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The Loss (Heartache series #1)

Page 17

by Green, Vicki

  My head snaps up, and I see the worry in her eyes. “No. Well, not exactly. I guess I just figured since we’re together now you would move in with me. That was presumptuous of me. My fault. You could never hurt me, Alena. I only hurt myself.” She moves, crawling over the blanket and shocks the shit outta me by crawling into my lap. Of course my arms can’t wait to hold her as she lays her head on my shoulder. Her eyes looks up at me from underneath her long lashes.

  “I had a feeling you did and I would love that too but…. As I said, I need some girl time. Have a place where I can be alone when I need to, for now. I need to find my old self, get back to my roots, but I need you too. Does that makes sense?” Her eyes are pleading but I get it. How could I not? I’ve known her almost better than she does, at times. Always have.

  I brush back some fallen hair and leave my hand on the side of her face. “Al. You do what you have to do but know…. I’ll always be here for you. You want dating? I can do that. I’ll fucking rock you off your feet. You want some alone time? That will be hard for me because I want to spend every waking second with you, but I’ll give it to you. You want to find yourself? Baby, you’ve never really been lost, but I get it.” Her head lifts and she smiles. Unshed tears fill her eyes. Her mouth crashes to mine, and I know we’re okay.

  “AHHHHHH! It’s co….cooo….cold!” She screams as she jumps in the water.

  We spent an hour talking about our lives. Our pasts and our future, nothing about our present. The sun beat down on us, giving her a warm and healthy glow. I don’t think she could be more beautiful, but I think that every time I see her. After feeling the sun’s burn for too long we decided to go swimming. She’s in her bra and panties and me in my boxers; makeshift bathing suits. I wanted to go naked but she just laughed and smacked my arm. What? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked and there’s no one around. But I gave in to her shy charm. Face it, I’d give her anything.

  “I told you it would be but it feels good, huh?” I smile, watching her swim over to me. She hooks her legs around me, and I have no problem grabbing her firm butt with my hands. “So, do you really think it’s wise to go into town with me tomorrow? I mean, I don’t think you should be seen. I really don’t think it’s a good idea.” She had told me she wanted to go with me tomorrow, to pick up a few things and just to have a change of scenery. She said she’d wear my baseball cap and her sunglasses, and that I worry too much. Personally, I don’t think I worry enough where she’s concerned.

  She pecks my lips and smiles. “Yes! Please? Quit worrying. It’s been a week and a half and I’ve stayed out of sight. I really want to go with you, sit down at the café and have some of their famous chili fries that I love and I want to use your prepaid phone to call Mom. I promise I won’t stay on long. She has to be so worried and I hate that. Please?” God! She can get me with a fucking look.

  Shaking my head, I look into her eager eyes and let out a huge sigh. “Okay, but know, I don’t think you should. I only need a few things. We can eat, however, I do not want to be in town for long, got me?” She nods quickly, and her smile takes my breath away. “I still think it’s too risky.”

  Her legs unlock from behind me, and she pushes them back behind her as her arms weave around my neck, then she starts pushing me back in the water. “I’ll be careful. I promise.” Her lips press against mine as we move backwards. Streams of water start hitting the top of my head, cascading down me, as we continue to kiss, our tongues intertwined, and we keep moving back. I open my eyes a slit and see we’re under the waterfall. Placing my hands on her slim waist, I pull her closer and her legs lock behind me again.

  Her lips leave mine as we move out of the streaming water and behind the waterfall. It’s cooler in here, but we’re very well hidden. We sink beneath the water again, our lips still locked, and swim around, finally coming up for air. “I love you, Jase. So much,” she speaks quietly and is muffled by the loudness of the water, but I heard her loud and clear.

  “God. I love you so much, Alena.” I capture her mouth again as we float around, below the surface, and suddenly, I notice everything is darker around us. “What the fuck?” She leaves my lap, and I reach out and grab her arm. “Alena, no.”

