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Wellington Series 2

Page 26

by Kris Pearson

  Cody’s sudden smile blazed wide and delighted. “Made your flaps wiggle, did I?” He grabbed his jacket from the ottoman and slung it over one shoulder. “I won’t tell you what you did to me!”

  Mel let her imagination run riot as she swung the big front door open for him.

  “Bye, Sexy,” he said, stooping to take her lips in a final kiss. “See you tomorrow night. I’ll bring you some toys.”

  He pulled the door closed behind him, giving her no time to reply.

  She leaned back against it. Toys? Soft furry toys or man and woman toys? Probably the latter, she decided, running her tongue slowly around her lips as she imagined. Cody had never struck her as a teddy bear or fluffy bunny man. So if they were to play games, she might just go shopping, too.

  She heard the Porsche’s engine fire up and pictured the silver car sliding down the hill roads to his apartment in the central city. He wasn’t a man to put down roots—she knew he didn’t spend his money on long-term real estate. His apartment was one of many in a big block—easy to resell. She knew exactly where he lived; had never been inside, but had stood on the opposite side of the street a few weeks ago, counting the floors and trying to work out which was his. For no reason at all.

  Fine by her—she wasn’t after a long term man.

  She wandered back through the big house and stashed their coffee mugs in the dishwasher. What would his taste in toys be? The image of him tied up in ribbon kept dancing through her mind. She showered and dressed, grabbed breakfast, and then headed down into the city.

  Soon she was prowling haberdashery fixtures. There! Exactly the shiny black satin ribbon she had in mind. She bought enough to immobilize half the men in town, and then drifted upstairs to the furnishing department.

  Cody’s taunts about telescopes and binoculars from across the harbor had stayed with her. She loved waking up to sunshine on the water...never drew the heavy drapes in her bedroom unless the weather was atrocious and she wanted to hide rain lashing on the big expanse of glass.

  But maybe she needed more privacy if she and Cody planned to fuck like wildcats for the next little while. She wasn’t into providing free entertainment for anyone else. She fingered the lush filter fabrics, imagining how they might look at her windows.

  And then she saw it—an amazing hand forged steel bedframe with four tall corner posts and gauzy curtains caught back with tassels. Maybe they could be pulled to enclose the occupants in their own private world? She unhooked one of the tassels and drew the curtain along, biting her bottom lip as she pictured it in her room.

  A sales assistant bustled over, alerted by the rattle of metal rings along the rod.

  “Can you deliver this today?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “It’s a very special display piece. Sorry, not for sale. We can order from it?”

  Exactly the kind of reply that put Melanie in a competitive mood…

  “Really? I’m sure if the price was right you’d be willing to sell it? I need it today—tomorrow at the latest.” She held his gaze, polite but determined.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

  “Anything’s possible,” Mel insisted. “You can use another bed for displaying your linens. How much for delivery and assembly by tomorrow afternoon?”

  Sensing a problem, the department head approached, and the other salesman retreated—pleased to do so from his lemon-sucking expression.

  “Is there a problem I can solve for you?”

  Mel produced her business card.

  He decided the owner and CEO of CustomAir was entirely serious, and suggested a price. What they eventually settled on was outrageous, but she didn’t give a damn. She charged it to her Platinum Card. Privacy would be hers by the time Cody returned.


  By two o’clock on Sunday, the graceful iron frame enclosed Melanie’s king-size bed. She drew the curtains along the end facing the harbor, then crossed to the windows and looked back to check the effect. The pile of lush pillows and the bars of the bed-end behind them were barely visible. She smiled, and went to find the black satin ribbon and her nail scissors. She cut off a long piece and laid it on the bed.

  Cody arrived an hour early, looking as hot in blue jeans and a white T-shirt as he did in his pilot’s uniform. He carried a bottle of wine and an anonymous red shopping bag trimmed with fake holly. “In case we ever run out of ideas,” he suggested, setting the wine and bag down beside the potted palm on the hall table and bending to gather her into his arms.

