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Bought by the Badman

Page 18

by Hayley Faiman

  She doesn’t look up at me, in fact, her eyes are completely focused on Blackburn. “No, I don’t think I will. I would like to watch. Also, I want to know what his plans were for me and the senator tomorrow,” she states.

  Blackburn shouts as he stands up, but Rossi is the one who pulls his gun out and trains it on Blackburn’s head. “Senator?” he asks.

  “Mannix, go get Timofei,” I order, never taking my gaze off of Blackburn.

  Less than thirty seconds later, Timofei is through the door. I can feel his presence in a way where I can almost taste his anger as it fills the room. “Do tell, mayor, what on earth would you be using a woman that you have no right to use with a senator?” he asks.

  “It has nothing to do with any of you. It was politics, nothing more,” he bustles.

  Giovanna snorts. “I think it very much has to do with all three of them. I know it was something about budgets, but if it didn’t have anything to do with them, you wouldn’t have taken me when you did and demand a meet with the senator the way you did.”

  Rossi chuckles. “You are my kid,” he states.

  “No, I’m not yours. I’m nobody’s child,” she quips.

  I stiffen beside her, watching as Rossi’s head turns to slowly face her. Without a word, he turns his gun, the butt facing her. There is something unspoken happening between them and the rest of us are just onlookers, watching and waiting to see what happens.

  Giovanna reaches for the weapon. Without a word, she points it at Blackburn and just stares at him. She doesn’t look like herself, she looks fierce, badass, and unbreakable. I know she’s in pain, but she’s hiding it all from this sick fuck.

  My cock hardens at the sight. My woman, so goddamn strong, and it’s beautiful—fucking breathtaking.

  “What were your plans with the senator?” she asks, her voice full of ice.

  Blackburn gulps. Then a cruel smile twists on his lips. “I’ll never tell you, cumdumpster. Maybe if you get down here and lick my shoes again I’ll give you a hint,” he smirks.

  The gun goes off. The sound deafening in the small space. Giovanna didn’t hesitate and she sure as fuck didn’t miss. Her aim was true, and her bullet lodged directly in the fuck’s forehead.

  “He can lick my ass if he thinks I’m doing a damn thing for him again,” she announces.

  I wrap my arm around her waist and tug her in a bit closer. “Take her home,” Rossi mutters.

  Giovanna hands him the gun and he slips it from her fingers. “You did good, G,” he rasps.

  Without another word, she begins to limp away from the scene. I don’t let her take even two steps before I scoop her up in my arms. I hold her behind her back and knees, carrying her out of the apartment complex. There’s a car waiting, and I look behind me, then back at it.

  Mannix jogs up behind me. “I called to have someone come and pick us up. Take her home, the girls are probably worried sick,” he murmurs.

  Lifting my chin, I do as he says, I gently set Giovanna down in the back seat, slam the door, then jog over to the other side. I tell the driver my address and in silence, we drive. I spend the ride processing everything that just happened—or at least I try to.


  I killed Lucian Blackburn.

  My hands start to shake at the realization that I pulled the trigger of a gun and killed a man. He has a family, a wife and a couple of kids. I try to feel bad, but I don’t, and that makes my stomach twist.

  The driver pulls up to Aidan’s house and my stomach twists again, but for another reason. His children are here. They’re going to see me, and they’ll know something bad happened. My eyes water just thinking about them, about how they’re going to see me now.

  Aidan doesn’t even take a breath before he’s out of the car and at my door. He wrenches it open and holds out his hand for me. “Can you walk into the house?” he asks, his voice gentle and sweet.

  I gulp, wishing the world would stop spinning as I nod. Slowly and carefully I climb out of the car, trying not to hiss in pain with each move that I make.

  “C’mon, A rùnsearc, let’s get you up to bed.”

  I don’t even pretend to protest. I need painkillers and sleep, maybe a joint and some booze, too. “Do you have any…” I let the words trail off because I don’t know how he’s going to take me asking him.


  I sigh. “Do you have any weed?” I mumble.

