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Speak Easy Speak Danger

Page 18

by Sharon G Clark

  “You should probably have a lie down too. Nothing you can do for your sister-in-law tonight.” As if he just prescribed two aspirins, Dr. Colby said his goodnight and walked down the stairs. A few minutes later, the front door closed shut.

  Jo stared at the door of the bedroom, her body trembling, her hands balled at her sides. “I’ll make sure Warren stays away from her,” Jo whispered, voice quivering. She spun on her heel and raced out of the house. Unlike the doctor, Jo slammed the front door.

  Margaret stared helplessly at her departure, unable to move, loath to see Jo hurt—or do something stupid—and refused to leave Fiona’s side, sedated or not. Nicholas made her choice for her. “Go to Fiona. Jo will be fine after she blows off some steam. I’ll make sure to watch the house, and to watch for Jo’s return.”

  Despite her worry for Jo, concern for Fiona won out. Margaret nodded to Nicholas before she opened the bedroom door. She paused, and said to Nicholas, “Thank you. You’ve been invaluable and a good friend to my family.” She didn’t wait for a response. With a deep inhale of breath and putting on a neutral expression, one Fiona wouldn’t see, Margaret went inside.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Tessa startled at the heavy pounding to her door as it reverberated up to the stairwell. The thud would pause for two heartbeats then resume. She couldn’t imagine who would be so insistent, but it was clear they wouldn’t stop until Tessa answered. She doubted someone intent on harm would pound so. Tessa stumbled down a step or two in her haste, nearly lost her footing entirely before she was able to reach the bottom and unlatch the bolt on the door.

  Her heart stopped in her chest when a red-faced and puffy-eyed Jo glared back at her from the alley’s doorstep. Had she been crying? “Jo? Why didn’t you use your key? What’s wrong?” Something drastic must have happened to send Jo’s world into such a tizzy, and if her expression was any indication. Jo looked angry, frightened, and defeated all at once. Her usually unruly hair stood at angles as if she’d roughly run her fingers through the curly locks and yanked up hard. Her light-blue eyes, clouded by unshed tears, scrutinized her with a haunted gaze. Tessa’s first instinct was to draw Jo into her arms to offer comfort. Angry tension radiated from Jo’s trembling body curtailed the instinct, as did Jo’s tightly clenched fists.

  “Give Warren a message,” Jo said in a voice heavy with anger and…pain? What in the hell happened?

  “Is someone hurt? Should I call the police? Warren isn’t here.”

  “No, this is personal, Tessa. Let me finish.”

  “Um… Okay.”

  “Tell him I won’t come near you again, except to complete the agreed-upon work, what’s unfinished.”

  Tessa was confused. And extremely hurt. Why didn’t Jo want to see her anymore? “But—”

  As if she hadn’t heard Tessa’s attempt to interrupt, Jo shifted her weight to stand tall and stiff. “Fiona’s done nothing wrong, didn’t deserve his attack. Her blindness is permanent after—” She swallowed. If audible, the sound lost beneath the rapid pounding of Tessa’s heart. “I’ll stay away from you if he stays away from my family.”

  Attack? On Fiona? What did Warren—

  Okay, think, think. “Jo, please, I don’t understand. Is Fiona all right?”

  “The doctor just left her. She’ll never see anything again.” Tessa couldn’t feel even a modicum of relief to receive the requested information. “Goodbye, Tessa.” Jo took a step back.

  Tessa panicked and grabbed Jo’s arm. If Jo left now, Tessa truly would never see her again. Promises and commitments were too important for Jo to break. No, no, no. She couldn’t lose Jo, not now, not when she finally found the true love she’d looked for all her twenty-four years of life. She had to stop Jo from going through with this. Somehow, Tessa had to make this right. “Please, Jo, come inside. I’ll make some tea, and you can tell me what happened.” The idea of never seeing Jo again hurt her heart so bad. Tessa couldn’t control the tears of loneliness and frustration. “Please, Jo.”

  Shaking her head vigorously, voice barely audible, Jo said, “I can’t, Tessa.”

  “You can and you will,” Tessa said. “You don’t dump a girl without giving her a valid reason and full explanation.”

  Jo winced. “Tessa.” Tessa knew Jo was internally fighting the necessity to put Tessa second to family, after whatever Warren had done to precipitate this visit. She realized Jo wanted to explain, needed Tessa to understand.

