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The Loss (Heartache series #1)

Page 26

by Green, Vicki

  A loud screech comes over the intercom, and I roll my eyes when I see Hailey at the front counter holding onto the paging microphone. “Welcome, everyone! If everyone could please find a seat and if there’s not enough please stand behind and around the side of the chairs, keeping a path cleared for the bride and groom. Thank you.” I swear she almost curtsied. Nah.

  As the crowd moves, I start walking forward and then follow them around to the right. Tanner grabs my hand and I huff, my mouth drops open, as he leads me over to an empty chair. I plop down in the chair and lean towards him. He comes closer and I whisper, okay, I kind of growled. “I’m not a cripple, ya know? I could have stood there with the others.”

  His hands move up in front of him in surrender and there’s that cocky grin. “Hey, just thought with those heels, you might want to sit down. My fault.”

  I look behind me, hoping no one is watching us, and spot an older woman. I’m outta my seat, pushing him out of the way, and walk fast right over to her. “Hello. There’s an empty chair there, if you’d care to sit.”

  “Well, that is so nice of you, young lady. Thank you.” I nod, smiling like I got the point this time and watch her walk over and sit down. I take her place behind the last row of chairs and see Tanner moving next to me. He moves closer. And closer. Until we’re touching. Those weird tingles flow through my arm, down to my fingers, and all the way up to my shoulder. I turn my head and stare.

  “Nice move,” he grins and I wanna smack him.

  Music is piped through the PA system, and I turn my head. Alena looks absolutely beautiful in an off white long dress, carrying a bouquet of white roses with baby’s breath. She smiles at me as she walks passed and I turn back to see Jase at the front. You can tell how proud he is, how much in love he is with her. “Are you okay?” Tanner bumps my arm, and my head snaps to him. “You’re crying.” I wipe away a tear, roughly, and smirk.

  “Am not.” Damn him.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  I stand there watching the wedding and think about when I first saw Jolie. Of course like now, she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. What she doesn’t realize is I know why. In my profession, not the one at the gym that’s more of a hobby, I see things and have to do things that sometimes I don’t want to do or am so pissed off by, I want to kill someone. That’s why I have the punching bag in my living room and why I became a personal trainer here at Battle Ground when I had to move to this town. I have to take my frustrations out somehow.

  Alena gets up to the front, Jase taking her hand and they turn to the minister. I’ve seen so many weddings in my young life, but this one I’m really grateful to be standing here witnessing. After I saved Jase’s life, I had to leave town for work, so we hadn’t had a chance to talk. It does my soul good to see another life saved and a happily ever after. I just wish I could have been in town when everything happened to them at that cabin. Maybe their baby would still be alive and in her mommy’s tummy. Hazards of work. I can’t be everywhere at the same time but I do what I can, when I can. They turn to each other and I can see Alena’s flowers shaking in her hand. What little I know about her, she really seems like a genuinely nice person. So does Jase. I’m happy for them. Alena clears her throat and the rooms attention falls on her.

  Jase. You’ve always been my best friend even though you cheated at stick ball and made me slide into bases too many times.

  Everyone laughs including Jase. I look over at Jolie, from the corner of my eye and see her beautiful smile.

  Even then you were my best friend, my confidant, my life. We’ve been through so much together in our young lives. So much loss, so much pain, but we’ve also had so many happy times growing up that they outweigh the bad. I almost lost you, twice, and both of those times my life stopped and all I could think about is how I couldn’t live without you. I couldn’t exist. For you are my life, my support, my love. Will you join me today and make my life whole?

  Sounds of crying is all around me but then I hear sniffing that’s very close. I look over at Jolie and watch the tears streaming from her eyes, down her sweet face. How could anyone ever hurt her? She may seem rough on the outside but look at the inside. I pull out a tissue from my pocket and hand it to her. She takes it without a word, wiping the wetness from her face.

