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The Other Princess

Page 24

by Christine Michelle

  We didn’t have school since it was summer time and I would be starting my junior year of high school in the fall. I was bored and tired of hanging out with my mom learning to bake crap in the kitchen when what I really wanted to do was go learn how to fix bikes and cars with my dad in his shop. Yeah, I was the weird girl who didn’t mind getting a little greasy. My dad secretly loved it, even while telling me that I would probably never do well with the knowledge, because the type of men who rode the Harleys he fixed didn’t trust a woman to tinker with their babies. I thought it was a load of shit, and completely unfair, but daddy said it wouldn’t hurt to learn something I might find useful for myself one day.

  That was how I found myself, just a couple days post boring baking lessons, up to my elbows in engine grease and oil when I looked up into the clear blue eyes of the most beautiful boy I’d ever seen. Actually, while he was still relatively young, boy was not the word I should have used to describe him.

  The person standing in front of me in fitted denim jeans, a wife-beater tank top, a black leather vest over the top that stated his name was Double-D, and some kick ass black motorcycle boots was quite possibly the most handsome man I’d ever lain eyes on.

  “Where’s Jack?” His voice, deeper than expected, called out causing me to startle a little even though I’d already been staring – I mean looking – at him.

  “He just stepped in back to grab a part real quick,” I finally managed to get out.

  “Okay,” he stated in a cool manner that had me playing guessing games as to what would come next. “You mind telling me why a pretty little thing like yourself is crawling all around my bike?”

  I had a bad habit of scratching at the tip of my nose when I was nervous. My finger slowly went there, rubbing across the tip as I stared into the bluest blue eyes on God’s green earth. The guy smirked like he was in on a joke that I wasn’t aware of, but he just continued watching me, waiting for an answer.

  “I work here with my dad sometimes,” I finally managed to answer.

  “Uh-huh. Your dad Jack Carter?”

  I nodded my head then brushed my hair back out of my face where the flyaway had started falling into my eyes again.

  “Hey, hey, what’s going on out here?” My dad called and started double-timing it over to the bay where we had been going over the bike he’d been working on all day.

  “Your daughter here was just telling me that she was working on my bike,” Double-D explained. He never raised his voice, but the tone in it had changed a bit, and I watched as my father bristled a bit.

  “I was just teaching her some things along the way. She ain’t doing none of the work on your bike though, if that’s what concerns you.”

  “She any good at it?” The beautiful man asked, no longer concerned with me outside of his question. As a matter of fact, as soon as my dad showed up it was like I no longer existed. That is, if you discount the fact that they were talking about me while I was standing right here.

  “Better than most of the guys I have working here, actually,” my dad admitted as he wiped his brow on a semi-clean rag and then tossed it my way. “Girl, clean your face up, you done got grease all over your nose.”

  That made the smirk reappear on the man’s face in front of me. I glanced down at my hands, having just caught the rag flying at me in md-air with them, and noticed how filthy they were. I had just been rubbing my nose nervously, and my hands looked like this? I could imagine what my face must look like now.

  “I’ll just go clean up,” I huffed before I started moving away.

  “Never caught your name,” Double-D tossed out before I could get even two steps away. I glared back over my shoulder since he hadn’t been gentlemanly enough to tell me I’d gotten my face dirty.

  “I never threw it,” I sassed, then turned and kept on going. My daddy chuckled at my response.

  “That girl of mine is spunky, for sure. Brains for days, talent with engines, and off limits seeing as she’s just sixteen.” The warning tone in his voice wasn’t to be trifled with. My daddy may not have been part of a motorcycle club, but he was tough as nails, and didn’t take kindly to folks poking around his family or business that didn’t need to be. I heard him carry on as I left the door to the little washroom open. “I know your club’s rules. She might be legal by this damnable state’s standards, but you boys have a hard and fast club-wide 18 and older rule. Best you stick to that,” my father warned as I cringed inwardly. Embarrassment knew no bounds with him.

