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Wellington Series 2

Page 24

by Kris Pearson

  If Cody had thought he was at full stretch, he’d been kidding himself. Her sexy suggestions had his cock still subtly growing inside his boxers. The smooth fabric felt delicious against him, but Mel’s skin would feel a hundred times better. “Grab the condoms,” he demanded, more roughly than he’d intended.

  She had him on a hair-trigger—hard as hell, and closer to losing it than he’d been for years. “In my pants pocket,” he added. “You’re in charge of dressing me up.”

  “I’m enjoying un-dressing you,” she murmured, running one long-nailed finger up his shaft until she came to rest on the spot of moisture darkening the fabric. “Look—he’s getting ready to come.”

  “Not yet, he’s not,” Cody growled, trying to ignore the involuntary tremors that shook him from his balls to her glossy pink fingernail.

  Why was he still standing in front of her like an obedient dog? He should push her over onto the bed, roll the protection on quickly, and pin her down. She was right—he was far closer to coming that he wanted to be.

  His breath hitched as Mel slipped her pretty hands inside the elastic waistband and drew his boxers down an inch or two. His desperate cock reared out to greet her.

  “Hello,” she said, as though it was small child or a pet. She touched a finger to the bead of moisture leaking from him and spread it around his pulsing crown. Fuck…

  “He doesn’t speak English,” Cody rasped, crazy with lust.

  “He definitely looks foreign.” Mel smiled and drew the fabric lower. “So dark-skinned. He’s from somewhere exotic and tropical, I think.”

  Cody couldn’t tear his eyes away. The contrast of Mel’s pale feminine hands against his own raw and rampant masculinity was a further turn-on he didn’t need.

  She slid the boxers down to his knees. “Off,” she ordered.

  Cody’s breath rushed out as he toed off his shoes, peeled off his socks, and pushed the last of his clothing away. He grabbed the handful of condoms Mel had so pointedly ignored.

  “If there’s anyone out there with a telescope, you’ve got something here to impress them,” she said, pushing at him so he swayed stiffly to and fro. Then she ran her dangerous fingernails down his length, slipped a hand around his heavy-hanging balls and hefted them.

  He gave a surprised grunt.

  “Just checking the goods,” she teased, flexing her fingers.

  Cody closed his eyes as she gently massaged. “The goods I’m not donating,” he rasped.

  “Not tonight maybe,” she said, releasing him. “You might feel more generous in the morning?”

  “And I might not.” He handed her one of the foil packets and tossed the rest onto the floor beside the bed. Melanie’s gaze followed them down.

  “You’re a selfish bastard, Cody,” she said without rancor. “You’ve got what I want and you’re not willing to share.”

  She ripped the corner off, drew out the neat rubber circle, pinched the reservoir between two fingers, and rolled the condom down. Cody clenched his teeth and hoped his determination would get him through.

  He almost lost it when she parted her legs and leaned back to rest on her elbows. She wanted him standing up with no further foreplay, no kisses or caresses, no tender lead-up?

  Not his style.

  “Like this?” He bent closer.

  “Exactly like this.” She lifted her beautiful legs and wrapped them around his waist, drawing him down until they were perfectly aligned. Then, with a nudge from her heels, she attempted to pull him home.

  Cody shook his head and braced his arms, although it took all his determination not to slide inside her. “Babe, if we’re doing this, we’re doing it properly.”

  Her blue eyes widened with a flash of surprise.

  “I want you up on the bed. I want to play with you first. Admire all your nooks and crannies and curves before I take that final dive.”

  “Cody,” she breathed. “Just do me. I want you.”

  He bent his head far enough to kiss her long and deep. Mel wriggled against him, and he broke the kiss. “Want you too, honey. But I’m damned if I’ll rush it. I’ve waited too long.” He gathered her up in his arms, loving the feel of her body against his, and laid her on the broad expanse of the bed. He stood looking down at her for a few seconds and then sat beside her, idly running his fingers along one smooth leg and then leaning over to follow with his lips. Her skin glided silky beneath his mouth, scented with something fresh and clean and fruity. Apricots maybe. Delicious. She made a growling noise deep in her throat as he slid higher and higher, then threaded her fingers through his hair in a possessive grasp.