  She tried one last time. “Please, Jo, give me that much.”

  Jo’s shoulders slumped. The sight of the strong, carefree woman, now broken, tore Tessa’s heart to shreds. Jo moved closer to the door, but just out of reach. Head bent, gaze directed at the ground, Jo said, “I don’t have the strength to do this. Please, just let me go.”

  “Let me support you.” One simple step brought Tessa to Jo’s side. She clasped Jo’s balled hand in hers and tugged her into the doorway. They stood at the bottom of the stairs, the outside door closed and bolted. Ever so slowly, Tessa turned Jo to face her and pulled Jo into her arms. The moment Tessa’s embrace tightened on her, Jo broke into wracking sobs. Face pressed against Jo’s damp face, Tessa crooned in her ear, “I have you, honey. You’re safe. Let it go.”

  Jo shouldn’t have come into the apartment with Tessa. Neither was in any shape to have a productive conversation. Doing so made Jo feel she was betraying her family. Rationally, she knew Tessa had no control over Warren. Rationally, Jo didn’t want to lose Tessa. Tessa wasn’t the enemy. She was Jo’s heart.

  Now, she sat on the couch, as Tessa had demanded with vehemence before she made them tea. Jo was angry at this night’s events. Events so out of her control she felt helpless. Jo needed to leave, be with her family. “I have to go,” she said. Tessa came into the room with a cup and saucer in each hand.

  Tessa scowled. “You’re in no shape to drive. It wouldn’t be helpful if something happened to you, too.”

  “I shouldn’t have even left the house. I was so angry.” Jo scrubbed her hands over her face. “You’re not safe either, Tessa, if Warren finds me here.”

  “He can’t get in. We changed the locks, and I haven’t given him a copy of the new key.”

  Tessa’s calmness settled Jo and her emotions somewhat but still conflicted with what was expected as the right thing to do. Jo picked up the cup of her tea, but her hand shook, and the contents splashed onto her lap. “Dammit,” Jo said. She put the cup down before popping off the couch. She paced the open length of the floor. “I must be a jinx. The trouble for Fiona got worse when she saved me. The trouble here is because Warren hates me.”

  “Warren hates everyone,” Tessa said.

  “He doesn’t beat them all blind, does he?” Jo snapped. A flash of pain crossed Tessa’s face and caused Jo’s heart to hurt. It wasn’t her intention to upset Tessa, even if she spoke the truth. What the hell was she supposed to do? Warren would continue to torment them if she didn’t release Tessa. But how could she do that? Tessa meant so much to her already. Their attraction was instantaneous, at least for Jo. She was nearly certain the same held true for Tessa.

  If what she believed was true, then leaving Tessa would hurt the other woman seriously. Jo didn’t want to do that, especially after Tessa’s ex, Catherine Dubois. Tessa would be devastated. But what other options did Jo have available?

  There was only one. The family came first. Tessa would heal—eventually. Even if she didn’t understand Jo’s reasoning, Tessa could move on.

  Jo knew she’d never move on.

  “Whatever you just decided in your head, you can forget,” Tessa said. Her tone brooked no argument. Tessa stood, hands placed on her hips. If Jo’s heart weren’t breaking, she’d tell Tessa how sexy she looked at that moment.

  “Tessa, you have to understand—”

  “I’ll tell you what I understand. Yes, family is important. Unless it is like mine, then we’re in a grey area. You want to protect Fiona
and Margaret and the others. What you want and feel is important too.” Tessa stomped closer to Jo, and she noticed the tears streaming down Tessa’s face, eyes wide in her distress. Tessa stopped in front of Jo, taking a deep breath. “Please, Jo, don’t do it.” Tessa traced a finger down Jo’s cheek, over her lips, and then along her neck. The finger settled between Jo’s breasts. Jo sucked in a breath as goosebumps exploded across her flesh. “Please.”

  Jo didn’t want to do anything right now but bring the light back into Tessa’s eyes. Before she could curb the impulse, Jo pulled Tessa against her and pressed her lips hard against Tessa’s, marveling at the passion in Tessa’s returned kiss. Jo’s heart stopped in a moment of panic. What if she left Tessa now, and Tessa never forgave her? If things got better, would she ever be able to win Tessa’s heart back?

