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Winston Brothers Box Set

Page 36

by Lewis, Stacey

  The stupid bartender finally brings me another drink, but I’m so focused on pretending Remy’s frown doesn’t affect me, I forget to mention the watered down crap he’s been charging me for and push away from the bar so I can return to my friends.

  My legs are shaking, so I wobble like a damn newborn foal taking her first steps, my hand once again reaching out and landing on Remy’s flat, muscular abs. Electricity zings through me when I touch him, sparking a fire low in my belly. Remembering the question he asked me at the bar, I mutter, “If you lived my life you wouldn’t just order one drink, you’d buy the whole damn distillery.”

  He helps me steady myself. “Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?” The endearment leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and I shake off the feelings stirring inside me

  “Hell, if don’t do better”—the cliché saying makes me snicker— “but if you mean right now? I’m going home before I do something stupid.” It takes every bit of my waning concentration to walk slowly towards the exit leaving him behind and purposely ignoring the fact that he’s saying something to the bartender as I do.

  “For someone who’s had as much to drink as you have, you would think you’d be slower at this whole walking thing.” Remy chuckles, his hand wrapping around my elbow so he can lead me back to the table, the one where his brothers and my best friend are all watching our interaction closely…

  His hand doesn’t leave my skin, and I try to convince myself that the warmth it fills me with is unwelcome. Remy is way too young for me, and I need to shut whatever this is down before it goes too far.

  I’m so busy obsessing over his body and lamenting the fact that I can’t have him, no matter how much I want him, I almost miss his short conversation with Reed.

  “Mel needs to get home.” The way he says my name sends shivers down my spine. His voice is deeper than it was when he was talking to me at the bar, and in my semi-drunk state, I swear I can feel the vibrations ripple through me.

  Then, his words penetrate, and I yank myself out of his hold to glare up at him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Finding you a way home.” He says it slowly, like I’m too wasted to understand something simple.

  High-handed prick. “I don’t need you to coordinate a ride. I’m perfectly capable of ordering one on my own.” Reaching around his body, I grab my purse off the table and pull my phone out. Once it’s unlocked, I pull up my ride-share app and practically shove the screen in his face. “See? All it takes in the press of a button, and voila! Almost instant ride.”

  His eyes narrow. “It’s way too late, and you are way too tipsy to be getting in some strange guy’s car.”

  “Excuse me? It’s just a ride. One that isn’t much different from a cab. They’re perfectly safe. If you’re that opposed, I can just have Reed and Fallon take me home when they leave. See? Problem solved.”

  Reed and Fallon are both watching us, their eyes bouncing back and forth between us like they’re watching a ping pong match. Remy shakes his head, but when I start to protest again, he cuts me off. “No. Fallon and Reed need to get home to Mav. If anyone’s gonna drive you home, it’ll be me.”

  Without giving me the chance to protest further, he grabs both my phone and my purse out of my hands. “I already promised Fallon and Reed that I’d get you home, safe and sound and that’s what I’m doing.” There’s a sincere look in his eyes, one that makes my body want him that much more.

  “Damn, why do you have to be so young, and attractive, and gentlemen-like?” The words fall from my mouth without warning, and I realize I’ve just said all those things out loud. Goddammit, I’ve done it again.

  “I’m not that young,” he snaps. “And thank you for the compliment, you aren’t that bad to look at either. As for being a gentleman…” His voice trails off, and the look he gives me sends shivers down my spine. “Let’s just say I’m the kind of man that will open doors for you in public but fuck you senseless in private.”

  My mouth drops open, but no words come out. What do I even say to that?

  “You’re too young for me, Mr. Winston. I don’t date or screw anyone who isn’t at least a year older than me.” Even as I say it, I let Remy loop his arm back through mine and guide me towards wherever he parked on the street.

  “I’m not like the others you fucked or dated in the past. I can guarantee that.”

  Why is the way he’s talking to me right now so hot? I lick my lips, thinking about the possibility of what his words can mean. I’m always up for a challenge, since there’s nothing like proving a man wrong.

