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The Bad Puppy

Page 4

by D. J. Heart

  “I did. Misha and Amy and I were talking about the wedding.”

  “Yeah? What about it?”

  “About when we’re going to have it. They think we should set a date.”

  David also thought they should set a date, but he didn’t want to push. Saying it like this was an easier way to find out what Adam was thinking.

  “How about June?” Adam suggested, like it was that easy.

  “That’s just four months away?” David said, his protest at odds with how happy he felt.

  “So? It’s not like we have to plan it ourselves. Why, when were you thinking?”

  David licked his lips and bit his cheek to tamp down his smile. “June is fine. I like June.”

  “Good. It’s decided.”

  David couldn’t believe it was that easy. He was getting married. It was surreal.

  “Are we going on a honeymoon?” David asked hopefully. He really wanted to go on vacation with Adam, but he knew that with Adam’s schedule it wouldn’t be easy to take time off.

  “I’d like that,” Adam said, kissing his cheek. “Anywhere in particular you’d like to go?”

  David shrugged. “Not really.”

  Exotic destinations and expensive vacations were an every-day thing for David. It was spending time with Adam he valued.

  “My friend has a pretty interesting pony farm. We could spend a week or two there, if you want.”

  “A pony farm?” David couldn’t mask how little that idea appealed to him. No matter how much he liked calling Adam daddy he wasn’t actually a five-year-old.

  Adam laughed. “It’s a human pony farm,” he explained, like that should have been obvious. “You’d spend the whole week being my pony. It would be pretty intense, but I think you’d enjoy it.”

  David swallowed, glancing at Adam’s face and wondering what the hell a human pony farm looked like.

  He didn’t want to know – except that he did.

  “Like with the puppy play?” he asked, just to make sure he understood.

  “Yes, but way more intense. They have grooms that would help me get you all geared up, and they’d also help train you and take care of you while you were there.”

  David didn’t say anything, not sure how he was supposed to react to this information.

  “Would you be okay with that?” Adam asked, unusually tentative.

  “With what?”

  “With other people being involved in dominating you?”

  David’s breath caught, his mind immediately jumping to the bartender he’d met the last time he’d gone out with Misha. He’d fantasized about the muscular man teaming up with Adam to take him down, but he hadn’t thought that was the kind of fantasy that had any chance of becoming a reality.

  “Would you be okay with that?” David asked, buying himself some time from having to answer as well as scoping out what Adam was thinking.

  “I think it would be hot, letting someone else have at you. As long as I was in charge of the whole thing.”

  David took a slow breath. “I think I’d like that.”

  When he looked over at Adam the older man was smiling like the wolf right after it had gotten Red Riding Hood to step just a little bit closer.

  “Yeah?” Adam asked, curling his arm around David’s neck and pulling him in close. He kissed the top of his head. “You’d let me pass you around, make you put on a show for me.”

  “Mh hm,” David murmured with a nod, closing his eyes and pressing his nose into Adam’s chest. Warm and hairy, the thick muscle of Adam’s pectorals made for an excellent pillow.

  “And the pony farm? Will you come with me and be my pony for a week or two?”

  This time David hesitated. A day of puppy play was intense, he didn’t know if he could handle more than that.


  Adam kissed the top of his head again. “How about we head up there for just a weekend and you can see if you like it?”

  That sounded better. A weekend David could handle.


  “Good. I’ll call my friend and arrange a visit next weekend. Are you free then?”

  David nodded.

  “Perfect. You’re going to love it. I promise.”

  Adam had never sounded more satisfied.

  To be continued…

  Also by D.J. Heart

  All of D.J. Heart’s books can be found on Amazon.

  * * *

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