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Allow Me to Serve You [Dragon Hearts 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

Aaron really shouldn't be here.

  Well, perhaps he did have a little bit of time. After he and Dravick broke things off or, rather, after Aaron had walked away, the other servants had noticed that Aaron hadn’t been vanishing at random times for several hours at a time.

  So perhaps this meant he did have the ability to be here for a while without drawing suspicion to himself, or to Dravick.

  “Mmmm,” Aaron said, releasing that tiny noise when Dravick’s tongue slipped into his mouth and licked him deep. He couldn’t contain the noise even if he tried. And he had tried.

  The man’s mouth was warm, his lips soft and pliant, though his tongue was demanding, taking, conquering him the way any good king should.

  And Aaron really was just a lowly servant, a human who only refilled the wine goblets at Dravick’s table. Who was he to refuse this? He wanted this, and if his king wanted it, the man who had saved his life against an angry mob of humans, then Aaron was in no position to turn him away.

  Dravick moved Aaron deeper into his rooms. These were the king’s chambers, so there were many rooms in here, and not just the place where he kept his bed.

  There was the study room and private library, where Dravick kept his writing desk, most of his books, and a number of small technological devices that Aaron would never understand. Then there was his lounge, an area that Aaron was well acquainted with after his king has bent him over the chaise a number of times. Once or twice, Aaron had even been allowed to sit in Dravick’s lap, riding the man hard until they were both coming and nearly breaking that chaise that he was so fond of now.

  Dravick attempted to steer Aaron to his four-poster bed, a bed so large and extravagant that it could only belong to a king.

  Aaron did not want to go there. He groaned through their kiss, both of them gasping and panting even as they tried to keep their lips together, and all the while, Aaron moved his lover toward his bathing room.

  He’d already prepared the tub.

  “What are you doing?” Dravick demanded. The low and throaty tone of his voice made him seem almost angered, on the verge of losing his temper, but Aaron knew better. The hard bulge between the man’s legs, pressing against Aaron’s thighs, was really the reason for his anger right now.

  “Come with me,” Aaron said. In this room, when they were alone together, Aaron did not call Dravick Your Majesty, like the other humans did.

  Dravick had told him again and again that he did not enjoy hearing those words coming from Aaron’s mouth.

  Dravick frowned at Aaron’s request, but he did as he was told and followed Aaron when he led him.

  The heat rising from the hot water in the form of steam must have given away the surprise before they even made it inside of the bathroom because Dravick’s features softened when he saw the tub, realized it was full, and noted the many bath salts and supplies that were sitting around it, ready for use.

  “You did this, did you?”

  Aaron blushed. He felt the heat in his face, and he ducked his head, scratching behind his neck and hoping that Dravick would not notice it. “It was not so difficult,” he said. “You have plumbing in here. I didn’t need to go to the hot springs and bring bucket after bucket in here to fill the thing.”

  “I don’t care,” Dravick said, shaking his head, holding on to Aaron’s cheeks and staring down at him with so much affection that Aaron could almost convince himself that what they were doing meant more to the man than what it really did.

  “You still did this for me, and I am grateful.”

  Aaron’s heart beat quickly, as if the thing was hoping to escape his ribs.

  I love you. I want to tell you that so badly, but you won’t want to hear it. I love you so much that it hurts me.

  Affection was one thing, even friendship, but even if Dravick did return his love, it was pointless to say anything out loud because what they had could only ever be a secret.

  After all of the violence in the nest as of late, it would not do for the dragon people to see their king disgracing himself with a human servant.

  Aaron’s body warmed when Dravick leaned down, and he closed his eyes before their mouths touched again.

  He opened his lips once more for his king to claim him, and this time when Dravick tried to arrange him, moving him so they were backing up toward the tub, Aaron allowed it because this was exactly where he wanted to take them.

  His heart raced, and not in a good way, at the thought of getting into the exquisite marble tub with his king, a man who was really his master, even if he did not treat the servants like slaves.

