Winston Brothers Box Set

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Winston Brothers Box Set Page 31

by Lewis, Stacey

  “Something is going on with her,” I tell Ryker. He makes a humming noise in his throat in agreement, but doesn’t say anything else. I know he’s still waiting for an answer about taking me home, and with a sigh, I nod in agreement.

  What’s the point in fighting with him? I’ve already left him alone in bed twice, and I can only run from my problems for so long before they catch up with me.

  I feel Ryker’s breath at my ear, and it causes me to shiver. “I’m glad you agreed because we have a lot to talk about. A lot.”

  He has no idea what he’s saying, not yet...

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I follow Ava into her dark apartment. I’ve been waiting for this moment since I woke up last weekend, alone, with her side of the bed cold, and tonight I’m done playing games. I’m done wondering if she wants me like I want her. I’m going to make her admit it to herself and to me that this, me, is what she wants.

  The second she shuts the door, closing us inside, I pounce. I push her up against the heavy wooden door and flick the dead bolt into place. Ava’s gaze widens, but it isn’t fear I see in those whiskey-colored depths, it’s excitement.

  “I’ve woken up twice after sex with you to a cold bed, wondering what the hell I did wrong to make you run off.” My words are harsh, and I can see her flinch, but I don’t let it stop me. “Do you know what it’s like? To wake up, expecting to see the person you fell asleep next to there beside you, only to find yourself alone? It’s a fucking horrible feeling and one I’d rather not repeat again.”

  Her eyes drop from my mine, and I know the turmoil swirling in mine is causing her pain, but she needs to see what she’s doing to me. “You have me so fucked up, Ava. You leave me, you freeze me out at work. I’m not sure what I’ve done to make you act that way, but it would be fucking fantastic if you’d clue me in.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers, the excitement absent from her voice now. I wasn’t planning to jump on her the minute I got her alone, but I can’t keep all this anger inside me anymore or I’ll go insane. I’ll literally lose my fucking mind if I have to go another second withholding all the truths that want to slip past my lips.

  And while I appreciate her apology, it’s almost too little, too late. She looks back up at me, and the sadness in her eyes makes me want to apologize, but I refuse. I start to say something, though I have no idea what, but before I can, her hands grip my shirt and she comes up on her toes to press her lips to mine.

  The sudden change has me unsure what to do, but as soon as her tongue prods against the seam of my lips, all my anger fades away. I’m consumed with need for her, and it feels like every bit of blood in my body rushes to my now rock-hard dick. The rage inside me simmers, and I unleash it, pressing her harder against the door, taking over the kiss.

  My hand tangles in her blonde hair, gripping it hard and moving her so I can claim her mouth. Ava gasps in surprise, and I take advantage of that open mouth of hers, pushing my tongue inside to wrap around hers.

  She has no fucking clue the power she holds over me. The way she makes my body hum with need when she’s nearby. I’m tethered to her, and I have fucking clue how or why.

  “Ryker…” My name spills from her lips on a whimper as I pull away for a second, giving us both a much needed moment to breathe. I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears, my lungs burning as air enters them, and yet, that one kiss wasn’t enough. I can feel it. This compelling need to be near her, as if she’s my beginning and end. She owns me, and I want to own her the same way she owns my heart.

  “You’re mine tonight. Mine. And when I take you to bed and tuck you into my side, you’ll remain there all night.” I press my forehead against hers, feeling this feral need fester deep inside me. I won’t take no for an answer. Not now, not ever. She had her chance to run, her chance to say no, but she didn’t. Now she’s mine, all fucking mine.

  “I want you.” She whispers it so softly, I almost don’t hear it, and the words are music to my ears. Everything fades away, leaving just Ava and I. The whole world could be burning to the fucking ground and I wouldn’t care right now.

  “Good, because you’re going to fucking get me,” I growl, picking her up and forcing her legs around my hips. Her lips press against the pulse throbbing in my neck, and I swear my knees go weak with need. God, this fucking woman. She owns me. It was only a few months ago I was afraid to admit something like that, but today, today I feel like I can scream it from the rooftops.

