Dr. Hottie
Page 16
“Addy.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “I don’t know what all my mum’s been up to. Honestly. But I can tell you one thing. If she knew she’d managed to start a fight between us, that would make her day.”
Addy exhaled.
“You’re right,” she said finally. “I know you’re right. But Jack—”
“No more talking.”
Addy let out a shriek as he picked her up with ease and tossed her over his shoulder.
“What are you doing—”
“No more talking,” he repeated as he carried her to the bedroom.
Jack tossed her on the bed and shrugged out of his suit jacket. With her face freshly scrubbed and her hair blown out to reach her waist, she looked young.
Innocent. The way she chewed at her lip while she watched him unbuckle his belt didn’t hurt, either.
“Come here,” he said.
Jack gripped her thighs and pulled her onto her back. He tugged the bottom of the dress up to her abdomen to reveal a slip of a black G-string and matching black thigh highs. Jack reached down and moved the tiny black fabric of her underwear to the side.
She was already wet, but before he could run a thumb across her clit, Addy leaned up on her elbows.
“Are you here to examine me?”
“The nurse said a doctor was going to come in and examine me. Are you my doctor?”
Addy looked up at him through her thick lashes with a glint he’d never seen before.
“Uh, yeah,” he said.
He didn’t think it was possible, but he felt himself grow even harder. The stiffness pushed against the fabric of his trousers.
Addy glanced to the chair in the corner where he’d tossed his coat and stethoscope when he got home. “Where’s your coat?”
“I thought doctors wore white coats.”
He smiled and released her thighs. Jack felt her eyes on him as he slipped into the coat and draped the stethoscope over his neck.
“What brings you in today?” he asked as he turned to face her.
“I’m kind of shy to say.”
“It’s alright, Miss…”
“Smith,” she said quickly.
“Miss Smith. I’m a medical professional, you can tell me.”
“Well, doctor, I… I’m a virgin,” she said.
“Yeah, I just turned eighteen… but the thing is, I’m ready to do it. I’ve been trying to practice. Masturbate, you know? And I just… I’m not sure I’m doing it right.”
“I see. And do you know who you’re going to ‘do it’ with?” he asked.
“Not yet,” she said with a shake of her head. “I wanted to make sure I could, you know, get myself off first. And then… can I show you?”
“Show me what?”
“How I touch myself. Maybe you can tell me if I’m doing it right.”
“Yeah, that… that’s a good idea.”
Addy reached between her legs and slipped two fingers between her lips. As she pulled the G-string even farther to the side, she slid her fingers across her clit and into the wet folds. She shuddered at her own touch.
Jack stood over her, his cock pressed firm into his trousers. Addy’s eyes closed and she moved into an intimate rhythm of her own he’d never seen before. She seemed naked in a way he’d never noticed.
This was her, the real her. He felt honored to be here, to be allowed to watch. She dipped her middle finger into her opening, just enough to add more wetness to her clit.
“That’s good,” he told her. “How do you taste?”
She brought her fingers to her lips and sucked.
“It’s so good,” she said. “Sweet. You want to taste?”
“I probably should, just to be certain.”
Addy returned her hand to her opening and buried two fingers deep inside.
“Here, doctor,” she said, and offered her hand to him. It was warm, as sweet as he remembered.
“Why don’t you try playing with your breasts now?”
She grinned up at him and pulled down the black neckline to reveal her hard nipples.
“Like this, doctor?” she asked as she traced her areolas with her fingertips.
“Yeah, just like that,” he said. “Miss Smith, I think if we’re going to really address your concern, it’ll call for a more intensive exam.”
Jack dropped to his knees while Addy slowly circled her clit. “Put your hands over your head.”
“Yes, doctor.”
As Addy lifted her hands overhead, he pressed her thighs wide apart and licked her sweetness from her opening to her hood in one long stroke. He heard her draw in her breath.
“It’s what I suspected,” he told her.
“What is it?”
“You’re getting yourself off just fine. But you need a good fucking if you really want to feel better.” Jack slid a finger into her and Addy instantly pushed against him.
“But doctor, I’ve never done that before,” she said. “I wouldn’t even know who to ask.”
“No boyfriend?” He started to fuck her faster with his finger while he sucked on her clit.
“No…” she said, breathless. “I’m too busy with cheerleading and homework…”
“Cheerleading and homework,” he repeated. “Since you’re such a good girl, I can take care of it for you, then. As a medical professional, of course.”
“Yes, please, doctor.”
Jack rose to his feet and dropped his trousers to the ground. She leaned up and looked at his throbbing length with hunger.
“Can I?” she asked, as she reached for him.
“Have you done this before, Miss Smith?”
“No,” she said with a smile. “But I’m a good student. All As.”
“I don’t doubt it. Can you open your mouth? Stick out your tongue?”
She smiled up at him, flattened her tongue as she stuck it out and said, “Ahh.”
“Just stay like that,” he said, and slid his tip across the warm wetness of her tongue. “Open…”
“Like this?” She opened her mouth and pulled him to the back of her throat.
