upset. I can tell by the way you look at him when you think no one is watching that you are interested in more than what he looks like. Although, I must say, if we were talking about bloodlines in breeding horses, I’d have to say Carson and I were a good match.”


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