  I head down the hall, my cock straining against my slacks painfully. I need to get all these clothes off us, so we can do all the talking we need to with our bodies. I pass one door, then another, unsure of which room is hers.

  “It’s the last door on the right,” she murmurs huskily into the shell of my ear before her teeth start nibbling on the lobe. I know we need to talk. I know we do, but I need to be inside her. It’s like my fucking life depends on it.

  “We have so much to fucking talk about, but I have to have you first,” I growl, opening the door to her bedroom and closing it behind us. I release her, and she falls back onto the mattress, looking like a siren of sunshine with her blonde hair fanned out. She’s so beautiful it almost hurts me to look at her and think that she is mine.

  “Yes,” she agrees, reaching for me greedily as if she feels the same burning need flowing through her veins. Buttons fly, and clothes crumple to the floor. There isn’t anything sweet about the way Ava and I come together. It’s always primal, soul searing, and body shaking. In seconds, were both stark-ass naked, and I find myself on my knees, pulling her ass to the edge of the bed so I can get a taste of that sweet pussy of hers.

  She whimpers, looking up at me with doe eyes. “I’m going to taste this sweet pussy. You’re going to be dripping with need before I give you my cock,” I hiss, almost losing it when I part her legs and see the glistening arousal that she has for me dripping down her thighs. Pushing her legs back against her chest, leaving her pussy vulnerable, I dive in like I’m starving, which isn’t far from the truth. I am starving…for her. Her body, her heart, all of her.

  “Ryker,” she cries out as my tongue licks her from her asshole to the top of her pussy, causing an explosion of need to slam into me. My fingers dig into her skin, holding her in place while I flick my tongue against her needy clit. She owns me, but tonight I’m going to show her just how much I own her too.

  “Who do you belong to?” I ask, my words vibrating between her soaked folds.

  “What?” She gasps as I suck on her clit before alternating between licks and bites. The change in my attention keeps her from reaching her orgasm, and her head starts thrashing back and forth against the pillows.

  “Who do you belong to?” This time my voice is unhinged, and I enter her with two fingers, scissoring them apart and causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head. Her body bows with pleasure, and I pull out of her, bringing my two drenched fingers to my lips.

  “Please,” she begs, her whiskey eyes pleading with me to let her come.

  “Beg me all you want…” I smirk down at her, loving the way she begs. “I won’t be letting you come until you admit you’re mine.” Fire flickers in her eyes as she watches me lick my fingers clean, the sweet taste of her cream making my cock harder than steel.

  “I don’t belong to you, Ryker.” She states it matter-of-factly, and I snicker, slipping the two fingers back into her with ease.

  “You do, sweetheart, even your body knows it’s true.” I start thrusting those two fingers inside her, stretching and fucking her as if it’s my cock. She thrashes against the sheets, her nails digging into my arms as she moans wantonly with pleasure.

  “Ahhh…” she cries out in frustration as I pull my fingers out once more, then slip them back in slowly, ending the relentless pace. “Ryker…” I can tell she angry, frustrated, and I’m glad. For once she knows exactly what it’s like to feel my pain.

  “I’ll let you come, but only if you
say you’re mine.” I lean in, pressing a hard kiss to her lips. She shakes her head no, and I start moving my fingers inside her again. Her eyes drift closed as her body tightens like a rubber band that’s about to snap.

  “Say it,” I order, and she shakes her head once more, her perfectly white teeth sinking into her plump bottom lip. I up my thrust and rub circles against her clit, bringing her right to the very edge.

  “Give it up, baby…” I feel her channel tighten and know she’s right there on the edge. “Say it or I’ll stop again.” Ava whimpers once more but releases her lip, her eyes opening and shining bright as she stares up at me with amazement.

  “Fuck,” she moans. “I’m yours, Ryker, I’m yours. Please, let me come, please.”

