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A Path in the Darkness

Page 24

by M. D. Cooper

  Her opponent bellowed in pain as pulses hit his legs in rapid succession. The kinetic hammer blows caused him to lose his balance and fall over the edge.


  Tanis gave herself a dose of go drugs and leapt to the top railing. She gauged the distance to the next catwalk up—a good ten meters—and jumped.

  Her knees snapped straight and she sailed into the air eight meters, just high enough to wrap an arm around a support beam. She hauled herself up and scampered up the beam to the outer edge of the catwalk above. She grabbed the railing and, in a fluid motion, swung herself up, out and over the railing.

  Her limbs were shaking from the adrenaline she had pumped into herself for the jump and she slipped, landing hard on her side, but still on the catwalk.

  The sounds of a scuffle came from ahead and she scrambled to her feet, racing toward it. She rounded the curve and Joe’s form came into view.

  He was gripping the hilt of a lightwand, struggling for control of the plasma blade with an unseen attacker. Joe swung an arm out, connecting with his assailant and then took a hit in return.

  Tanis watched the scene unfold in slow motion as both struggled for control of the lightwand. Then the wand slashed the railing and it buckled under the weight of the pair. A second later, Joe and his attacker were gone. Tanis arrived a moment later, sliding to a stop on her stomach.

  “Joe!” she screamed, seeing him hanging by one hand from the catwalk’s support. Tanis could tell that the shimmersuited attacker was hanging from Joe’s leg.

  “Hold on,” she said as she reached an arm down in an attempt to grab his other hand.

  “That’s the plan,” Joe grunted as he swung his other arm up.

  Tanis grabbed his wrist and pulled with all her might. She was able to slowly lift both bodies and had a moment of elation as she realized she would save Joe and catch whoever was in the suit.

  Suddenly, searing pain enveloped her forearm. Tanis looked down to see the lightwand embedded in her arm. She felt her muscles weaken and below her Joe’s eyes filled with fear.

  He slipped from her grasp.

  “Hilda Orion.” Captain Andrews shook his head. “I’ve known her for centuries. I can’t believe she’d do this.”

  It was the first dusk the field had known for over half a century. Overhead, the annihilator was dark, no glow emitted from it and no power flowed down its conduits.

  “She had to have help,” Earnest said. “There’s no way Hilda could have known how to program a sequence that would cause this level of damage to the annihilator without also destroying it or the ship.”

  “She did,” Jessica said. “I caught Mick, the former first mate, in the forest. I secured him and Bob has servitors monitoring him. The one Tanis fought seems to have been one of the Marines that they swayed to their point of view.”

  “Mick?” Andrews wiped a hand across his forehead. “I thought he was in stasis awaiting eval at New Eden?”

  Bob said.

  “The annihilator’s not something we can fix here between the stars.” Abby was pacing as she talked. “Not unless we wanted to pull apart all sorts of other systems to rebuild the specialized materials for the fields. Even then there’s no guarantee we could cannibalize enough to do it.”

  She looked like she’d been wearing the same shipsuit for days and Tanis could tell that the engineering chief was getting near the end of her tether.

  “What’s the net, then?” Terrance asked. “Can we still make the burn for New Eden?”

  Bob said.

  “He’s right,” Earnest agreed while doing math in the air on an interface visible only to him. “Our only option is to make the burn for Kapteyn’s Star. We can alter course to reach it in…seventy-two years with braking.”

  “Our worst-case scenario, then.” Andrews shook his head.

  “We’ll have to power down unnecessary systems,” Earnest continued. “Like the artificial gravity supplementation in areas of the ship that are not over the matter accelerator, and this forest will have to die.”

  “File the specifics with me.” Captain Andrews’ voice was resigned. He turned to Tanis, his expression softening. “How’s Joseph doing?”

  Tanis brought her focus back to the conversation taking place at the site where Hilda Orion’s body still lay. “He’ll recover. His pilot’s enhancements saved him—the impact was only at 50g and he had mostly hardened his soft tissues before hitting the ground… He didn’t have any neural suppressing in place though.”

