The Embryo of the Star
Page 23
Lady Khinna was very delighted to see the remains of the glorious past of the planet of her parents. “Mark! It seems there are movin’ creatures down there! It’s whirring with life!”
“Yeah, I noticed it, too,” Mark replied. “C’mon, let’s investigate it.”
The spaceships then glided towards the cumulus-shrouded atoll. The two adventurers then disembarked. “Mark, what an amazing sight . . . very wonderful,” Lady Khinna said.
What they had discovered was an atoll with a blue lagoon, a habitat for different bird species such as flamingos, seagulls, wild ducks, pigeons, hawks, woodpeckers, kingfishers, and others. Green vegetation covered the surroundings. Fruit-bearing trees grew in rows; likewise, the fragrance of flowers dominated the environment. Orchids hung gracefully on moose green covered tree branches. There were also different floral species that grew everywhere such as Chrysanthemums, daffodils, dahlias, and others. Butterflies were a common sight, too. Mark also noticed a shoal of fingerlings nibbling at the algae of the roots, an indication that beneath different aquatic creatures existed.
“Lady Khinna, this is the place you’re dreaming’ of . . . they call this paradise . . . this is where fairies love to live.”
“It seems that my heart is drawn closer to this place. I’d like to settle here; it’s very secluded, away from civilization . . . foods abound everywhere,” Lady Khinna said.
Lady Khinna then undressed and dived into the inviting crystal-blue water. “C’mon, Mark, join me!” Lady Khinna shouted. “It’s warm here." She got hold of one swan and chased the others.
“Be careful, Lady Khinna. Don’t go deeper; there might be some unfriendly creatures down there,” Mark warned. “The alligators are dangerous . . . they killed humans.”
Mark investigated the surroundings and wondered how come there were living creatures down here. He noticed that the plants were arranged in geometrical patterns. It seems this is not the work of nature; a naturalist group must have created this wonderful biological garden, he said to himself.
Missing Links
Three miles toward the center of the deadly calm lagoon, Mark noticed a darkness building up toward the sky. He couldn’t recognize anymore the opposite coast of the lagoon. He thought that this was a sign of the incoming rain, a common weather forecast in the old days. Suddenly a very bright light flashed toward the sky. He saw a brilliant cylindrical object that looked like a cigar shaped shot towards the sky. Mark rushed to the spaceship and he sneaked out the mysterious atoll. He used the infrared telescope in tracking the streaking object. The brilliant object had drawn a parabolic trajectory beyond the tropospheric layer of the atmosphere before it made a minimal descent. After a few minutes Mark heard a very loud explosion. He witnessed a sudden billowing of a mushroom-like cloud about one hundred thousand feet tall and three hundred miles wide at the scene of the explosion.
This must be a curtain raiser, Mark told himself. Mark scanned the coordinates of the atoll and fed them into the computer. “We’re here in the Devil Sea of Japan, situated at the very heart of the East Philippine Sea” Mark murmured to himself, but he was intrigued by the word devil. He again asked the assistance of his computer. The computer said that the Sea of Japan took its “devil’s" name because of the reported weirdest disappearance of many ships and other sea craft. It’s the antipodal opposite of the legendary Bermuda Triangle. Mark was very disturbed. He wanted to solve this mysterious development as soon as possible.
He decided to relax first before he attempted to make the first move but then changed his mind. He returned to the atoll and peeped at the whereabouts of his fiancée. He saw Lady Khinna swimming with the friendly birds. Mark glanced at the computer; he didn’t believe that the fired projectile was a missile. His hand was trembling when he pressed the button of the video film recorder; he then magnified the infrared film. Mark was shaken. “It’s a spinning spheroid!" he exclaimed. He attempted to verify by the computer if a similar phenomenon had occurred in the past. Mark got an affirmative response.
First, above a remote part of the Siberian forest on June 3, 1908, a glowing object shot across the sky and exploded with the energy of a twelve-megaton hydrogen bomb. Seismic waves from this blast in Tunguska, Russia, reached as far away as England. Shock waves leveled every tree within a fifty-mile-wide area. Dust and debris spread worldwide. Scientists debated whether the monstrous explosion was the entry of the fading comet or a stony asteroid. So far, scientists hadn’t found any evidence of foreign rocks on the Tunguska’s blast site.
Second, on April 9, 1984, a Japan Air Lines flight crew witnessed a mushroom-like cloud 70,000 feet tall and 200 miles wide. Fearful that he had flown through a radioactive nuclear clouds, the pilot diverted the flight to a US, Air Force base in Anchorage. Two specialists suggested the airliner may have passed near the glowing cloud caused by an exploded meteor.
Third, after the Second World War sailors witnessed a mushroom-like cloud in the Bermuda Triangle. The sailors then alerted the US. Navy, but the navy officials said that there were no nuclear tests being undertaken in the area by any country.
