The Hunger of Sejanoz

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The Hunger of Sejanoz Page 12

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 225.


  You are left alone at the main gate, peering through an arrow slit at the enemy line. Your heart pounds as you wait for the Bhanarians to withdraw their armoured shield-wagon, for you expect to find yourself staring directly into the muzzle of their formidable steam-cannon. But when the wagon is finally drawn aside, you are shocked and surprised by what you see.

  Turn to 197.


  You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell, and direct its powers at the concealed trapdoor. There is a sudden and unexpectedly violent reaction as your Brotherhood Spell triggers a booby trap placed here by a sorcerer, hundreds of years ago, to keep this portal secure. You are blinded by an explosion of hissing sparks, and you suffer flash burns to your face and hands: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  (If you possess Deliverance, you may reduce the damage you have suffered by half, i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points.)

  To continue, turn to 265.


  Before you release your bowstring, you cast the Old Kingdom Spell Penetrate upon your Arrow. Then you let fly and send your magically-enhanced missile arcing towards the Bhanarian signalman. He hears its approaching whistle and ducks below the parapet, but the shaft punches its way clean through the planks behind which he has taken cover. There is a scream of pain; then moments later you see him tumble to the ground with your Arrow embedded deeply in his chest.

  To continue, turn to 195.


  ‘Very well, Grand Master,’ says Chan, a little disappointedly. ‘As you wish. But please excuse me while I go to the armoury myself. The Imperial Caravan will leave shortly from the palace courtyard. I shall meet you there in twenty minutes' time.’

  After bowing respectfully to the Khea-khan, Chan strides out of the throne room and disappears along the corridor beyond. Nearby, a group of silk-robed courtiers are gathering up hundreds of Chai court scrolls and other papers of state. You volunteer to help them place these valuable manuscripts into wickerwork baskets, and then carry them outside to the Imperial Caravan in readiness for the long journey east.

  The caravan consists of three large carriages, each drawn by a team of eight horses, plus an escort of twenty Imperial Cavalry troopers clad in plain crimson tunics. The golden ornamentation that once embellished the state carriages has been stripped away, and their fine lacquered sides have been painted a dun brown to camouflage their true origins. You approve of their ordinary appearance for it will be far less likely to attract unwanted attention on the long road ahead.

  You are helping to load the baskets of papers into the last of the carriages when Captain Chan arrives, fresh from his visit to the armoury. You notice that he is now wearing a waistcoat of golden mail, called an ang'sei, and he is carrying a halberd-like spear called a kirusami. With a deft flick of this fine weapon he motions to a stable guard to bring him his horse — a proud stable stallion. The young guardsman also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare, and he hands the reins of this horse to you.

  ‘We'll ride together, my lord,’ says Chan, as he settles himself into the saddle. You mount your horse, and then together you watch in silence as the aged Khea-khan and his family arrive in the courtyard. Devoted attendants usher them into the middle carriage, and as soon as the doors are closed, Chan gives the signal for the column to move off. Slowly the carriages trundle through the gates of the Imperial Palace and out into the city beyond. You and Chan follow behind the third carriage, and as you ride through the gates, the last sound you hear is the gentle sobbing of the Khea-khan's palace servants, those he has had to leave behind.

  To continue, turn to 58.


  You launch a Mindblast at the warrior that stuns him momentarily. The swift use of your psychic skills buys you precious moments in which you are able to unsheathe your Kai Weapon and strike the sorcerous stave from out of his hands. He curses you as he reaches for his trusty battle-axe, hanging by a loop from his gem-studded belt.

  To continue, turn to 50.


  Vannar delves among the pile of rags that litter the floor and produces a gleaming arrow, crafted of pure korlinium. Even in the poor light of this cell, the missile shimmers and gleams, radiating all of the colours of the rainbow. Its halo of light reveals its sorcerous origins.

  ‘This was crafted by the Elder Magi millennia ago. It harbours the power to slay the vampire, Lord Sejanoz. This is the reason why he would send his agents to pursue me, if he knew where I was.’

  Illustration XIII—Vannar passes you the gleaming Arrow of Atonement.

  You are impressed by the wondrous arrow, and you ask Vannar what he intends to do with it. He surprises you with his forthright reply.

  Turn to 267.


  You take the dice and breathe on them. Then you toss them to the ground and Chan leans forward, eager to decipher their meaning.

  ‘You will face many challenges and many battles, my lord,’ he says, thoughtfully, ‘but a glorious victory shall be yours. Yet you must beware the cold. A freezing death is your greatest peril.’

  It strikes you as odd that Chan should interpret the dice in this way, and the risk of freezing to death in the middle of summer seems a remote possibility. But you accept his reading in good spirit and he is pleased by your favourable reaction. He offers the Xi-die to you as a present, a token of his respect for your reputation and your innate Kai skills.

  If you wish to accept Chan's gift, record the Xi-die on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you keep in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another Special Item if you already hold the maximum number permissible.