  Cody smiled to himself, pleased to have time to recover his equilibrium. Mel had him turned so far he was right on a knife edge, still barely in control. “Apart,” he muttered, and she obliged. He kissed the soft fragrant skin at the top of her thigh and then progressed up over her belly and ribs. She started to protest as he deserted where she so obviously wanted him, but quietened again as he smoothed his cheek against her breast.

  He traced around her nearest nipple with his tongue, pleased when her breath caught in anticipation. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, before closing his mouth over it. He nipped and sucked, and Mel pushed herself up to him, moaning her appreciation.

  His fingers strayed between her legs, sliding against her slick lips, and dipping inside with delicate strokes.

  “Cody,” she groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  He pushed two fingers deep inside her, wriggling in as far as he could go. “Better?”

  Her muscles flexed around him and he pulled part-way out again, feeling the strength and suck of her, wanting desperately to be buried to the hilt right there. He pushed in again, teasing her clit with his thumb, and closed his eyes as she grunted with satisfaction.

  He was what she wanted. Not Rob or any other man. He, Cody Mitchell, had been chosen by Mel Anderson—the woman he’d wanted for so long.

  He deserted her nipple and moved to the other one, rolling his tongue around it and sucking hard. Again Mel pushed her breast up, this time cupping it in her hand to hold it still for him. Her fingers played in his hair, urging him closer.

  He continued to stroke her and torment her, enjoying her breathy moans and entreaties of ‘more’ and ‘hurry’. No chance of that. He’d waited more than three years for this and intended to wring the most possible pleasure out of every second.

  He was almost undone though when Mel’s hand deserted his hair and crept across to his lap to grasp him.

  “Cody,” she ground between gritted teeth, “I wanted you all through dinner, and while I was sucking you off in the car, and I just about died waiting for you to slide into me on that table downstairs. Get in there!”

  He raised his head and kissed her lips to silence her. The kiss turned incendiary, and within seconds their tongues were entwined, twisting slickly together, lips dragged over lips, teeth nipped, and breathing grew deeper and more desperate.

  With no conscious memory of doing it, he moved over her, one hand tangled in her long fair hair, and he settled between her thighs, guiding himself inside.

  Mel gave a strangled laugh and clasped her legs around him, warm and smooth and strong. “Go slow,” she breathed. “Been a while. Oh God, Cody, yes. Yes.” She found his lips again and kissed him as he sank into her, pushing and nudging until he was at full depth, surrounded by her heat.

  The urge to pound into her was primal, but he held back, fucking her with a slow steady rhythm that built sensation to ever-increasing heights. Under him, Mel sighed and groaned, clutching his shoulders, squeezing and pulsing around him as he thrust deep. She tilted her hips, and he tucked a hand under her butt to hold her close. The new angle soon had her breathing deeper, and her kisses became savage as she trembled and thrashed beneath him.

  Cody glanced down to her eyes, but they were tightly closed. “Mel,” he demanded. “Look at me.” Instantly her blue gaze held his as he stroked to and fro the last few times.

  She drew a deep, deep breath and flung her head back into the pillows. Cody felt the ferocious tension wind even tighter in her muscles, and then it let go in deep spasms as she came and came, clenching around him and screaming. He rode her slowly as long as he could, but then his own release overtook him and he pounded into her until he was done.

  They collapsed in a panting heap, still kissing, breathless, laughing, arms around each other. “Worth waiting for,” she murmured. “So worth waiting for.”

  Chapter Seven—4.30 A.M.

  Late in the long fevered night, in the moonlight that washed the room with silver, Mel leaned out of bed and fingered the remaining packets. Still two condoms left. Cody had certainly come prepared to do battle bigtime. And his insistence on protection had never wavered.

  The bedside clock showed four-thirty. Could she take him twice more so when he wanted a last lazy session in the morning sunshine he’d be out of supplies?