  “It’s okay, Jase. It’s a hidden cave. Great hiding place.” I release her arm with severe reluctance but watch as she pats around on the rock walls. “It’s actually quite beautiful here, peaceful.” She looks up, around and then back at me. “There’s just enough light to be able to see.” Her hand rubs against the dark gray rock and smiles. “This is amazing. Come. Feel.”

  I swim over to her, put my arm around her waist and reach up with my other hand, palm down on the rock. “Shit! That’s cool. It looks rough but feels smooth.” Turning my head, my eyes widen. “Look! A flat ledge. Come here.” I take her hand and we swim over to the big flat rock, and I take both hands, grabbing her waist and hoist her up then push myself up on it as well. “It’s not a big area but if needed someone could hide out here for quite a while.” She stands on the big rock, bending down from the low rock ceiling and walks slowly behind us into the darkness. “Don’t go far, Alena!” I yell. She doesn’t answer so I get up and make my way back there, hearing more sounds of running water.

  “Jase!” she screams and I start to run, being careful of the low ceiling until I reach an opening and can stand up straight. I stop dead in my tracks at the sight.

  Not too far ahead is a steady stream of water, cascading down the same type of rock and into a very small hole. There’s more space here and really beautiful. The gray of the rock turns lighter, almost a blue color, from a small crack above shining down on parts that there’s no water. It’s actually glimmering.

  “I’m gonna get more supplies than I thought tomorrow. We’re gonna stock this place up, just in case we need it.”

  “This is so beautiful. I love it,” she says smiling.

  “Come on,” I say, holding my hand out. “Let’s get back. We have a long way to walk and it’ll be getting dark soon.” She nods and takes my hand, and we start our way back.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  He carried me all the way on his back through the tree filled area, even though I insisted I could walk. He said, “Nice try and maybe next time,” so I didn’t argue. After eating a light dinner, vegging on the couch and watching a movie, we’re now in bed. We didn’t make love tonight because I’m exhausted, and I know he’s tired too. Now, I can’t go to sleep. I guess I’m too excited about going into town tomorrow and more importantly, talking to Mom. She has to be beside herself with worry. I’m laying here on my side, looking at Jase’s face while he sleeps. He looks so much younger, relaxed and not stressed. His chest moves slowly up and down and I can hear his light breathing. He’s shirtless, the sheet riding low on his waist, and I can’t take my eyes off him. His arms are large with muscles, his skin unblemished, and I know how soft it is. His square jaw is firm, like the rest of him. His well-defined abs make me lick my lips. He could be a statue, one that everyone would pay money to see. Now, with a darker tan, he looks like a Greek God. I sigh, trying to be quiet, and roll over onto my back, closing my eyes, and hoping sleep will take me.

  “Baby. Wake up. We have to go.”

  My eyes open slowly, my body exhausted and feeling like I just went to sleep. Suddenly, I remember we’re going into town and spring up. “Do I have time for a shower?”

  He laughs. “Yes. We actually have a little time. I just thought that would get you up quicker.”

  “Jerk!” I play smack his arm, throw the covers from me and stand while he continues to laugh at me. He walks out of the room, still laughing, as I make my way to the bathroom. The shower helped wake me up, but I’m in need of coffee. I throw on a tank top, jeans and his hoodie then grab socks and my tennis shoes and walk out into the living room. The smell of coffee invades me, and I sigh. “You always know just want I
need and when I need it,” I giggle as I walk over to the table and sit down.

  “Are you kidding? I needed my fix so I knew you would need yours too.” He walks over and sets down a mug of steaming coffee then the small bowl filled with French vanilla creamer and the shaker of sugar. “And I know what you like.” I look up, and a burst of laughter leaves me when I see him standing there waggling his eyebrows. “I’m gonna go load up the truck. Don’t hurry,” he says as he bends down and kisses my forehead. I pick up my cup, taking a much needed sip, and watch him grab his backpack and walk out the door. Emotions fill me, but I don’t feel overwhelmed. I feel relaxed, relieved and loved.

