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Twisted Betrayal

Page 30

by Davis, Siobhan

  I slap him across the face, uncaring if I’ve sealed my death warrant. “I would rather be Kai’s whore than your wife.” I yank my ring off my finger, throwing it across the room as Drew shuts down the video.

  “You really shouldn’t have done that,” Father says, glaring at Drew. His gaze jumps to me. “Retrieve your ring, and put it back on your finger. Now.”

  “Fuck. You.” I flip him the bird, jutting my chin up defiantly. “You will have to fucking kill me before I’ll marry him.”

  He stalks toward the projector, shoving Drew out of the way, pinning him with a look loaded with the promise of retribution. “Oh, there’ll be killing all right if this wedding doesn’t go ahead,” he says, pushing a button on the machine. “But it won’t be your life I’ll take.”

  A new image appears on the screen, and my dinner threatens to reappear.

  “No!” I scream, staring in horror at Kai. He’s stripped to his boxers while strapped to a chair with his head lolling from side to side, and every inch of his body is bloodied and bruised.


  Someone yanks Kai’s head up, and a sob rips from my throat at the sight of his bloody face. His left eye is completely shut, the skin on his lid swollen and multicolored.

  “I fucking hate you!” I rush toward my father, but Drew intervenes, jumping in front of me and pulling me back. I thrash about in his arms, legs and arms flailing as my tortured cries ring out around the room. “I will fucking kill you, you bastard! You leave him alone!!” Angry tears stream down my face, and I’m pumped full of adrenaline and rage. I’m primed to explode, and I want to unleash my anger on my father.

  “Control her!” Father snaps at Charlie.

  “Give her to me,” Charlie demands of Drew.

  “Fuck off.” Drew steps back, keeping a firm hold of me. “Calm down, A,” he whispers in my ear. “You’re no use to Kai like this.”

  His words sober me up, and I rein my anger in.

  “Patrice, darling.” Father turns to his fiancée with a fake adoring look on his face. “Would you retrieve that ungrateful bitch’s ring?”

  “Of course, sweetheart.” She looks unruffled as she walks to the corner of the room where I flung the ring and picks it up.

  “I’ll take it.” Charlie steps forward, taking it from her.

  He reaches for me, and I cringe away from him. Drew tightens his arms around me. “Back off, man.”

  “Can’t do that, I’m afraid,” he says as there’s a knock on the door.

  “Perfect timing,” Father says. He levels a stern look at Charlie. “Hit her if you have to, but keep her restrained.”

  “Kai!” I scream as he’s carried into the room by Benjamin and Maurio. He’s still strapped to a chair, and his injuries look so much worse in the flesh. My heart pounds, and my lungs scream for air as I struggle to hold back tears.

  I can tell it takes great effort to lift his head up, but he does. “Abby,” he rasps in a hoarse voice.

  I thrash about in Drew’s arms, needing to go to him. “Let me go.”

  “Not yet,” Drew whispers in my ear. “Keep it together, A. Please. You need to keep it together for Kai.”

  Again, my brother’s words calm me down, reminding me of all that’s at stake. Father can end Kai’s life with the click of his fingers.

  I know I alone have the power to save him, so I’ve got to set my emotions aside and bring my A-game.

  “What do you want?” I ask when I’ve gotten myself under control. I deliberately avoid glancing at Kai, because I won’t be able to rein my emotions in if I keep looking at him.

  I want to stab my father a million times over for what he’s done to him. I’ll add it to the list of all the things he needs to pay for.

  “What I’ve always wanted.” Father stalks toward me, and I shuck out of Drew’s arms, standing my ground as the bastard walks right up to me. He grips my chin painfully. Charlie steps up behind me, dropping his hands to my waist. “You married to an elite and your shares in Manning Motors transferred to me.”

  “I’ll do it, and I won’t fight it this time. I promise. Just let Kai go. Please.”

