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Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Page 26

by Addison Kline

  “This has my father’s name all over it.”

  The dinner party went on as if nothing had gone wrong at all. Michael laughed joyously at a joke Ruin told. Knox meanwhile told stories of how he was taking down the Rigattis and their network of associates in New York City. Michael laughed loudly, beaming as he looked in the face of his second-eldest son.

  “Sometimes, to take out your enemies, you have to just play it smart. It’s not like the old days where things were so violent. Sometimes you just need an inside man with a lot of power.”

  Dustin rolled his eyes at his father. As the conversation changed from Knox to the miserable scowl on Raine’s face, Dustin leaned in to talk to his brother.

  “Are you done fucking schmoozing? We need to figure out what the fuck is going on!”

  “Be cool,” Knox spat.

  Adjusting his suit, Knox stood up with a warm smile on his face.

  “Dustin, my brother, you look like you could use another drink. Let me do the honors.”

  Shaking his head, Dustin watched as his brother walked from the dining room table. A moment later, Knox called out, “I’m no butler! You can come get your drink yourself!”

  Rising from his chair, Dustin casually followed Knox. Looking over at Ruin, Dustin laughed as he pointed at Knox, “You believe this asshole? Can’t even carry a drink into the next room over for his brother. His own flesh and blood.”

  “The King of New York? Yeah right!” Ruin said with a laugh as he watched Dustin slink out of the room.

  The dinner party continued and no one was the wiser that Knox and Dustin weren’t trying to get loaded but instead carrying on a conversation away from prying ears.

  Knox grabbed a carafe from off of the bar, and began pouring an amber-colored drink into a crystal wine glass.

  “Well?” Dustin pressed, sounding anxious.

  “He’s got an alibi. He’ll be all right.”

  “What alibi?”

  “Letty’s barely left his side since he got out. She’ll vouch for him.”

  “This is gonna get bloody.”

  Raine passed by the room smiling. The brothers listened to her heels click loudly against the floor as she made her way towards the powder room. Giving his brother a weary glance, Knox said, “I know. Come on, let’s talk somewhere a little more private.”

  Letty paced the floor as the hours ticked by. She must have checked her phone a million times to see if Captain Harris, or anyone else for that matter, had tried to call her. But much to Letty’s dismay, no one did. Landon sat on Letty’s couch as he watched Sports Center, his eyes watching Letty’s movements as she burned a path in the rug from all her frantic pacing.

  “Letty, please sit,” Landon begged. “We will hear something soon.”

  But despite Landon’s plea, Letty could not be still. A couple minutes past the seven o’clock hour, there was a knock at the door. Landon jumped up from the sofa, but he was no match for Letty’s speed. Tearing across the carpet, Letty ran to the front door with a determined look in her eyes.

  She swung the front door open and found Tony Pena, member of the Pena crime family, glaring at her with a pair of hooded eyes.

  “Where can I find Capadonno?” Tony asked in a raspy voice.

  “Why do you need to know?” Letty said with a bite. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at Anthony with a hostility that few women could muster. Anthony looked unfazed.

  “I got business with him,” Tony said as he cast Letty a no bullshit stare. “Where is he?” Tony asked impatiently as he tried to peer into the house over Letty’s shoulder. Landon appeared in the doorway with a hard gaze permeating from his crystal blue eyes. Tony returned the gaze but didn’t say a word.

  “You have no business with Miles!” Letty insisted. “Now get off my porch!”

  “Better listen, man…” Landon warned.

  “Leticia!” Tony spat. “Just tell me where the fuck he is!”

  “Leticia? What are you? My father? Nobody calls me Leticia! Now get your arrogant ass off of my front porch!”

  Letty stepped over the threshold of her home and crossed into Tony’s step.

  “Quit your fuckin’ games, Letty!” Tony yelled as he pointed a finger in Letty’s face, coming way too close for comfort for Landon’s liking. But before he could make a move, Letty went from zero to full raging bitch.

  “Don’t curse at me! I’m a fucking lady!” Letty screamed as she slapped Tony hard across his face. “Now let me be quite clear. You have NO business with Miles Capadonno!”

  “Fuck! You’re fucking crazy!” Tony yelled, thinking the jab would hurt Letty’s feelings.

