The Hunger of Sejanoz

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The Hunger of Sejanoz Page 11

by Joe Dever

  Once you have finished attending to the Lissanian wounded, you assist the garrison commander with repairs to the fort's breached wall. It is nearly nightfall by the time you finish your labours and are able to rest.

  Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 149.


  You follow the passageway to a circular chamber with badly scraped walls and a smooth wooden floor. A wooden door is set flush into the opposite wall. Your Kai Sixth Sense warns you that something is wrong here, but the chamber is empty and you cannot see any obvious dangers. High above, you glimpse the ceiling. It is stained a dull, sooty black.

  If you possess Telegnosis and have reached the rank of Sun Lord, turn to 42.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 27.


  You shout out the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and direct the resulting bolt of electrical energy at the body of this vile worm. Your blue-white bolt rips through its corpse-like flesh, killing it instantly. But as its body disintegrates, you are caught by the spray of its corrosive blood: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 2.


  Having agreed to lead the scouting party, you decide to take Yeng and one other man only. Under cover of darkness, you leave the encampment and approach the woodland. Using your Kai tracking skills, you are able to lead the two Chai guardsmen through the tall grasses without giving away your presence to any enemy that may be lurking nearby.

  You are within several yards of the tree-line when you detect the sound of hushed whispers. Then you catch the glint of moonlight on the lens of a telescope, and your senses reveal that two bandits are crouched in a nearby hide, observing the caravan encampment.

  You whisper to Yeng and the other man to wait where they are. ‘Be ready to support me,’ you say, barely breathing the words. ‘I'm going to circle around them and attack from behind.’

  Yeng gives you a thumbs-up signal and wishes you good luck as you crawl away through the dense foliage.

  Turn to 148.


  A third bolt of energy rips into the nearby wall, showering you with shards of rock. One splinter gashes your neck: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  To continue, turn to 100.


  You draw upon your advanced mastery of Astrology and cause Bazan to fall into a hypnotic trance. While under the influence of your powers, you ask him if trade is his only intention. Dumbly he replies that it is, and you sense that he speaks the truth. Convinced of his sincerity, you nod to Chan and then bring Bazan out of his trance.

  Turn to 283.


  Sergeant Yeng volunteers to attack the command tent with the other troopers, while you deal with the flag-tower. Having resolved your battle objectives, you break cover and make a swift ascent of the hill. You are 20 yards from the base of the flag-tower when you see the Bhanarian signalman pacing back and forth. You can see his head clearly above the parapet of the tower, but most of his body is hidden by its stout wooden planks.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 261.

  If you do not, turn to 249.


  ‘It is true what she has heard of the New Order,’ you reply, ‘but, alas, I do not yet possess mastery of the astrological skills. Please convey my apologies to her majesty, for I must decline her request.’

  ‘I shall,’ replies Chan. ‘Sleep well, my lord, and remember that we shall depart here no later than one hour after daybreak.’

  To continue, turn to 227.


  You dive aside and the Arrow of Atonement slams into the floor barely inches from your face. Swallowing your fear, you grasp the shaft of the magic missile and wrench it from the stone. Then you spring to your feet and pursue the Autarch and his innocent young hostage.

  Turn to 6.


  During the afternoon of the first day out from Rakholi, a fierce dust storm sweeps across the trade road from the east. For three hours the caravan is slowed to a walking pace as you battle headlong into the blinding gale. The horse teams and the riders are brought near to exhaustion by the stinging grit-laden winds (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).

  By dusk the storms have eased and a night camp is pitched on the open plain. While you are rigging a simple shelter for yourself, with rope and a canvas sheet, you hear something that causes you concern. It is the distraught sound of a woman crying. You detect that it is coming from Princess Mitzu's carriage and you hurry there to investigate what is wrong.

  Turn to 78.


  The ice-fiend holds you with its terrifying eyes and, in the next instant, it belches forth a cone of ice that hurtles towards you like a huge crossbow bolt. In mid-flight, the missile splits in two and strikes both of the horses squarely in their chests. Simultaneously they rear up in agony, and both you and Chan are sent tumbling backwards to crash down upon the frost-hardened earth.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 = 10). If your ENDURANCE score is 25 or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your ENDURANCE score is 15 or lower, deduct 2.

  If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 271.

  If it is 4–8, turn to 131.

  If it is 9 or higher, turn to 291.


  You cannot speak and so you mentally intone the words of the advanced Brotherhood Spell Strength. As soon as the spell-words are completed, you feel a rush of new vitality coursing through your body. Boosted by this newfound strength, you are able to support the crushing weight of the carriage just long enough for Chan's men to come to your aid. Eight of them lift the rear of the carriage and you are pulled free within seconds of it tipping over (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).