  She rattled off the words quickly, her mind barely registering that she was talking. All she wanted was for this conversation to be over so she could get to the hospital to see Joe.

  Terrance made a hissing sound. “I’m sorry… I’ve heard that is excruciating.”

  “Too bad he didn’t stop her from trashing our annihilator instead of taking a swan dive,” Abby grunted as she continued to pace.

  Tanis’ eyes snapped up, drilling into the engineer. “You know what, Abby, your highness? I’ve had just about enough of your fucking ingratitude. Nothing is ever good enough for you, is it? I’ve put my life on the line for this ship more times than I can count, I’ve put my team’s life on the line and what do I get from you? Bitching!”

  “Yeah?” Abby turned and walked toward Tanis. “Maybe if your team could do its god-damned job we wouldn’t be in this situation. Your security is like a fucking sieve! Every time we turn around someone is taking a chunk out of my ship. I almost wonder if you aren’t behind this!”

  Tanis held herself back from driving a fist into Abby’s mouth and instead stepped forward, putting her face mere centimeters from Abby’s. “You self-righteous little worm! I saved Intrepid from being blown apart before I ever fucking stepped aboard. It’s you who somehow missed half the components being sabotaged. I’ve done what no one else managed to do—keep your incompetence from killing us all you—”

  Bob’s voice roared through their minds, stunning them into silence. Tanis felt the rage fall back, realizing that Terrance and the captain were trying to pull her back from Abby, the captain struggling to keep Tanis’s fist from crashing into Abby’s head. Earnest was trying to get between the two of them, looking terrified at both of their behavior.

  Tanis slumped, the rage evaporating, replaced by shame. She turned her back and took long, slow breaths trying to regain her composure; trying not to break down in tears.

  she whispered to Angela in her mind.



  Angela wrapped Tanis in a mental hug; the AI was good enough at it that she could create the actual sensation of physical comfort.

  Tanis felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see that it was Captain Andrews. Terrance, Earnest and Abby were all walking to the lift, most likely going up to the maglev that ran across the top of the chamber.

  “That was uncharacteristic of you, Tanis.” Andrew’s voice was concerned, yet contained an edge of caution.

  Tanis wiped away the tear she felt making its way down her cheek. “I’m sorry, sir. I normally don’t have… I don’t…”

  The captain nodded. “I know what you mean. I haven’t had someone I love in some time, but I recall the feeling when you see them hurt.”

  The captain’s eyes had grown unfocused as he spoke, but he gave his head a quick shake and smiled. “But Bob says the doctors are optimistic for Joe. You’ll be interested to know that Joe may have said a few uncharacteristic things as well on the several occasions you were blown to bits back in Sol

  Tanis laughed. “Yeah, he told me about some of those times. I promised to try not to have as many near-death experiences. I guess I should have made him promise the same.”

  “He’s up in Engine’s hospital. Let’s go up there and wait for status.”

  The captain led Tanis away, leaving Jessica to monitor the forensic bots and stare up at the Annihilator, wondering how Myrrdan had orchestrated this.


  STELLAR DATE: 3241829 / 09.23.4186 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: ISS Intrepid

  REGION: Interstellar space near LHS 1565

  The engines were running at low thrust, having completed their correction burn two weeks before.

  In the intervening days, the remaining areas of the ship had been fully secured by Brandt’s Marines and the engineering staff reported everything to be as fixed as it was going to get.

  While Tanis and Jessica still suspected Myrrdan as being behind everything, Mick had confessed that Hilda and he were working alone. He claimed Hilda had awoken him and forged entries in the ship’s sensor logs to show him as still being in stasis.

  The story was sketchy, but plausible, and with no evidence pointing to Myrrdan it was assumed the threat had passed.

  Tanis didn’t believe it for a minute.