  Once I’m buckled into his truck, he sets off for town. I’m excited to be away from the cabin for a little bit, watching the scenery fly by. When I turn towards him, my smile’s plastered on my face, and he’s staring at me with his own gorgeous smile. We ride along, the music blaring and the windows down. I feel free even though I know I shouldn’t. This isn’t over, I can feel it. But right now, in this moment, I’m free and loving it.

  The town is small, like really small. One street, few people walking around and only one store and one diner. It’ll do. He parks in front of the diner, and we get out and go in. We walk to the back and sit down at a table quickly. I pull Jase’s cap down over my eyes as the waitress walks over and hands us menus. Breakfast was amazing. I have to say being out in public was a little nerve wracking, but I really enjoyed being away from the cabin for a bit. We walked across the street to the grocery store, and I helped pick out some things. Five full bags later, Jase puts them in the back of the truck, hands me his prepaid phone and said he’d give me some privacy. I watched him walk to the sidewalk and stand by the store, not wanting me to be out of his sight.

  I dialed my parents’ number, and it only rang twice before I hear the best sound. “Hello?”

  “Mom?” My voice chokes full of emotion, and I hear her gasp.

  “Alena? Oh, my God. Alena!” Sounds are muffled and then I hear, “Tom! Tom! It’s Alena!” More shuffling. “Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice. I know you can’t talk long. Dad’s getting on the other line.”

  I wipe away a tear I hadn’t realized was there. “Mom, Dad. It’s so good to hear your voices too. How is everything? I’m so sorry to worry you and I….”

  “Hey, don’t be sorry. We will always worry about you. How are you doing? Are you okay?” Dad’s voice is also a little shaky, and I feel even more terrible for putting them through this.

  “Sweetheart, you’re our daughter. We will always stand behind you and you know how I feel about Bill anyway. I’ve never liked him. Oh! Before I forget, Scott….”

  “Huh? What about Scott?” I ask eager to hear. My heart starts racing as I look over at Jase.

  “Irene, you’re only going to worry her more and there’s nothing she can do anyway,” Dad speaks up.

  “Tom. She needs to know for her own safety,” Mom answers, and I’m getting really confused.

  “Mom! What about Scott?” My voice sounds annoyed, and I guess I am a bit.


  A tap on my window makes me jump. I turn my head to see Jase, his finger moving around telling me to wrap it up. I stick my finger up in the air and wave for him to get in the truck. As I watch him walk around the front, Mom starts talking a mile a minute.

  “Well, no one saw him for about a day. Jolie was frantic trying to find him.” My eyes widen as Jase gets in the truck and he mouths ‘what?’ “Finally later on that night he stumbled into Danny’s. His face was swollen and bruised, his lip cut open, and he could barely walk.” I gasp as my hand covers my mouth.

  “What, Alena?” Jase growls.

  “Apparently someone grabbed him that morning and pretty much beat the shit outta him,” Dad voice chimes in.

  “But why?” I ask, my body shaking now as my heart pounds in my chest.

  “Alena, he was trying to find you.”

  Now my heart stops. The phone starts sliding out of my hand, but Jase grabs it before it falls to the floor of the truck. I lean back, my head against the seat rest and I’m vaguely aware of Jase talking. “WHAT? Fuck! Okay, Mr. S. Yeah, okay. I’m on high alert.” His voice becomes clearer, and my eyes shift his way. He’s looking at me, concern and anger marring his handsome face. “I’ve got her. I won’t let anything happen. Okay. Thanks.” I watch him end the call and tuck the phone in his pocket then start up the truck. The loud engine roars to life, and I keep watching as he turns and backs out of the parking space, turns back to the front and I grip the seat as he tears out down the street. “He’s in the hospital, had to have surgery from a stab wound on his side.” Tears now stream down my face. Scott. “He hasn’t been conscious enough to tell the police anything but your dad also told me that my dad’s lawyer has everything covered so we’re ready to drag Bill’s ass over the coals. That part we’re ready for. He doesn’t stand a chance, legally.”