  To continue, turn to 151.


  When the meal is over, Chan produces a pair of ornate ivory dice from the pocket of his tunic. ‘These are Xi-die,’ he says, and tosses them to you. They feel weighty and their intricate gold designs invite a closer inspection. When you return them to the Captain, he passes them over to one of his men who cups them in his hands and breathes on them. Then, with a quick flick of his wrist, he casts them onto the ground and Chan leans forward to study the result. Cheerfully he informs the man that his future is secure; he and his wife will be blessed with a son and they can look forward to a long and happy life together. You sense at once that Chan's reading is false: he is simply using the Xi-die as a means of raising the man's morale.

  Once all of Chan's men have taken their turn to throw the dice and have each received a favourable reading, the captain offers them to you.

  ‘Would you like to discover what your future has in store, my lord?’ he asks. ‘All will be revealed with one throw of these dice.’

  If you wish to cast the Xi-die, turn to 190.

  If you choose to politely decline the captain's offer, turn to 34.


  You sense that the Imperial Family are in very grave danger, but you cannot detect where they are. The noise of the steam-cannon has now ceased, but in its stead you hear the footfalls of iron-shod boots. This sound is ominous for it tells you that the Bhanarians are now storming the catacombs.

  If you wish to take the left-hand tunnel, turn to 116.

  If you decide to take the right-hand tunnel, turn to 54.


  Boldly you set off across the chamber, taking care to tread only where there are footprints. You are within a few feet of the opposite door when suddenly the entire floor falls away like a huge hinged trapdoor. You plummet headlong into a yawning shaft and plunge into a pool of freezing water. As you break the surface, you hear the sound of giant stone cogs and the rattle of heavy chains. The ceiling is beginning to descend. It moves down the shaft like a giant plunger and your heart skips a beat when you see that it is not stained with soot aft
er all. It is dried blood, the blood of countless men who have unwittingly fallen victim to this devilish trap.

  Illustration XI—The ceiling trap, stained with the blood of countless victims, descends towards you.

  The ceiling continues its downward travel until you are pushed below the surface. Then it halts abruptly, trapping you underwater among a tangle of mouldering bones. For ten long minutes you survive by the use of your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, but then the dull pain in your lungs begins to intensify until they feel as if they are going to explode.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Sun Thane, turn to 56.

  If you possess Grand Nexus and wish to use it, turn to 221.

  If you possess some Sabito Root, turn to 102.

  If you have neither of these skills, nor the Backpack Item, or have yet to attain the required level of Kai Mastery, turn to 23.


  You dive and roll through the foliage to avoid the icy missile, but a segment of it breaks free in mid-flight and it penetrates your left forearm: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 216.


  You flatten yourself against your horse's neck to avoid the onrushing missile.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.

  If your total score is now 6 or lower, turn to 55.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 285.


  Kasarian escorts you into the fort's inner keep. At its centre there is a staircase which leads down to a massive stone door.

  ‘Beyond this portal lies a maze of catacombs. They spread for miles in all directions. This fort was built upon this ancient burial site. This is the securest place I know for the Khea-khan to stay until you are able to continue your journey to Tazhan.’

  If you wish to help escort the Imperial Family from the caravan to the catacombs, turn to 4.

  If you choose instead to offer aid to the wounded garrison soldiers, turn to 89.


  You draw your Kai Weapon and, as you raise it in readiness to strike the first blow, a heavy silver orb comes hurtling through the crypt door and cracks your forearm. Numbed by the unexpected force of its impact, you drop your Kai Weapon and cradle your aching limb to your chest. Seconds later, a group of swarthy-faced tomb robbers come running up the crypt steps and barge you aside. You grapple with one of them and wrest a dagger from his hand, but in the blink of an eye he draws another from his boot and attempts to stab you through the heart.


  You must fight this combat without your Kai Weapon.

  If you win this combat, turn to 139.


  As the Bhanarian officer crumples at your feet, you kick him aside and spin around to confront Autarch Sejanoz. To your horror, you see that he is holding young Prince Kamada. Bravely, Princess Mitzu attempts to wrest her son from the tyrant's grasp, but she is sent crashing to the floor with one swipe of his cadaverous hand.

  With a cruel laugh Autarch Sejanoz bids you farewell and turns to make his escape along an adjoining tunnel, the young Kamada held captive under his arm.

  ‘Save him!’ pleads Mitzu. ‘Please save my son!’

