The Hunger of Sejanoz
Page 10
‘Let my brother go free, Chan!’ commands Kronar. ‘Free him now, or you and your comrade are dead men.’ A cold shiver runs the length of your spine when your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that this is no idle threat. Kronar is an expert archer.
If you wish to urge Chan to comply with Kronar's command, turn to 92.
If you choose to insist that he ignore Kronar's command, turn to 277.
The mood among the troopers and entourage is subdued after the harrowing events that befell you in the Vale of Nahba. It is not until you reach the River Tkukoma, and see the famous Vulkin Bridge that spans this mighty waterway, that their spirits begin to rise. Chan informs you that the bridge was named after an ancient Khea-khan of Chai, one of Xo-lin's illustrious ancestors. The caravan halts on the bridge and the Khea-khan makes a rare appearance. Briefly, he leaves the confines of his carriage to pay tribute at a shrine dedicated to his famous ancestor.
Beyond the bridge lies the realm of Lissan. You enter this friendly territory and late in the afternoon you see riders approaching on the highway ahead. They are mounted on sturdy black ponies and they bear the scarlet wolf's head flag of Bazan — a famous Lissanian nomad chief. Their leader greets you warmly and he warns Captain Chan that Bhanarian scouts have been sighted in this region. He and his men volunteer to escort the caravan to Rakholi, and Captain Chan gratefully accepts their offer.
Illustration IX—Three riders approach on sturdy black ponies.
To continue, turn to 229.
The fall leaves you with a deeply gashed scalp and a badly bruised shoulder: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 200.
You raise your left arm and clench your fist, taking aim with it like a lance as you gallop towards the Princess's carriage. Then you speak the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Invisible Fist, and a concussive burst of energy leaps from your hand to strike one of the beasts in the stomach. The power of its impact doubles the creature over and sends it tumbling headlong onto the highway. Moments later, its body is crushed by the pounding hooves of the following horses.
Turn to 243.
As Chan descends the steps towards the main gate, he urges you to follow him. He says that the enemy's missiles are hitting the battlements with such frequency now that it would be suicidal to stay there a moment longer.
‘But I can observe the enemy better from here,’ you reply, bravely. ‘Go, Captain, I will join you later.’ Chan leaps down the final few steps and rushes towards the gate. As you turn back to look along the enemy lines, there is a loud explosion and you are blinded by a vivid flash of yellow flame.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 3 or lower, turn to 226.
If it is 4–6, turn to 21.
If it is 7–9, turn to 218.
Unnerved by your discovery of the dead hunter, you press on in silence. The temperature drops steadily as you ride deeper into the pines, until frost dusts the branches and frozen puddles appear on the track ahead. Soon the track ends abruptly and you are forced to make a wide detour to the south. After traversing two miles of difficult terrain, you happen upon the highway that bisects this nameless forest. Reluctantly you follow the highway eastwards for one mile until your Kai senses detect that evil magic is at work in this frigid timberland. When you tell Chan that it would be wise to go no further, he is only too willing to heed your advice and you rein your horses to a halt. But as you are turning them about, you are shocked to see that something is now blocking the highway behind you.
Turn to 235.
You are about to warn Sergeant Yeng of what you can sense, when the threat of danger becomes a stark reality. Suddenly a guttural cry shatters the stillness, making you twist in your saddle to face your hidden enemies. But to your horror you discover that these enemies are not bandits at all — they are something different, something wholly inhuman.
From out of the tall grasses come loping three long-limbed monstrosities with scaly green hides and dripping fangs. The leader of the trio leaps through the air like a pouncing cheetah, making your horse rear up in sheer terror. You tug your Kai Weapon from its scabbard and struggle to strike your first blow as your horse shies away from this hungry attacker.
Chagarashi Leader: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 38
If you win this combat, turn to 9.
You draw upon your Discipline to create a fog that billows up in the midst of the robbers. As soon as you hear their screams of panic, you kick open the door and attack them. You catch them completely by surprise, but to your dismay you soon discover that one of your adversaries is armed with your Kai Weapon which he uses against you.13
Tomb Robbers (with Kai Weapon): COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 48
If you win this combat, turn to 12.
[13] If your Kai Weapon is ‘Illuminatus’, you may decide that you should add an extra 2 points to the Tomb Robbers' COMBAT SKILL as it is being used underground.
You roll away from the dead Bhanarian officer and spring to your feet, eager to confront Autarch Sejanoz. To your horror, you see that he is holding young Prince Kamada. Bravely, Princess Mitzu attempts to wrest her son from the tyrant's grasp, but she is sent crashing to the floor with one swipe of his cadaverous hand.