  She drifted in and out of sleep, as comfortable as she could manage in the chair beside Joe’s hospital bed. The doctors had placed him in a medically induced coma, granting his brain the rest it needed to repair itself along with help from an army of nano.

  Her back twinged, complaining about sitting in one place for too long, and she found herself suddenly wide awake, sleep out of the picture.

  Not for the first time, she pulled up the most recent survey data from the Kapteyn’s Star system and placed it on the room’s holo display.

  The stellar primary was an ancient red dwarf orbited by two large terrestrial worlds, one well within the star’s habitable zone and another along its outer edge. Several small dwarf worlds floated in the periphery of the system.

  Earnest had determined an industrial base would be necessary to rebuild the components required to repair the annihilator and the ramscoop. The ship’s leadership also agreed that a proper repair of all systems and replacement of suspect sensors should be completed while at Kapteyn’s Star.

  As a result, the stay in Kapteyn’s would be much longer than the stay in LHS 1565. On the order of a century.

  “Are we there yet?” a weak voice asked from her right.

  Tanis was out of her chair and embracing Joe before she even knew she had moved.

  “Whoa…easy girl, things feel a bit stiff and sore here.”

  Tanis leaned back and looked into Joe’s tired eyes.

  “I’m sorry; I’ve been waiting a bit for you to come out of it.”

  “How long—oh, that is awhile,” Joe said with a grimace. “I guess that’s what I get for trying to see if I can fly.”

  “You should keep your flying to the black,” Tanis smiled.

  “Did I at least save the day?” Joe asked with a grin.

  Tanis couldn’t bring herself to lie. “Uhhh…not really, no.”

  Joe’s face fell. “Seriously? How come you get blown to bits and get to save the day and I just end up busted up?”

  “If you recall,” Tanis said, “Trist saved the day back on Mars 1. I was just blowed up.”

  Joe harrumphed followed by a long groan. “Ohh…I shouldn’t have done that. You’d think they would have stretched me while I was under.”

  “They did, this is the limber version of you.”

  Tanis and Joe sat in silence for a few moments, staring into one another’s eyes. Joe’s gave a flick as he accessed the shipnet.

  “Kapteyn’s eh?”

  “We’ve taken to calling it ‘the Kap’.” Tanis smiled. “Seemed pretentious for a star to have ‘star’ in its name.”

  “Don’t make me laugh, I bet it hurts more than a harrumph.” Joe threw a grin Tanis’s way. “So what’s the story, everyone going back into stasis soon?”

  “Pretty much everyone already is, except us, some medical staff and some of the command crew.”

  Joe’s eyes locked on Tanis’s. “Who’s on first shift?”

  “No more shifts, Bob wants to lock the ship down during transit—but you and I have dispensation.”

  “Dispensation?” Joe looked puzzled.

  Tanis reached down and took his hand in hers. “I thought maybe you’d want to spend some time together before we go back under.”

  A slow smile crept across Joe’s face. “Why not? We have all the time in the universe.”


  STELLAR DATE: 3241835 / 09.29.4186 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: ISS Intrepid

  REGION: Interstellar space near LHS 156

  The figure slipped out of its shimmersuit in a darkened corner of the ship—a place not on any maps or schematics and electronically shrouded from the AI.

  Losing Hilda and Mick had been unfortunate, but everyone was expendable in this venture. In the end, the desired outcome had been achieved. The Intrepid was not going to New Eden, it would be building a far less optimal colony on Victoria, one of the worlds circling Kapteyn’s Star.

  The temptation to begin working with the picotech would be too much. Earnest would bring it out of wherever the AI had hidden it. Then it would be ripe for the taking.

  The figure stowed its shimmersuit and donned its uniform. Minutes later it was walking through the corridors of the Intrepid, heading to its assigned stasis chamber.

  As long as it could keep Tanis fooled for the duration of the trip and the initial build-up on Victoria, everything would work out perfectly.