  He laughs. His shoulders shaking, but he stops, turning me to him. His eyes are dancing as he looks down at me. “You need to relax after your day?” he asks.

  His chin tips before his lips brush mine. “Everything hurts, I figured if I took painkillers, smoked a little, then drank a little it would numb everything,” I shrug.

  Aidan’s eyes turn fiery, losing the pretty dance they recently held. “I wish I could bring him back to life, torture him, then kill him all over again,” he growls. I open my mouth to speak, to tell him never mind and that I’m okay, but he doesn’t let me. “I’ll get you upstairs, settled in a bath, then I’ll bring you your cocktail,” he smirks.

  “You don’t… it’s okay,” I lie.

  He snorts. “A rùnsearc, whatever you need you get. Fuck, we’ll smoke together. It’s been a while,” he winks.

  I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head. “I shouldn’t have even mentioned that I do it. I’m messing up, Carmella would scold me,” I mumble.

  Aidan’s hand lifts and wraps gently around the side of my neck, giving me a squeeze. “Vanna. There are no more rules like that for you. I just want you to be yourself. If you want to smoke a little with me after a long day, fucking bring it on. If you want to get completely fucking drunk every now and then, fuck yeah, we’ll have nasty drunk sex. I could give a fuck. I just want you to be you, all of the time.”

  Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around his wrist and hold onto him. “Even if I’m really boring most of the time. I’m not a very good cook, at all, and I don’t know if I’ll be a good mom to your four completely wonderful children. I like pretty high heels, but I prefer jeans to dresses. I also like to wear makeup when I go out in public.”

  He smiles at my confessions, lowering his head once again, and his tongue sneaks out to taste my lips before he kisses me. “Wear makeup and sexy shoes, A rùnsearc, do whatever you want. As long as you love me and the kids, I don’t give a fuck.”

  Tears slip from my eyes. “I do, Aidan. I love you all,” I admit.

  His kiss is searing, it’s hard, and as his tongue fills me, I let out a moan. This man is everything, he’s nothing I thought I would ever have, and every single thing I’ve ever dared to hope for in my entire life. He’s saved me, and he owns me—completely.

  I bring the joint to my lips, trying not to laugh at the look Aidan is giving me. I’m sure it’s not as funny as I’ve declared it to be, but whatever. Aidan takes it from my fingers, and I watch him bring it up to his own lips.

  “Will you be okay?” he asks me, his voice quiet.

  I hum, thinking about his question. “I will be, Caro,” I admit.


  Nodding, I thread my fingers in his and hold his hand. A simple act, and yet it fills me with extreme warmth and comfort. Leaning my head against his shoulder, I let out a sigh. “What happened, it wasn’t the worst that’s ever been done by him. It’s different this time though, which is why I feel off about it, I think.”

  Aidan waits patiently for me to continue, and I’m glad that he does. He also keeps his body relaxed, and his muscles don’t bunch or go rigid beneath me. “This time, it wasn’t a job, and I wasn’t offering myself freely,” I admit.

  Aidan releases my hand, only to lift his arm and run his fingers through my hair. My eyes slowly drift closed, and I’m almost asleep before I hear him whisper into the darkness. “Never again, A rùnsearc. Never fucking again.”



  I watch her sleep. She’s still battered and bruised, but she�
��s stronger than any other woman I’ve ever met, so I know that she’ll heal, physically and mentally. We smoked tonight and drank, and I just held her. Fuck, I’m glad she’s here—finally home.

  Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I decide to get up for the day. I need to talk to the kids before Giovanna wakes up. I know that they’ll be okay with her living here, especially Isla and Ronan. I think that Elowen will enjoy it, too, I have a feeling they bonded on their shopping trip. She was pretty upset when Giovanna was taken.

  Once I’m dressed, I make my way downstairs. All four children are sitting around the breakfast table. They’re eating cold cereal, and I frown. I have a nanny for a reason. She’s supposed to give them a proper breakfast, something that even Fallon had agreed on.

  “Where is your nanny?” I bark.

  Caleb grins. “She’s hungover. Like always,” he shrugs.

