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Winston Brothers Box Set

Page 11

by Lewis, Stacey


  Something changed between Fallon and me that morning. Now, I’m hyper aware of her every second of the day. Every sound she makes, every laugh, every. Single. Noise sets my body on fire. The work week is impossibly hard to get through, and I find myself gravitating towards her, wanting to spend every single second of the day with her. Even when people start to notice, I still don’t care.

  Looking myself over in the mirror, I straighten my bow tie. I’m anxious, terrified of what tonight will bring. I know taking Fallon to the gala tonight will only encourage the office gossip, and even though I’m not hiding what we shared, I’m not announcing it either.

  My thoughts drift back to the previous weekend, when I woke up in Fallon’s bed, and she let me claim a piece of her that no man ever has before.

  Her moans vibrate through me, every thrust inside her connecting us, tethering me to her. I’ve never wanted sex with a woman like I do with Fallon, and I’ve never fucked, or better yet, made love to one. Every thrust inside her removes the veil from my eyes.

  “Reed, I think,” tears form in her eyes as I make her fall apart again and again in my arms. I cover her mouth with mine, afraid of the words she might be about to say. I don’t want her to say them, not now, not yet. Not when I can’t say them back to her.

  Her body shakes with aftershocks, the sight making me come too. I don’t know how much time has passed, but I pull her into my arms, relishing in the softness of her body against mine.

  “Are you ready?” Ryker’s voice in my ear douses the memory in ice cold water. Sighing, I straighten my form and give myself one more once over. I hate this tux, it’s tight and worse than the designer suits I wear every day. I’m much more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans, but Dad always says you have to dress the part. If I don’t look expensive, people will assume our company isn’t either.

  “Yeah,” I grumble under my breath.

  Ryker stands in the doorway of my bedroom, and as I start to walk past him, a glass of what I presume is whiskey is shoved into my hand. I gaze down at the amber liquid, needing it more than I care to admit right now, so I take it. Bringing the glass to my lips, I tip the entire contents into my mouth and swallow. It’s smooth and eases the tension in my belly.

  “Whoa big bro, slow down. I can’t be sending you to Fallon’s drunk of your ass.” His hand lands against my shoulder, heavier than it used to be, and I shrug it off. I can’t let this asswipe inside my head tonight. I need a clear mind if I have to wine and dine all my father’s associates. Any one of them could be the person to purchase the company if my agreement with Fallon falls through.

  “Don’t fuck with me tonight,” I holler over my shoulder as I walk down the hall in the direction of the front door. Looking down to my watch, I realize I’m already running behind.


  “Fuck with you? No offense but you aren’t exactly my type,” Ryker jokes.

  My cheeks burn as I try to stop the grin from pulling at my lips. One minute he’s driving me insane, starting trouble, and the next he’s making me feel better.

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” I swing around and we almost collide. The longer I stare at him, the more I wonder if he would be the better man for Fallon. If someday she could be with someone like him, someone that can love her without fear of things failing, of losing her to something out of his control.

  “I know what you mean. I’m not going to fuck anything up tonight. Believe it or not, I don’t want the company being sold to some asshole that doesn’t know the first thing about our family name.”

  I nod in agreement, trying to push my fears down. I feel like I’m fucking drowning and there’s nothing like gasping for air just to get more water into your lungs.

  Don’t think about it, I tell myself, exhaling before turning around and leaving him in the hall. I take the glass he gave me into the kitchen and head towards the door, snagging my car keys off the island.

  “Hey, can I ride with you?” He follows behind me, just like he did when we were kids.

  “No.” I laugh, grabbing the knob and pulling it open. Before I can step across the threshold, he’s talking again.

  “Right, sorry, you’re planning to get laid tonight. Can’t have your little brother, who is actually an adult now, cramping your style.” His sarcasm is palpable, and I roll my eyes.

  “Lock up before you leave. I’ll see you at the gala.” I sigh, closing the door behind me, then clench and unclench my hands, trying to calm myself even though it’s a lost cause.

