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Loving Her

Page 4

by Tracy Reed

  “Apparently.” I laughed.

  “If you want to wait, I don’t see where that would be a problem.”

  “I don’t want to wait.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t know.” I sighed.

  “Sounds like pre-wedding jitters.”

  “I’m not nervous about marrying Moses. It was my idea to get married on Friday.”

  “I think you might be overwhelmed.”


  “Yes. I think you knew this would happen, you just didn’t think it would happen so soon.”

  “Soon? If you call sixteen months soon.” I pulled out another dress and placed it on the “yes” rack.

  “You came here hoping Moses would accept your apology, and you’d pick up where you left off. Within a year you’d be engaged and about six months to a year later you’d get married.”


  She smiled and shook her head. “God doesn’t work like that. He has His own plan. I know you. You spent the entire flight laying your plan out to God.” She looked at me smiling. “He heard you, but He already had it worked out. He was just waiting on you.”

  “That’s what Moses said he’s been doing.” She kissed me on the forehead.

  “Besides, if I wasn’t sure this was right, I wouldn’t have told Moses to go get you.”

  Chapter Five


  * * *

  “HEY MAN, I WAS TOLD to give this to the groom,” Bas said as he handed me the small black velvet box.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “I’m just the messenger.” As quickly as he appeared, he disappeared. I opened the box and found a pair of diamond and platinum square-shaped cufflinks, and a small note folded inside.

  “Sweetheart, you have given me so much in such a short time. The material things are nice, but it’s the unseen things I cherish the most...time, space, patience and love. I don’t believe in soul mates. I believe in compatible spirits. I believe God picked you out especially for me. I apologize it took me so long to get ready. Now that I am, I don’t want to waste another moment not being with you. Thank you for making room for me in your heart. Love forever, your wife, Alexandra Miller Adair.”

  A knock on the door stopped the well of emotions from appearing on my face. “Come in,” I called out. I folded the note and placed it inside my jacket pocket. I’d begun putting on the cufflinks when I looked up, and saw my Dad walking towards me.

  “Whatcha got there?”

  “A gift from my bride.”

  I hadn’t seen my Dad smile like this since Keith got married.

  “Let me help you.” He took the cufflinks and helped me put them on.

  “Thanks. I haven’t seen you this happy in quite a while.”

  “It’s Alex.” I felt myself smiling harder. “Where’s mother?”

  “She’s downstairs talking to Grams.” He adjusted my tie. “There.” He stepped back and smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  “Did Alexandra tell you she and I had dinner?”

  “No.” My curiosity was peeked. “When?”

  “A month and a half ago when I was in Los Angeles.” I looked at him waiting for more information.


  “I like Alexandra. She’s good for you. Not like Vanessa or Natalie. She’s not looking to be supported. She likes being needed. She’s tough, and that’s what you need, someone that will help you fight. Not just a showpiece. Don’t get me wrong, a showpiece is nice, but a fighting partner is so much better.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said it was her fault you broke up and she was waiting on an answer from God.” He turned and walked over to the window, staring down into the garden. “She lets you shine. That’s how your grandmother Mary was, and she was a fighter. When she was passionate about something, she wouldn’t let it go until you knew all the reasons why she was fighting. Don’t get me wrong, I love your mother, but she’s...I believe you can build a long, happy life with Alexandra. She really is a blessing from God.” He turned and faced me. “I think this time you’re ready to get married.”

  “Me too.” I smiled.

  “Got the ring?” He walked towards me.

  “She told me not to go overboard.” I reached inside my pocket and pulled out two platinum and diamond bands.

  “That’s why you got two bands?”

  “Of course.” We laughed.

  “Son, I know, you said no gifts, but...” He reached inside his pocket and handed me an envelope. “Here.”

  I opened it and pulled out a check for fifteen million dollars. “What’s this?”

  “It’s from a trust I set up for you and Keith. Now that you’re getting married, I want to give you a little something to help you get started.”

  “This isn’t my first marriage.”

  “I know, but, this is something I wanted to do. Something I needed to do. Son, I’m sorry for everything that happened.” He hugged me and I fought the tears. “I’m very proud of the man you’ve become. I only wish I could have been a better example and father.”

  “Dad, you were, you are.” Knock…knock, we broke our embrace. “Come in.” I called out and looked towards the door, and felt all the air leaving. “Mother.”

  “Moses, you look very handsome,” she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Mother.”

  “Your grandmother says despite what I think about this girl, she loves you and has your best interest at heart...I find that hard to believe. How can you marry someone you barely know? Honestly son, I think you should....”


  “That’s okay Dad. Mother, I love Alex and she loves me. There’s no secret or hidden agenda. She’s my choice and if you don’t like it, you can leave.”

  “Moses, don’t talk to your mother like that. She can’t help it if she’s forgotten what it feels like to be in love,” my Dad announced.

  “Eli, that’s not fair.”

  “Come on Clarice, let’s give the boy a little space. Son, we’ll see you downstairs,” he said, as he escorted my mother out of the room.