  It was five o’clock. Mel was newly showered, barefoot, still in her robe, and naked under it. His hands discovered her skin in a matter of seconds as he pushed the fabric aside and nuzzled down her neck.

  “We’re out of line when you’re not wearing your shoes,” he teased. “Hop up—legs around me.” He lifted her easily until they were face to face. Mel’s breath caught as he kissed each corner of her mouth and then bit gently down on her bottom lip before pulling back.

  “Ready and waiting for me, hmmm?” he asked, eyes half-closed and already smoking with need.

  She tilted her hips, chafing against the hardness of his erection, loving the way he pulled in a long deep breath as though he couldn’t wait.

  Her fingers roamed through his crisp hair and trailed down his neck. “You’re miles early. You said six.”

  He shook his head. Gathered her in so close that her naked breasts pressed against the soft cotton of his T-shirt. Kissed her again. “Couldn’t stay away from you,” he murmured against her lips. “Friday night was amazing.”

  Satisfaction shimmered through her that he was willing to admit it. “I’m not dressed,” she objected, playing for time, winding him up. “I thought we’d have a drink before dinner.”

  “Guess what I thought we’d have before dinner?” He set her down against the table’s edge and leaned in to hold her there. His hands stripped the robe off her shoulders until it fell around her waist, then they slid to cradle a breast apiece.

  Mel pushed her hips snugly against his again and raised her face for another kiss. God he was beautiful! He tasted faintly of coffee and smelled like the sea. “Have you been boating?” she asked between kisses. “You were staying up the coast for the night?”

  Cody’s lips settled beside her ear and nipped her lobe. “Yeah. Jacko has a nice little thirty-footer. We got some fish.” He cruised down her neck, and over her collarbone. Then he set his teeth around her nipple, biting gently before sucking her into the silky heat of his mouth. His thumb and forefinger caressed the other side, rubbing and pinching, rolling her until she was stiff and aching, wanting his lips there too. She moaned at the magic sensation, and threaded her fingers through his hair again to hold him close.

  “What’s in the bag?” she finally gasped, fighting to sound halfway coherent.

  Cody released her nipple with a wet sucking sound and licked up over the curve of her breast, nipped, licked up her neck, and finally drew back to smile down into her eyes. “Yeah, missed you too. Nothing we need when we turn each other on so easily.”

  “So what’s—”

  “In the bag?” He shrugged, looking like a small naughty boy trying to talk his way out of trouble. “Ummm… the ugliest vibrator in the world. Supposed to make you go off like a rocket.”

  Mel raised an eyebrow. “Only me?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “I’ll get off on you getting off. I don’t have anywhere it’ll fit.”

  She pursed her lips. “Sure about that?”

  He rolled his eyes and ignored the comment. “Some sort of new super-lubricant—not that we’re having any trouble there...”

  She snorted with unladylike amusement. “No… you make me wet just by looking at me.”

  He smirked before adding, “Chocolate-flavored condoms. Black fishnet stockings with lacy elastic tops.” His hands caressed her butt, held her close.

  “Don’t need chocolate-flavored condoms,” she objected.

  He kissed
her nose. “Thought you might enjoy them?”

  “My pussy’s not going to taste them. And if I’m sucking you off I like you au natural.”

  Cody shrugged. And possibly blushed. “Just for a laugh.” He hesitated before adding, “And fur-covered handcuffs, in case you fancy a bit of that?”

  “Not my style, Cody!”

  “Could be fun,” he murmured. “Have you ever tried it? Your choice—you know I’d never hurt you.”

  Mel wondered how strong the handcuffs were. Maybe if they were flimsy things she could easily escape from…

  She wriggled against him. “It puts my little fantasy in the shade.”

  “Hmmmm?” His lips cruised over her cheekbone and settled at the corner of her eye, warm and damp and thrilling.

  God, he was distracting. She tried to pull her scattered thoughts together again. “What I said yesterday morning when I sucked your balls down. Binding them there with ribbon and seeing how it felt when you came.”

  His cock lurched against her, and he pulled away. “Let’s do it.”