  My eyes narrow, my conversation about Giovanna living with us forgotten as I march toward the nanny’s quarters. I throw open her door without knocking and glare at her. She’s face down on the bed, wearing her clothes from yesterday.

  Reaching for her shoulder, I grip it and tug her onto her back. Her eyes widen, and she lets out a small scream. At twenty-five, she shouldn’t be getting drunk all night, unable to perform her duties, especially with the amount of money I pay her.

  “You’re fired,” I growl.

  She sits straight up, reaching for my arms and takes ahold of me. “No please, I can’t lose this job, I’ll do whatever you want—whatever,” her voice turns husky at her last word and she lifts a brow. “I know you’re single, you’ve got to have needs.” She smiles.

  I chuckle, and when I open my mouth to speak, a soft voice talks over me. “I do believe that his needs have been met just fine.”

  I turn my head to the side and look at Giovanna. She’s leaning against the doorjamb, wearing nothing but my shirt from yesterday. She looks so goddamn sexy that my cock starts to harden, pressing against my zipper.

  “I do believe you’ve been fired. I would pack your shit if I were you,” Giovanna announces. She sounds almost bored, but I can see the fire in her eyes, she’s pissed—maybe even jealous.

  Releasing the nanny, I make my way back toward her and slip my hand around her waist. “Morning, A rùnsearc,” I mutter against her neck, brushing my lips on her skin.

  Slipping my hand in my pocket, I pull out my phone and call one of my security guards. “The nanny’s been fired, please escort her off of the premises,” I announce.

  Without another word or a glance back, I turn Giovanna around and we leave the stupid bitch’s room. “Fuck, now I have to interview nannies,” I grunt as we walk back toward the kitchen.

  Giovanna hums, resting her head on my shoulder. “Don’t,” she says.


  Stopping in my place, I tug her against my chest. Giovanna places her hands on my chest and tilts her head back to look into my eyes. “Let me take care of them. I can’t go out and get a job, but I can help you around here,” she says shyly.

  Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek as I look into her eyes. My thumb runs along her bottom lip and I give her a small smile. “You want to help me raise my children, A rùnsearc?” I rasp.

  “I would like to try. I would like to really try,” she says, closing her eyes. When she reopens them I see tears in them. “I’ve always wanted children, I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance to be a mother.”

  Lowering my forehead, I press it against her own and close my eyes as I inhale deeply. “Whatever you want, Vanna, I’ll give you.” It seems like a pussy thing to do, offer a woman the world, but when it’s your woman, I don’t think you could give her enough.

  “All I want is you and them,” she whispers.

  “Giovanna?” a voice calls out in surprise. We turn around and Elowen is standing not too far away from us. Her eyes are wide, and she looks scared for a moment, but then she smiles. “You’re okay,” she cries.

  Giovanna releases me, and they hurry toward one another. I watch as they embrace, and I can’t stop the smile from tipping on my lips. Isla appears a few seconds later and joins in. I hear Elowen ask Vanna if she’s okay and Vanna assures her that she is. Even if her words aren’t exactly true, she’d never tell her that she was hurt.

  “Sir, the nanny has been taken care of,” a deep voice rumbles behind me.

  I turn around and lift my chin toward my security, mumbling, thanks. He ensures me that she’ll be watched for a while, in case she attempts to retaliate in any way. He turns around and walks away, leaving me alone with my girls, my girls, all three of them. My heart beats rapidly at the thought.

  I didn’t think it would be possible to have another woman in my life again. After Fallon, I was sure I’d never even think of marriage again, or even just having another woman share my home. Yet, this feels right—Giovanna feels right, she always has.


  I’m not sure why I offered to take care of these four children on my own. I think I was having a moment of bravery. Now that I look at them across the kitchen as they shovel in cereal, I start to sweat. I can’t cook, and I don’t know anything about children. The only thing I can really do is clean. I grip the edge of the countertop as Aidan explains our new living situation.