  Chapter Six


  * * *

  THE FIRST TIME I GOT married, it was with much less fanfare and grandeur in Paris. My maid of honor was some strange woman in the register’s office. No family, no friends, and no time to plan. I wore a dress I found in a vintage store over in the first arrondissement. This time, I was calm and surrounded by people who loved me, and with a lot less time to prepare. Thanks to Grams and Avery, I’ll be wearing a gorgeous couture gown.

  I looked at the clock on my antique night table. I had about forty minutes before taking that last single girl walk.

  Last night when Moses got home from his bachelor party, we met in the kitchen for cookies and milk. It reminded me of my first visit here. We needed that time alone. A couple of hours a later, he walked me up to my room and we shared an amazing, passionate good night kiss. Grams and Mama told us we were not allowed to see each other today until the ceremony, but we’ve been texting back and forth all day.

  I went into the bathroom and when I returned, I noticed an envelope on the bed with a small black box. I looked around the room, but I was alone. I picked up the envelope and read the words, “My Bride.” I immediately recognized the handwriting. I gently brushed the envelope before opening it. I turned it over, lifted up the flap and pulled out the white monogrammed card bearing his initials, MA in black ink.

  * * *

  “Dearest Alexandra, when it comes to you, I never know what to say. You have had my thoughts jumbled from the moment we met. So, I’ll keep it simple. What do you say we get married, have some babies and spend the rest of our lives loving each other? And one day, we will tell our grandchildren how we met at a party, spent our first date in New York, got engaged on an airplane, and married on a whim, all because we weren’t scared to take God at His Word. And wear these today.
Love always, your husband, Moses.”

  * * *

  I opened the box and staring back at me were an incredible pair of diamond teardrop earrings. “Oh, my God.” I felt the tears coming and immediately ran back into the bathroom. Knock, knock. “Come in,” I called out and continued touching up my makeup. The door opened and I heard the footsteps coming closer to the bathroom.

  “Look at you.”

  I turned around. “Mama, what’s with the smile? Have you seen Moses? How’s he doing?”

  She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen my son-in-law.” Her face lights up every time she refers to Moses as her son-in-law.

  “How’s he doing?” I asked again.

  “Pretty much like you, a nervous ball of energy.” We laughed. “Come with me.” She took me by the hand and walked me back into the bedroom, and stroked the side of my face. “My baby.” She got quiet. “I don’t have any profound words or speech I’ve been waiting to say. I like him. Not that it matters because I think you would have married him any way. The first time you got married I wasn’t there, and when I found out, I was shocked and hurt, but this time…here.” She handed me a slim black box.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your something blue.” I opened the box and found a blue sapphire bracelet.

  “It’s beautiful Mama, but it’s too much.”

  “No, it’s just right,” she kissed me on the forehead. “Now, let’s get you married.” She took the bracelet and hooked it onto my wrist. The knock on the door interrupted the moment.

  “Come in,” I shouted and looked up. “Kendell you look pretty.”

  “Thank you.” She took a deep breath and fanned her eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming. “You look beautiful, cousin.”

  “Thank you. All I need to do is put my earrings and veil on. Mama, will you help me?” I replaced the pearl studs with my gift from Moses and bent down so Mama could pin my veil. She stepped back, and I saw tears welling up in her eyes. “Mama, don’t. You promised.”

  “I’m sorry.” I gently patted the tear before it landed on her dress. A knock on the door interrupted the moment.

  “Come in.” I looked up to see who I just gave permission to enter.

  “I bumped into this gorgeous man in the hall and, he said I should give these to the bride,” said Taylor.

  “Ahhhh!” I ran over and hugged her. “You made it.”

  “Of course I came. There was no way I was going to miss this.”

  “I’m so glad you came.” I fought the tears, but a couple escaped and Taylor wiped them.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing him?”

  “It happened so fast and then...”

  “He’s quite a guy, isn’t he?” She smiled.

  “If perfection was physically possible, it would be him.”

  “Okay, let me see the ring,” she asked. I lifted up my left hand.

  “Oh my God, it’s beautiful and huge.”

  “What about you, Mrs. Married Lady?”

  “Can you believe it?” She lifted her left hand. “I’m a wife and a stepmother. Jason is everything I didn’t know I wanted but needed.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” I hugged her again.

  “Thank you.” She turned to Kendell. “Miss Kendell, how is that gorgeous man you’re seeing?”

  “He’s fine,” Kendell answered.

  “I know that, but how’s he doing?” Taylor teased.

  “He’s doing great. He’s helping the groom.”

  She turned back to me. “Cuz, you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get this show on the road. Kendell, do you have the ring?” Taylor asked.

  “Yes, right here,” she lifted up her right hand to show the platinum and diamond band on her thumb.

  “Okay ladies,” Taylor looked at Mama. “Aunt Connie, look at you. How are you going to make it through the ceremony?”

  “I’ll be fine,” she sniffled.

  “Let’s get Alex married,” Taylor announced.