  Dravick was a good master to have, and Aaron would always willingly serve him, but a good servant didn’t set foot into such a luxurious item, did not bathe in oils and bubbles, and especially not with royalty.

  Aaron moved until the backs of his legs touched the rim of the tub. It was angled in a way so the front and middle were low enough to climb into and submerge the body but high on the back end for lying against it, resting, relaxing.

  Aaron put his hands on the rim, stopping Dravick from pushing him right in, which he half assumed his king wanted to do to him, even with his clothes and shoes still on.

  “Dravick, I prepared this bath for you.”

  “And now you will join me in it,” he said.

  Aaron swallowed hard, his body heating, and his eyes shifting down to Dravick’s fingers, which were now doing their absolute best to get Aaron out of his servants’ clothes. The man pulled apart the strings that held together his thin cotton vest. He didn’t have anything like buttons or belts, not like Dravick did, but the man didn’t complain and didn’t seem to notice the difference as he undressed Aaron as though he did this every day.

  He often did it, but not every day.

  Dravick was going to get what he wanted regardless of what Aaron had to say about it, so he might as well participate since it was the very thing he was dying to do in that moment.

  His hands moved slowly, but they still fumbled, and he couldn’t prevent their trembling as he unclasped buckles and belts and fine silks and other fabrics that kept Dravick’s body hidden away.

  His king was only half naked when Aaron was fully naked. All Aaron needed to do was kick off his shoes.

  Dravick’s hands clasped Aaron’s in that moment, and he held them tightly in his warm grip.

  Aaron tensed, and he turned up to look at Dravick’s incredibly serious expression. “Y-your ma—” He stopped himself. “Dravick, what’s the matter?”

  “If you do not want to do this, I will send you away.”

  Aaron tensed again, so much so that his bunched muscles began to cramp. “What?”

  “If you feel you are being forced here, whether by a sense of duty to your king, or some foolish fear that I would punish you for leaving again, then you need not worry about that.”

  Aaron relaxed his body but not because he was happy with Dravick’s words. If anything, they angered him, quite a bit. “I want to be here, and you will not invite anyone else to your bed when I am away!” he snapped.

  The corner of Dravick’s mouth turned up in a smile, a predatory gleam in his eyes that let Aaron know he’d given away more than he should have.

  “I was not with you when that occurred. Are you jealous of the thought that I might find someone else should you not be here?”

  Of course he was. “Of course not!”

  “Well then, come into the bath with me before it gets cold.”

  Dravick’s voice was so low, rumbly that Aaron could not move, could not think, and he could hardly breathe as he was scooped up against the man’s warrior-built chest.

  “Gah!” he said when his stomach plummeted into his feet, and then that sensation hit him again when he was put into the water.

  Dravick hadn’t thrown him by any means, but the descent had still brought about another set of butterflies.

  And even more so when Dravick’s hands left him and Aaron realized he was sitting inside of the royal tub

  He’d been fucked inside of the royal bed, against the royal writing desk, and on top of the royal chaise lounge, but he’d never taken a bath with Dravick before.

  The man made quick work of his leggings and boots, despite all the straps on the leather that made it appear as though it would be somewhat difficult to remove those things, and Sun God help him, there was no man more handsome or fine in all of Gaia than the one that stood in front of him.

  Dravick’s purple eyes were hungry and glistening as they stared down at Aaron, as though he were something to be hunted.

  Maybe he was.

  Dravick lifted one muscled leg over the rim of the tub, which showed off his erection even more so than when he’d simply been standing there.

  His cock wasn’t simply erect. It was as hard as stone. Aaron knew because he’d seen it as dark as this a few times before, the head a swollen bulb that was roughly half the size of Aaron’s fist. All dragon men seemed to have that, according to popular theory amongst the humans.

  Which meant that at least Aaron wasn’t the only one carrying on a secret affair.