Fourth, in 1990 American scientists found evidence of a 180-mile-in-diarneter crater in the Caribbean Sea. It may have been caused by an asteroid explosion that was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
It’s phenomenal indeed, Mark told himself. He requested the computer detail the Tunguska blast further. “So the scientists didn’t, find any evidence for foreign rock debris in the vicinity of the blast . . . therefore, the asteroid theory is out," Mark concluded. Mark was disturbed by the accounts of some witnesses who said that the cigar-shaped light had streaked in the sky almost parallel to the Earth’s surface. The scientists’ analysis of this object said it was a guided cosmic projectile that intruded on the Earth.
“That’s very interesting,” Mark murmured. This evidence could be of great help; it’s one of the valuable missing links to the Earth’s creation, he told himself.
Mark then activated the computer and created a new program to simulate the early development of the Earth. All forces involved were recalled in the computer data base and entered into the program. Likewise, the layers of atmospheric pressure were given their different stresses expressed in pounds per square inch. The mantle of the Earth was also given its bearing capacity, expressed in pounds per square foot. The pressure enacted on the inner face of the mantle also had its own value; that was the perpetual pressure exerted by the spinning spheroid.
Mark began to simulate the early development of the Earth. All pressure relief valves in the Earth such as volcanos, major faults, and the porous vents found in the seabed were suppressed. On the computer screen, the Earth cross section was shown with the spinning radioactive brilliant spheroid situated in the center, blanketed by hot gases. The molten magma coated the inner face of the Earth’s mantle. The bright spheroid spun very fast. On the mantle’s inner face was an even surface, high and shallow points, depending on the geological formation of the mantle’s structures.
At the shallow points, a liquefied gas eddy composed of different radioactive elements started to build up until it was transformed into a small bright spheroid. The bright spheroid was growing and slowly creeping outward until it found a bolt hole in the alluvial vent. The spheroid’s projectile has cruised the atmosphere, streaking a parabolic trajectory, and made a touchdown on the Earth’s outer mantle face, creating a powerful explosion. The Earth is capable of producing a nuclear bomb! Mark shouted to himself. Why not? . . . those irresponsible physicists have taken their radioactive materials from the Earth's crust . . . This type of nuclear blast was responsible for the outbreak of the horrible “freak" nuclear war . . . where more than 7 billion of the Earth’s inhabitants perished.
Inspired by the impressive results of the computer’s simulation, Mark made another program. This time he attempted to simulate the Earth’s earliest stage, when the mantle was still sticky clay beginning to expand. The Ear
th was still a perfect spheroid with a sticky surface; thick gas had enveloped this spheroid while it is revolving around the sun. The spheroid’s orbital path was likewise filled with gases. When Mark opened the cross section of the Earth, a bigger spheroid began to build up; it was growing and became violent. Mark was very curious about the Earth’s path. Why is it that the Earth won’t slip away from its course? Mark asked himself. Are there some more forces involved?
The exterior surface of the Earth’s mantle was getting hardened. Intense pressure had been building up inside the Earth shell. As the compressed gases threatened to blow up the shell, the mantle begun to crack, creating several continental plates bounded by major faults. Mountain ridges were taking shape, water separated from the land surface, and the continents were drifting apart, as once-submerged land resurfaced. The newly formed spheroid was pressing outward considerably until it passed through the alluvial mantle deposition. It penetrated and crept to this porous vent, causing the flaming alluvium to shoot into the sky; clouds of ash spewed in the sky worldwide, creating a large crater in the seabed.
The spheroid managed to escape the Earth’s atmospheric barrier, leaving a gaping hole in the Antarctic ozone layer, but its velocity was not enough to get away from the Earth’s extreme frontier. The wandering spheroid sucked the gases along the Earth’s orbital rim and transformed it into another sticky clay spheroid. How wonderful, the Earth itself has produced a naturally born daughter, Mark told himself.
Mark’s glance at the computer screen revealed a fascinating computer analysis. The spheroid that the computer referred to was the Earth’s moon, Mark observed. He wanted to simulate another planet; this time he chose Saturn as his subject, repeating the same procedure in the computer. The Saturnian spheroid ejected several dozen spheroids into its atmosphere. These small spheroids spun around Saturn in different layers. As the spheroids family was growing, collision among spheroids was inevitable, until the falling dominos principle of collision took place. “How wonderful; colorful rings are taking shape on this beautiful planet . . . the debris of the moon has dispersed around the vicinity of this planet; the reflections of the incoming sun rays created amazing colorful rainbow rings,” Mark concluded in the computer’s footnotes.
Mark was very much excited at the wonderful evolution of his theory. But deep in his mind there were still some major disturbing questions needing to be clarified, like for instance: Why is it that the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun? . . . Did all these planets likewise wander in the interstellar space once? . . . and pulled in by the sun’s gravitational force? Mark asked-himself. Yes, the sun has something to do with this family closeness, although there are many possibilities, he told himself. His computer’s super-brain would again do the trick for him; what he needed was proper programming of the computer, because if he entered some rubbish data then he would get rubbish answers.