  Coming in 2019, release date to be announced! For more MC Romance books by Christine Michelle, continue on…

  Dancing With Danger

  Aces High MC – Dakotas Series #1

  What do you do when your husband, an ex-NFL running back, is trying to have you murdered?

  You get kidnapped, run, dance in questionable strip clubs, and stay under the radar while trying to survive.

  That is exactly the path that I took, only in the end, it lead me to a motorcycle club in the Dakotas and to a family I never knew I had. I don’t know if they can keep me safe or sane, especially after meeting their VP - Rage. I do know it’s time to stop running, and to start living again.

  *Meant for adult readers, strong language, violence, and sexual situations.

  Over 70K word, full length, stand-alone novel with an HEA.

  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

  Aces High MC – Dakotas Series #2

  I was sent to South Dakota with a tattoo artist, biker named Tango in order to keep me safe from whatever mess my brother had gotten himself into this time.

  Tango was a stupid name for a tough biker who was supposed to be able to protect me. How was a man named after a dance supposed to do anything to keep me safe?

  Stupid name. Sexy biker though.

  Lucky for me, I had been dead wrong about pretty much everything.

  Wrong about his name.

  Wrong about his ability to take care of me.

  I wasn’t wrong about how sexy he was though. My perpetually soaked panties were all the evidence anyone needed that Tango could dance all over my body any time, anywhere if only I was all that he wanted.

  Unfortunately for me he seemed to be in a weird relationship with his buddies Whiskey, Fox, and their girl Amy. No way was I signing on to be the lettuce in that screwed up sexual sandwich.

  Nope. Nope. Nope.

  I might need protection from an entire MC, but I did not need to share my man. Ever. Then again...

  I’d been wrong about everything else so far.

  Maybe I was wrong about this too.

  Redemption Weather

  Aces High MC – Cedar Falls Series #1

  Coming January, 29 2019

  When I married Walker Smithson it was the happiest day of my life. My family was there, we had a bright future ahead of us, and the world was ours for the taking.

  Then the storms started coming.

  First, there was the one that took my family.

  Then, there was the one that took my husband.

  Moving to a new town, new state, and a new life was never on my agenda until I couldn’t take the ghosts, both living and dead, that haunted my every waking moment in the town I’d been born to, grown up and always thought I’d die in after living out my happily ever after.

  I’d been wrong about my life before.

  Wrong took me to Cedar Falls, West Virginia and left me on the doorstep of the same motorcycle club that had failed me before.

  It took me to a place where my future was waiting for me.

  If only the past would let go of us so that we could be happy.

  If only tragedy and storms would stop following in my wake.

  If only the weather would turn, so my happy could commence. If, for once, wrong could prove to be absolutely right.


  Each book I write takes time. Sometimes, that time comes in the form of things I’m doing when I’m not writing (like being a single mom, working a day job, a
nd trying to find where I put my keys). Other times it comes in the form of writing books I’m not supposed to be writing. ;)

  This was one of those books. The details of the story hit me hard while I was in the middle of SEVERAL other projects and forced me to put them on hold longer. So, my biggest acknowledgment goes out to my readers for their tremendous patience when my workload goes astray, or when my muse decides she wants me on another path.

  Thank you to my readers, period. You guys are fantastic!

  Seriously, thank you, for buying, reading, and reviewing the books. I hope you enjoy them, and even when you don’t I learn a thing or two from reviews (good, bad, or otherwise).

  As usual, a HUGE thank you to my family for their constant support, and for putting up with all the times I ignore them because my characters are speaking to me, and I need to write it down before I forget. I still love you guys the most, I promise!

  About the Author

  Christine M. Butler (Christine Michelle) writes paranormal fantasy and contemporary romance books from her fabulous home tucked away near the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains on the North Carolina / Georgia border. That means she sees a lot of rainy days to help her focus, but when the sun comes out she’s usually out and about playing in the woods, a creek, river, or lake.

  She spends her free time with family, JoJo (her dog), and Simi (her cat who behaves more like a dog than the dog does).

  Find out more about Christine and her books on the Moonlit Dreams Publications website.

  You can also stay up to date and in touch through these social media platforms:

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