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Heart of the Hunter

Page 5

by Alex Foster

  "You probably don't believe me, but I really don't. I'd never do that to you."

  “You are welcome here, Dakota. For as long as you like. I'd never turn you away either.”

  She mumbled something about regret Reina couldn’t fully make out. Callie could however and she immediately shook her head and leaned forward for emphasis. “That’s not true. Don’t ever think that.”

  Dakota surprisingly seemed to settle deeper into the cushions with that assurance, momentarily at ease, and pulled the blanket up to her chin. “Do something for me, Kitten?”


  “Keep the door locked until Dixon gets here? Don’t open it for anyone, even if you think you know them. Do you still remember how to draw wards? I'm so tired I don't think I can right now.”

  Callie stared at her, harder and reading more between the lines than Reina could, and finally stood and walked to the door. She put the chain on and threw the deadbolt. Moving back she flipped the lights off, leaving only the dim predawn light coming through the curtains for illumination.

  Reina inched back but Callie didn’t head for the bedroom right away. She sat on the coffee table, across from Dakota. “How bad is this thing really?”

  “Bad enough for me to come here. But I'm going to fix it though.”

  Callie nodded. She leaned forward and brushed hair out of Dakota’s face. “We’ll get it figured out tomorrow with dad.”

  Reina didn't see Dakota close her eyes but saw the rise and fall of the blanket over her start to slow as sleep took hold. Callie stayed until Dakota had dropped off, smoothing the mage’s unevenly chopped hair.

  Her heart ached for both women. The weight of their history was palpable and she could see beyond it even if they could not. Callie reflected it in the way she touched Dakota, looked at her, and behaved between the three of them. It was more than duty or a debit owed. Much more.

  Chapter Six

  Mr. Wood called back in the afternoon.

  While Reina looked on Callie stood off to the side and spoke to him a hushed tone. Of the three of them, only Dakota still slept. Completely exhausted from whatever she’d been through the day before, the mage didn’t stir as the day began or when Callie and Reina started creeping around the room.

  More curious than jealous, Reina took the opportunity to get more of the story out of Callie. Mostly she heard about Dakota the Circle agent and little about whatever history they shared together. Mindful of not asking for details of the resurrection while Dakota was still with them, Reina nevertheless wanted to know. She had known Callie could heal herself and others but not bring someone back from death. That was huge information and something she hadn't fully taken in yet. And from what she had put together, Dakota hadn’t been just in the need of CPR dead but long term dead dead.

  It didn’t change anything — she still loved Callie and wasn’t going anywhere but it did make her wonder about the limits of Callie's ability. And what it might mean in the grand scheme of things. She remembered some of the less than favorable words her parents had said once they learned about mages. Oh God, she thought. What would that church group always talking about mages on the news say if they ever found out about a woman capable of granting resurrection?

  In the back of her mind she added a new set of fears to what would happen if unfriendly nons ever got a hold of Callie.

  Wood’s call had interrupted any further questions.

  Callie peered out the window, having never strayed far from it after Dakota’s warning, and brought him up to speed about the agent finding them. Reina gave her space and privacy. Instead of listening in on the phone call, she focused on the sleeping woman in front of her. Dakota’s brow crinkled and twitched as she dreamed.

  Sparing a glance at Callie still on the phone, Reina inched closer to Dakota. She couldn’t help but be curious about the young mage. Wrapped up in Dakota were two sides of Callie she didn’t know much about: magic and The Circle.

  Mr. Wood was mysterious and at times a little scary, but she wrote that off to the fact she was dating his daughter. Not really a good position to ask about The Circle or his business with them as consular. And there were things about being a mage she felt Callie wouldn’t tell her, just to protect her from the dangers of that lifestyle.

  Here was Dakota Clark, both of those things in one attractive blonde package.

  Dakota drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. "One of my powers is knowing when people are watching me," she said.

  Caught, Reina jerked back and smiled bashfully. "Is it really?"

  She opened her eyes and Reina saw humor along with blue. "That’d be a pretty bad one, wouldn’t it?" The mage stretched and pulled herself upright.

  "Certainly not as good as being invisible."

  "Nah, I fought an invisible man and won." Now it was Dakota’s turn to look over at Callie and then bite her lip as though she was about to do something naughty. "Watch this, Doe Eyes." She held both hands palm side up and red-white arcs of power began jumping back and forth between her fingers.

  The lightning was small but bright—each discharge of power making her see spots—and she could smell a faint odor of ozone.

  Reina watched with her mouth open in awe. "Holy crap."

  Dakota laughed with pure delight and flexed her fingers. The arcs of power responded to her wishes and pooled over each palm in glowing orbs. The air crackled around them and even from where she sat Reina could feel small hairs stand on end.

  "Electrical control," she said, realizing. Lady Zeus. "Of course. Very hard to master?"

  "Elemental control is one of the most challenging." Dakota shrugged and closed her fists, killing the power. "I’ve had years of practice."

  "Done showing off?" Callie asked, watching them together.