  “How so? You have a magic dick or something?” I giggle as I say the words and notice the way that Remy’s lip rises slightly. He thinks I’m funny. That’s fucking cute.

  “Nope. There ain’t nothing magical about me. I just know how to get a woman off, and I’m damn good at it.” The way he talks with so much confidence, and alphaness, has my lady bits tingling.

  “Well, why don’t you prove it then.” I dare, not because I want to test him, but because deep down in the pit of my belly I want to see if he can actually live up to his word. In my had-to-much-to-drink brain, it doesn’t matter that he’s sweet as hell, and a gentleman. I just want him to fuck me like he says he can.

  “What happened to you don’t fuck guys younger than you.” His voice is so low it’s almost a whisper. We reach his car just as he says the words, and I have half a mind to turn around on my trembling legs and run back inside. I’ve got too much going on in my life, too much hard shit and not enough good shit. Adding Remy to the mix would only complicate things, and yet, the temptation to see what could happen is swirling around in my drunken mind.

  “I might make an exception if you can prove you know your shit and you aren’t all talk.” He opens the door, and the look he gives me makes me feel more drunk than I already do. I’m fairly sure it’s not from the vodka I’ve been drinking but from something entirely different.

  “If by shit, you mean can I locate the g-spot and clit without needing a road map? Then yeah, I’ve got you covered. I’m a pro, Melody, not some teenage boy only wanting to get off.” There is a roughness to his voice, and I want to sink deep into it, letting it wrap around me, just so I can forget about my fucked-up life for a while.

  My stomach knots when he helps me inside the car, his hands gripping me in a way only a man can really hold a woman, though he’s doing nothing but keeping me steady. I’m thinking about all the things this man can possibly do with his hands, my imagination running wild with thoughts of what he might be able to do with another appendage on his body.

  Chapter Two


  After helping her into the car, I walk slowly around to get in on the driver’s side. Her perfume mixes with my cologne when the door closes, cutting off any fresh air and the mingled scent has me clenching my hands into fists to keep them to myself. I like the idea of anyone coming near her knowing I was the one who touched her. That they’d be able to smell me on her.

  Melody turns to look at me and the tiny grin on her face tells me she’s about to say something that will both aggravate the shit out of me and make my dick rock hard. Sure enough, she tells me, “You have no idea what you’d be in for with me.”

  I grit my teeth, molars grinding together in my aggravation. The action causes my jaw to ache, but the pain keeps me from taking sweet Melody across my knee. The woman needs a nice hard spanking and a hard fuck too.

  Raising an eyebrow in question, I chance a look at her as start the car. “What I would be in for?” I don’t think Miss Sassypants is aware of the things that I can and will do to her. “Tell me more.” There are a few minutes of quiet, just enough for me to get us out of the parking lot and onto the road. I have no idea where she lives, but I don’t much care. It just means longer I’ll have her in the car with me.

  “Well first…” Her voice trails off, and I feel the heat of her stare on my body. She’s beautiful with her dark, almost black, hair
. Mel’s gunmetal blue eyes pull me in, and I already know if I kiss her, she’ll melt into a fucking puddle on the floor at my feet. “If you weren’t so young, I would lean over and unzip your pants while you’re busy concentrating on the road. Then, once I pulled your dick out, I’d suck it all the way to the back of my throat and scrape the base lightly with my teeth.”

  Motherfucker. The mental image she’s putting in my head has me ready to blow in my pants like the teenage boy she seems to think I am. That’s cool though. Two can play this game. Keeping my eyes firmly on the dark road in front of me, I give her a taste of her own medicine. “Yeah? Would you let me hold your hair in one hand so I could look down every few minutes to watch you worship my cock? Watch you struggle to get it all down your throat?” I can see her thighs rubbing together out of the corner of my eyes, and I go silent, waiting to see what she’ll say next.