  To continue, turn to 204.


  The vile gas makes you cough and retch, but your Kai Mastery neutralizes the toxins that have entered your lungs, and the discomfort soon passes.

  Your order Princess Mitzu to help her father to safety. You fear that the gas will swiftly be fatal to the aged Khea-khan if he should inhale its poisonous vapours. The brave Princess obeys your command. As she helps her father to reach the far end of the burial crypt, you run through the poison cloud and set off in determined pursuit of the tyrant and his young hostage.

  Turn to 6.


  From a haversack slung around his shoulder, Kumal produces three items that he feels may be of interest to you:

  Potion of Klorva (restores 6 ENDURANCE points)

  Sabito Root (enables underwater breathing)

  Andui Flask (purifies any liquid placed in it)

  Kumal will swap all three of these Backpack Items for one of your Special Items. He is also willing to accept 4 Gold Crowns for each of them, or 10 Gold Crowns for all three items.

  If you wish to trade with Kumal on these terms, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

  To continue, turn to 20.


  You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and let loose a bolt of energy at the falling bough. It strikes its centre and explodes the jagged branch into a thousand pieces.

  To continue, turn to 282.


  East of Javai, the highway passes through several small settlements where Chai farmers toil contentedly under the hot midsummer sun. By noon, these tiny hamlets have all but given way to a vast expanse of grassland that extends to the banks of the River Tkukoma, over a hundred miles distant.

  It is nearing the middle of the afternoon when an unexpected misfortune befalls the column. The carriage bearing Xo-lin's courtiers cracks a wheel rim, and the caravan is forced to halt while a repair is attempted. Bemoaning their plight, the courtiers disembark from their carriage and take shelter under a makeshift tent as Chan's men begin work on the damaged wheel.

  During this time, you scan the southern horizon, ever watchful for signs of enemy scouts. There is little to see out there on the grassy plain, but your eye is drawn to a mound of stones that rest atop a nearby hillock
. When you magnify your vision, you recognize that this mound of sun-bleached stones is a yansi — an ancient Chai burial cairn.

  If you wish to explore this yansi while Chan's men finish their work on the broken wheel, turn to 36.

  If you choose instead to help them with their repairs, turn to 178.


  You ascend to the top of the platform and peer over the parapet to see Sergeant Yeng and the others emerging from the command tent. Their attack has been successful. While he and his men gather up enemy horses so that you can make a speedy escape, you pick up the signalman's flags and issue an urgent order to the attacking troops to withdraw immediately. As soon as you see that the enemy have obeyed your command signal, you look out across the plain towards the west. A smile spreads across your face when you see Captain Chan is leading the caravan at speed towards Fort Vlau.

  Hurriedly you descend the flag-tower and join Yeng and his troopers. You leap into the saddle of a Bhanarian steed and dig in your heels, sending the mount lurching forwards. With the warm summer wind blowing in your faces, you and your brave comrades gallop across the plain to rendezvous with the caravan at Fort Vlau.

  Turn to 284.


  You turn around to see Shavane, the Prince's nurse and tutor, standing framed in the carriage doorway. She appears upset and contrite, and in her distress she snatches the toy from your hand and hurls it away.

  ‘Oh! I'm so sorry, ma'am,’ she sobs. ‘I thought it was but a harmless toy. I would never have let the young Prince near it had I known the evil that it contained.’

  ‘Of course, Shavane,’ replies Mitzu, trying to console her, ‘of course you wouldn't have. None of us would have entertained such a wicked thing.’

  Princess Mitzu cradles the unconscious Prince lovingly in her arms and looks at you with pleading eyes.

  ‘What can we do to restore his health? Can you help my son, Grand Master?’

  If you possess Laumspur, turn to 297.

  If you possess a Potion of Klorva, turn to 120.

  If you possess neither of these potions, turn to 90.


  The great barrel of the steam-cannon is pointing towards the ground. You hear the rumble of the gun's pressure boilers building to a thunderous crescendo, and then the Bhanarian artillerymen fire their piece and send its explosive projectile deep into the earth. Repeatedly they reload and fire directly into the ground until a large crater is formed by their exploding shells. With the firing of the tenth shell you see a large mass of timber and shattered rock ejected from the crater, and your throat tightens with dread when you suddenly fathom the reason why they are firing their siege gun into the ground.

  To continue, turn to 86.


  The scouting party has captured a bandit. The man is unconscious, and his face is smeared with blood that is trickling freely from a wound to his scalp. Captain Chan orders a soldier to throw a pail of cold spring water over the prisoner, but this fails to revive him.

  You approach the man and use your Kai healing skills in an attempt to restore him to consciousness. A small circle of curious courtiers gather to watch, and they gasp with amazement when he suddenly awakes with a start. With fear-filled eyes, the man returns the stares of his captors and begins to beg for mercy.