  A sly smile creased her face as she looked back at Tony with drilling eyes, “You have no idea! Now get out of here! Go on!”

  Letty spit to the ground where Tony stood.

  “Beat it!” Letty yelled with finality as she watched Tony Pena skulk off with a bewildered look in his eyes.

  “Crazy bitch!” Pena yelled as he climbed into his truck.

  As Letty turned on her heel, she and Landon’s eyes met. Despite the tension and the heartache that was ravaging both of their hearts, Letty and Landon broke out into belly-aching laughter. As they recovered from their amusement, Landon’s cell phone began to ring.

  “Hold on, hold on. I’m getting a call,” Landon said as he brought his phone to his ear.

  Letty’s breathing hitched as she watched Landon very closely.

  “Hello? Yeah, Cap. He is. Okay, good. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  Letty’s eyes went wide as she heard Landon’s words. Hope and anticipation rushed her body as she waited for Landon to end the call.

  “Hey Cap… Any news on Juan or Gabriel?”

  There was a pause as Landon listened, and Letty was on pins and needles as she waited for Landon’s answer.

  “Okay, keep me posted.”

  Looking at Letty with a somber expression, “Not yet. But they are searching Carrion. Come on, let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To pick up Miles. He’s been released. They’re processing an arrest warrant for the real killer.”

  Letty’s eyes went wide as she said, “Michael.”

  Nodding, Landon went back into the house to get Miles’s car keys. Letty followed behind him and quickly grabbed her coat. She just wanted to kiss Miles’s face, and hold her son.

  “We’re gonna get them back, Letty. Miles was step one. C’mon, let’s go get him.”

  Without another word, Letty followed Landon out of the house barely able to breathe.


  “CAPADONNO!” A GRAVELLY voice called out.

  Miles lifted his head from his hands as he looked to see who was calling his name. Meeting eyes with Officer Reid, Miles stared up at him with a perplexed expression written all over his face. There was something oddly familiar about the man. Although Miles was sure that he had never met the officer until today when he arrested him, Miles had an odd sense of déjà vu when he looked into the man’s face.

  “You’re free to go. The charges are being dropped,” said the officer.

  “Really? That was quick,” Miles said in a surprised tone of voice. “Did you find out who really did it?”

  The officer smiled faintly before replying, “As a matter of fact we did.”

  The officer opened the door of the holding cell and let Miles step out before he locked it once again.

  “Hey man…What’s your first name?” Miles asked with a curious look in his eyes.

  “Why?” the officer asked in a leery tone of voice. His eyes drilled onto Miles’s face trying to detect where Miles was coming from with his question.

  “You look real familiar to me.”

  The cop laughed dryly. “It’s Dan.”

  “Short for Daniel? Daniel Reid?” Miles persisted.

  “Yeah, do I know you?” Officer Reid asked as he tried to place Miles’s face.

  “You knew my mother
,” Miles said plainly. He eyed the officer with a knowing look in his dark eyes. “Andie.”

  “Cormack?” Dan replied in a shocked tone.


  “Oh, wow,” Dan exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I knew Andie Cormack well.”

  A smile broke onto the officer’s face. Finally, Miles understood why the man looked so familiar. Miles could see his brother, Landon, in the officer’s smile.

  Miles chuckled. “You and my mom, huh?”

  Dan looked at Miles with a sheepish expression upon his face. Giving Miles a nod, Dan gave him the answer without saying a word.

  “Does my father know?”

  “I’m still alive, ain’t I?”

  Miles chuckled darkly. “Does my kid brother know?”

  Somberly, Dan replied, “No,” as he buried his hands deep in his pockets.

  “When are you gonna say something?” Miles prodded.

  “When the time is right.”

  I knew that kid didn’t have an ounce of Capadonno blood in him. Maybe the old man suspects and that’s why he let the kid opt out, Miles thought.

  “You make sure you do,” Miles said with a serious gaze permeating from his eyes. A moment later, Miles walked towards the security door. As the door was opened by another officer, Miles gave Daniel Reid a nod and walked through the double doors and reclaimed his freedom once more.

  “Here he comes,” Landon said as he peered out the driver’s side window as Miles crossed the parking lot. Rising from the driver seat, Landon got out of the car, leaving the door open for Miles.