  Tessa pulled away with a frown. “Stay with me, Jo.” Tessa clasped Jo’s hands. “Let me show you how much we mean to each other. How together we are stronger.” Jo knew she shouldn’t but didn’t stop Tessa as she pulled Jo into the bedroom. Rooted to the spot in indecision, Jo watched Tessa undress and climb on the bed and extend her arms in invitation. “Get undressed and join me, Jo.”

  “You don’t have to do this.” Jo sat on the side of the bed and faced her. Tessa smiled at her. Jo made a minor shift in the distance, eased closer until they were both under the quilt. Her body absorbed Tessa’s warmth. Guilt nearly consumed Jo. She should stop. Jo pulled away.

  “If you intend to leave me, Jo, then let me have this. Please.”

  Jo leaned toward Tessa, and she came eagerly into Jo’s arms. This night will probably have to last her a lifetime. Tessa didn’t have to ask again. Through the material of her shirt, Jo could feel Tessa’s body heat as they embraced. Jo ran her hands over Tessa’s shoulders. “Off. Clothes off.”

  Jo did as commanded, then returned to Tessa’s side. “So beautiful,” Jo said.

  “Not even a little,” Tessa said, her lips against Jo’s throat. “But I’m glad you think so.”

  Jo used her lips to trace the line of her jaw, then brushed Tessa’s hair aside and began to kiss her ear. Tessa gasped, and Jo felt her shiver.

  Slipping both hands under the quilt, Jo caressed the warm length of her back, then the smooth skin over her ribs. When Jo felt the swell of her breast against her hand, she paused. Tessa made an inarticulate sound and fitted her body closer, she put both hands in Jo’s hair, drew her head closer, and kissed Jo hard.

  Jo felt as if a jolt of electricity traveled directly from her lips to somewhere far lower. Jo was aware of the exquisite softness of Tessa’s closed lips, then, as she pressed her mouth to Jo’s, the warm satin wetness of her tongue. It entered between Jo’s lips slowly, gently, as if asking permission. Then, more urgently, with an insistence that left no doubt as to what she wanted. When Tessa withdrew, Jo clutched her tighter. Their heady kisses of the other day were merely a prelude of possibilities between them.

  Breathing hard, Jo finally broke off the kiss, leaned back, weakened as her hands caressed, and then rested atop Tessa’s hips, glad they were already lying down. Otherwise, Jo would probably have oozed to the floor. “You’re a remarkable kisser.”

  With a groan, Tessa said, “Shush. Need more practice.” Tessa’s kisses grew fiercer, more urgent. So much passion surprised Jo, but she wouldn’t question. Jo held back the fear of the emotions required for intimacy, of the worry that Tessa would realize Jo not worthy of her and her body. Jo pushed the thought away. They were making love, a sweet distraction from guilt and fear. Tessa deserved her full attention. There would be time for regrets later.

  Jo ran her hands over the incredible softness of her skin, and Tessa shuddered, taking Jo’s hands and put them on her breasts. Tessa’s nipples hardened under Jo’s palms, and Jo bent to brush them with her lips. She took each hard bud in turn in her teeth, and Tessa moaned. She put her hands in Jo’s hair, not gently, and raised Jo’s head from her breasts. Jo watched Tessa stare for a moment, then Tessa kissed her with a demanding tongue. Jo slipped her hands around Tessa, clasped her firm buttocks and held her tighter, a knee between Tessa’s legs, and she began to move against Jo in a rhythm of her own.

  “Jo, please,” she breathed, taking her mouth away as she gasped for breath.

  Jo brushed her hand from Tessa’s behind to her inner thigh and found her hot, wet center. Tessa gasped as her arms tightened around Jo while she stroked Tessa’s lovely velvet wetness. Tessa trembled.

  “Now, Jo,” she gasped, “now.”

  Jo slipped two fingers inside her, stroked as Tessa’s contracted walls closed around her fingers in a series of fluttering spasms. Tessa clung to Jo and gasped her name, some of the sharp, sweet pleasure that claimed Tessa, claimed Jo, too, and pierced her heart to her soul by the wonder of Tessa’s throbbing center held in her hand.

  As the spasms subsided, Jo put both her arms around Tessa and held her, stroked her hair and kissed her.

  Jo pulled the quilted blanket over them and ran her hands along the long, warm, lovely length of her back. Relieved when Tessa sighed.

  “I never expected that,” Tessa said.

  “You had expectations of our making love?” Jo asked, then smiled.