  I do. Alena, my love, my kitten. I don’t know how to express my love for you because without you I would cease to exist. You are the air I breathe, the desire I crave and only you can sustain me. Even though you cheated at stick ball, so many times, I still and will always love you.

  Laughter again and even I can’t stop myself from chuckling.

  But, how could I not when you’re my other half? Without you I’m lost, confused and not alive. When I saw you laying there, paled and still, my heart quit beating. I went crazy when I couldn’t revive you and at that moment, I thought I’d lost you forever. You came back to me and I thanked God. I’ve lost two loves in my life and I couldn’t bear to lose another. You’re my greatest gift and I’ll cherish you always.

  More crying and I feel my eyes getting a little wet too. Damn! I want that. I’ve never had anyone to care about me, love me, especially not like that. That’s something that’s always been missing in my life, something I’ve always wanted since I was little. There was a little girl, once….

  The End

  The Regret

  The Heartache Series Book Two

  by Vicki Green

  Regrets can make you strong,

  Regrets can make you weak,

  Some regrets you can never get over

  Tanner Clark is different than most people. He seems mysterious to most, keeping his secrets close and not trusting many. The one regret in his life will haunt him until he can find a way to make amends. Will this be another regret he’ll make, and one that cannot be undone? His life takes an unexpected turn when he follows a girl to a small town and rents the apartment next to hers. She’s different than most women. Strong, defiant, has tattoos and piercings, but she’s making it very hard for him to get to know her.

  Jolie Ross has had a rough childhood, one she’d soon rather forget. When she follows the one person who she ended up trusting in college, and who became the first friend she’s truly ever had, she finds a better life in a small town working at a gym. Her life finally takes a turn for the better. Good job, nice apartment, until a mysterious dark haired man, with tattoos and piercings, walks into the gym. He becomes a personal trainer there, but she’s leery of his secrecy. She decides it’s best to keep her distance. She doesn’t want any more regrets.

  Can two people who are so similar yet, so different, stay away from each other or will fate lend a hand and show them that there doesn’t always have to be regrets?


  To my husband, Dean, our boys C.J. and Cole: Thank you for your love, your support, and all the times I’ve stayed up late writing, the times you fended for yourselves for dinner, the times I’ve been away from you at signing events but most of all for your unconditional love. You are my life.

  To my amazing Editor: Thank you, Kathy, for always fitting me into your schedule even when you’re booked solid. You’re always there for me, not only to edit my books, but as a friend.

  To my genius cover designer: Kari, you amaze and astound me every time you design a cover for me. I mean it with my heart when I say you’re a genius. You always find time for me, know exactly what I’m looking for, even when I’m not sure myself.

  To my friend and great photographer: Golden, even though I banned myself from your photography page (Ha), you are a master of photography and I’m so thankful for not only for your great eye and skill with a camera but for your friendship.

  To my friend and cover model: Shawn, you have a great talent. Not only with your appearance, and always striving to be better
and reach your goals, but, you help others to achieve theirs as well. That says a ton about you and I’m grateful to know you and for your friendship. Thank you for coming up with Jase’s gym name ‘Battle Ground’.

  To my loving readers: I always say how appreciative I am that you read my stories but, I have no other way to express what I feel. To receive messages about how much people love my words, how they take them away even for a little while, immerse themselves and can’t wait to read the next, humbles me beyond belief. I thank you for your loyalty and support.

  About the Author

  Vicki Green grew up in Overland Park, Kansas and currently resides in Olathe, Kansas. Along with her husband and two teenage boys, she shares her home with her cocker spaniel’s Shadow and Mocha. She has been working full time at the same Company for 35 years. Her life has been filled with the most loving and caring parents, who are both gone now but are still in her heart and mind daily.

  Vicki enjoys reading Romance books which is what inspired her to begin writing this book. She has always admired Author’s dedication and hard work. She had a dream that played out for over a year, came home one day after work and decided to put it on a word document to see how it read and that became ‘My Savior Forever’, the beginning of her Forever Series, and that’s where it all began.


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