  Approaching his brother, Miles grabbed the top of Landon’s head and kissed his forehead, then rushed to Letty’s side. Pulling her out of the car, Miles brought her into a bear hug. As Letty buried her face in Miles’s chest with tears streaming down her face, Miles whispered in her ear, “We’re gonna get them both back. I know where they are.”

  “You-You do?” Letty asked in a staccato voice. Her breath hitched with anxiety.

  “Where are they?”

  “Brooklyn, New York. We’re going tonight, but first I have something to do.”


  “Gotta take out the trash.”

  Letty wasn’t quite sure what Miles meant with his comment, she was just relieved that he was out and that he seemed to have some inside information on what was going on. Landon climbed in the backseat as Letty got back inside the car. Miles gave a cautious glance around him before climbing back inside the vehicle. As he took the driver’s seat, Miles turned off the radio.

  “Strap in,” Miles demanded as he revved the engine of the muscle car. As soon as he heard two clicks of seat belts snapping into their harnesses, Miles slammed on the gas, as Corina sped out of sight.

  “Where are we going?” Landon asked.

  “We have business to handle,” Miles said cryptically.

  As Miles expertly maneuvered the streets of Carrion, Letty pulled her cell phone to her ear.

  “Who are you calling?” Miles asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Ruin. I should probably let him know about G,” Letty explained. “Not that he cares.”

  Miles didn’t respond as Letty began to talk into her phone, instead his gaze hardened as he kept his eyes on the road.

  “Hello?” Letty said in a cordial tone. “What do you mean who is this? Stop. Don’t hang up.”

  Miles’s hands clenched the steering wheel tighter as he wound the corner of Pembroke Avenue and 22nd Street. The sound of Letty’s hurt voice ripping his last layers of calm away.

  “I need to talk to you about Gabriel. Our son! Where are you, at a club?”

  A snarl grew from Miles’s lips as he wound another sharp curve. Coming to a screeching halt outside of the Destiny Nightclub, Miles double parked and got out of Corina leaving the driver’s side door wide open.

  “Miles,” Letty said, still holding her phone to her ear. Looking behind her, Letty pointed to Landon. “Go with him.”

  Landon did as he was told, unsure if he’d be able to keep his brother out of trouble. When Miles was hell-bent on doing something, he did it. He didn’t give a damn what anybody thought of him but Letty.

  “Miles!” Landon called behind him, but Miles didn’t answer as he disappeared through the double doors of the nightclub.

  “God damn it!” Landon shouted as he followed Miles into the club.

  Ruin Rizzolli was sitting on a bar stool at the far end of the establishment, yelling into his phone as he held a drink he was nursing in his left hand. Miles stalked him down under the flashing lights of the dance floor. Drawing his arm back, Miles sent his fist crashing into the back of Ruin’s head, sending his drink and his phone crashing to the floor.

  “Stupid motherfucker!” Miles spat through gritted teeth. “Your son is missing and all you can do is give his mother a hard time! She’s gone through enough! What kind of man doesn’t take care of his own kid?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talkin’ about! Get your hands off of me!”

  “Don’t worry, asshole. You ain’t man enough to go hunt down your kid’s kidnapper, but I sure as fuck am!”

  “It ain’t no Carrion hoods that kidnapped G!”

  “No shit, Sherlock!” Miles spat. “Man the fuck up! And the next time Letty calls you, speak in a civilized tone or we’re gonna have a problem. You hear? Chicken shit!”

  Miles let go of Ruin’s shirt as he turned to walk away. Seeing Landon, Miles nodded and charged for the double doors of the club with Ruin’s eyes following him every second of the way.

  Picking his phone up off of the floor, Ruin said to Letty, “Your boy’s about to walk into a world of hurt.” Before Letty could respond, Ruin ended the call.

  As Miles climbed back in the car with Landon right on his heels, Letty didn’t say a word. She simply placed her hand atop Miles’s own and gave him a knowing look. Letty had heard the entire conversation. As her lips curled up into a faint smile, Letty had a look of gratitude on her face. A moment later, Miles slammed his foot on the gas pedal as they careened down the street, turning towards the river.

  “Where are we going?” Landon asked from the backseat.

