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The Other Princess

Page 17

by Christine Michelle

  He was right. I was being stubborn and unforgiving to the one person who stood up for me when he realized what was going on. When I took myself, my own history and hurt out of the equation, I could see how this would be difficult for him. He was basically being pulled in two very different directions all while trying to heal what was broken along the way.

  “You’re right,” I finally admitted out loud. “It’s hard to separate you from the rest of them when I see you in that all the time,” I stated while pointing out his kutte. He immediately stripped out of it and tucked it behind him neatly on the chair rungs. “You didn’t have to take it off,” I explained.

  “I did. I should have the first time I came here to take you out, because it wasn’t about the club. It was about you and me, and they shouldn’t have been in between that. I’m trying here, Ever. I’m going to screw up, because this isn’t exactly an easy situation for anyone, but I need you to be patient with me too.” I agreed with him. I owed him that. Hell, I owed myself that much too, because just as he said he’d been falling for me, the same was true from my end. I’d been falling for him and I wasn’t ready to give that up yet.

  “How do I make this right?”

  “I don’t know that there’s anything to make right,” I admitted. “Honestly, it shouldn’t even have been you I was most mad at. It wasn’t, I guess you just made the easier target.” I winced at that admission, because its what I had been to the club since my mother was no longer available to fill the position. “It’s not like we had a date set to see one another. The other guys had appointments for a tattoo. My brother…”

  “I did have an appointment though,” he jumped in, cutting off my lament about my brother disappointing me again. “I’m the guy who takes you out and makes you forget the pain you just inked.” It hadn’t occurred to me that’s what he’d been doing with our dates, but now that he mentioned it, my heart swelled to a painful level as it thumped against my ribs. Our dates weren’t just dates. They served another purpose. He was giving me good memories to overshadow the hurtful ones. Suddenly, I wasn’t sure why I was ever stupid enough to be mad at him.

  “Why are you always so damn nice to me?” I hadn’t meant to ask the question out loud, but since I did he answered without hesitation.

  “Ever, I’ve known you since you first came to live with the Brothers family. In all that time I have never seen you be mean to a single person. You deserve nothing less than what you put out into the world. If other people are too stupid to treat you the way you should be treated, then I’m sorry you had to endure them, but I’m ecstatic if it led you to me.” Well, hell! Was it still appropriate for women to swoon over men in this day and age? I hoped so, because I was suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded. I stood, despite the precarious, near-fainting spell, and moved around the little table toward Deck. He changed position so that his legs were now to the side of the chair facing me, and they parted as I grew closer and he took my hands, pulling me into him so my thighs were cocooned by his. I tugged my hands free from his in order to place them high up on his shoulders near his neck, before I slid them up in order to keep his face tipped at just the right angle, and then I leaned in to gently brush my lips against his.

  “I’m sorry.” Those two words were whispered into his mouth before he pulled me onto his lap and started devouring my lips with his own. Once we came up for air again his eyes met mine and he shook his head slightly as if to clear it. I understood completely, because his kisses always left me feeling foggy in the best way.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Ev. I understand exactly what and whom I am working with here, and the fuck up was all mine, sweetheart. I promise, it won’t happen again.”

  “Okay,” I managed to get out before I was drawn into another searing kiss that lit me up from the outside in. It made me wonder what things would be like if we ever took our relationship further than kissing. I already felt as though I would combust, and fire blazed across my skin where he touched me even through my clothing. I wasn’t certain if every girl felt like this with her first boyfriend, or what, but if it were true, I suddenly understood why heartbreak seemed like a daily occurrence for some people back in high school. It would be tough to go without once you knew what this felt like. Once again, a buzzing feeling near my thigh jolted me from the heaven I’d been experiencing, and left Deck heaving out a heavy sigh near my lips.

  “I forgot to turn it off again,” he lamented as he pulled his cell from his pocket. He glanced at it momentarily, and then growled. “I truly think your dad has a spy in here somewhere. The minute my lips touch yours he has an uncanny ability to know it and he summons me.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed. I laughed so hard, in fact, that tears actually pooled in my eyes and dripped down my cheeks. Deck smacked my ass and hefted me off of his lap all the while trying not to let it show that he was amused by my reaction.

  “Why on earth was that so funny?”

  “Oh you know,” I started while waving off the idea that it wasn’t amusing. “First of all the timing is definitely questionable, but only if I were one of those girls who had a father who gave a shit about that sort of thing, or anything concerning her.”

  I turned as I grabbed our cups and took them to the sink, but I was stopped by Deck’s hand on my arm before I got there. “He cares, Ev, more than you think.” I just glanced at him and then shrugged, because I’d never seen evidence of that. At least, I hadn’t seen evidence of that since that first couple weeks in his home when Lucy was still being standoffish with me, and he was the only person I had to count on besides my new brother.

  Deck stopped me from turning around again by increasing the pressure on my arm slightly. Then he held his phone up so I could see the message. “Get your hands off my fucking daughter and get back here to see me, now! T-Bone says you fucked up. You will answer for that.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really? Now, he wants to play protective?” I continued to clean up our mess while Deck just watched me for a minute or two. “I guess you have to get going and answer that summons,” I teased him.