  He pinches my chin, stretching my neck as he tilts it up. “You’re just like all women. Ruled by your emotions.” He narrows his eyes. “But you have inner strength, and it’s why you keep pushing back. You’re not as easy to break as most women. That might make me proud, if you weren’t trying to fuck with my plans and ruin my reputation.”

  He lets go of my chin, but my reprieve is short-lived. He slaps me across the face, and Drew pulls me back, shielding me with his body. “You hit her again, and I’ll put a bullet through your skull.”

  The bastard laughs. “I think not, son. Or have you forgotten the things you’ve done?”

  “You don’t get to hurt my sister,” Drew snarls. “You can do your worst to me, but you won’t put your hands on her again or you can look for a new heir because I’ll put a bullet through my heart before you can stop me.”

  Silence descends for a few beats until he says, “I will deal with you later.” Father’s threat sends chills down my spine. “Come here, Abigail, unless you want me to kill the punk right now. I know Trent’s only dying for an opportunity to pay him back.”

  I step forward quickly, and the bastard chuckles. “You make it too easy.”

  “I told you I’ll do what you want. Just let Kai go.”

  “Abby.” Kai stirs in his chair, attempting to lift his head again. Pain makes mincemeat of my heart as I look at my broken and battered boyfriend. “No,” he murmurs. “No deal.”

  “Stop, Kai,” Drew says. “Don’t make this any harder on her.”

  “If I let the punk go today, there’s nothing to stop you from running off with him,” the bastard says, “and while I can increase security, you’re a cunning cunt, and I know you’d continue sneaking around with him, so I need something more.”

  “I give you my word.”

  He cranks out a laugh. “Your word means shit.”

  “I told you she was a lying, cheating whore,” Trent supplies.

  “Quiet!” Father snaps, and Trent shuts up.

  “What are you saying?” I work hard to keep the panic from my voice and my face.

  “You will marry Charles today. Here. The minister is on his way.”

  My head spins, and my stomach lurches violently in protest, but I maintain a cool exterior, nodding my consent because I don’t trust my voice to say the words.

  “No, Abby!!” The chair shakes as Kai tries to move. He looks at me through his one open eye, pleading with me not to do this. “Don’t do it.”

  “I have to. I don’t have a choice. Not if I want to keep you alive.”

  “You can’t trust him,” Kai pants. “He’ll kill me, anyway.”

  “He won’t.” Charlie pulls me over to his side. “It was part of the deal we made. I know what your death would do to Abby, and I need my wife to be present, not locked in grief.”

  “Deal?” Charles Barron Senior steps forward. “What deal are you talking about, son?”

  “Your son has the smarts you weren’t born with,” Father says, stepping in front of Charlie’s father. “Did you honestly think you’d get away with partnering with my enemies behind my back?”

  Charles looks at Charlie, his face aghast. “What have you done?”

  Charlie’s face hardens. “You were the one who told me love was worth fighting for.” Charlie looks at me momentarily before looking back at his father. “I did what I had to do for the woman I love.”

  “You fool!” Charles shakes his head. “She’s in love with another man!” He points at Kai. His head slumps again, and I know he’s struggling to stay conscious. “She will never love you! Whatever you’ve done has all been in vain!”

  “She will learn to love me.”

  “God.” Charles shakes his head. “I thought we raised you to be smarter than this.”

  “I am smarter than you.” Charlie squar
es off with his dad. “Your plan would’ve gotten Mom and Lillian killed! You sided with the wrong team, Dad. But it’s okay. I’ve cleared up your mess.”

  “You stupid boy. You’ve no idea what you’ve done.”

  “The only stupid one around here is you.” Father shoves Charles in the chest. “Your son will succeed where you failed because he does what is necessary to make things happen. You had a choice, Charles, and you made the wrong one.”

  Dad whips a gun out of the back waistband of his pants, presses the muzzle to Charles Barron’s head, and pulls the trigger.