  Nothing can stop the dread tightening my belly.

  Something is going to happen tonight.

  The worst part is, I have no idea what it is.

  When I arrive at Fallon’s, I’m twenty minutes late and my hands are clammy when I grab the pink roses I got her off the passenger seat. We might just be friends who screw, but she deserves the best, so any time I can get her a present, I will. When I get to her door, I use my fist to beat against the heavy wooden door.

  She answers in what seems like a second, like she was waiting for me, and once again I’m left gasping for air. This time it’s for a much different reason. The red dress she’s wearing hugs every single inch of her body. It’s far worse than the green one she wore on our first date.

  My cock is instantly begging to be deep inside her.

  “Is it okay? Do I look all right?” She blushes, her green eyes piercing mine as she speaks. I swallow down the lump in my throat painfully and fist the flowers in my hand. She has no fucking clue how beautiful she is.

  “Seriously, you’re asking me if you look okay?” I lean in to place a soft kiss against her cheek before finishing, “I have half a mind to tell you to go back into that bedroom and change. Every single client and partner we have is going to be looking at you tonight.”

  Fallon smiles as a faint blush colors her cheeks, but I can see through it. She’s worried, unused to this much attention. I can relate, because neither am I.

  “You look good enough to eat. In fact, if we had time, I’d spread you out across the countertop and devour you.” Fallon looks away shyly, as if my words embarrass her. Her hair is curled, the strands resting softly against the swell of her breasts. Each rise and fall tells me how affected she is by me.

  She wrings her hands together and confesses, “I’m just a little nervous.”

  Taking her hands in mine, I feel her nervous anxiety wash over me, and she confides, “I just want to be perfect for you, and if the dress isn’t great…” She tries to twist out of my grip, but I hold on, pulling her into my arms.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re perfect, and what anyone else says or thinks doesn’t matter, because we know the truth.” I tilt her chin upwards, forcing her to look at me. I see the worry, the fear, the anxiousness in her eyes, and I get it. I understand probably more than anyone. “These people don’t matter. We’re only going to make an appearance for the company. If you want to come home after that, we’ll leave.”

  Fallon nods her head and smiles, a real one this time. “Anywhere you are is where I want to be, Reed.” Then she kisses me softly, her full lips resting against mine. The entire world fades away as her soft skin and sweet scent invade me.

  The worry and fear is gone when Fallon is with me, and I wish with all my heart that we could be together, the real kind of together. But, when she pulls away those thoughts disappear into thin air as if they never existed.

  “Okay, if you’re ready we should probably get going.” I want to smile, but I can’t. Wanting Fallon so much is only going to hurt us both in the end. It’s better this way, even if it hurts me to be so close, yet unable to touch her.

  We ride in almost silence, music from the radio humming through the speakers, but it’s barely audible. The drive takes maybe twenty minutes with traffic, and soon I’m pulling up to the ritzy Montgomery hotel. The Montgomery family puts on a charity ball every year, with auctions to benefit the city and homeless shelters, even though t
hey could give two fucks about the homeless. It’s all about appearances with them.

  Pulling up to the valet, I slip the driver my keys before coming around to open Fallon’s door. I want tonight to be perfect for her. Extending a hand, I help her out of the car. There are cameras flashing and people everywhere but my eyes are glued to one person: Fallon.

  We start to walk up the steps and into the hotel, and my stomach sinks to my feet when I see him. My arch enemy. Ryan Weber, of Weber Estates. A bad taste fills my mouth, and I pull Fallon closer to my side.

  Maybe he won’t notice us.

  Of course, I’m never that lucky. The bastard turns around, disengaging from a conversation he looks to be in the middle of, and heads straight for me. His beady eyes scan over me, then Fallon. The bastard stares too long, and I feel a growl form in my throat when I see the hungry way he’s looking at her body.

  “Reed.” When he says my name, I narrow my eyes. “And….” The look in his eyes turns smoldering as he turns greets Fallon next, waiting for her to supply her name.