Mark created another simulation program and entered all the necessary data. He had a great advantage with this kind of simulation because his computer’s data base had very rich different scientific information, mathematics of space exploration, and a compilation of astronomical data. He reckoned his program from the sun’s earliest bolt out from Mother Nature’s womb and crept through the controversial black hole. This giant star wandered in interstellar space so long that it came into contact with the colony of slow-moving gases. These gases’ amalgam then enveloped this giant wandering star. Mark noticed that in the computer’s liquid crystal a thin mantle began to solidify, armoring the giant star. Different atmospheric layers likewise developed and circumscribed the trapped spheroid.
In comparison with the common physical structure of the planets, the giant planet also had a space barrier or space armor that would protect this giant planet against space drag. He noticed that the clout of the giant planet's diminishing layers of unseen space shields had extended up to 3 million miles. It was comparable to a “track and field oval” where runners had their own lanes in which to dash.
In the innermost of this giant planet, a 27-million-degree Fahrenheit furnace had a continuous outrushing flood of X rays, gamma rays, and other radiation that was responsible for the development of different-sized smaller spheroids. The newly transformed spheroids one by one bolted out in different magnitudes and revolved around the giant planet.
These spheroids followed the space track lanes in their orbit around the giant planet. The solidified mantle of the giant planet continuously expanded. However, the normal compressive stresses transmitted through the space barrier by the space squeeze couldn’t resist the intense pressure emitted by the giant star. This disequilibrium of forces resulted in the explosion of the giant planet’s solidified mantle, leaving behind the giant star emitting its radiance anew. The debris shredded in different directions. Some of the bigger debris collided with other newly born planets, missing Venus, Mercury, Earth, and Mars by a whisker.
These surviving planets were lucky, as only smaller rocks landed on their surface. As the debris traveled farther, its speed decreased, until most of this debris bumped into one of the space barriers of the former giant planet and formed into a wide asteroid belt. Now Mark knew why the planets didn’t slip away from their orbits, not because of the gravitational pull of the sun, as the common belief was, but due to the presence of these space bubbles. These cosmic shields ensured the planets would indefinitely float in the solar system, unless there was a tremendous force that would push the planets from their space shields. ' Hence, the Sun travels inside the cosmic bubbles! Moreover, the outer most is the Oort Clouds.
“It’s incredible! . . . This one fits very much with the present nature of the solar system,” Mark muttered. “For cosmic statistical records, the family of planets has grown by numerical progression.” Mark proclaimed his newly developed theory in the computer’s data base. He was aware that if there were any astrophysicists hanging around, they would probably challenge his new version of cosmogenesis of the solar system. He vowed to himself that if challenges came, he was prepared to meet them, at any venue, anytime. His newly developed theory of creation of the solar system didn’t alter his “womb” theory of creation of the stars, but rather it provided him with a broader perspective on the wonderful nature of space.
Kareen’s brainteaser is finally solved! Mark exclaimed to himself. He then tried to contact Kareen’s home. “Is Kareen around?” Mark asked.
“Sir, this is an answering machine . . . Kareen is out of this planet with her fiancé’. . .. They’re on an ongoing honeymoon tour of the solar system. . .. Sir, if you’ve any message . . .you’ve five minutes to spare in her incoming message recording machine . . . bye-bye. . ..”
Mark smiled at this wonderful news. My heart is free! He exclaimed to himself. He then relayed his answers to Kareen’s questions regarding the cosmogenesis of the universe.
After Mark sent his message to Kareen, he glanced at the ‘computer again. There was still something that boggled his mind. If there really was a great explosion that took place, he must have some convincing evidence to present in case of confrontation with anybody. Scientists disregarded the theory that the asteroid belt was debris of another planet. On the contrary, they claimed that the asteroid belt was a leftover of the early days of creation.
Mark analyzed deeply the nature of the great explosion of the giant planet. Yes, if an explosion really occurred, the big chunks of rocks would be shredded away, while the tiny particles shall naturally be left behind around the scene of the explosion, Mark reasoned out to himself. He again needed the assistance of his computer’s data base to provide him any vital information if there was any dust on the periphery of the sun.
The computer provided Mark with this information: “In the twilight years of the twentieth century, high atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Volcano, touted as the best astronomical location on Earth, scientists, including astronomers, investigated the diurnal cycle. The eclipse had attracted thousands of observers to this island; they witnesse
d the first spectacular infrared pictures of the ‘solar dust rings.’”
So the evidence is there! the jubilant Mark exclaimed to himself. The dust leftovers have ringed the sun!
Aside from dust ring, the astronomical records also revealed that the sun had some black spots and was covered with spewing magma.
“Please explain the black spots", Mark asked the computer.
The computer’s response: “Those black spots are actually clusters of sticky sedimentary land mass left over after the great explosion together with the thick magma that was pushed back to the solar spheroid after it failed to penetrate the Solar’s atmospheric barrier.”
“Bingo!” Mark exclaimed, punching his right fist.
Furthermore, Mark’s graphic diagram of forces acting on the planet had complicated matters. Galileo’s centuries-old accepted explanation of gravity, that gravity was the pull on the object toward the center of the planet, was being challenged. Rather, it was the push on the object by the force originated from the extreme barrier of the planet. Like, for instance, a vehicle’s rolling tire when it comes in contact with the road surface creates a normal reaction that will be absorbed toward the center of the tire.