  “Not even a drink first?”

  “Not with that to look forward to. Don’t want to take away any of the sensation.” He drew her robe back over her shoulders, held it around her with one warm arm, grabbed the bag with his other hand, and towed her up the stairs.

  His eagerness caused a surge of buzzing warmth, right where she wanted him. “I bought something for us too,” she said. “Wait until you see my bed. It has curtains—just in case you’re right about anyone watching.”

  He made an appreciative growling sound as they rounded the top corner of the stairs. “Planning to put on a hot show for them?”

  She shook her head. “Not for them. This is private, Cody. Private fun. Just for us.”

  “Damn right,” he agreed, pushing the bedroom door open. “Especially after what you’ve just promised me.”

  The big room had been warmed by a day of sunshine. He eyed the bed with apparent approval and dropped the red bag on the carpet. Mel crossed to an open window and pulled it half closed. Behind her she heard Cody’s shoes hitting the floor, and then his zipper rasping down. She turned and watched as he stripped off his jeans and boxers and T-shirt. He stretched with lazy satisfaction—long arms high, abs taut, legs apart.

  Her eyes went straight to his balls. Heavy with what she wanted deep inside her. She dropped to her knees in front of him and nuzzled his cock.

  Rob had been circumcised; Cody was not. She inspected him avidly, touching a finger to the dark shining tip pushing out through its mysterious hood of skin. She ran her tongue around him, tasting his musk.

  “Do the ribbon thing,” he rasped, making more room for her between his legs.

  She lowered her head, nibbling and nipping. His skin was so soft under there. It seemed such a vulnerable place to store something so important.

  She licked all over him, enjoying his impatient growls as she made him wet and slippery, then heard his breath catch as his balls slid between her lips—all the way into her mouth until she could scarcely breathe.

  “Suck,” he said hoarsely. So she did—enclosing him firmly and tugging down as she felt him slowly relax in her heat. She ran her fingers up and down his thighs, loving the feel of taut muscles faintly trembling as he braced himself. She sucked harder, feeling those magic globes descend just a little, just a little more... Then slid her hands around to his butt. His glutes clamped iron-hard as she tried to tease his asshole.

  “Concentrate on the job at hand, baby,” he muttered, tangling his fingers in her hair.

  Mel drew a ragged breath and increased the suction. Cody didn’t object.

  Once he was hanging as low as she judged possible, she drew away, reached sideways for the ribbon and bound it tightly around him several times.

  “Too much?” she asked, looking up.

  He shook his head. “It won’t be for long. And it won’t be pretty. We need to go hard and fast. Okay?”

  She swallowed and nodded, and tied a small, neat bow with trailing ends that could be easily tugged undone.

  How hard? How fast? Her heart thundered at the strangeness of the game, at the unknown outcome, at the possible danger. Would this hurt him? She knew men sometimes wore cock rings. She’d Googled sex toys after Cody had left on Saturday to get an idea of what was available. It seemed he wasn’t into anything too kinky from his description of the goodies in the bag.

  By the time she’d tossed her robe aside, he was rolling a condom on.

  I hoped he’d forget that.

  “You look like a Christmas gift,” she said shakily, eyeing the almost transparent rubber and the shining ribbon. A low ache pulsed deep in her pelvis, intensifying to a maddening throb as she watched him smoothing the condom home, long fingers on long cock. “Lucky me.”

  Cody’s cheekbones bore a slash of high color now. He looked focused, intent, very turned on. “Lucky me. This feels amazing. Bend over, babe.”

  Mel turned away, bracing against the side of the bed by linking her hands together, resting her weight on her forearms, and angling her hips up.

  Cody ran a finger inside her to check she was comfortably wet and then pushed his cock in, gliding deep, breathing out a huge husky sigh. “Thank God you’re ready,” he groaned. “You’ve turned me on so far it’s obscene.” He bit her shoulder. “A day and a half without you, and I’m desperate.”