  “Oh,” she says, flustered by his attention, “I’m Fallon. It’s so nice to meet you.” My molars grind together as she extends her hand and the fucker brings it to his lips, pressing a kiss against her perfect skin. I can see her blush, and my body vibrates with rage.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fallon. Reed doesn’t often bring anyone with him to these kind of events, so meeting someone from his personal life is very exciting.” Confusion forms on her features as she looks between the two of us. She’s not sure who this asshole is, or how he knows so much about me.

  “She’s my girlfriend, and who I decide to bring to these events is none of your concern.” I let the lie from my lips easily. Fallon stiffens beside me and I know I’m only digging myself into a deeper hole with her. Ryan smiles, as though he knows I’m lying.

  Fuck! Now I’m going to have to explain to Fallon why I told this asshole she was my girlfriend when she isn’t.

  “Ahhh. Well, I can see why you would want to keep her to yourself.” He seems a little too enthusiastic as his eyes drift from me, back down to Fallon. The leer on his face causes fire to stir deep in my gut. “She’s so beautiful …” I can’t stop the clenching of my fist or the tone of my voice when I cut him off.

  “That’s awfully kind of you to say, but we’ve got to get going. My father is waiting for us.” I lie again, wanting to get as far away from this scumbag as I can.

  “Is she the one?” He leans in whispering the question in my ear. I don’t know if he’s asking me if she’s the one or if he somehow knows about my father’s stipulations.

  “Am I the one for what?” Fallon speaks up, her brows drawing together.

  I’m losing my patience with every breath I take.

  Ryan snickers before turning his attention back to her, “I was just wondering if you were the one that was going to help Reed claim …”

  “Enough, Ryan.” I growl, shaking my head and pulling Fallon in the direction of the stairs. I hate that I force her to leave without giving an answer to who Ryan is, but it’s either leave or punch the guy out.

  “Seriously, Reed?” Fallon scowls, pulling away from me as if my touch burns her.

  “I’m sorry.” I let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through my hair, watching waiters pass by and people gawk, whispering underneath their breath.

  “Sorry?” She gives me a puzzled look and I reach for her, wanting to make the situation better without really knowing how, but she takes a step back, putting even more distance between us. It makes me crazy. “You told that guy I’m your girlfriend. We aren’t dating Reed. You’ve made that clear. I’m only good for one thing to you, and that’s securing your family’s company.”

  Her words hurt, and the worst part is she’s right.

  Fallon being here has everything to do with what she offered me. But the way my heart beats when she’s near, and my body reacts to her touch, has nothing to do with the agreement we made.

  I’m just too much of a chickenshit to admit maybe, just maybe, I’m falling in love with my best friend.

  Chapter Nineteen


  He looks at me like I just kicked him directly in the balls or something. The look of anguish in his eyes has me wanting to hold back my feelings, but I can’t. I need to tell him I think he wants to be more than just fuck friends before it’s too late. Going along with this arrangement was a mistake. That much becomes clear with each passing day.

  Even though I told myself I could handle doing this for Reed, I knew the day I drank the entire bottle of wine and went to his house I wanted him to be more than my friend. I just never expected it to work out the way it has. I convinced myself he would fall in love with me too, but it doesn’t seem like that’s ever going to happen.

  I remain quiet for the rest of the evening, the glitz and glamour of the hotel, and the snotty people at the event making me sick to my stomach. Having all the attention on me is something I hate, and it feels like everyone is staring. Reed should have prepared me for this, and I’m pissed that he didn’t. To make things worse, the rift between us continues to grow as the night goes on.

  He’s still sweet as hell, damn him, smiling at me when he catches me looking at him, but he doesn’t speak to me. Not more than a handful of words anyway. The only one who holds a decent conversation with me is Ryker, and the longer we talk, the more Reed’s demeanor seems to deteriorate. I have no idea what his problem is, but I’m so over his stupid caveman behavior.