  Sylvia screams as Mr. Barron falls to the floor on his back with a resounding thud. His glazed eyes stare up at the ceiling, and blood trickles from the bullet hole in his head. My hand shakes as I cover my mouth and glance at Charlie. His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat, and the vein in his neck throbs wildly, but outwardly, he looks like witnessing his father being murdered in cold blood has had no effect.

  “Maurio. Clean up that mess before the minister gets here.” Father summons his bodyguard with a click of his fingers. Maurio and Benjamin drag Charles’s dead body from the room while we watch in silence.

  “Now. Back to business,” the bastard says, like he hasn’t just murdered a man in front of us. I’m shaking all over and working hard to disguise it. Charlie tightens his grip on my waist, and I want to push him away because he makes my skin crawl, but Kai’s life is hanging in the balance, and I can’t risk pushing anyone’s buttons.

  Father picks up some documents on top of the coffee table, removing a pen from his inside jacket pocket. “You just need to sign on the dotted line, and she’s all yours.”

  Charlie takes the papers and starts reading through them.

  “There’s no need to go over it again,” Father says. “It’s like we agreed. The shares in Manning Motors that transfer to you when Abby turns eighteen will automatically be reassigned to me. And when you graduate, you are both free to leave Rydeville provided you settle somewhere in the US and you continue to fulfil your duties to the elite and the order within Parkhurst.”

  He sends a scornful look in Kai’s direction. “I won’t harm the delinquent or your mother and your sister.” He stares Charlie in the eye. “Provided you remain married to my daughter and she does nothing to damage the Manning reputation.”

  Charlie flips through the pages and, seemingly happy, puts his scrawl on the last page. Ice replaces the blood flowing through my veins when there’s another sharp knock on the door.

  Father strides to the door and opens it with a flourish. “Mr. Wittington.” He shakes his head. “It’s so good of you to agree to do this today of all days.”

  “Anything for you,” Mr. Wittington says through gritted teeth, and I wonder if he’s someone the bastard is blackmailing. “Who’s the lucky couple.”

  “We are.” Charlie laces his fingers through mine, stepping forward.


  “Abby, no!” Kai calls out in a tortured voice. “I’m begging you. Don’t do this.”

  I turn to Father. “Let him go now.”

  “I will free him when you are married.”

  “Father, please.” It’s bad enough I have to do this, but I don’t want Kai watching.

  “Just shut up, and do what you’re told.”

  “He’s lying, Abby,” Kai croaks. “Do not do this.”

  “Kaiden. This is the only way I can protect you and keep you alive,” I choke out, trying to wrest out of Charlie’s hand so I can go to him. But Charlie wraps his hand around my wrist in warning, and pain punches me from all sides. I would give anything to touch Kai one final time, but Charlie will deny me if I try anything, so I’ll just have to make do with my words.

  I might pay for this later, but it’s not against the rules. “Please don’t ask me not to do this, Kai, because I’m doing it to save you.” A sob rips from my throat and tears sting my eyes. “I love you, Kaiden. You have my whole heart, now and always.”

  He straightens his spine, biting down on his lip as pain wracks his body, pinning me with his one good eye. “I love you too, Abby. So much. And I’m not giving up.”

  “How touching.” Sarcasm drips from my father’s words. “I knew I was right to have an insurance plan.”

  Terror has a vise grip on my heart as I stare at Charlie. What else has he done? But he looks as confused as I am. “Don’t you want to know what it is?” he mocks.

  Christian roars out laughing. “You’re a sick, evil bastard, Michael. It’s why I’ll follow you to the end of time.”

  “Can we cut the amateur dramatics and be done with this?” I plead, because I’m close to my breaking point.

  “You want kids, right, Abigail?” he asks, throwing me off course.

  “Yes.” My tone is wary. “Why?”

  “If you want kids, you’ll have to stay married to Charlie.”

  I have no idea where he’s going with this.

  “Why?” Drew asks, folding his arms as he slants a look at the bastard. “What did you do?”