  All of the kids smile, excitement clearly in their eyes as he tells them that I’ll be moving in and living here full-time. He states that I’m officially his girlfriend, and we’ll most likely get married someday.

  I blush when he says the part about marriage. It’s not as if he has to marry me, I am technically his with or without a certificate, but it’s sweet that he’s even mentioned it as a possibility.

  Once the kids are finished, their driver appears and says that it’s time for school. They all run and grab their book bags before rushing back in and giving Aidan a hug. My breath hitches when they give me one as well, every single one of them.

  “They like you,” Aidan murmurs, sliding up next to me.

  I hum, my teeth sinking into the corner of my bottom lip. Aidan places his index finger beneath my chin and tips my head back. His eyes pierce mine as he gazes into them. “You’re going to be great. Trust me.”

  “I can’t cook, and I don’t know anything about kids,” I explain.

  Aidan grins with a shake of his head. “You’ll be fine,” he mumbles, lowering his head and brushing his lips across my own. His tongue sneaks out and tastes my bottom lip. “Trust me, yeah?”

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  His hands move to my waist and he grips me before picking me up and plopping my ass down on the counter. I open my thighs as he fits his hips between them, then returns his hands to my waist. His blue eyes look directly into mine and his lips twitch.

  “Now, your clothes will be packed and delivered here by this afternoon. Our next focus is the house. Do you want to sell this one, and look for something else, or do you want to remodel?” he asks, keeping his voice low and gentle.

  I think about his words, about his offer. My initial reaction is to sell the crazy ostentatious house. However, my stomach twists at the idea of selling the only home the children have known. I let out a shaky breath.

  “Remodel. I don’t want to uproot them. I feel like we’ve made a lot of changes in a short amount of time,” I explain.

  Aidan smiles, his hand wrapping around the side of my throat. “If I could fuck you right now, I would. That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say,” he rumbles. “I don’t have an attachment to this place, but like you said, it’s the only home they’ve ever known.”

  “So, remodel?”

  He lowers his head, brushing his lips against my own, his tongue sneaking out to taste them. “I’ll call someone,” he exhales against my mouth.

  Aidan tells me to go get dressed for the day in preparation for the movers and a meeting with a designer. I hurry upstairs and into the shower. There isn’t anything of mine here yet, so I wash with Aidan’s soap and use h
is shampoo and conditioner. I’m actually surprised that he even owns conditioner, but I’m glad for it.

  Once I’m clean, I look around for something to wear but the only thing I have that’s mine is what I came here in, and I honestly never want to see that outfit again. I pick it up off of the floor, balling it, and throwing it into the bathroom trashcan.

  Deciding to wear something of Aidan’s, I rifle through his drawer and pull out a black tank top and a pair of sweatpants. I roll his sweats about five times to keep them from completely dragging on the floor, then I make my way downstairs.

  The house is quiet, and I pause at the bottom of the staircase, listening for his voice or any sign of where he could be. When I still don’t hear anything, I decide to look around for him. I don’t quite know my way around the small mansion yet.

  I decide to go in search of Aidan’s office, assuming that’s where he’ll be if he’s still here. I hear his voice echoing through the house, and my legs quicken toward the sound. When I’m just outside of what I assume is his office door, I hear another voice. I freeze with my hand on the doorknob.

  “She’s back in town,” the muffled voice says.

  Aidan’s growl is deep and low. “Fuck,” he curses.

  “She’s going to come here, to see you.”

  Aidan lets out a sigh. “Yeah, I know. Fuck. I have Giovanna here now, what am I going to do if she shows up? She can’t see Vanna, it will be a fucking nightmare.”

  My heart breaks, it’s immediate as it shatters inside of my chest. I assume he’s talking about his wife coming back, or ex-wife as he claims her to be. I’m not so sure now. Maybe they’re still married? Why else would he care if she saw me or not?

  I leave his office door. I don’t need to listen in on his conversations, it’s not my place. Heading toward the kitchen, I decide to busy myself with making lunch. I haven’t eaten much lately, and although I’m not really hungry right this minute, my body needs fuel, and my mind needs distracting.


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