  The absolute best part of having the man’s dick so close was the sight of the pink fleshy spike that protruded from the tip. That tiny little thing seemed to have a will of its own whenever it was inside of him as it seemed to wrap around Aaron’s prostate, teasing and licking at it every time Dravick thrust back, when that bulbous head of his cock could no longer touch that sweet spot deep inside of him.

  “I missed this,” Aaron said. “No, don’t sit down.” He quickly grabbed Dravick’s thighs, preventing him from doing just that.

  Dravick smiled down at him. “You’ve put enough oil in this bath that, if I don’t sit, I might slip and fall to my death. That’s not a warrior’s death. It’s a sad man’s death.”

  “I promise I’ll be quick,” Aaron said, sliding forward, which was simple enough because he had put in a lot of oil.

  He used that to his advantage, putting his hands quickly into the hot water before letting them come back out again, drops splashing back into the tub as he took hold of the base of Dravick’s cock and his hanging testicles.

  Dravick sucked in a deep breath, which was about when Aaron knew that his king had realized what was about to happen to him.

  “Aaron,” he said, a soft warning in his voice.

  A warning that was barely anything at all compared to how Dravick had first warned him, what seemed like such a long time ago now.

  Dragons were incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of fellatio. Which likely had something to do with the fact that the bulbous head of their cocks made such an act difficult to perform without a good deal of choking and quite a few accidents involving teeth.

  Aaron looked up at his lover, the man he adored more than anything in the world, and he knew right in that moment, just as he always had, that he did not mind being on his knees for Dravick. Dravick was a good man and a good king, and Aaron would gladly be on his knees for him for the rest of his life.

  “I’ll make it good for you. I always do,” Aaron said, smiling up at his lover as he gently squeezed Dravick’s cock and balls in his hands.

  It was a sight to behold, a treat itself, watching the way such a strong man tensed for him, how his body rippled with the force of the energy that shot through him, but he held perfectly still. There was still the risk of slipping and fall.

  “Well, at least make it quick. If I’m to relieve myself, then I want to do it while my cock is inside of your ass, and not on your face.”

  “Though you must admit, that sounds tempting as well.”

  Dravick chuckled at him, shaking his head softly. “You will be the death of me,” he said.

  Hopefully not today. Aaron had no intention of letting his king slip and fall in his marble bathtub, but he had every intention of putting as much effort into the matter as he could when he leaned forward and let his tongue lick against the head of the man’s cock. He would never be able to fit the head inside of his mouth without severe discomfort, and Dravick had demanded that he not even try it, so he didn’t.

  But that hardly meant he could not put his mouth around different places on that swollen, hard crown and suck on the flesh there.

  Dravick would not admit to it, but he clearly enjoyed every second of it. He always did whenever Aaron performed this act for him.

  Chapter Three

  Dravick made every attempt possible to keep his groans to himself, to keep the little devil at his feet from knowing just how good this crude act was, but it was no use. There was nothing to be done for it because Dravick could not keep his damned mouth shut.

  Nor could he stop his hips from canting forward, completely against his will, or the way his hands, which were so large in comparison to Aaron’s, moved to the back of the man’s head, his fingers threading through damp golden hair.

  Dravick hated his own hair. It was plain and limp, possibly blond, but so dull it could just be a pale brown. He’d never been a vain man until he’d met Aaron. The only part of his body that he’d cared anything for were his muscles, his reflexes, and his skills sparring the other warriors with daggers and swords, and even their own claws.

  Aaron was so beautiful, not feminine beautiful but beautiful nonetheless, and Dravick was often left examining himself in a mirror, his own visage plain and crude in comparison.

  He’d had his doubts about Aaron’s affections for him. It was an impossibility to not have those doubts, considering his title, but Aaron’s constant shy blushes told of a completely different story. A blush was a difficult thing to pretend, and when Aaron left him, unable to continue on, that was when Dravick had known it for sure. He’d known that he was in love with Aaron and that Aaron loved him back, but through some unspoken agreement between them, neither was permitted to reveal it.