He gasped and raked her hair into a ponytail in his fist. Addy kept her gaze upward as she sucked and licked his cock. Jack wanted to burn this into his memory—the way she looked right then, her cheekbones pronounced and that fire in her eyes.
“That’s enough,” he said. “I’m—fuck, I’m getting close.”
“Did I do good?” she asked as she released him.
“Real good.”
Jack reached down, gripped her thighs, and flipped her onto her back. Addy let out a squeal. As he gripped her hips and pulled her toward him, she played with her breasts and held his gaze.
With her legs wrapped around his waist, he teased her with his tip. Addy let out a groan as he slapped her clit with his head, soaked in precum.
“Don’t tease me,” she said.
“I know what’s best for you,” he said.
Jack positioned himself at her opening and entered her, just half an inch.
“Yes,” Addy gasped. “More.”
Jack’s thumb pressed into her clit as he entered her slowly, inch by inch. By the time he filled her completely, she panted and squeezed her legs as tightly as she could around him.
“You feel so fucking good,” he said.
“Just fuck me.”
Jack fell on top of her and began to thrust into her. Addy called out his name, slightly muffled by the white coat. He found her lips and kissed her deep as she clawed at his back. With one hand, she pushed at something close to his shoulder—the stethoscope.
“Don’t stop,” she urged as he slowed down. “Please don’t stop.”
“Hold on,” he said, and held up the instrument. “Can’t diagnose you without checking your heart—”
“Jack, come on, I’m close,” she
“Who’s Jack? Delirium, even more reason to finish the exam.”
“Jack—” she gasped as he pressed the cold metal of the diaphragm to her heart.
He pressed the eartips in and his head filled with her heartbeat. It was already elevated, a fluttering kick.
“Jack, what are you doing?”
He kissed her and she melted against him. Her little gasps and moans made a cacophony along with her heartbeat as he thrust deeper into her.
“You’re going to make me come,” she whispered.
She didn’t have to tell him. Her heart made it clear, a thunder in his head.
“Come for me,” he said.
“Is that… fuck, is that an order?” Her heartbeat jumped up again. “A doctor’s order?”
“Come for me, Addy.”
He’d never heard such a hammering before. As Addy’s wails filled the room, as he felt the clenching of her center and the rush of wetness from between her legs, her heart battered wildly, filled his head entirety with her.
“Jack,” she called, and clutched him closer.
I fucking love you, he thought as her heart began to slow. I love you, Addy.
But somehow, the words wouldn’t come out.
Addy sighed as she pulled into the restaurant. She checked her text messages from Jack, who had spent his morning seeing his mother off at the airport. At the moment, he was texting Addy a hilarious play by play of the whole deal as he started his shift at the hospital.
Addy pursed her lips, and figured that she ought to check in with Kenzie.
How’s Dad doing? Addy texted Kenzie.
Even though Addy was the one doing the scheduling, it seemed like she and Kenzie crossed paths briefly during the day. Addy was pulling the morning shifts and Kenzie preferred the evenings, perfecting her flirtations to rake in hefty tips.
OK, I think, Kenzie replied. Sleeps a lot.
How’s the drinking?
About the same. I tried to water down the bottles, but he can tell so just drinks more and yells at me.
Addy sighed again but plastered on a smile as she got out of her car and entered the restaurant.
“Addy! Thank God you’re here.” Dawn zoomed toward her, her eyes wild. “Both the dishwashers called in sick today. Both of them! And you know it’s just because of the homecoming game—”
“What about the guys for the dinner shift?” Addy quickly calculated how busy the morning would be.
They could get by if they switched the dishwashing machine to quick cycles, but just barely.
“Same. The same guys were scheduled for doubles.”
“I’ll call Kenzie.” Addy pulled out her phone and braced for Kenzie’s complaints.
“What? You want me to play dishwasher? I don’t think so. That’s gross and there are no tips.”
“Kenzie, I’m not going to beg you and this isn’t a favor. This is Mom and Dad’s restaurant. Get your ass in here within an hour.”
Kenzie hung up on her, but Addy knew she’d be there. And Addy already knew she’d be splitting her tips with her baby sister to appease her.
“Chef says there’s no avocados.” One of the new girls approached Addy with her head cocked sideways.
“Of course there are avocados, I saw them arrive yesterday.”
“I mean no good avocados.”
“They’re all bad?”
The girl shrugged. Addy rushed to the back even as she heard Dawn unlock the front door and the rustle of the first customers arrive.
“Ethan! What’s wrong with the avocados?” she yelled as she flew past the cook to the fridge.
“All rotten on the inside or with pits so big the meat’s useless,” he called back. “What am I subbing?”
“I’ll let you know. Probably spinach.”
“Regulars ain’t gonna like that.”
“I know, but a vegetable isn’t going to kill them. Can you prep some creamed spinach? Make it unhealthy enough and they won’t grumble so much.”
“You got it, boss.”
She reapplied the smile to her face and wrapped the black apron strings around her waist twice. A Friday morning breakfast rush was mild compared to the weekends, but the stodgy group of elderly regulars would keep her on her toes.