  Taylor handed each of us a bouquet and we walked out of the room. As we stepped into the hall, I tried to consume everything I saw. The closer we got to the bottom of the stairs, the louder the music got. The lights were dim and the aromas were intoxicating. I stopped and waited as Taylor and Kendell adjusted my train. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath inhaling the smell of my lily of the valley bouquet. Moses’ dad gave me a small silver locket with a picture of his mother and father, and I had the florist attach it to the ribbon of my bouquet. He said he gave Sharmaine one as well when she married Keith. Now I really miss Chloe and Dionne. When I opened my eyes and looked up, my Dad was standing in front me.

  “You’re taking my breath away.”

  “Daddy.” I felt a huge smile appear on my face.

  “You look like your mother did on our wedding day.” He lifted my veil and kissed me on top of my head. In that brief moment, I was reminded of the days when we were a happy family living a storybook life. “Wow.” He stepped back, took a deep breath and made an unexpected confession. “I’m sorry I destroyed our family. Please forgive me.”

  “I did that a long time ago.” I kissed him on the cheek and saw one lone tear of absolution roll down his face. I reached up to catch it with my finger and he stopped me.

  “Let me.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the tears his years of selfish behavior were causing. “Are you ready?”


  He pulled my veil down, eased back into position on my right side and we walked down the hall. Mama and Grams had flowers and candles strategically placed along my walk out to the garden. We continued down the hall to the garden and stopped at the French door. I closed my eyes, inhaled, and absorbed the sounds of the string quartet waiting on our cue.

  “Lean on me Babygirl, and I’ll do the rest.”

  I took a deep breath, exhaled the last remnants of single girl life, and inhaled the beginnings of married lady life and replied, “Okay.”

  When I opened my eyes, we were standing in the doorway. I was awestruck at how beautiful everything looked. Mama and Grams did an amazing job. The garden was filled with pink rose and peony topiaries in varying heights along the aisle, with an assortment of jasmine and bougainvillea along the brick walls. It reminded me of a European garden.

  I looked straight ahead and saw Moses standing on a pink rose petal covered riser. It looked like he was on a pink cloud. He smiled and my nerves instantly calmed down, and I felt that stupid smile rise on my face.

  Mrs. Joseph whispered,” Go.”

  My Dad took charge and whispered, “It’s a short walk.” I held on tight as we slowly walked down the aisle. When we got to the front, Moses stepped down, shook my Dad’s hand and waited for Pastor Brian to give our next cue.

  “I have known Moses for quite a while, and I just recently met Alexandra. But from the short time I’ve spent with her, I know she loves him. Over the past year, Moses and I have had several conversations about Alexandra, with all of them ending with my asking the same question, ‘Do you love her?’ And each time, I got the same answer, “yes”. The road to this point has been a little rocky, but I’m glad they sought God for direction. This evening, we are gathered together to join these two people in holy matrimony. If there is anyone here who knows why they shouldn’t be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” Pastor Brian looked around and all was silent. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  My Dad cleared his throat. “On behalf of everyone that loves her, I do,” he replied. He kissed my hand and placed it in Moses’. “Just love her, that’s all we ask.” He shook his hand again and walked back and sat next to Mama.

  “You look beautiful,” Moses whispered.

  “So do you.” I felt tears trying to come again.

  “Are you read
y?” I nodded my head, and we walked up the two steps onto the pink cloud, and stood in front of Pastor Brian.

  “The bride and groom would like to say a few things. Moses.”

  I handed my bouquet to Kendell and turned to face Moses. He took my hands in his.

  “I asked God for something specific and here you are. I knew when I met you in Atlanta I didn’t want to live without you. When you agreed to come to New York with me, and we stopped in Texas, I knew I was falling for you, and by the time we finished cookies and milk that night, you had captured my heart. Your mother asked me if I loved you or was I in love with you? At the time, I didn’t understand the difference. During the time we were apart, not only was I miserable, I realized I was in love with you, and I finally understood what she meant. When you’re in love with someone you hurt when they hurt. You’re happy, when they’re happy. What’s important to them is important to you. I promised myself, if you came back, we would never spend another day or night apart. We have been through more than most couples will ever experience in a lifetime. I know how proud and independent you are. I know the most important person in your life is God. I know you can’t make me happy, because that’s only something I can do. I intend to be happy for the rest of my life which means I intend to love you until the end of time. Thank you for agreeing to be my wife.”

  “Alexandra,” Pastor Brian said.

  “I told God I wanted to know this kind of love, and He answered my prayer. I heard someone say you know you’ve met the person you were destined to be with when you look into their eyes and see your grandchildren. The night I met you, I looked into your eyes and saw our grandchildren several times over. The first time we danced, I knew I was in trouble, because that was the moment my heart and spirit confirmed I was in the presence of the man God had for me. I love your unselfishness and your compassion, I love that your grandmother is one of your best friends. I love that you love God and don’t care who knows. You are the answer to a prayer I prayed long before I knew exactly what I wanted, but God knew what I needed. I love you Moses and I am ready to be your wife.”


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