  Mel settled her arms more firmly to withstand his ferocious possession. He pulled her back against himself, giving her no room to move, thrusting fast now, savage and selfish. The sun poured over the bed, lighting them up for anyone to see. Mel didn’t care. From this angle, every deep smooth stroke glided over her G-spot. His tightly-bound balls slapped against her. She was so wet he slid easily, filling her to the hilt again and again, increasing her excitement as he growled and grunted behind her.

  Alight with sensation, her muscles rippled and clenched around him, and seconds later she screamed out of control as Cody pumped ever faster and harder towards meltdown.

  He came with a huge gasp, a hoarse yell, and a string of breathless obscenities. Then he heaved her up onto the bed and collapsed with his arms around her, panting, groaning, still buried deep.

  Mel groped behind her, fumbling until she found one of the ribbon ends, and tugged it undone.


  He smoothed his face against her shoulder minutes later. “Oh baby...” His warm breath caressed her skin.

  “So that was okay?” she teased, easing away. He grabbed the condom to hold it safe.

  Damn. Even after that he’s still being careful.

  “That’s a huge yes. That was intense.” He rolled over and sent her a very satisfied grin. “Next time we’ll do something extra nice for you.”

  “Better than that? I came as hard as you.”

  “Wanna bet?” he whispered, reaching over to stroke her face. Mel felt her heart turning flips inside her ribcage. Cody was tender as well as passionate...thoughtful and funny, physically beautiful, mentally agile, and so sexy she’d be ready to go again the instant he was.

  She knew she was now on very dangerous ground.


  Cody flushed the condom away and strolled back to the bedroom. Mel lay naked on the bedcover, eyes following him across the room. He couldn’t help standing just a little straighter, breathing in a fraction deeper. He scooped up the red bag and joined her on the bed.

  He dug out the black fishnet stockings and raised an eyebrow.

  “Now?” she asked.

  “If you like? Can’t wait to see them on your gorgeous legs. Just those—nothing else, unless it’s a pair of high heels.”

  “You could watch me cooking in them later.”

  Sounded good to him. He rummaged in the bag again and pulled out the fur-covered handcuffs, hoping she might agree.

  “Not... yet.”

  He loved that little catch in her voice. Was she saying ‘not yet, but maybe soon?’

you used them before?” she asked.

  He grinned and shook his head. “I was wondering if you had.”

  She bit her lip. “Were they for me or for you?”


  “They’re pink, Cody. They’re for girls. You got them for me.”

  “I wouldn’t mind wearing pink handcuffs—if you did nice things to me.” His cock stirred again, despite its recent workout.

  “Yeah, right. What else did you buy?”

  “The chocolate-flavored condoms I told you about.”

  “I’d rather taste your skin than chocolate-flavored rubber.” She reached toward them and examined the pack.

  “I guess you roll them onto me with your tongue?” he said.

  She narrowed her eyes. “I could bite a hole in the end while I was doing that—you’d never know if you were safe.”

  “If I was safe?”

  “You’re the one who doesn’t want children.”

  He nodded slowly. In the past day and a half he’d been distracted by images of Mel pregnant, Mel with a baby feeding from her breast—a child who looked like him. He was finding those pictures harder and harder to ignore.

  Giving himself a mental shake he pulled out the miracle lubricant. He unscrewed the cap, reached over, and dabbed a bit on her hand. His finger circled over her skin, slick and easy. “Good? Because it might be just what we need with—dah-dah—The Amazing Trigasm Vibrator.” He produced the knobby purple machine from the bag, and grinned as Mel collapsed with whoops of laughter.

  “Oh my God,” she eventually groaned. She extended a tentative finger towards it, and he switched it on.

  “Mmmm—has possibilities.”

  “A test-run? Right now?” he asked, stroking it up her arm. “I said it was your turn next. They say you don’t just have an orgasm, you have a trigasm. Your pussy, your asshole, your clit—all at the same time.”

  He smiled as she closed her eyes and worried at her lip again.

  “Yes, she murmured. “I looked up things like this after you left. Just to see what you might have in mind.” She glanced at him again, a cheeky challenge.


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