  If you wish to chase after the Autarch, turn to 208.

  If you wish to attempt to stop him with a Bow, turn to 65.


  You swiftly draw an Arrow to your Bow and let it fly towards the attacking creature. The shaft penetrates the beast's rib cage, slowing it but not deterring it from pressing home its ferocious assault. However, the trooper is now able to recover his senses and defend himself as this determined creature pursues its attack.

  Hurriedly you dismount and unsheathe your Kai Weapon. You turn only just in time to counter a strike by the other two creatures that are leaping towards you and Sergeant Yeng.

  Chagarashi: COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 40

  You may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat as Sergeant Yeng is fighting the same enemy.

  If you win the combat, turn to 295.


  You shape your mouth in readiness to utter the Old Kingdom power-word Gloar! and project its concussive energy at the chest of the nearest creature. The force of its impact knocks the heavy beast to the ground. The sight of its mate falling injured infuriates the other creature, and prompts it to launch a fearsome attack.

  Turn to 164.


  You note teeth marks around the head and shoulders of the toy soldier, and you ask the Princess if Kamada is in the habit of chewing this wooden plaything.

  ‘I don't know,’ she replies. ‘He's only had it a day. He was given it as a present while we were in Rakholi.’

  ‘Who gave him this toy?’ you ask.

  ‘I did,’ says a voice from behind you.

  Turn to 196.


  A third bolt of energy rips into the nearby wall, showering you with shards of rock. One splinter gashes your neck, and another penetrates your boot leather and lodges in your left foot: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 100.


  You dismount and approach the troopers who are attempting to remove the damaged wheel. They are glad to let you take charge of the repair, and you start by sending three of them off in search of something that can be used as a prop for the vehicle's axle. They return shortly with the bough of a plains pine that they have found lying by the highway. This bough is heavy, and they are struggling under its weight, so you help them bring it back to the carriage.

  If you possess Deliverance and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Defender, turn to 15.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 95.


  You use the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand to set the tent ablaze. As the fire spreads, it fills the command post with clouds of dense grey smoke. Before very long the Bhanarian commander and his four bodyguards come staggering out into the open, gasping for breath, and at this moment you lead the attack with your stirring battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’

  Illustration XII—The Bhanarians stagger from their burning command tent.

  Bhanarian Cavalry Command: COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 50

  You may add 3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat, for you have three Chai troopers fighting by your side.

  If you win the combat, turn to 150.


  You sprint away from the exploding geyser and reach an area of dry ground, but the scalding water that showered you leaves your exposed flesh swollen and blistered: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  You are only just recovering from your injuries when you are distracted by the sound of a fearful scream.

  Turn to 44.


  Chan is persuaded by your argument. Quickly you both dismount and sprint for the trees. As you crash through the frosted undergrowth, you suddenly hear a plaintive cry from the horses. You glance back and, to your horror, you see that both of your mounts now lie frozen and lifeless upon the highway.

  One of the ice-fiends turns its head towards you and holds you with its terrifying eyes. In the next instant, it belches forth a cone of ice that hurtles towards you like a huge crossbow bolt. Instinctively you throw yourself to the ground to avoid being struck by this monstrous missile.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.

  If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to 75.

  If it is 5–7, turn to 169.

  If it is 8 or higher, turn to 35.


  Once Yeng and his men have departed, you join Captain Chan at a small campfire and share with him an evening meal. The captain is unusually quiet; it is as if he is brooding over an unresolved probl
em. You ask him if he is angry that you did not volunteer to lead the scouting party, and he replies: ‘No, Grand Master. Not at all. I was just thinking about my family. They are in Pensei … and I fear for their safety.’

  You try to reassure the captain by telling him that when the caravan reaches Tazhan, the Khea-khan will rally the New Kingdom armies and return to rid Chai of its tyrannical neighbour. Chan seems cheered by your assurances and he is soon back to his talkative self. You are finishing your meal when Sergeant Yeng and the scouting party return to the encampment. They have with them something that is causing a stir among the nervous courtiers.

  To continue, turn to 198.


  You see six swarthy-faced tomb robbers emerge from the crypt. They are carrying sacks filled to bursting with stolen burial ornaments and treasures. As they clumsily load their ill-gotten gains onto their wagon, you move closer and take cover behind a fan-shaped tombstone. Suddenly the ground shifts beneath your feet and you feel yourself sinking. As you grab the tombstone to steady yourself, you let slip a stifled cry of alarm. To your dismay, the robbers hear your cry and come rushing into the graveyard to investigate.


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