  He lay deeply asleep—one arm flung back over his head, legs slightly parted. She wriggled down under the sheet and laid her face on his warm belly. His skin burned hot. He smelled of good sex. Mel breathed him in and smiled.

  She reached down and explored with feathery touches of her fingertips. He gave a small sigh but otherwise didn’t stir.

  She trailed delicately through the coarse hair at his groin and found one very tired and deflated puppy. How could a man transform that lifeless bit of flesh into a solid vertical rod so fast? Was it even going to happen this time?

  She repositioned him gently, kissed his bulbous tip, then parted her lips and took him right into her mouth. Would the heat and wetness be enough, or should she suck? She lay, unmoving, waiting to see.

  To her astonishment, he started to grow—like a time-lapse film of a vigorous shoot rearing up out of a fertile seed bed. All that sex and still his body craved more? Good boy! She rewarded him with her tongue, and ran her fingernails softly over his balls, encouraging him up and up.

  He came awake with a shudder and a satisfied groan. “Again?” he murmured, pushing back the covers and stroking her hair.

  “Just seeing if you could.”

  “Any time you like, babe.”

  Mel suspected that was true after the demonstration he’d just provided.

  “I was thinking how nice it would be to kneel down by the window and enjoy the city lights,” she teased. “Maybe you’d sneak up behind me?”

  She ran her hand up his taut belly and chest, and out over a broad shoulder, admiring his lean muscular physique.

  “So you’re a randy little bitch hoping to find a hungry hound-dog who’ll take pity on you?

  “Wuff!” Mel gave him an affectionate tweak before she escaped.

  “You’re asking for trouble now, honey,” he growled, throwing back the sheet and swinging his long legs out of the bed.

  She grinned, grabbed a pillow, and skipped across to the huge window.

  The foil packet ripped behind her. Quickly she dropped down, cushioned her knees with the pillow, glanced over her shoulder as Cody approached, and angled her hips up to receive him.

  She trembled as he stroked her back and butt, and sprinkled her skin with affectionate kisses and nips.

  Sighed with pleasure as he slid in slow and deep.

  And thought to herself, ‘Just one more to go. I’ll get your babies yet, Cody.’


  Behind her, Cody closed his eyes. The close caress of her slippery wetness sucked and stroked him as he fucked like a big alpha wolf. How many times had he taken her? It’d be a miracle if he had anything left after the last few hours.

  Mel turned him on outrageously. Even now, when he should be pretty damn jaded, he was edgy and aware, hair-trigger sensitive, desperate for more of her.

  And in this position, he got plenty. He drew slowly out and pressed in again. In and in, until he was bedded deep. Mel had every fraction of him inside her now. She was totally accessible kneeling like this in front of the huge window.

  If she was enjoying the view of the harbor lights, that was fine by him, because he was enjoying the view of her in the moonlight. Below him, her pale sinuous back flexed as she braced herself against his hungry thrusts. Her platinum hair tumbled over her shoulders and cascaded onto the floor as she leaned forward and tipped her hips up even higher. The angle became impossibly good.

  He bent lower and ran a line of kisses across her back. She sighed voluptuously.

  If he looked straight ahead, her hair and shoulders shone in the window glass. And behind her he saw the fainter reflection of himself, moving rhythmically, so much bigger, so much darker. Beyond them, and far below, the water twinkled as it caught the city lights. But it was the sight of their two bodies locked together that held him mesmerized.

  He grunted like a rutting animal and drove into her faster a few times, altering the pace to change the sensation. Mel responded by clenching her pussy, and his balls lurched in readiness.

  ‘Not yet, buddy,’ he begged, holding still and bending to smooth his face along her back as he tried to summon up non-sexy thoughts. Not a hope—because as he turned toward the side window he saw them both in profile, reflected in the glass against the dark branches of the neighboring property.

  Mel crouched beneath him, butt in the air, hair mussed, breasts peaked. And his cock pulled out, speared in, pulled out, speared in... It was a porno movie, with himself as the star.

  He swallowed at the sight and stopped, cock half out.

  “More,” she murmured.

  “Spread your legs further.”