  “I don’t have to go,” he told me, and I knew he meant it. He would choose to stay here with me even though I had no doubt my father knew he’d seen the message by now.

  “Just do me a favor and tell my father he has no say in any relationship we may or may not have. What I do isn’t up for discussion, critique, or anything else from him.”

  “Oh, we do have a relationship, Ev. You’re mine, and I’m yours. And you’re right that your father doesn’t have a single damn say in that. I do have to go though, because I have no doubt that he’ll send someone here to collect me sooner than later if I don’t show.” He leaned in and kissed me once more, gentler this time than when I’d been perched on his lap. “I’ll see you tomorrow, babe!” He told me as he pulled away and moved to the door that led outside instead of back into the tattoo studio where he’d waited for me before.

  “See you,” I called out, and then shut and locked the door behind him.


  Jay came in bright and early the next day to get his tattoo done, as he had planned with me. I took him back and got everything ready. He had already told me where I could possibly put it depending on what size image I had to ink. What I needed to put on his body was actually the smallest of the tattoos I’d created, but possibly the most meaningful, because once he figured it out, it might actually change the way he lived his life. I hoped it would anyway, for the sake of anyone else who crossed paths with the man.

  It only took about 45 minutes to finish up, which shocked Jay, and when I covered his tat, and reminded him he wasn’t to look at it ahead of time he simply assured me he wouldn’t and didn’t bother asking any more questions. Still, his worried look both amused me and made me hurt for him all at once. He was expecting the worst from my tattoo and me. He was expecting revenge for what he’d done to me. He would get nothing like that from me. That’s why it was somewhat amusing. I once thought
of this boy as a best friend, and a potential future life-partner, but I was finding out he never really knew me as either. If he had, he wouldn’t have bothered with the worry. The only thing I’d stamped on his body was some life advice, a reminder to be kind. As I was finishing up T-Bone and PeeWee walked in.

  “Don’t suppose you have time for us today?” My brother asked as he eyed the worried look on J-Bird’s face.

  “Actually, I have an appointment in 30 minutes,” I told him.

  “No, you don’t,” Gretchen called from up front. “That guy just cancelled. Something about being afraid of your boyfriend.” Gretchen giggled after delivering that message, and added, “Pussy!”

  T-Bone glanced back at Gretchen with a lascivious look that I did not want to think on any further. For her part, Gretchen went back to ignoring my brother while playing a game on her laptop she had set up on the front counter. “A gamer chick too?” My brother asked no one in particular before adjusting himself in a rather overt manner that I found disgusting. I could see Gretchen through his eyes though. She was a petite little thing with natural golden blond hair and big green eyes that almost looked like they belonged on a doll or an anime character instead of a human. Those eyes were framed with luscious thick lashes. Her perfect teeth and infectious smile just rounded out the whole perfect girl image. The blue streaks in her hair only added that hint of a wild child to her otherwise innocent features. She was just my brother’s type.

  “If you ever learn some manners you might actually get a girl,” I told him. The guys all laughed at his expense prompting him to explain, “I get girls.” It was my turn to laugh. “Club whores don’t count. They’re basically paid to deal with your shit.” Again, the guys all laughed, and took the opportunity to jump in and call dibs on being next.

  “Since your appointment canceled, I’ll go next. Lover boy there can wait his turn.”

  “Sounds fair,” I agreed and sat him in my chair. I felt a little bad for Gretchen who then had to deal with my brother trying to convince her to give up her ice queen impression. I didn’t know if Gretchen was currently seeing anyone, but if my relentless brother had anything to do with it, she’d be seeing him, at least once. Unfortunately for her, my brother never dated girls seriously. He’d bed them and send them on their way, because he didn’t think the MC life was a place for families. I’d once asked him where he thought he came from, and all he’d said was “look how they treated you”. Fair enough. I’d let his theory drop after that, because honestly we weren’t at a place where either of us was offering life advice to the other anymore anyway.

  It took around two hours to finish with PeeWee and then four to finally get done with my brother’s tattoo. Once I was added the last little bit of ink I had to give and turned my machine off my hand continued to buzz a bit as if I were still holding onto it. I shook my hands out, and then stood and stretched before wrapping him up and explaining the healing process and care procedure. It wasn’t as if my brother had never had ink before, but I still continued to go through the spiel with everyone to make it habit for when I worked with people new to tattoos.

  “Okay, well, my work here is done,” I stated as a dismissal. My brother just sat there watching me as I started cleaning up around him. I wondered why he hadn’t taken the hint and gotten gone like PeeWee had once his tattoo was finished. I glanced over at him and he just grinned at me. “What?”

  “So, what’s going on with you and Deck?”

  “I don’t know,” I told him honestly.

  “Aw, come on, I’m your brother you can tell me. I think he’s a good guy, so I’m not even going to beat his ass or anything.”

  “Well, gee thanks, for that, I guess.” I rolled my eyes and went back to ignoring my brother.