  "Hey, she asked. Not my fault if she’s got a hard on for magic. You're the one that picked a mage bunny."

  A little smile tugged at Callie’s lips and Reina saw her try and suppress it. "I talked to my dad and told him about this Circle asset you mentioned. He's on his way up now ... my dad, not the asset."

  "Cool." Dakota stretched again and stood. "Well, I guess that’s that then."

  Callie spoke before Reina. "Wait. He’s still a couple of hours out. There’s a small marina a few miles from here; he suggested we meet up with him there. It should be deserted so we won't have to worry about anyone finding us or overhearing. In the meantime … as long as it was safe … I thought we could get lunch or something, the three of us."

  Dakota stared at her for a long beat. "I just got up."

  "Fine. Breakfast then. Come on, how long has it been since you've had a real meal?"

  Dakota moved her gaze to Reina, as though looking for permission to play outside.

  "You’re welcome to a bath too," Reina said as an acknowledgment. She felt proud for Callie that she was the one to suggest lunch. Both mages were allowed to enjoy each other's company. "I already left towels out for you. I’m sure Mr. Wood will understand if we are a little late."

  Dakota shook her head and she and Callie said as one, "Short showers only."

  Callie lost her battle with the smile and her cheeks flushed again. "We, ah, had to share a room a couple of times. Dakota doesn’t exactly take up all the hot water."

  Water sensitivity, Reina thought. Of course.

  Dakota stepped around her and walked to the bathroom, mumbling something that sounded like, "Should have slept in the car. Less weird."

  Reina waited until the door clicked shut before she shot Callie a teasing look. "A couple of times, huh?"

  Callie peered around the window curtain again. "Shut up."


  Dakota sat on the edge of the tub while the shower ran behind her. The roar of it filled the small bathroom and cut her off from the rest of the hotel — at least that was how it felt. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed both fists hard against her temples.

  She could feel Kane moving around in her skull.

p; How long can you keep this act up before they find out? And when they do what are they going to think?

  You are going to ruin things for her. I know you want to; I can feel it every time you look at the two of them together. How long do you think you can hide it from them? Playing uninterested and coy. You are neither of those things.

  Maybe I was wrong. You must really hate Callie after all. Usually people want those they love to be happy. But then again you aren’t capable of much beyond your own self-interests, are you?

  Dakota didn’t bother talking back to the voice. She waited it out, imagined him getting further away, and eventually felt him fade, for now anyway. Taking only deep breaths, she was surprised to feel one hitch in her throat.

  Her father and later her magic teachers hadn’t put up with much weakness when she was little. Not when it came to her abilities or personal things. It was important, they instructed, to recognize failings in others so she would know how to use them against her enemies. Any in her was unacceptable.

  Callie and Reina would notice if she stayed in the bathroom too long, but Dakota figured she had at least a few minutes more before they knocked. Hot tears of confusion leaked out around tightly closed eyes. She had those few minutes to pull herself together. Once Dixon was here she could move on and didn't have to worry about feeling like this.


  Nicholas fought the temptation to return to his physical body for rest. The world of day dreams and impulses flashed around him, thoughts an ever present low buzz, as he raced away from Clark.

  This was the most he’d drawn on his ability since launching his plan to restore his body and gift to full strength. The other agents were easy and required very little effort on his part. A surprising number of former associates of The Circle were open to his ability. Once he slipped into their minds, they were his.

  William Chase had cried and thought about his children but had been unable to stop his hands from tying his own noose. A field agent before retiring to a desk, those experiences had often returned in his dreams. The stress of those nightmares was enough for Nicholas to slip in and make Chase his puppet.

  When Nicholas realize that Clark had actually gone to Callie Wood instead of just learning her location, he tried to do the same to her but something blocked him from gaining full control. He almost had her while she slept, but was thrown out before he could lock away her will.

  Her Circle training for resisting spirit channelers wasn’t any stronger than the other agents he’d bent. Perhaps it was because she was one of his most mentally damaged subjects? Or maybe due to her return to life? It was something he looked forward to exploring further when he was again at full strength.

  As much as he loved the idea of Dakota watching as her body rebelled and attacked Wood to procure the blood he needed, helpless to stop it, that would have to be simply her nightmare right now. He saved the idea and decided to make her experience that reality for a long time once he broke her fully.

  Presently he saw through two sets of eyes. The familiar hollowed out vessel of Desmond settled around him while he could sense the new presence of John Holman in the van’s passenger seat. Power hummed underneath John’s skin, waiting for release after so many years of non use. There was still a tiny spark of resistance buried deep but it wouldn't be able to alter what Nicholas wanted him to do.

  Using knowledge taken from Clark, Nicholas directed Desmond where to go.

  They weren’t far away now.


  "Looks like a storm is coming," Reina said.

  Dakota bent her neck enough to look at the sky through the windshield.

  "Yeah," Callie said, "there’s a chance of a thunderstorm tonight. Before all this I had figured you and I would be spending a cozy night together in the hotel listening to the storm."