  He licked his fingers and reached around to give her clit some attention, finding her plenty slippery without his help.

  She tensed and laughed softly as he made contact.

  “I could take care of that for you,” she offered. “If you like?”

  “I like,” Cody agreed, rubbing softly. He felt Mel’s fingers tangle with his, and pulled back to give her room. “Are you close?”


  “Look at us in the side window, then.”

  Mel turned her head, and he drove into her savagely and then pulled out again as far as he dared without slipping free.

  “Holy hell!” she gasped. “How long is that thing?”

  “As long as you are.” He thrust in again, right to the hilt, knowing he was going to lose it any minute. Mel’s pussy tensed and relaxed around him in tiny spasms as she masturbated.

  His finger was still slippery from his spit and her juice. He licked it again, pulled his cock half-way out, slid his wet finger up her tight little asshole, and resumed fucking her until the harbor lights went away; until they were both gasping incoherently; until all that was left was the sensation of her muscles grabbing and squeezing him, and his balls feeling as though they were being sucked inside-out.

  He collapsed down, half on top of her, and it was several minutes before either spoke again.

  “Cody,” she finally whispered, “Are you okay?”

  He sighed and nuzzled her neck. “Better than okay, that’s for sure.” His voice sounded blurred and drowsy. “And you, Mel? I was in so deep. I didn’t hurt you? Seeing us in the window like that was some turn-on.”

  “Our own sexy movie. Next time we can try the bathroom.”

  Cody gave a groan that was half anticipation and half protest, and pulled out, holding the condom secure.

  Mel rolled onto her back and reached over to stroke his tousled hair.

  “Did I finally manage to wear you out, Cody?” she teased. “No stamina, huh? I thought you’d really enjoy the big mirror next door. You’d see my action as well as yours. Twice the fun.”

  Chapter Eight—Fresh Coffee

  Mel woke to find a big male hand playing with one of her breasts. And an accomplished male mouth kissing her neck. She opened her eyes a crack and squeezed them closed again.

  Damn, damn, damn, she’d gone to sleep—for hours apparently. So much for planning to run him out of supplies.<
br />
  The sun flooded over the bed, and she lay sprawled over Cody, replete as a cat after a meal.

  “Can a man get a cup of coffee around here?” he drawled, tightening his arm around her.


  He tweaked her nipple a little harder and bit her neck. “Wake up honey—I’ve got the chopper trip for that wedding at eleven. It’s already nine-thirty.”

  “Dammit...” she groaned. “That’s not fair—dragging law-abiding people out of bed early on Saturday just so a bride can arrive at her wedding by helicopter...” She stretched luxuriously and jerked awake, awareness flooding back into her brain as tiny tweaks and twinges tugged at her well used muscles. “Yikes! Nine-thirty?”

  “I need to get home and change before I go to the depot. Coffee? Please? Black, strong, two sugars?”

  She pushed herself up and stared at him. Had last night really happened? In every remembered detail? Her body felt very alive. Very pleased to be alive.

  “Coffee,” she repeated. “Black, strong, two sugars.” Her wildest dreams truly were reality. Cody Mitchell lounged in her bed, unshaven and unrepentant for all the sexy things he’d done to her during their long passionate night together.

  “Good morning,” she added, smiling and reaching up to kiss him before she tossed the sheet aside and padded across the room to collect her robe.


  Cody let his eyes roam all over her as she turned and slipped her arms into the sleeves, crossed one front over the other, and reached for the sash. She looked so feminine—breasts a man couldn’t leave alone, a tempting curvy butt and slim waist. He thought again about the outrageous offer she’d made the evening before, and suddenly he saw her pregnant—swollen and heavy with his baby. And was surprised to find it wasn’t entirely unpleasant; a hell of a way to mark her as his and keep her away from any other man.

  But not fair on the poor little kid, he reminded himself as he watched Mel secure the sash.

  “Shower,” she said, wagging her head towards the bathroom. “I’ll have coffee made by the time you’re rinsed off. Or I could come in and rinse you off myself?” She grinned, and headed barefoot down to the kitchen.


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