Addy was on autopilot as she flew around the restaurant, refilling coffee mugs and explaining the avocado situation to huffy guests. One woman, a local but not a regular, rolled her eyes aghast when she heard about the avocado crisis. Her neatly trimmed silver bob reminded Addy of Diana.
Thank God I never have to see that beastly woman again, she thought.
But the specter of her so-called mother-in-law managed to put a damper on her for days after the event. She’d be taking an order and suddenly the image of the Aussie prima donna would appear in her mind’s eye.
I have to admit, with a mother like that it’s amazing Jack turned out as relatively normal as he did.
If she had any doubts that this whole fake marriage was a bad idea, Diana sealed it. Still, every time Jack texted her she felt a flutter in her heart.
During her ten-minute break when she locked herself in her car to zone out to music and not get pulled into restaurant drama, he sent her a picture of him and Philip at work digging into a homebaked pie one of the nurses had brought. Addy’s face lit up. It was just what she needed to face the last half of her shift.
“You owe me. Big time,” Kenzie said as Addy slipped through the kitchen. Kenzie had yellow gloves up to her elbows and a face mask covered half her face. “Kenzie, it’s dirty dishes, not a biohazard.”
“Same thing. You’ve seen some of those people eat. So gross. You know I found dentures on one of the plates? Dentures, Addy!”
“Did you… did you keep them?”
“Hell, no! I threw them away and then had to change gloves. By the way, you need to order more of these.”
“You threw them away? Kenzie, those things cost thousands of dollars.”
“Then they shouldn’t leave them on dirty plates,” Kenzie said with a shrug.
“Kenzie, what was Dad doing when you left?”
“I dunno. Sleeping, I think. He was on the chair.”
Addy looked at her watch. Her shift was up and her feet throbbed. All she wanted to do was go home and climb into bed, but with Kenzie working the evening shift she didn’t want to leave her dad alone for that long of a stretch.
“I have a temporary dishwasher coming in to change you out,” she said. “He’s on loan from Dusty’s. Text me when he gets here? I’m going to swing by the house and check on Dad.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kenzie muttered as she scrubbed uselessly at omelet remains.
When Addy pulled up to her dad’s house, she saw that Kenzie had forgotten to close the garage door.
“Goddamnit, Kenzie,” she said aloud. The last thing they needed was for someone to burglarize the place.
She heard her father’s monstrous snores as soon as she walked in. The house was still somewhat clean from when her dad had been in the hospital, but it was clearly heading back to disaster territory.
“Dad?” she called, but his snores remained steady.
He was passed out in his chair with what looked like a watered-down whiskey in a tumbler on the table. Addy put a crocheted blanket over him, picked up the glass and wiped away the water mark.
She could tell by his slack jaw he was down deep. It would be pointless to try and wake him.
In the kitchen, she opened the dishwasher after she rinsed the glass, but it overflowed with dirty dishes. None of them had been rinsed.
“Screw it,” she said. “Kenzie and him can deal with this.”
Any other day, she would have rinsed what was in the dishwasher and started the load.
Let them fend for themselves for once, she thought as she put the tumbler in the sink.
She tried to put Diana, Kenzie, and her dad out of her mind as she drove home.
Home, she thought
. That still seems weird.
Addy smiled when she saw Jack’s Jeep in his spot.
“Jack?” she called as she entered, but the condo was dark and silent. “Jack?”
She opened the bedroom door to find him already in bed asleep.
Addy kicked off her black clogs and stripped down to the boy shorts she wore under her work skirt and the tight tank top underneath the button-up. He roused as she snuggled up against him.
“Hey,” he said, his voice thick with sleep.
Addy pushed her back against him and made herself the little spoon in their pair. As Jack rolled toward her, he wrapped one thick arm around her waist. She felt his hardness against her ass and her body responded as his hand roamed up her stomach to her breasts.
“It wasn’t right how you treated Rosalie.”
Jack stopped. “What?”
“The way you treated her… all of it. I’m afraid that, you know, one day you’ll do the same thing to me.”
It was easier like this, telling him her deepest fears while she faced away from him.
“Addy, she left me because I didn’t propose to her. It’s not really an issue here. I mean, we’re kind of way past that.”
“I’m telling you that I’m afraid of something,” she said. Addy could feel the heat of his breath on her neck. “It’s your job to comfort me.”
Jack hooked a thumb in the waist of her tight little shorts and inched them down. “Jack—”
She let him roll up her tank top to the top of her breasts, the pressure from the tight material making them swell and pucker below the hem. Jack opened her legs easily and tested her wetness with his finger.
“You’re always so fucking wet,” he whispered into her ear.
Before she could respond, he’d disappeared under the covers and she felt his tongue trace across her mound while his hands explored her breasts. As his mouth reached her clit, she gasped and her eyes shot open.
Addy wove her fingers through his hair and held him against her. She could see nothing but the moving sheet between her legs, but when she felt his finger against her opening she pushed instinctively against him.