  Sergeant Yeng slaps his face with the back of his calloused hand and demands that he identify himself. Immediately, the bandit clamps his jaw shut and refuses to utter another sound. You use your psychic skills to probe his mind and discover that he is unusually strong-willed and resilient. You sense that he would be unlikely to break under torture.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 80.

  If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it, turn to 231.

  If you possess neither of these skills, or if you decide not to use them, turn to 13.


  Early next morning, you and Captain Chan destroy Shavane's amulet before the caravan sets off for Fort Vlau. Shavane herself is left tied to a post in the middle of the open grasslands. ‘By the time she slips her bonds, we shall be many miles from here,’ says Chan.

  The journey to Fort Vlau passes swiftly, and at noon on the following day you catch your first glimpse of the Lissanian stronghold. Unfortunately, the scene that greets your eyes makes your hopes and your spirits sink.

  Turn to 110.


  You stagger to your feet to discover that Chan has been knocked unconscious, and both of your horses have been killed outright by the creature's deadly ice-bolts. Frantically, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon as both of the hulking horrors bear down on you. As they close in for the kill, long claws extend from their paws and they open their fearsome frost-rimmed jaws to reveal a cluster of serrated fangs.

  Illustration XIV—The hulking Brumalghasts close in for the kill.

  Brumalghasts: COMBAT SKILL 57 ENDURANCE 50

  If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Valiance’, you will benefit from its unique properties. If you possess Elementalism or Grand Nexus, you may increase your COMBAT SKILL by 3 for the duration of this fight.

  If you win the combat, turn to 105.


  A barbed arrow thuds into the back of your right thigh, and the sudden agonizing pain makes you cry out in alarm: lose 4 ENDURANCE points. Quickly you call upon your Kai healing skills to deaden the pain and staunch the flow of blood. Then you snap the arrow in two and grit your teeth as you tug the barbed head free from your aching leg.

  To continue, turn to 40.


  You dismount and make a stealthy approach to the graveyard on foot. You can see and sense that there are no lookouts, and this reassures you that the wagon may not be attached to the Autarch's army after all. The Bhanarians are ruthlessly efficient in matters of military procedure; it is unlikely they would leave a supply wagon unattended in the field.

  Upon reaching the wagon you discover that it is unmanned. It is also of civilian design, of a type commonly used by the merchants of Otavai.

  If you wish to search the wagon, turn 293.

  If you wish to enter the graveyard, turn to 60.


  You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, and raise your right hand, pointing your outstretched fingers towards the jammed portal. A bolt of radiant energy leaps from your fingertips and speeds across the divide to strike the door with a blinding flash of blue-white sparks.

  The force of the impact throws open the portal amidst a cloud of loose earth and billowing dust. The coughs and cries of the entourage can be heard echoing throughout the distant corridors of this labyrinth. Fearing that it may already be too late to save the Khea-khan and his family from the clutches of Autarch Sejanoz, you and Sergeant Yeng rush along an arched corridor in search of them until you come to a junction.

  If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 246.

  If you do not, turn to 167.


  As you settle down to sleep beneath one of the carriages, you are thankful that you will not have to stand watch during the night. You sleep well and wake at dawn to the delicious smell of freshly-brewed jala. After a hearty breakfast with Chan and his troopers, you mount up and ride with the captain at the head of the caravan column. Shortly before noon, you spot a village in the distance and a cloud of dust approaching on the road ahead. It is being kicked up by a horse, ridden by a man sent ahead by Chan over an hour ago to scout the village and its surrounding crop fields.

  The trooper reports that the village ahead has been attacked by bandits during the night. ‘Kronar, I suppose?’ enquires Chan, and the scout confirms his captain's assumption with a nod of his head. ‘I thought so. That cur. One day he'll be made to pay with his life, mark my words.’

  Chan informs you that this region is blighted by the presence of a bandit gang, led by a renegade Chai army captain called Kronar. He has a fearsome reputation for being an outstanding archer and a ruthless murderer.

gang has a secret base located somewhere deep inside the Javai Forest. From there they launch attacks upon helpless travellers using the trade road, and undertake raids upon isolated farmsteads out on the Great Plain. Many attempts have been made to bring Kronar and his gang to justice, but all have so far failed.

  Chan estimates that the caravan will reach the Javai Forest around sunset. He is fearful that Kronar's bandits may attempt an ambush, believing that the caravan belongs to a Penseian merchant who is rich enough to afford a military escort. Chan summons his flankers and then he orders them to ride ahead to scout the highway where it borders upon the forest. If Kronar intends to launch a surprise attack on the caravan, this is where he is most likely to set up his ambush.

  As the scouts prepare to leave, Chan offers you the chance to go with them or remain with the caravan column.

  If you wish to go with the scouts, turn to 255.

  If you choose to stay with the caravan, turn to 109.


  You cross the open grassland and enter the forest by way of a narrow trail that wends a tortuous route through the closely-packed pines. You have covered no more than a few miles when you see the body of a man, clad in furs, lying motionless on the track ahead.


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