  I sigh inwardly, thanking fuck she finally admitted it, and then I finally let her come. Her body lifts off the mattress, and her sweet, sweet cream gushes from her pussy, making my hand slippery. I scissor my fingers again, prolonging her orgasm, and watch as the flush enters her cheeks and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

  “You’re beautiful as fuck when you come, and now that you’ve admitted that you’re mine, I’m going to claim you once and for all.” Something inside me snaps, and I pull my fingers out of her drenched pussy so I can grip her ass and move her up the mattress. She’s still looking up at me, but this time with a dazed expression.

  “Wait,” she whispers, as I climb over her, taking my cock into my hand and centering it at her entrance. I couldn’t stop myself now if I wanted to.

  “Whatever it is, it can wait. I have to have you, Ava,” I growl, my cock slipping against her entrance as my lips press against her collarbone. She mewls, melting into my touch. I swear I feel heaven when I finally sink balls deep inside her.

  She’s so tight, so perfect, and our bodies come together as if we were the missing puzzle pieces to each others lives.

  “Oh God.” Ava huffs, her chest rising and falling faster and faster with each hard thrust. I grip her hips, holding her in place, and fuck her like there’s no tomorrow. In seconds, she’s coming, her pussy tightening around my cock, squeezing me so hard I get light-headed.

  “If I could live inside you, I would,” I tell her as I worship her body with my cock. I want to devour every fucking inch of her, but there isn’t enough time in the day for that. Ava pulls my head down, and I crash my lips into hers, kissing her with all my might, wanting her to feel what I feel and praying she feels it too.

  “I… I lo…” Her words cut off before they’re fully said, but that’s fine, because I already know what she’s going to say, and that pushes me forward. The tightening in my balls tells me I’m close, and I need Ava to come with me one last time.

  “Come for me, baby, come all over my cock,” I pant, each stroke pushing me closer to the edge. I need Ava with me, so I rub perfect circles against that tight little bundle of nerves to push her right the fuck off the edge.

  In seconds, I’m falling with her, my toes tingling and my body shaking as I empty every single ounce of who I am inside her.

  I sag against her, resting on my arms before pressing a soft kiss against her nose.

  Mine. All fucking mine.

  I adjust us so that she’s tucked into my side. Then I pull the covers up over us and relish in the feel of her skin against mine.

  “You were made for me, Ava, and nothing you do will ever change that,” I whisper into her sunshine blonde hair.

  She mumbles something I don’t understand before burrowing into the pillows and letting me hold her tightly against my chest. I smirk, planning like hell to prove her wrong.

  * * *

  I wake a few hours later, disoriented and feeling like I swallowed a handful of cotton. It only takes a second for me to realize where I am, and taking in Ava’s sleeping form beside me, I sink into the mattress for a moment.

  Untangling myself from my sweet girl, who is laying on her stomach with the top of her bare ass exposed, I get out of bed reluctantly to get a drink of water. My cock stiffens as I pull on my underwear and dress slacks, just in case one of her roommates is here.

  I’d hate to give someone a heart attack or show they didn’t want to see. I pad down the hall and into the kitchen, opening two cupboards before I find the glasses. Then, I fill the cup with water and walk into the small living room.

  It’s crazy to think three girls live in this small apartment. There’s barely space in here for anything, and I know even with me not having much, I’d struggle to find places to put everything. I’m surprised it’s as clean as it is. My gaze swings around the room as I take it in. It’s tidy and homey looking, and when I sit, testing the couch out, my body sinks into the cushion easily.

  It’s when I go to place my glass on the table that I notice a book—a baby book to be exact. My heart beats furiously against my rib cage as I pick it up, taking note of the sticky notes in a variety of colors that stick out the side of it.

  Curiously, I open it, forcing myself to swallow down the fear coursing through my veins. It’s when I see the note resting between the pages on the page I opened that it’s written in Ava’s handwriting. It says due date on it, and reality sinks into every pore on my body.