  “Oh, I would have no problem deep-throating every. Single. Inch.” Mel says it proudly, punctuating every word with a fingertip poking my arm. I’m instantly jealous of any other man who’s had that sexy mouth wrapped around his dick. “And then, when you can’t take it anymore, I’ll swallow every drop.”

  That’s it. I’m done. I’m ready to pull this car over in the first empty parking lot I see and have her put her money where her mouth is. No pun intended. Before I can, she turns from seductress to sad girl and my head spins from the change.

  She starts talking again, mumbling so low I have to strain to hear what she’s saying. “What am I doing? I’m a mess. My entire life is a huge fucking mess. I’ve got a ton of shit going on and no time for a guy.” I turn to look at her when I stop at another light -- why am I catching all of them? -- and she’s staring at me, confusion swirling in her eyes. “You know, you’re ballsy for still wanting a piece of me even with all my chaos. I just hope you don’t regret it.” The last sentence is said in a low, sad voice, one that makes me want to wrap her up in my arms and take care of whatever it is that’s hurting her.

  “What happens when we’re together is just between us, Mel,” I try to reassure her. “If you don’t want to share anything about your personal life, I’m not going to make you. Yeah, I want you. I want whatever parts you’re willing to give me.” It’s true. I want her. But, unlike my words imply, I don’t just want to fuck her. I want her to be mine, for me to be hers. Maybe it makes me a bigger pussy than my brothers’, but I want us to be a couple. Whatever’s going on in her life, whatever made her think she needed to attempt to drink an entire bottle of vodka to cope, I want to fix it for her. I’ve never had these thoughts about a woman before, but all it took was one short conversation with her to make me crave more.

  Mel snorts, and normally that would be a huge turn off, but nothing about her turns me off. “Whatever you say, Winston. I’m not like Fallon. I can’t fall in love. I refuse. I have way too much baggage, and after seeing all the pain love causes, I don’t want any part of it. Me and love don’t mix. We’re like oil and water.” She sounds so sure of herself, but I see right through the hard exterior that surrounds her. Melody might say she doesn’t do love, but she wants a connection with someone just as much as I do. I want to ask what she means about seeing what love does to people, but I’m smart enough to know if I ask she’ll clam up, and any plans I have tonight will be over before they can start.

  “Who said anything about love?” I tease, doing my best to sound nonchalant, then realize as I pull up to the next set of stoplights, I still have no clue where the hell I’m going.

  Shifting in my seat, I study the pink flush on Mel’s cheeks. Did my comment embarrass her? Surely not. I change the subject quickly, not wanting to push her away before I have a chance to get to know her.

  “I need your address.”

  She blinks, almost like she’s coming out of a trance. “Oh. Yeah. I live over on Bar Street, across from the bread store.” I nod, taking a right so I can swing back around the block. Putting her address in my GPS, I realize we only live a few blocks apart, storing the information away for later. I already know I’ll need it when we’re done. She won’t invite me back on her own.

  “Maybe you being young isn’t such a bad thing,” she muses quietly. “Do you think you can keep up with me?” Her brows move up and down playfully. I like this side of Mel, the fun, flirty side.

  I catch her nibbling on her bottom lip out of the corner of my eye as I navigate the road, my cock hard as granite in my pants. “Age is nothing but a number baby, but if you’re truly wondering, yes, I can keep it up long enough for you to get off… more than once.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She says it smugly, but I can tell from the seductive sound of her voice she’s as interested as I am. The only problem? I’m positive she’s only looking at me as a one-night stand. Knowing that, I’m not going to push things tonight. A ride home, then making sure she gets inside. That’s all. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  In a matter of minutes, I’m pulling into her apartment complex. The place is huge, and in a decent part of town but my mama didn’t raise no asshole, so I do the right thing and put the car in park, killing the engine before getting out. Before she can protest, I walk quickly around to the passenger side.

  The look she gives me is full of lust, her eyes seeming to darken in the overhead light as I help her out of the car. I expect her to say something, but she basically ignores me, dropping my hand the second she’s standing and walking toward the building entrance.