  “I had hoped. I want you in every part of my life, Jo.” Tessa sighed, this time with heavy weariness. “I don’t want to lose you, not even for Warren.”

  “Hush. Let’s not bring anyone else to bed with us, okay.” Jo feigned a grimace. “Are you sure you’re okay with my past? With my loving you?”

  Tessa tapped Jo’s nose with one finger. “Hmm,” she said thoughtfully, then bent to kiss Jo, more gently this time. “Best to show you.”

  Through barely parted lips, their tongues met, turning Jo’s blood to molten lava. Tessa’s tongue invited Jo to speak her need without words. For Jo’s part, her desire was now as urgent as Tessa’s had been, and Jo hoped Tessa wouldn’t delay much longer. As Tessa ran her hands over Jo’s breasts, took her nipples between her finger and thumb, a fire flared in the pit of Jo’s stomach. Jo groaned. Tessa apparently needed no further invitation.

  Kissing Jo quickly, Tessa slipped a hand between Jo’s thighs. Tessa found the place that Jo needed to be touched. Tessa’s long fingers opened her, entered her once, and then withdrew. Jo gave an involuntary whimper. Finally, gently, with rhythmic strokes, Tessa fanned the ache of desire to a hot flame. Jo gasped, almost there. Then, when Jo thought she might faint from desire, a hot wave of liquid boiled down along nerve endings and swept Jo away to a place devoid of light and sound, as the orgasm seized her.

  Neither breathed nor spoke, and Jo slowly realized Tessa looked down at her. She brushed Jo’s lips with hers, smiled beautifully, and smoothed back Jo’s hair.

  “I love your curls,” Tessa said.

  “I love you.” Jo had to get the words out. She had no expectations that the sentiment would be returned. Part of her hoped Tessa wouldn’t say them, didn’t want to wonder if it was spoken because of the moment and what they shared.

  Tessa settled down alongside her and laid her head on Jo’s shoulder. Jo put one arm around her. Jo was about to say something, nothing important, just words to extend the moment together. When she looked down, Tessa was fast asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  tessa was livid.

  Jo awoke in the early hours, cleaned up her work tools and removed debris, then stacked the boxed inventory beside the shelves. She’d left a note, of course. Apologized for not staying, said it had to be this way. Jo professed her love, explained she had to look after her family, and then signed her name below goodbye.

  Warren would get an ear full of her temper, then she was done with him, brother or not. Sometimes, blood wasn’t enough. Warren had crossed the line. She was tired of hiding.

  Now she stormed into the police station. Well, as much as she could without being too disruptive. She had manners, after all. Tessa caught sight of Warren at a sturdy meta
l desk cluttered with papers, his feet crossed at the ankles, and crudely resting on the left corner.

  She ignored the multiple young patrolmen who rose to their feet at her entrance but gave a nod of acknowledgment to Randall on her way to her brother. Tessa gave a slight shove to his shoulder to get Warren’s attention.

  Warren snarled as he rose to his feet and turned in her direction. “What the hell, Tessa?” He balled his hands into fists. The action hadn’t gone unnoticed by her. If the sound of shuffling steps behind her were any indication, the aggression was noted by the others in the room. Warren glared over her shoulder. “Get your asses back to work.”

  Tessa pivoted slightly to see Randall and three others had moved closer, their attention focused on Warren. “Miss Tessa?” Randall met her gaze. She realized he offered his support and that of the others to her. Did they believe she needed it? She remembered what Jo told her Warren did to Fiona which was the reason for this visit. These young men probably knew, too. “I apologize for the disruption, but I need to ask my brother about something.” She hoped her tone alerted Randall not to go too far. Randall gave her a barely perceptible nod.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Warren said. He grabbed Tessa’s arm, just above the elbow, in a vise-like grip. She bit back her exclamation of pain. She didn’t wish to incite action from her would-be heroes. Warren dragged her into an office with a windowed door, which her brother closed behind them. Tessa felt a modicum of relief. Warren would get his privacy, but anything he did wouldn’t go unnoticed by the other men. “What the hell is this?”

  She gulped back the shudder elicited in Warren’s tone. Tessa had a purpose in confronting her brother. She had to know how far he would go to assure he had control of her life. Tessa didn’t want to believe he’d started with beating Fiona, but she believed Jo over Warren, which meant she didn’t need to ask him. But she did need to hear confirmation from his own mouth. “You know why I’m here, Warren. Why’d you do it?”


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