  I do the calculation in my head real quick, and the book slips from my hands, hitting the floor with a hard thud.

  She can’t be pregnant, can she?

  I think it through once more and wonder how the hell I’m going to bring this up to her without coming off as a dick or starting a fight.

  Fear coats my belly, and I pick the book up, paging through it and reading all the little sticky notes she has posted.

  Things like what to eat, when to go to your first appointment, when you find out the sex of the baby, and all the things you’ll need for a healthy first year of life.

  When I finish, my head is spinning and the sun is peeking through the curtains in the living room. I realize then that I’ve spent the last few hours paging through a baby book, without fully knowing if Ava is actually pregnant or not. If she is, is it mine? The thought makes me feel like a first-class ass, but if it is, why wouldn’t she tell me?

  The book is heavy in my hands, thanks to the news I’ve just discovered. When I hear footfalls down the hall, I jump from the couch guiltily and try to prepare myself. I want to be mad, and I am, but I also just want to know if she is or not.

  “Ryker?” She gasps when she sees the expression on my face, confusion crossing her features until she notices the book in my hands.

  “Are you pregnant?” I ask it straight out, refusing to beat around the bush. When her angelic face pales, I know it’s true.

  I blink as air refuses to fill my lungs and think about what this means for her and me. A baby. A fucking baby?

  “I… I wanted to tell you… I was going to tell you…” she stammers as tears fill her eyes, and when I look at them I don’t feel remorse for being angry with her. I don’t care that she “wanted to” and was “going to” tell me. She didn’t. All I want to know is why she tried to hide it.

  “You were going to tell me?” My voice is deadly calm, and I’m hurt more than I ever have been before.

  “Yes. I swear, Ryker, I was going to tell you. I just wanted you to want me for me first. I swear…” Ava’s voice is frantic, but I shake my head, unable to believe her, dropping the fucking book to the floor like it’s fire in my hands.

  “You wanted me to want you for you?” I laugh, but it’s humorless. “I’ve wanted you since the first fucking day we met in that bar. A baby wouldn’t have changed that.” I’m furious, unable to stop my anger and disappointment rushing to the surface.

  “It would have, Ryker, and I wanted things to be right when you found out. I wanted to tell you.” She pleads with me to understand, but I can’t. I can’t do this with her right now. I feel betrayed, lost, and all because the one person I want more than air itself doesn’t trust me enough to want her without a baby attached to us.

  “I can’t do this right now. I�
��m so angry, so disappointed, and just fucking pissed.” I clench my fists, wanting to punch something, watching as the tears slip from her eyes and down her cheeks.

  “Ryker.” There’s so much anguish in her voice as she says my name that it rips me apart to turn around and walk away from her, but I have to. Knowing she kept this a secret from me is shredding my heart. I’m bleeding on the floor in front of her, and I don’t even know why it hurts so much.

  “Ryker, please, don’t leave. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” She’s sobbing now, and even though I want to go to her and comfort her, I don’t.

  Instead, I walk to the door, open it, and walk out of the apartment before I do something stupid. Before I say something I don’t mean and can’t take back.

  Ava means everything to me, but it fucking kills me that she didn’t trust me enough to tell me she was having my baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  My heart sinks into my stomach and I fall to the floor, my body giving out on me as I watch the man I love leave my apartment. The tears fall from my eyes as every horrible thought known to mankind invades me.

  Does this mean he’s done with me? That he doesn’t want me or the baby? The thoughts make me cry harder, and before I can stop myself, I’m sobbing uncontrollably, the tears making it hard to see and even harder to breathe. My chest constricts with every breath I take. I’m gasping for air, gasping for Ryker.

  “Ava?” Gabby’s voice rings throughout the room, and I pull my knees to my chest, wanting to hide the pain I’m feeling.

  “Is everything okay out here?” Marie appears a second later. Her presence reminds me of the secrets that she’s hiding, and I cry harder, my head resting against my knees. I just want to crawl into a ball and hide away.


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