  I down another glass of wine just as Clark finally makes an appearance at our table. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous as he approaches, but my stomach is suddenly full of knots. When he sees me, his smile widens, causing warmth to spread across my cheeks. I can tell by the smug look on his face he knows I’m the woman Reed picked to have his child. Little does he know it’s more I’m the woman who begged Reed to let her have his baby.

  “Fallon, sweetheart,” He comes around the table, pulling me into a tight hug and kissing my cheek. “It’s wonderful to see you.” He says this like he didn’t see me at work just about every day this week.

  I hug him back, breathing in the scent of his cologne, the same one my dad used to wear. It smells like home and comfort, and with the way Reed is acting tonight, I need both those things more than I realized. My eyes fill with tears and I blink fast to keep them from falling.

  Once he releases me, he takes a seat next to Reed and clamps a hand on his shoulder. “Son.”

  “Dad,” Reed greets him through clenched teeth, the way he’s been speaking to everyone since we talked to Ryan. Part of me wants to ask him what his problem is but the rest of me is too angry to care.

  A wide smile spreads across Clark’s face when he hears the aggravation in Reed’s voice. His grip on Reed’s shoulder loosens, and he turns his attention away to greet the rest of our table. As soon as his attention is off of us, I turn to glare at Reed, the part of me that cares so much winning.

  “What is your problem tonight?” It’s hard to chastise him in a whisper, but I somehow manage to do it.

  He’s trying to look bored, but I can see the tension in his jaw. His teeth are locked together and the area between his eyebrows is all scrunched up.

  “I don’t have a problem.” Ugh. He is so full of shit! We’re supposed to be best friends, yet he’s keeping so much from me now. Ever since we made this stupid agreement, he’s been pushing me away and I hate it. We swore this wouldn’t change things, but it has. It’s changing everything.

  I stand abruptly, and watch as Reed’s eyes widen when he sees the defeated expression on my face. If this is what us having sex is going to cause, I’m done.

  I want Reed, more than anything, but I’d rather have him as my friend than nothing at all. With the way he’s acting lately, our lifelong friendship will end before a baby is even conceived.

  Frustration has me walking away, and if he’s expecting me to show my ass and throw a tantru
m here at this table full of his business associates he’s wrong.

  No matter how upset I am with him, I’m adult enough to keep my emotions contained until we’re alone and if I know Reed at all, he’ll follow me and force me to spill my guts. I sure as hell don’t want to be in public when that happens.

  My heels click against the marble floor, and I find myself wondering around aimlessly with nowhere to go. This hotel is huge. I have no idea which way to go to find a door that will take me outside, and I’m not about to turn around and head back towards the table.

  I’m ready to go, with or without Reed. I’ll find my own way out if need be.

  The next corridor I pass is brightly lit, and when I look down the hallway I breathe a sigh of relief. There’s a glass door at the end and I can see the city bustling with life right outside. I have no idea where it will bring me out, but it’s an escape, and one that’s badly needed right now.

  One of many doors along the wall swings open just before I reach it, and I stop, waiting to see who’s coming out. The first thing I notice is a muscular body in a well-tailored tux, but when he looks up from where he’s buttoning the jacket, I realize I know him.

  Or at least, I’ve met him … tonight in fact.

  His eyes lock on mine, and he gives me a smug smile. “Fallon, right?” He says it like he isn’t sure who I am, but we both know that’s a lie. I’m sure he memorized my name the moment Reed said it. He probably already had since it sounded like Reed’s mentioned me to him before.

  “Ryan,” I greet him, continuing to walk past him, not willing to participate in any more drama tonight. He grabs my arm, turning me to face him and halting my movement.

  “Where are you going?” he asks, looking past me and down the hallway, like he expects to see Reed jump out at any moment. My eyes do the same, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a little that he just let me walk away. “Where’s Reed?”

  I shrug. “Probably back at the table? I’m not his mom, so what he does isn’t really my concern.” I’m trying to sound nonchalant, but my voice breaks, ruining the illusion that I don’t care where he is or what he’s doing.


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