  “Excuse me, where do you think you’re going?” Slamming her door and beeping the locks, I try to catch up with her before she gets inside the doors. If she gets there before I do, tonight is over before I get to convince her to give me a chance when she’s sober.

  Mel turns around to face me, and her voice is full of sarcasm when she replies. “Umm, up to my apartment. You brought me home. What did you expect me to do, Remy? Stand outside until morning?”

  I have to work to keep my eyes from rolling. “I never said you had to stand outside, but it’s late, and I’m not going to let you walk up to your apartment alone. No. Way. In. Hell.”

  Her mouth pops open with a response that’s sure to piss me off, but I give her a look that shuts her down. “Whatever,” she mutters under her breath petulantly as she stomps inside; her attitude making me smile. Her heels click against the flooring, and I take in the building’s entrance. It’s not anything special, but at least it’s clean.

  Mel leads us to an elevator, pressing the button to bring it down while studiously ignoring the fact that I’m standing beside her. Mutual attraction sparks between us, and when the door finally opens and we both walk in at the same time our arms touch fleetingly.

  Just that small touch has my body growing hot while the air thickens between us. Not even a second later Mel pushes me against the elevator wall. Her movements are slow, but I love the determination in her eyes.

  She looks like a fucking Queen. A woman in control of her life.

  “If we do this, there are no strings. I don’t have time for anything else in my life.”

  I swallow and nod, knowing one night won’t be enough but I’ll take whatever I can get right now. This time it’s my turn to take charge, and I do, like the alpha male she wants me to be. I move my hands down her sides and to her ass, lifting her, and pulling her body against mine all in one swift movement.

  She moans into my mouth, her lips devouring mine. I’ve kissed women before, loads of them, but none of them, and I mean none, have ever taken my breath away like this woman does. My heart beats furiously inside my chest as she wraps her legs around me. I can feel every single soft curve on her body as she molds into all my hard places.

  With her legs wrapped firmly around me, I cup her by the cheeks. She weighs almost nothing in my arms, and I feel this compelling need to meet her gaze. Pulling away ever so slightly we peer into each other's eyes. Unknown emotions swirl in her blue depths, and I know she wants to say something but can’t muster up the words to do so.

  “I’m going to make you mine, Melody. You can fight me on it all you want, but one kiss or touch isn’t going to be enough for me.”

  She licks her lips, and I swoop back in, feeling like I’m a king now that I’ve told her what my intentions are. She can run from whatever else she wants in her life, but she can’t run from me. When our lips touch once more the kiss is rougher, with an edge to it, and I sink into her.

  Sparks fly, and within seconds she’s pulling at my tie, and finding the button on my slacks. I know we shouldn’t be doing this in an elevator but can’t find the will to fucking care.

  Mel slips her hand into my slacks and wraps her tiny hand around my cock while I push the strap of fabric off her shoulder, and suck on the lavender scented flesh of her throat and shoulder. She tastes wild, and I can’t wait to rip this fucking dress off her and see how dripping wet with need she is for me.

  The elevator comes to a stop right then, the door chiming, opening before either of us can fix ourselves. I release Mel and settle her back onto the floor so that she can walk out of the elevator. My cock’s rock hard, and begging to sink deep inside her, so well I want to hold onto her and fuck her into next week I do the right thing and let her go, because even I don’t want the first time we come together to be in the elevator of her apartment complex.

  I smirk, watching her as she walks. Her ass is plump, legs long and tan. They would look one-hundred percent hotter wrapped around my waist while I fuck her. Following behind her, I stop when she does, in front of a white door with the number six hanging on it.

  “This is me.” She whispers, gazing up at me.

  “Alright then. I guess this is where we say goodbye.” I smile, and know as soon as I get home, I’m going to have to take care of myself. There’s something about Mel that begs me to be a better man than the rest of the jackasses she’s known. She’s sad, but she’s also begging for someone to take care of her, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to be that man.


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