  "Uhh. The thought of that makes my skin crawl," Dakota mumbled. At their surprised glances she added, "Not the thing with you two part — I just don’t like hearing rain."

  The three women settled into silence again.

  Callie had parked Reina’s car along the dirt path leading to the dock. It was just the sort of place a clandestine Circle meeting should take place, Reina thought. Mr. Wood was right, the marina was empty this late in the day — not that it looked like it was normally very busy. Extending out into the water were long wooden wharves with large and small boats tied up. Many of them were still covered with tarps from the winter season. Further out in the bay were buoys that bobbed unattended in the cold, choppy water.

  Man made seawalls circled the far side of the marina and pushed out into the water and kept the dock separate from the main township. Their car sat low enough next to them that the women would see any approaching car first. Unless someone knew to look for them, they were completely invisible to any passing traffic.

  Points for invisibility, Reina thought cheerfully.

  The sun was close enough to the horizon behind them to cast a yellow-orange glow over everything that only seemed to make the clouds above them darker. That mixed with the smell of salt in the air made Reina think this would be a great romantic spot … if not for The Circle business and the awkwardness still rolling off the two ladies in the front seats.

  Their abbreviated day of a meal and idle car chatter had lessened it somewhat and both mages seemed a little more at ease with each other. Callie several times started to relax fully but then seemed to catch herself and guilt would flash over her face and she'd pull back. That in turn would cause Dakota to also pull inward again.

  Later, Reina would have to talk to Callie and make her understand things like that didn't bother her. She'd been around long enough to know it was possible to love more than one person at once. She was honest with Callie and knew Callie was honest in return. That more than anything was important to making a relationship, no matter what its form, work.

  As for Dakota, Reina didn’t know her well enough to guess how she felt. The agent seemed confused about many things and distracted. At times it seemed like she was listening to something only she could hear. She knew Dakota was solely focused on finishing her mission.

  Reina understood that. There were certainly more important things going on than relationship issues. When the Nicholas threat was over and if Dakota was still around when they returned from New York maybe the three of them could meet up again.

  Dakota was nice to her and made Callie happy. Plus it would give her a chance to learn more about the mage lifestyle from Dakota — she was much more agreeable to her than others she'd met.

  "Here he comes," Callie said.

  Dakota squinted and nodded. "Good eyes." She popped the door.

  Callie and Reina followed her out. The three of them watched as Mr. Wood swung his car slowly around the dirt trail and parked parallel to them, with the nose of his sedan pointing back toward the road instead of the water like their car.

  Reina shyly hung back as he climbed out, so did Dakota she noticed.

  Mr. Wood had taken off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. His tie was loose and he looked like he’d been driving for a long time. Reina hadn’t thought to ask where he was coming from; she just assumed Washington but from his haggard expression possibly farther. Really, she wasn't sure what was taking up so much of his time these days.

  Callie ran to him and hugged him.

  "Hello, princess," he said into her hair.

  Dakota watched the father-daughter greeting without expression. When Callie stepped away, taking up position against Wood’s car, she came forward. "Hey, Dixon. Long time no see."

  "Dakota." Behind his thin wireframe glasses his gaze moved up and down the mage, as though searching her for visible weapons. "How have you been?"

  "Dead. You?"


  Reina traded a look with Callie. What did I miss?

  "Dad, she came to me for help. And she needs yours to stop a channeler targeting agents."

  "Damn twelve steps," Dak
ota muttered low enough for only Reina standing close by to hear. "Dixon, I’m sorry for attacking you the last time we met. It was wrong and I apologize."

  "You didn’t just attack me."

  "I’ve already been forgiven for that."

  Callie stepped up next to her father. "She has. You need to listen to her now."

  He relaxed slightly — Reina knew the power of that voice — and nodded once. "Nicholas?"

  Around them the wind began to pick up; Reina pulled absently at hair stuck to the corner of her mouth.

  Dakota nodded. "He got himself out of The Circle facility where we left him to rot."

  "How is that possible? He was brain dead."

  "I’m thinking more body dead than brain dead. His attacks on me have all been mental and I think he did the same thing to Chase, Herts, and several others that have all died in the past few weeks.

  "I think he’s planning on pulling a reboot and getting back into Olympic shape."

  Mr. Wood looked at Callie. "If I remember right, Nicholas Kane was a spirit channeler but didn't have any healing talents."

  "No, but he can steal blood."

  Realization hit Dixon and Callie moments before Reina figured it out. "Callie's a target?"

  "Yeah, that’s how he put it."

  A gust of wind slammed into Reina hard enough to nearly knock her down. She backed up until she was against the driver side of her car.

  "Why didn’t you tell me?"

  Dakota’s arms were stiff against her body and she began counting her fingers. "Because I can’t make you go into hiding or protect you the same way he can." She jerked her chin in Mr. Wood’s direction. "You aren't in danger as long as you are hidden. Sorry I lied to you, Callie. You gotta get her out of here, Dixon."


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