  This is not a complete glossary. For a more complete glossary, timeline and encyclopedic entries, visit

  AI (SAI, NSAI) – Is a term for Artificial Intelligence. AI are often also referred to as non-organic intelligence. They are broken up into two sub-groups: Sentient AI and Non-Sentient AI.

  c – Represented as a lower case c in italics, this symbol stands for the speed of light and means constant. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant at 670,616,629 miles per hour. Ships rate their speed as a decimal value of c with c being 1. Thus a ship traveling at half the speed of light will be said to be traveling at 0.50 c.

  Callisto – This moon is the 2nd largest orbiting Jupiter and is the third largest moon in the Sol system (following Ganymede and Triton). Its circumference is over 15,000 kilometers, compared to Luna’s (Earth’s moon) circumference of just under 11,000 kilometers, although before both moons were terraformed it was only half as dense as Luna.

  In 3122, construction of the Callisto Orbital Habitat began around Callisto, a project which turned Callisto into the home of 3 trillion humans over the following millennia. By the year 3718 the mass of the orbital habitat greatly outweighed the mass of Callisto itself and the moon was anchored to the Cho. Because of this the Cho is now often referred to as a semi-orbital habitat.

  As the rings of the Cho were constructed they eventually reached a point where nearly all view of space was blocked from the surface of Callisto due to not all of the rings wrapping around the moon’s equator. Ultimately, the surface of the moon was reduced from a terraformed world to little more than waste processing systems for the orbital habitat and is no longer considered a habitable world and no humans live there.

  CFT Shields – Carbon Fiber nano-tube shields are created from carbon nano-tubes. These tubes are intensely strong and can also be enhanced to absorb laser energy fire and disperse it.

  ChoSec – The Callisto Orbital Habitat has a security force that is larger than the TSF in size due to the need to police over three trillion humans. It is quasi-military and provides both internal as well as external security to the Cho.

  CO – This is an abbreviation meaning commanding officer. It is common in al
l branches of the military.

  Cryostasis (cryogenics) – See ‘stasis’.

  D2 (Deuterium) – D2 (2H) is an isotope of hydrogen where the nucleus of the atom is made up of one proton and one neutron as opposed to a single proton in regular hydrogen (protium). Deuterium is naturally occurring and is found in the oceans of planets with water and is also created by fusion in stars and brown dwarf sub stars. D2 is a stable isotope that does not decay.

  Fireteam – Is the smallest combat grouping of soldiers. In the TSF Marines (like the USMC) it contains four soldiers; the team leader (often doubles as the grenadier), the rifleman (acts as a scout for the team), automatic rifleman (carries a larger, fully automatic weapon), the assistant automatic rifleman (carries additional ammo).

  Fission – Fission is a nuclear reaction where an atom is split apart. Fission reactions are simple to achieve with heavier, unstable elements such as Uranium or Plutonium. In closed systems with extreme heat and pressure it is possible to split atoms of much more stable elements, such as Helium. Fission of heavier elements typically produces less power and far more waste matter and radiation than Fusion.

  Fusion – Fusion is a nuclear reaction where atoms of one type (Hydrogen for example) are fused into atoms of another type (Helium in the case of Hydrogen fusion). Fusion was first discovered and tested in the H-Bombs (Hydrogen bombs) of the twentieth century. Fusion reactors are also used as the most common source of ship power from roughly the twenty-fourth century on.

  g (gee, gees, g-force) – Represented as a lower case g in italics, this symbol stands for gravity. On Earth, at sea-level, the human body experiences 1g. A human sitting in a wheeled dragster race-car will achieve 4.2gs of horizontal g-force. Arial fighter jets will impose g-forces of 7-12gs on their pilots. Humans will often lose consciousness around 10gs. Unmodified humans will suffer serious injury or death at over 50gs. Starships will often impose burns as high as 20gs and provide special couches or beds for their passengers during such maneuvers. Modified starfighter pilots can withstand g-forces as high as 70gs.


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