  “Mom’s storage unit. I need to grab a few things…” Miles said plainly.

  Landon had a confused look upon his face. “Nobody has the key. It was lost years ago.”

  “Seventeen years ago,” Miles said cryptically.

  “I guess. Dad’s been trying to get in that storage unit for years…” Landon said as he watched his brother’s eyes closely through the rearview mirror.

  “And he hasn’t?” Miles asked.

  “A couple of his guys got busted when they were trying to break in a few years back.”

  Miles brought Corina to a full stop outside of the Carrion River Storage Facility.

  “Miles, you’re not listening to me…” Landon insisted. “You can’t get in without a key!”

  Miles looked in the rearview mirror as he cut the engine of the car. Holding up a single silver key, Miles asked, “You mean this key?”

  Landon looked at his brother as if he had just sprouted a second head.

  “You had it? All this time?” Landon asked in shock.

  “Well, no…” Letty admitted. “I did.”

  “You did?” Landon asked as he looked at Letty skeptically.

  Miles explained, “Mom gave me the key the night she passed. She told me to keep it safe. I told Letty to keep it in her jewelry box and not to tell anyone.”

  Letty nodded. “I had actually forgotten all about it until Miles asked for it back Friday night.”

  Landon scoffed in mild amusement. “So what’s inside?”

  “You’ll see,” Miles said.

  “So you’re going to a storage facility to root for something you don’t know is actually there when Letty’s kid and Dad are missing? Dude…” Landon complained.

  “Damn, you’re persistent, kid! I’m going to the stora
ge unit because Mom has stuff in there that I have to get before we can even think of taking on the boys in Brooklyn.”

  “Like what?”

  “For one, a box of Dad’s old guns, some cash, plenty of ammo, a couple of bulletproof vests, a set of keys…”

  “What are those keys for?”

  “It’s not important right now. What is important, is getting the guns and the money. I have to take care of one other thing, then we’re going to get G. You’re gonna have to trust me, kid. I have Letty’s best interest at heart. You need to keep your mouth shut about all of this.”

  “Miles, you’re the only one who bothers listening to me!” Landon said with a laugh.

  Letty patted Miles’s hand. “It’s all right, Miles. You can trust Landon.”

  Looking at Letty with a serious gaze, Miles replied, “I do. Just need to be careful. No matter what happens, don’t cave. Don’t talk. I have a plan. Even when it looks like all hell has broken out and there is no hope, just know, I have a plan.”

  “There’s always hope, Miles,” Letty said with a reassuring look on her face.

  “You remember that,” Miles said cryptically.

  “Care to elaborate what your plan is?” Landon pressed.

  “In due time. You just need to trust me.”

  Before Letty and Landon could press further, Miles climbed out of the car. Leaning in the passenger side window, Miles barked, “Don’t follow me.”

  Miles entered the double doors of the storage facility. Peering around at his surroundings, Miles took the elevator to the sixth level and followed the aisle markers to storage unit 628. The facility was relatively empty except for a few guards that stood watch. Miles noticed that along each row of storage lockers, there was a pair of surveillance cameras watching his every move. Pulling the key from his pocket, Miles inserted it into the padlock. With a hard twist, the lock opened. Miles removed the lock hastily and jerked the locked door open. It clanged loudly as it rolled up. Dust scattered in the air causing Miles to choke. As the air settled, Miles stepped inside the storage locker as he quickly rummaged for the things he needed. Hanging on a hook from the top of the locker was a set of keys on a fluorescent orange keychain. Miles snatched the keys and put them in his pocket. Sifting through boxes, Miles carefully but feverishly searched for the items he was looking for. He found his mother’s bulletproof vest that Michael made her wear whenever they went out. Clearly, it had gotten a lot of use because there were a few round tears in the fabric where a bullet had hit, but not penetrated the vest. Tossing it behind him, Miles continued to search. He found another vest, and tossed that with the other, creating a pile. Miles moved boxes and bins out of his way. In an old milk crate, Miles found his mother’s memoirs. Piled in a neat stack of yellow legal pads and secured with a pink ribbon, Andie had written down her life experiences. On top of the stack was a piece of elegant cream stationary paper on which Andie had written in a floral scrawl, Love, Life & Death: Living in the Shadow of My Husband.


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