  Aaron moved his mouth around to the tip of Dravick’s cock. A shivery shock rippled through Dravick’s body when Aaron’s lips and tongue pressed around the head, going as far as he dared without actually taking Dravick’s dick inside of that warm space, and oh! The sensation of that tongue against Dravick’s slit and spike nearly made him come right there.

  “A-Aaron, do not—”

  “I know, I know,” Aaron said, his voice soft and not at all condescending as the man smiled up at him, his oil-slicked hands still stroking the shaft of Dravick’s prick where his mouth could not reach.

  Of course, he could always place more of those wet, suckling kisses right there. Dravick would enjoy that.

  “Are you ready to be inside me now?”

  Aaron blinked, his face turning an even brighter shade of red than what should have been possible with the bath, and he turned his face away.

  “Do your words embarrass you?” Dravick asked, smiling softly at how his lover continued to please him.

  “No!” Aaron said, but he still refused to look Dravick in the eyes, and his pale cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red.

  “Then am I to assume that this color is because of the steam?” he asked, reaching down and touching Aaron’s cheek.

  Aaron bit his lips together, and for a few tiny seconds, he refused to look up into Dravick’s eyes.

  Then he did, those blues so deep and soft that Dravick thought he could become lost in them.

  That was precisely how he wanted it. He knelt down into the warm bath water, letting that warmth flow over his thighs, hips, and slightly above his navel before he pushed forward, between Aaron’s thighs.

  The heat of the bath was nothing compared to the heat from Aaron’s body.

  “Dravick, what are you doing?” Aaron asked. His body was tensing up again, like a frightened animal being caged in.

  “I want you like this today,” Dravick said. He didn’t elaborate, but he wanted the man just as he was because he was tired of taking him on his hands and knees from behind. It wasn’t always like that, but rarely were they in such an ordinary position that required face-to-face time. And at the moment, it wa
s exactly what Dravick wanted more than anything else in the whole world.

  The color in Aaron’s face and neck didn’t seem to fade, but his face softened, a good indication that he was pleased with the thought of being in this new position.

  “All right,” he said. “You can have me then.”

  “I think I need to prepare you first,” Dravick said, his hands starting to roam as he slid them down Aaron’s body, along each small curve of muscle and hip. It was nothing like that of a woman, but he enjoyed the form of a man, this man.

  “I already did it,” Aaron said softly.

  Dravick’s hands ceased their roaming, and he turned his eyes up to Aaron before he sighed. “I...Thank God,” he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Aaron’s mouth before either of them could question what it was that had nearly left his mouth instead.

  “Mmmm,” Aaron said, melting into that kiss, his arms coming out of the warm water and curling around Dravick’s shoulders. Drops that chilled quickly tickled as they trailed down his spine, but he could focus only on Aaron’s lips, soft, pliant. There wasn’t much of a scratch from any beard stubble either.

  Aaron was fair skinned, and though he did have facial hair, which Dravick adored, it took a long time for it to grow in, and it was so incredibly fine that sometimes it was difficult for Dravick to notice it at all.

  Unless they were kissing. The scratch was starting to appear, and Dravick kissed the man harder, wanting to feel more of it, needing to feel more.

  Though Aaron said he’d already taken care of the preparations, Dravick couldn’t help but reach down anyway and have a feel for himself. Two fingers pressed around the rim of Aaron’s asshole, his rosebud that Dravick also had a high amount of affection for, and it was indeed ready for him.

  Dravick pushed his fingers in and out in quick succession anyway, giving the impression that he wanted to tease, instead of simply checking for himself that the man beneath him had done an adequate job of getting ready for the main event.

  Everything Aaron did was always more than adequate. He never did anything less than perfect, at least with his chores concerning Dravick.


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