  “But…. But Scott. It’s all my fau….” I’m choking and stuttering.

  His warm touch on my arm makes me calm a bit. “Stop blaming yourself. Scott or anyone else in town will always stand up for you, gladly. You know that.” His voice is full of love and concern but sadly it doesn’t make me feel any better. I caused that. There’s no way anyone can tell me any different. “Your dad said he’s sure it’s the work of Bill, trying to locate you. Scott doesn’t have anyone that would harm him. You know Scott.” I nod shakily, my tears never ceasing. “Come here.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and quickly slide into his waiting arm, feeling a little better with his strength wrapped around me. “No more going out of the cabin, I’m afraid. We need to see what his next move is and we may have to leave.” I only nod again, into his chest. “But your dad thinks we’re still safe at the cabin, for now.”

  “Yeah, but for how long? Maybe we should go somewhere else? Or maybe I should call Bill and talk to him. Maybe it’s time I tell him I’m done and that he’s out of my business, my life.” My voice shakes with the thought but I need to be strong, for my family and my friends.

  He reaches down with the hand that is steering and squeezes mine, then returns it to the wheel, his other hand tightens around my shoulder. “Hang in there for me, Al. This will all be over soon. I’ll make sure of it but right now? I need to keep you safe. No one’s gonna hurt you with me around.”

  I look up at him and smile, then move back over to my seat and buckle up again. I watch out the window at all the beautiful trees thinking how life is still going on around us. It’s weird to think of such a mess I’m in with everything else not noticing, not changing. I just want this to be over and for no one else to get hurt.

  Chapter 14

  Four days later and I know Alena is going crazy being cooped up in the cabin again. No treks to the pond, to our oasis, except for me taking supplies to our hidden spot behind the waterfall. I left to go to the store again and to check up on Scott. He’s doing better but hasn’t said much. I think whoever did that to him scared the shit outta him. I know Alena is beside herself with worry not only for him but for her family as well. I also called Hailey and Jolie. Jolie said things are going okay at the gym but that there is so much talk going around that I kidnapped Alena, bad rumors flying and in a small town of course it spread quickly. Hailey said she heard the other day at Danny’s that there is talk about what happened to Scott, and the police are beefing up their forces.

  When I get up to the counter to pay for my stuff, the guy stops me before I leave. “Jase Briggs?” I nod, worried about what he has to say. “This was left for you. Said to give it to you the next time you stopped in.” He holds out a large manila envelope, and I nod again as I take it.

  “Thanks, man.” He smiles, and I leave.

  I stow the bags and once I’m in the truck, I rip open the envelope. My breathing stops, my heart goes into over
drive as I pull out the contents. In my hand are pictures of Alena and me at the pond, the diner and the store. What the fuck? Quickly, my head snaps all around. People walking across the street, on the sidewalk or standing around talking. Fuck! I throw the envelope and the pictures down on the seat next to me and turn on the truck, then back out fast. My tires screech in my haste, but I don’t give a shit. The gravel drive smokes and spews rock as I race up the hill and beside the cabin, throw it in park and leave the door open as I run to the front steps. I frantically pull the key from my front pocket all the while screaming out her name. “Alena!” Fumbling with the lock, I about break the door down trying to get inside and finally manage to get it open. The door hits the wall beside it as I storm in. “Alena!” Furniture is turned over. Shit is everywhere. My pounding heart stops, feeling like it’s lodged in my throat.

  I run to the hallway, into the bathroom then turn and run into the bedroom. Everything is torn up. The mattress is ripped to shreds but what I find there is what makes me sick. Blood. There’s blood all over the torn up sheets. Fuck!

  “ALENA!” I scream as I run back out to the front steps, my hand covering my eyes from the sun as I look around. Deep breaths. I need to calm the fuck down so I can clear my head. I start to walk over to my truck, grab the top of the door when I hear her scream.


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