  “Seriously, what’s going on between the two of you? I know what he’s said, but I’m really curious about where you’re at with everything. It’s not like you have much experience dating.”

  “Thanks for the reminder of how pathetic my life has been up to this point, Toby.” He winced and at least appeared to be sorry for his insensitivity. “Look,” I finally huffed out. “I don’t know what’s going on between us. We’ve gone out a couple times. That’s it.” I shrugged my shoulders up and down. “I don’t really know.”

  “I thought we established the fact that you’re mine, and I’m yours, last night?” I turned to see Deck standing in the opening to my little station before tossing a glare back over at my brother. He had to know Deck was standing there when he started asking his questions. The asshole.

  “Yeah, I know the words you said, but I don’t know what they mean,” I explained. Then I turned to my brother again. “You’re a dick!”

  “Yeah, I figured when I heard Deck telling dad about what you two had decided that you probably didn’t understand, so now you can have a more in depth conversation about it.” My brother snatched up his shirt and his kutte and put them both back on before standing in front of Deck and grinning like a lunatic. “I’d suggest maybe keeping a few feet distance while you do it, because shoving your tongue down her throat isn’t going to make her understand your meaning, brother.”

  “Fuck off already!” Deck’s response was pretty much the same as mine would have been if I weren’t busy trying to hide the burning red blush that was staining my cheeks. Clearly, I’d missed something in our conversation last night that I should have understood better if I had any experience with relationships.

  Once my brother was gone Deck turned back to me with a smile on his face only to have it drop and be replaced by a look of concern. “You all right, babe?”

  I swiped some stray hairs out of my face and sighed deeply. “I’m just wiped out. That was pretty much seven straight hours of tattooing not including prep work and clean ups. Apparently, we need to have a conversation about things I’m too naïve to understand, but honestly, I’m going to put that on hold until my brain can function properly if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind, but I am going to get you some food before you pass out completely. Go on upstairs and get cleaned up and comfortable. By the time you get done, I’ll be back with food.”

  “I’m too tired to argue, so I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Chapter 15

  ~ Declan ~

  Ever ended up passing out once she had her fill of the Chinese food I’d brought to her apartment the night before. That meant I didn’t get any more of her sweet, fiery kisses. It also meant I wasn’t able to explain to her in depth what I meant about her being mine and me being hers. Instead, I had left her there, after putting her to bed and locking up. Once I had her settled in I ended up back at the clubhouse drowning my disappointment in a few beers.

  “Thought you were going to be with your old lady tonight?”

  “She was exhausted after working today,” I explained. “Passed the fuck out after she ate a little bit.”

  My father huffed out a breath, and then took a solid look at me. “She passed out because of the work or the kind of work she was doing?”

  “I don’t know, she seemed fine, just tired. I’m sure the emotional aspect of it is taking more of a toll than she’s willing to let on though.”

  “Still, you’re here and not with her,” he stated as if I was once again doing something wrong where she was concerned.

  It was then that I took a good, hard look at my father too. “Maybe you don’t realize this, but she’s never dated before,” I began explaining and it apparently caught my dad by surprise.

  “That girl’s too pretty to never have…” He cut himself off, probably realizing the ‘why’ had nothing to do with her beauty or her personality and everything to do with the damage his own son had done to her. “Shit,” he hissed out. “You mean to tell me there wasn’t even one kid out there willing to fucking man up for her in all this time?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m telling you. So, now you know why I’m here. I don’t think she’d appreciate waking up to a man in her bed, her p
lace, or whatever when she’s not ready for that yet. Definitely not when she was too out of it to consent to my staying there.” My father’s earlier glacial glare seemed to melt away only to be replaced with an emotion I couldn’t really place.

  “You’ve turned out to be one hell of man, son. I’m proud of you.” With that, he heaved his large frame off the barstool at my side and patted his hand down on my shoulder, squeezing once before he moved away toward the door. “Going home. Your ma still has me in the doghouse, so I guess if I tell her you’re doing right by your girl I might be able to ride that fair bit of news right into her good graces again.” He winked at me before moving through the door and out into the night’s shadows. I just shook my head and asked the prospect behind the bar for another beer as I listened to my father crank up his Harley and head for home.

  I was half way through my beer when the bitch sat down beside me once again. Apparently, Debra or Delphi, or whatever the hell her name was didn’t know how to take a hint. Hell, for that matter she just didn’t know what those pesky two letters “n” and “o” meant when a person put them together to form words.

  “Hey baby, looks like you could use some real grown up company tonight,” the woman tittered as she spoke. I turned slowly to look at her. Once again she barely wore clothes, but had herself painted up with enough makeup she could almost make up for the lack of clothing if only she’d spread it out past her face.

  “What exactly is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, you know, there’s talk that you’re trying to get with the uptight princess who thinks she’s too good for this club. From what I hear, she’s not even old enough to drink either, so like I said.” She sneered my way in what I’m sure she thought was a sexier version of a smirk. She was wrong. “I’m here for all your adult needs.” Then she made the mistake of trying to touch me again. I leaned in real close to her, so close she probably thought I was about to kiss her, at least until she heard the venom I spat directly in her face.


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