  “Abigail has long proven she’s one of those women who needs to be controlled because she’s not capable of making wise decisions for herself, so I discussed some options with the doctors at Parkhurst while she was a guest there and made an informed decision on her behalf.”

  The look on his face is downright evil, and a shiver works its way through me as I piece things together.

  How tired and emotional I’ve been.

  The pulling sensation in my stomach, aching abdominal muscles, and bloody discharge that I attributed to the abortion.

  “No!” Intense pain presses down on my chest, and I’m struggling to get enough air into my lungs. I bend over, almost crippled in pain.

  “What did you do?” Charlie asks in a lethal tone.

  “Relax, son. She can still give you an heir, but she won’t be able to carry any of your babies because the doctors performed a hysterectomy on her, and she no longer has a womb.”

  The dam breaks, and tears pour down my cheeks.

  “You twisted bastard,” Kai growls, finding a resurgence of energy from somewhere as he rises, thrashing about in the chair, attempting to snap the binds around his arms and legs.

  Benjamin stalks toward him, punching him in the face, and I scream. Kai slumps in the chair, out cold, and while I hate to see him like this, it’s for the best. At least this way, he won’t have to watch as I’m forced into marrying another man.

  “I had a right to know this,” Charlie says through gritted teeth.

  “They had already performed the procedures before you and I began working together, but it’ll be fine. Thanks to the fertility treatment, the doctors removed fifteen healthy eggs. They are frozen and will be ready whenever you decide to have children. You can conceive via IVF with a surrogate, like we did.”

  He grins at Drew and I, thinking this is the first time we’ve heard this.

  “There are additional benefits. Your wife won’t get fat, and you can fuck your surrogate as often as you want because you’ll own her too.” He shrugs. “And if she opposes you, like Olivia’s bitch of a sister did me, you can have fun taking what you want for the hell of it.”

  My tears have dried, and I’m just numb inside now.

  This is the worst violation of all.

  He has taken everything from me.

  My mother.

  My freedom.

  My breasts.

  The babies that were growing in my womb.

  The love of my life.

  And now this.

  I will never feel a child moving inside me.

  Never enjoy the wonder of pregnancy.

  Never experience what it’s like to birth a baby.

  Whatever is left of my humanity crawls away, and darkness sweeps through me. My veins solidify as anger coats every tissue and nerve ending in my body. Resolve whips through me, and I vow he will pay.

  I’m done playing this game by everyone else’s rules.

  I’m done hiding behind all the men in my life.

  To beat my father, I have to join him in the game.

  He believes in keeping your enemies close.

  Up till now, I’ve wanted justice. I’ve wanted to see him rot in jail, paying for his sins for the rest of his life.

  But I’ve changed my mind.

  Now, he must die a slow and painful death.

  One inflicted by me.

  I will torture him and make it painful and prolonged, and I’ll enjoy watching him suffer. Breaking him down. Destroying him in the way he’s tried to destroy me.

  But he has always underestimated the women around him.

  It’s time to show him he’s underestimated me for the last time.

  I straighten up, swiping my thumbs under my eyes. Taking Charlie’s hand, I drag him over to the shell-shocked minister. “I’d like to start the ceremony now.”

  “Good girl, Abigail.” Father takes Patrice’s hand, and they come to stand beside us. “All you need to do is obey. I will stick to my side of the bargain, provided you do the same with yours. Patrice can help you.” He grabs her ass and squeezes. “She knows how to be a good submissive.”

  “I would be happy to help.” She smiles, and I return it. It’s far easier than I expected.

  Only Drew, Charlie, and Trent are naturally skeptical, but they say nothing.

  Drew, because he’s pragmatic and he knows this must happen.

  Charlie, because he wants me too much to question it too deeply.

  And Trent, because he wants to see me suffer, and he knows after today’s confrontation that I don’t want to marry Charlie.

  The minister clears his throat. “Are we ready to begin?”

  We nod. “Very well.” He looks down at the book open in his hands. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”


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