With a cruel laugh Autarch Sejanoz bids you farewell and turns to make his escape along an adjoining tunnel, the young Kamada held captive under his arm.
‘Save him!’ pleads Mitzu. ‘Please save my son!’
If you wish to chase after the Autarch, turn to 208.
If you wish to attempt to stop him with a Bow, turn to 65.
You carefully insert the blade of your Kai Weapon beneath the lip of the trapdoor and push down on it with all your might. At first the portal refuses to budge. You persist, and then you feel a slight movement. Unfortunately, this movement triggers a booby trap that was placed here by a sorcerer, hundreds of years ago, to keep this portal secure. You are momentarily blinded by an explosion of hissing sparks, and you suffer flash burns to your face and hands: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
(If you possess Deliverance, you may reduce the damage you have suffered to 1 ENDURANCE point.)
To continue, turn to 265.
You stagger to your feet in time to see the other tomb robbers escaping on horseback. They are heading east towards the distant ruins of Zanaza, and they have abandoned their wagon and their confederate in their hurry to escape. You look around for your Kai Weapon and suddenly the shock of realization hits you — the tomb robbers have stolen it! Cursing them at the top of your voice, you vow that you will hunt them down and get it back.
(You must now erase your Kai Weapon from your list of Special Items.)
To continue, turn to 260.
Among the serried ranks of enemy spearmen you catch sight of a scarlet flag emblazoned with a gold tiger's head. This is Sejanoz's personal flag and it signifies that the Autarch is on the battlefield in person. You are stunned by the sight of this pennant, and you fear that the tyrant is aware that the Imperial Family of Chai is hiding here.
The advancing Bhanarian soldiers halt 300 yards from the wall of Fort Vlau, just beyond the range of Kasarian's archers. Their steam-cannon is brought up by teams of oxen to within 50 yards, and is shielded all the while from arrow fire by an armoured wagon. Kasarian fears that the enemy are getting ready to bombard the main gate and he orders everyone clear.
If you wish to obey Kasarian's command, turn to 37.
If you choose to ignore his command, turn to 184.
You raise your right arm and utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand as you gallop towards the Princess's carriage. An arc of blue flame leaps from your fingers and strikes a beast in the back, spinning it around and sending it t
umbling headlong onto the highway where it is crushed by the pounding hooves of the following team.
Turn to 243.
You utter the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Shield and hurriedly make a circle in the air before you with the palm of your right hand. Your speedy action saves you from being hit directly by the worm's deadly saliva, but you are caught by several fine droplets that burn your face and clothing: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Shocked by your unexpected resistance to its deadly attack, the worm quickly retreats back into its bore hole and disappears from view.
To continue, turn to 2.
You draw your Kai Weapon and lead the attack with your stirring battle-cry upon your lips: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’
Bhanarian Cavalry Command: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 50
You may add 3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat, for you have three Imperial Chai Guardsmen fighting by your side.
If you win the combat, turn to 266.
You use your Weaponmastery to detect the location of your missing blade. After several minutes of meditation you determine that it lies somewhere at the end of the passageway to your left.
Turn to 94.
Chan details two other troopers to accompany him, and then he places you in charge of the caravan's escort while he is away scouting the copse. As you are watching the captain and his men riding off towards the distant pines, you are joined by Sergeant Yeng. He informs you that it is very unusual for plains ravens to gather in such numbers. You magnify your vision to take a closer look at these circling birds, and your Kai Sixth Sense tingles with presentiment as you focus upon them. What you are feeling seems to confirm that there is something behind what the sergeant has said.
The captain and his men have been gone for little more than fifteen minutes when you suddenly catch sight of one of his men galloping back across the plain towards the caravan. He is waving wildly and you sense at once that something is seriously amiss.
Turn to 292.
You caution Chan, warning him that these creatures are no ordinary Agarashi. You fear they will slay your horses if you should attempt to charge them. You insist that your best chance for survival is to abandon your mounts and escape into the trees on foot, while you still can.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-surge, add 1 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 68.
If it is 5 or higher, turn to 181.
You have survived the Autarch's psychic attack, yet it has served its purpose. Distracted by the pain that coursed through your head, you fail to see his Imperial Guard Captain rushing at you from the side until it is too late to counter his determined attack. With a fearful yell, this warrior lunges at you and attempts to drive the tip of his sorcerous stave deep into your chest.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 33.
If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 212.
If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it, turn to 188.
If you possess Elementalism and have reached the rank of Kai Master Superior or higher, turn to 242.
If you possess none of these skills, if you have yet to attain the required level of Kai Mastery, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 223.
Silently you approach the bandits and circle around behind their position without being detected. You are drawing your Kai Weapon when a crow, sitting upon a branch directly above you, suddenly takes to the air. The sound of its cawing and the flapping of its wings startle the bandits, and they glimpse you as they turn around. Quickly you raise your weapon and leap into their hide. You land the first blow, striking one bandit a glancing hit upon his leather-capped head. It gashes his scalp and sends him crashing unconscious to the soft earth. His comrade snatches up his axe and retaliates by taking a clumsy swipe at your head. You dodge this blow easily, and then you press home your attack.
Illustration X—A Javaian bandit swipes at you with his double-edged axe.
Javaian Bandit: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 28
If you win this combat, turn to 25.
A shock awaits you when you wake at dawn. An urgent bugle call summons the garrison to arms. You grab your equipment and hurry up the steps to the battlements and stare out across the southern plain. In the distance you see a large enemy force of cavalry and infantry, manoeuvring in readiness for an assault upon the fort. You are joined by Captain Chan. He casts his seasoned eyes across the grim spectacle and issues an order to Sergeant Yeng to make sure that the Khea-khan and his entourage are below ground. Once they are all safely in the catacombs, Yeng is to secure the portal and report back. Chan summons all of his troopers to the battlements to reinforce Kasarian's depleted garrison. ‘We will be hard-pressed to repel this attack,’ he confides.
Then you hear a distant boom, and when you look to the enemy lines, you see a puff of white smoke near their centre.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 206.
If it is 5–9, turn to 57.
You step away from the bodies of the Bhanarians and look to the flag-tower. There you see Sergeant Yeng at the parapet. He gives you a thumbs-up signal to confirm that you have now taken control of the enemy command post. You hurry to the tower and meet Yeng at the foot of its wooden ladder.
‘Go and round up some horses, Sergeant,’ you say and he acknowledges your order with a salute.
Quickly you ascend to the top of the platform and peer over the parapet to see Sergeant Yeng and the others gathering up enemy horses so that you can make a speedy escape. You pick up the signalman's flags and issue an urgent order to the attacking troops to withdraw immediately. As soon as you see that the enemy have obeyed your command signal, you look out across the plain towards the west. A smile spreads slowly across your face when you see Captain Chan is leading the caravan at speed towards Fort Vlau. Hurriedly you descend the flag-tower and join Yeng and his troopers. You leap into the saddle of a Bhanarian steed and dig in your heels, sending the mount lurching forwards. With the warm summer wind blowing in your faces, you and your brave comrades gallop across the plain to rendezvous with the caravan at Fort Vlau.
To continue, turn to 284.
Despite the setback, the repair of the damaged wheel is duly completed and within the hour the caravan column is moving eastwards once more. An overnight camp is pitched on the highway itself, near a sleepy hamlet called Sansei, and the following day you make good progress along the sun-baked highway.
Shortly before noon of the third day of your journey to Rakholi, the column crests the rim of a wide valley basin that lies 50 miles from the banks of the Tkukoma. Spread out before you now is the Vale of Nahba, a spectacularly strange region of the Chai Plain that is punctuated with hundreds of bore holes and geysers. Great columns of steam and scalding water soar skywards, driven by the pressure of gases escaping from deep below the surface. Some of the fissures descend for miles, passing close to the planet's molten core.
The highway traverses this alien landscape and, as darkness approaches, you find yourself at a place near the eastern rim of the vale. A night camp is established here among the bubbling pools and hollows, and an evening meal of poached eggs and steamed fish is prepared. After supper, you settle down and try to get some sleep, despite the constant distraction of the noises that echo eerily across this strange valley.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 288.
If it is 5–9, turn to 30.
Using the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm, you question Trooper Yankin repeatedly about the incident. Under the influence of your spell he says exactly what he h
as already told Chan and the others. Your suspicions are soon confirmed — this man is speaking the truth. He did not put the viper in Prince Kamada's cot.
Turn to 67.
Chan reminds his men that they are standing the second watch, and then he orders them to go and get some sleep. As they disperse, he offers the Xi-die to you as a present.
If you wish to accept Chan's gift, record the Xi-die on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you keep in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another Special Item if you already hold the maximum number permissible.
To continue, turn to 204.
You offer to tend to his wounded men and Kasarian is grateful for any assistance you can provide. The Bhanarian attack was unexpected and casualties were high. More than half of the garrison have either been killed or wounded.